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Let's Play Neverwinter Nights


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If ten people read it, you will get one comment, that's just how it goes. I've caught up now, good stuff. :)


he was a member of the local gang who called themselves the Sword Coast Boys


Clearly the predecessors to Tunnel Snakes.


Also that inventory screen reminds me - inventory tetris in NWN1 was the worst I've seen, because item swapping wasn't intuitive and there was always command lag. Gah. :(

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wORST EVER? Kiddin' right? Have you played games like ME1, KOTOR series, and other crap stuff. The only negative about NWN inventory system is there were way too many pages. There should have been only 1 page. And, the amount of lag was 0. None. Zilch. Nadda.

Edited by Volourn


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NWN > NWN2 No contest.


The OCs, on the other hand,a re absically equal with their own share of great and bad stuff.


More idiotic crap vomitted from your fingers volo.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Also that inventory screen reminds me - inventory tetris in NWN1 was the worst I've seen, because item swapping wasn't intuitive and there was always command lag. Gah. :lol:

yeah, the first time I played NWN I had to read a couple of FAQs before I figured out how to assign dual-weapons to a hot-key for swapping. kept getting it wrong. also, the inventory window could definitely use a couple more grids

You can kill Obould Many-arrows in the game. Be sure to do this, because in the lore that pansy became a god.

oh, I'll keep an eye out for him ;)

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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It reminds me of Anachronox. but yeah, they'd have been better off making it look like TOEE

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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No way do BG or IWD look better than NWN. I consider this the 'think the one you love is the most beautiful in the world even if she (he?) is ugly' disease.


NWN is a solid loooking game that gets to look better come HOTU.


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yay, new page! I'll post a new update in a couple of hours (after I get some sleep). in the meantime go to the TOEE thread and bump it to page 7

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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No way do BG or IWD look better than NWN. I consider this the 'think the one you love is the most beautiful in the world even if she (he?) is ugly' disease.


NWN is a solid loooking game that gets to look better come HOTU.


Why don't you, for the love of god, read the man's freaking post?


He said it hasn't aged well. It hasn't. It looks horrible. The models are made of cubes. The clothes look like circus clown outfits. The tilesets are cookie cutter.


The infinity engine games have aged better, but being from a completely different era of gaming that's not surprising because they were near the zenith of the graphical paradigm they were created in. NWN wasn't, it was at the start. This isn't Bio hate, it's just a fact.


NWN is a joke game. A freaking joke.


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gah! guys, go discuss NWN vs. BG in the TOEE thread :o

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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NWN wasn't the best story drvien D&D game but it did well at creating a Diablo/D&D Hybrid and a multiplayer campaign where all the players could participate in the story. I loved how the party could split up and tackle seperate parts of the quest simultaniously and Aribeth would actually recognize that different people had brought her different ingredients for example. At high res and full settings the game doesn't actually look as bad as I remembered it, I do think that the beautiful hand drawn locals and character figures from Infinity Engine did look superior to NWN, but again beauty is in the eye of the beholder (the expression, not the game). Having the light reflect and flicker off surfaces and armour and seeing the nice spell effects fly around the battlefield did make NWN quite pretty at times.

Edited by Serrano
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I'm sitting on a huge TOEE update, it's been ready for 2 days now, and I can't post it, because it's 30 pics. makes me a sad panda :o

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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"He said it hasn't aged well. It hasn't. It looks horrible. The models are made of cubes. The clothes look like circus clown outfits. The tilesets are cookie cutter."


I read what he wrote and he's wrong. Plain, and simply wrong.




"The infinity engine games have aged better,"


No. NWN graphgics > IE graphgics. This is fact.



" but being from a completely different era of gaming that's not surprising because they were near the zenith of the graphical paradigm they were created in."


IE was created in the late 90s which is exactly when NWN was started to be worked on. BG2/TOB was released in 2000 (2001?), and NWN was released in 2003 with HOTU out by the end of 2004.



" NWN wasn't, it was at the start. This isn't Bio hate, it's just a fact."


Bull. NWN was better graphics than its fellow RPG counterparts. That is fact.


Nobody claimed it was 'BIO hate', doofus, since were are debating two BIO engines/games. You do remember that BIO made both NWN and BG, right? RIGHT? Right? Right?


This is NWN hate vs BG love.


NWN has better graphics. Period. End of discussion. Game over. NWN wins. BG loses. Deal with it, BG fanboys.


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I don't even like IWD, and I enjoyed nwn as a whole more than the BG series. But handrawn artwork trumps bad polygons in my book anyday.


But Volo is just being argumentative. As was already stated, this is all in the eye of the beholder. My statemt was clearly an opinion, and volo felt the need to rush in and troll it because he is insecure about nwn and feels everyone here is out to get him.


Which we are, of course!

Edited by Hurlshot
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It's not 'all in the eye of the beholder'! What kind of madness is that?


Volo 'likes' NWN for the simple reason that virtually no one else does, and he's a troll. It's like grits and gravy.


Speaking of which...


for some reason I like this type of dungeons. they're probably the best NWN has to offer. they're plain and virtually transparent, you never get lost and as soon as you enter you know exactly where to go.


(my emphasis)



"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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"But Volo is just being argumentative."





"As was already stated, this is all in the eye of the beholder."





" My statemt was clearly an opinion,"





" and volo felt the need to rush in and troll it because he is insecure about nwn and feels everyone here is out to get him."


I find it hilarious I'm called the troll when the usual suspects come storming a thread to an 8 year old game they clearly despise just to bash it like they have done repeatedly for the past 8 years. It's a masterful troll indeed whose perception is so warped they actually believe that silliness.



"Volo 'likes' NWN for the simple reason that virtually no one else does,"


Virtually nobody else does? IIRC, I did *not* start this thread.


There is a reason why NWN was BIO's most successful game until this past year even more than BGs or KOTORs, but nvirtually nobody likes it? Are you on crack?


Oh, btw, you do realize that OCs wise, I much prefer BG2 right? Right? Even IWD is about equal with the NWN OC.



" and he's a troll. It's like grits and gravy."


Here's another thought: I find it hilarious I'm called the troll when the usual suspects come storming a thread to an 8 year old game they clearly despise just to bash it like they have done repeatedly for the past 8 years. It's a masterful troll indeed whose perception is so warped they actually believe that silliness.



I mean, seriously guys, was there really a need to come into a thread dedciated to an 8 year old game JUST TO BASH IT? L0LZ Talk about trollin'. Obsidian is definitely what I call Codex Light.


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I never understood why Volourn was the way he is until I read some of the stuff on RPG Codex. Everyone here is fairly patient with him, sure we all have our moments of frustration, but no no is really attacking him. That is far from true on the Codex, those guys really bully him. I found it hard to read. But it has clearly made him a very defensive person.


But really, Volourn is taking us away from the discussion on NWN, which is what this thread is all about. I am enjoying the Let's Play. I've already stated that I enjoyed NWN, despite it being a butt ugly game. I'm also a bit surprised no one went in and fixed the graphics for the OC, but I suppose no one felt it was worth their time. There are so many NWN modules that really make the graphics work, they are nearly unrecognizable compared to the OC.

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I never understood why Volourn was the way he is until I read some of the stuff on RPG Codex. Everyone here is fairly patient with him, sure we all have our moments of frustration, but no no is really attacking him. That is far from true on the Codex, those guys really bully him. I found it hard to read. But it has clearly made him a very defensive person.

You shouldn't take anything written on the Codex seriously.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"I never understood why Volourn was the way he is until I read some of the stuff on RPG Codex. Everyone here is fairly patient with him, sure we all have our moments of frustration, but no no is really attacking him. That is far from true on the Codex, those guys really bully him. I found it hard to read. But it has clearly made him a very defensive person."


You fail at evaluating people. Don't become a pyschiatrist. L0L Bullied on the Codex? Kiddin' right? Codex is harmless fun.






"But really, Volourn is taking us away from the discussion on NWN,"


Actually, this thread should have been about a Let's Play of NWN. Not bashing an year old game while bringing up other games. Other games are irrelevant to this thread.


Keep up the good work Lets Player.


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