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Project Virgina could be an XBLA Game


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Sawyer's & Avellone's project indeed seems to be XBLA game.


"Whole big new world" doesn't really make sense for a action rpg XBLA title.

It could if it takes form of micro-transaction driven free-to-play mmo.

Maybe the game is on XBLA due to simplicity of Microsoft points.

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How Obsidian became Obsidian


After we left Black Isle, we were going to start a company and we needed a new name. We wanted it to be a good name, a strong name, and we wanted it to be something that people would remember. And so we threw all of these names around -- we had Scorched Earth, we had Three Clown Software, and lots of other stuff. And eventually Obsidian got on that list, because we were Black Isle, and what's something like that?


And someone said there's that Obsidian thing, that glassy, magma stuff, and we put it on there. So we came down literally with a short list, and we showed it to our significant others. And they were like, "All these names are dumb, except that one." So really it was the significant others that actually said that's what they would name a company, because it sounds cool, it has some relevance ... and it's not Three Clown Software.

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Just imagine the logo three clown software could have, though.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Electric Playground - Feb 23, 2011




A new RPG from Fallout: New Vegas developer Obsidian Entertainment will be announced in the coming months, possibly at the E3 entertainment expo in June. We caught up with CEO Feargus Urquhart to talk about Obsidian's latest project, Dungeon Siege III, and he also dropped a few hints about the unannounced new game. He says it'll take the RPG genre to awesome new levels, and that everyone who's seen early footage has been very impressed. We'll keep you up to date with the latest details on the mysterious new game. In the meantime, Dungeon Siege III will hit the PS3, 360 and PC on May 31st.


Urquhart's typical PR skill is... aw(e)-some/ful.

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I'm not sure how I feel about Obsidian's strategy of trying to grow into their own by expanding their range of games and the range of target audiences - it'll get Feargus some good publisher backing but Alpha Protocol surely showed it doesn't necessarily play to Obsidian's strengths. We will see how Dungeon Siege 3 does in h itting the ARPG feel..

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Off-Topic - Desslock on Obsidian's Ultima game


awdougherty: Seems like the Ultima thing was more of a dream project thing.


Desslock: Obsidian doing an Ultima game very nearly happened - the deal fell apart very late over contract negotiations. That was a while ago though, prior to current management of EA taking control and bringing BioWare into the company.

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Off-Topic - Desslock on Obsidian's Ultima game


awdougherty: Seems like the Ultima thing was more of a dream project thing.


Desslock: Obsidian doing an Ultima game very nearly happened - the deal fell apart very late over contract negotiations. That was a while ago though, prior to current management of EA taking control and bringing BioWare into the company.


I once had a reason to live again. It is now gone....

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Sawyer's Springform


What does someone in your position at a game company do during downtime between projects (assuming such a thing exists)?


There usually isn't downtime, though there might be a period of less work. Our development cycles are usually staggered, so often when devs roll off of one game they might roll on to another game that is in alpha. For someone in my position, specifically, I start working on new project pitches and going out with Feargus to talk to publishers.


EDIT: John Lee was promoted from mid-level producer to senior producer. He was Act 1 area designer for NWN2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm much more interested in seeing an original IP TBQH.




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Obsidian is hiring Technical Artist/Rigger and Character Animator...


- Experience / Clear understanding in rigging character/creatures in XSI

- Rigging experience using XSI (preferred)


- 3+ years experience in Feature Film and/or Game production using XSI or equivalent 3D program


...for games using Onyx engine.

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J.E. Sawyer: i love onyx's visual flowchart dialogue editor soooo much ♥


Alvin Nelson: I'll make sure to let [Obsidian's sr. tools programmer David] Szymczyk know. :lol:


J.E. Sawyer: i'm patting myself on the back for designing it no bigs.


Alvin Nelson: laf


EDIT - Brock Heinz (ex-OEI programmer and currently at Turtle Rock) : @ACPSpiffer @jesawyer Szymczyk rulez. And he becomes twice as powerful if you say his name backwards.

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