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BioWare's New Game

Maria Caliban

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Better a fanboy than a whiner.


Yeah, negative opinions of games are for losers! Why would you ever dislike anything?

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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Better a fanboy than a whiner.


Yeah, negative opinions of games are for losers! Why would you ever dislike anything?

Yet apparently you hold the opposite to be true:


"Yeah, postive opinions of games are for losers! Why would you ever like anything?"



You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Better a fanboy than a whiner.

Whining might actually make things better, so yeah. :p


I mean, criticism is still criticism, and even if it's excessive it's better than blind fanboyism. Don't get me wrong, I like Bioware and I like Jennifer Hale. I just don't like how she plays Shepard and (personally think) there are much better voice actors out there.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I'm actually excited to hear about Mass Effect 3. I came here because I thought other people would be excited about it too... what was I thinking??


Of course earth is going to be the next reaper target. I mean, Duh. First Shephard kills their buddy. So they

make a human reaper

to partake of the species' greatness. Then Shepard kills it too. So by now, reapers are out for human blood. Where's the most human blood? Duh...


Bah, some people here are so negative about every game that it's a wonder they even bother to play games in the first place.


Plus I'm pissed that Jennifer Hale didn't win the VGA award for best female voice acting. :p

I'm excited to hear about Mass Effect 3 as well. Probably the game I'm most looking forward to... well, other than Portal 2.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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You can have a negative opinion without whining. Of course whiners tend not to see themselves as whiners. The DX:HR forum is full of whiners who freak out whenever anyone mentions how whiny they are and who fail to see the irony in accusing those with positive opinions as alts or Eidos employees.


I wanted Mass Effect 3 the moment 2 ended, but I agree with others that the build up to the announcement was weird.

Edited by Hell Kitty
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So, apart from bitching about the inane bitchers, found the lead-in to the announcement ridiculous, the trailer pretty good and the concept of seeing the trilogy finished exhilarating.


Yes, I've really liked both the Mass Effect game so far, yes, I think that Jennifer Hale is good (but still overrated), I actually like Mark Meer's performance and I still think you guys are a sorry bunch of whiners. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Doesn't the whole reaper strategy depend on taking over the mass effect relays? Divide and conquer since despite being technologically superior they can't take on the entirety of whatever galactic civilization has come to power.


It seems foolish that they'd alert the galactic government to their presence while hitting a relatively minor target in Earth(compared to the rest of the galaxy) instead of an attack on the citadel. Sovereign nearly conquered the place by himself last time. An army of reapers should have no problem. Even the council won't be able to refute the existence of the Reapers if they attack Earth. They'll start taking all of Shepard's intel seriously, develop countermeasures to the brainwashing, develop better weapons, gather the Turian, Asari, Krogan, Salarian forces, probably ally with batarians and other non-council races. By the time the Reapers get done with Earth, they'll be facing the entire galaxy, still in control of the relays.


I dunno, seems like a bad plan, but maybe they know something I don't. I hope they do. I hope the 'reaper counterattack' on Shephard doesn't consist of one reaper swallowing the Normandy after Shephard has visited 3 of the 4 planets he needs to visit to gather the magic mcguffin/allies.

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I'm actually excited to hear about Mass Effect 3. I came here because I thought other people would be excited about it too... what was I thinking??


There are many that are looking forward to ME3, but those that aren't like to bitch.


Of course earth is going to be the next reaper target. I mean, Duh. First Shephard kills their buddy. So they

make a human reaper

to partake of the species' greatness. Then Shepard kills it too. So by now, reapers are out for human blood. Where's the most human blood? Duh...


I just hope it's not all about Earth, the Reapers are a threat to all life, to just have the focus put on Earth would be annoying. I've never understood the interest many have had with seeing Earth over the course of the series, seeing the Asari/Taurian etc homeworlds is much more interesting to me. But perhaps Earth is just one of four other planets/places that Shep deals with Reaper attacks.....


A plus is that the possiblility of causing or letting Earth be destroyed is looking more likely. No better consequence for our actions over the last 2 games then that. (Would be an awesome consequence to the specist Shep)

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And so begins that leading up period where information is slowly released and I eventually have to stop visiting my favourite sites and forums for fear of spoiling something important. God dammit. Excellent trailer though, I too am very excited about the game. It will be very interesting to see what they ultimately do with all these choices we've been accumulating.

Edited by Serrano
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Doesn't the whole reaper strategy depend on taking over the mass effect relays? Divide and conquer since despite being technologically superior they can't take on the entirety of whatever galactic civilization has come to power.

No. Their initial strategy depends on this, as their control of mass relays makes the "reaping" a walk in the park. As it fails this time around (as do their minions, the collectors), they opt for a direct assault, this time en masse as opposed to just Sovereign and his geth mooks. Clearly they believe that they can do pretty much what they want, and after getting seriously boned by humans twice in a row, lauching a strategic strike on Earth makes sense.


It might not be the perfect strategy, but clearly if the Reapers picked the perfect strategy, they could just release a 5-minute CGI movie describing the destruction of the galaxy, no gameplay necessary. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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If's Shepard doesn't bring help soon ....


oh come on,again???

Did this really come as a surprise? Really?


Hmm, released at holidays 2011. Two year development cycle, more than I expected. Maybe the multiplayer takes a portion of that time?

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If's Shepard doesn't bring help soon ....


oh come on,again???

Did this really come as a surprise? Really?


Hmm, released at holidays 2011. Two year development cycle, more than I expected. Maybe the multiplayer takes a portion of that time?

Unlikely, no way are they using the same team for multiplaya (if there is such a thing - probably).

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Hmm, released at holidays 2011. Two year development cycle, more than I expected. Maybe the multiplayer takes a portion of that time?


Isn't that fairly similar to ME2 development cycle?

I guess. I'm just compairing it to DA2, which seems to take little over a year to hit the shelves.



@Nepenthe. Well I hope you are right. The new KotOR has just got me on my toes with these things :p

Edited by Slinky
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Doesn't the whole reaper strategy depend on taking over the mass effect relays? Divide and conquer since despite being technologically superior they can't take on the entirety of whatever galactic civilization has come to power.

No. Their initial strategy depends on this, as their control of mass relays makes the "reaping" a walk in the park. As it fails this time around (as do their minions, the collectors), they opt for a direct assault, this time en masse as opposed to just Sovereign and his geth mooks. Clearly they believe that they can do pretty much what they want, and after getting seriously boned by humans twice in a row, lauching a strategic strike on Earth makes sense.


It might not be the perfect strategy, but clearly if the Reapers picked the perfect strategy, they could just release a 5-minute CGI movie describing the destruction of the galaxy, no gameplay necessary. :p


Of course they have to make some mistake sure. o:)


I am looking forward to the game to be sure. I hope Bioware is able to convey a real sense of urgency throughout the game. I think my mostly paragon Vanguard Shepard will be renegade this time around if every potential ally asks him to solve their problems before offering any aid, despite facing total annihilation.

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Hmm, released at holidays 2011. Two year development cycle, more than I expected. Maybe the multiplayer takes a portion of that time?


Isn't that fairly similar to ME2 development cycle?

I guess. I'm just compairing it to DA2, which seems to take little over a year to hit the shelves.


They did say that they started working on DA2 before finishing DA:O though, so it's possible that they started roughly when they finished the PC version, which was in March (IIRC) 2009. That would give them roughly 2 years for DA2 too.

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See the problem is that you can add swords to ME2 and call it DA2, but adding guns to DA2 results in ME2, not ME3.




Cheap shots aside, I do look forward to it quite a bit more than DA2 mainly because of the preconception that I'll be getting a slow-paced action game (the type of action game I prefer) as opposed to a twitchy RPG. I tend to get deer-in-the-headlights syndrome with fast-paced action games so the ME series is about as actiony a game as I'll ever bother playing.



As for plot, I'm not big on it but given the genre won't particularly fuss about it. Would like to see a better feeling of impending doom though - a'la the single ship capable of wiping out half the galaxy's firepower singlehandedly rather than the ship taken down by three guys with handheld weapons. On reflection I wouldn't actually mind seeing the reset button hit - i.e. total annihilation of the galaxy while the reapers are in it - with a handy escape hatch for our hero, natch.

Edited by Humanoid


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And so begins that leading up period where information is slowly released and I eventually have to stop visiting my favourite sites and forums for fear of spoiling something important. God dammit. Excellent trailer though, I too am very excited about the game. It will be very interesting to see what they ultimately do with all these choices we've been accumulating.

You mean those of ME1, since ME2 has like 2 or 3 choices at most?


I hope the teamgathering of 2 isn't nullified (and thereby that entire game on the storyline), although I fear that it will, seeing how you can kill of your entire team, and they can hardly start ME3 as such...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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It's fun that EA's pr division and BioWare have yet again managed to fudge up the announcement. With ME2 it was the idiotic "let's trick the fans that Shepard is dead and they have to play like someone else" and ME3 it was "let's pretend we're doing a new separate game in the ME universe"



What's wrong with "Yeah, we're going to show you the first trailer for ME3 at the VGA" ?

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Doesn't the whole reaper strategy depend on taking over the mass effect relays? Divide and conquer since despite being technologically superior they can't take on the entirety of whatever galactic civilization has come to power.

In ME1 it was established they could no longer take control of the citadel because the Protheans had changed the Keepers. That's why Saren was needed as their agent.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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