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E3 shaky cam part 1

E3 shaky cam part 2


Looking good, even in this stage. I'm not sure about all those cinamatic takedowns as they interupt the flow of the game but I guess I get used to 'em.


Stealth takedowns look.. well a bit artificial. It's like the game is doing all for you from what I've seen.

And I still think that the art style looks too futuristic (how is it that they have Minority Report style touch controls for numpads in a prequel and not in Deus Ex?).

The rest looks great though, especially the action.. it seems like it's dynamic and pushes you to use your abilities, which is good.

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It was done really well in Splinter Cell Conviction, where if you were hidden in the shadows enough the screen would turn black and white.


Personally I'm not a fan of GUI elements in-game mode as for example in case of Spinter Cell, I'd play black and white game most of the time. We had black and white TV till early 80's and I'd rather not see that return :shifty:

It made very little difference since the game was gritty and nearly everything was gray in the first place.


Actually when not hidden in shadows Splinter Cell Conviction is a pretty colourful game. The system works well but there were times when I'd wander into the light just so I could admire the scenery.


As for the videos, they're very nice. I don't know why they've hidden them away before now.


And I still think that the art style looks too futuristic (how is it that they have Minority Report style touch controls for numpads in a prequel and not in Deus Ex?).


Personally I think it's less an issue of DX:HR looking too futuristic as much as DX didn't look futuristic enough. Ion Storm wanted a world that looked mostly like it does now (with "now" being the late nineties), but also had to set the game be set far enough in the future to justify a level of technology that was so far advanced it was essentially magic. So over the course of 50 years we get mechs and cyborgs and magical nanites, but otherwise nothing really changes.


For DX:HR to remain true to the stylings of DX we'd need a game that doesn't look all that different from the other modern shooters on the market. I for one much prefer the Blade Runner/Ghost in the Shell sexy cyberpunk style the new game has got going on then the originals modern with some future bits.


Speaking of Blade Runner, it's only 9 years away but we're still no closer to the Tannhauser Gate. :lol:

Edited by Hell Kitty
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E3 shaky cam part 1

E3 shaky cam part 2


Looking good, even in this stage. I'm not sure about all those cinamatic takedowns as they interupt the flow of the game but I guess I get used to 'em.


404, hope it WAS good :shifty:

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E3 shaky cam part 1

E3 shaky cam part 2


Looking good, even in this stage. I'm not sure about all those cinamatic takedowns as they interupt the flow of the game but I guess I get used to 'em.


404, hope it WAS good :shifty:



Thanks! :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Hm, I actually liked the look of that.. I think it fits into the style quite nicely.. And seeing that ventillation grill was definitely nostalgic :shifty:


What's interesting is that in a couple of those interviews they've thrown out the word "reboot" a few times. Makes me wonder just how far they're planning on running with it if this is successful...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It didn't look too bad. But then again, they've promised a lot, so will still wait and see :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Most of it is raving about the game :lol:


Includes an interview with the lead designer from Squeenix

Thanx. Deus EX 3 part starts from 1:00 and ends 14:40. The interviewer may be bit excited but his questions are understandable with some most criticized issues such as balancing (You know, that classic joke on the players, where they end up with finding a ventilator route after fighting past a number of enemies) and the answers indicate that the designers put their thoughts well. Unfortunately, the interviewer seems to have forgotten about asking the difficulty for each game play options and how the player can adjust it.


About argumentation, form my understanding, since "cybernetics" seem to work like argumentation, what is "trashed" is skills. As long as they successfully offer various ways to deal with situations, I don't care about their names especially when I used to think there should be some explanations for the characters developing skills during short periods. As for actual game play, Eidos Montreal seem to be trying out which cybernetics work in their game-play format (please read Niten Ryu's comments about the game-play in his recent replay of Deus Ex). So, what can I say at the moment?


That said, of course, as Spector himself said, it's tough to balance different game styles and reading further info would be recommendable.

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E3 shaky cam part 1

E3 shaky cam part 2


Looking good, even in this stage. I'm not sure about all those cinamatic takedowns as they interupt the flow of the game but I guess I get used to 'em.


Stealth takedowns look.. well a bit artificial. It's like the game is doing all for you from what I've seen.

And I still think that the art style looks too futuristic (how is it that they have Minority Report style touch controls for numpads in a prequel and not in Deus Ex?).

The rest looks great though, especially the action.. it seems like it's dynamic and pushes you to use your abilities, which is good.



Canon for the sake of canon is not necessarily a good idea. Not having some stuff because they didn't exist in Deus Ex, a game that was made in 2000 with different estimates about the future and vastly different technological capabilities for game creation, doesn't necessarily mean that you shouldn't put it in your modern game now. In an interview with the creators they mentioned that if they went by that restriction, they'd have to make sure all monitors in the game were 4:3 because none existed in the Deus Ex world.

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About argumentation, form my understanding, since "cybernetics" seem to work like argumentation, what is "trashed" is skills. As long as they successfully offer various ways to deal with situations, I don't care about their names especially when I used to think there should be some explanations for the characters developing skills during short periods.



One of the reasons given in an interview (with rock, paper, shotgun I think) was that they had originally included a skills system but found that the skills and augs were always in conflict with each other, so they decided to merge them and justify it in-game as Jensen getting used to how his cybernetic bits work.

Edited by Serrano
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One of the reasons given in an interview (with rock, paper, shotgun I think) was that they had originally included a skills system but found that the skills and augs were always in conflict with each other, so they decided to merge them and justify it in-game as Jensen getting used to how his cybernetic bits work.
My previous post is based on this interview? (Google is great, must I say).
Eurogamer: Deus Ex is a very old game (and I realise that we're somewhat skipping over Invisible War here) but is there anything from the original that you thought doesn't really work in modern gaming, and that you're scrapping?


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Too bad the way IW did it, didn't work. Ooops. Bad choice, guys.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Too bad the way IW did it, didn't work. Ooops. Bad choice, guys.


The execution wasn't as deep as I'd have wished, yeah, but the idea wasn't that bad to be honest, so I'm willing to see how the aug system works in game in Deus Ex : HR. Granted, there's a good chance they screw it, but what I've seen of the game so far looks positive, so I'm willing to wait before jumping on the gun and calling it Deus Ex IN NAME ONLY! :lol:


EDIT : Just to clarify, that was just to express what I think, not to stigmatize your reaction.

Edited by WorstUsernameEver
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Hm, the way I'm reading it.. you get your augmentations.. which all have basic abilities.. but then as you earn xp you can choose to learn new abilities/increase skill at using abilities within those augmentations.. And you won't be earning enough xp to max out all possible options.. so you'll have to decide on your playstyle...


So there's a skill system.. it's just part of the augmentations rather then being the "Pistols, Environmental, Hacking" as was used in DE..


It's not following the strict augmentation only of IW. (and I mean, you could chop and change your augs in IW to fit the situation you rarely got stuck with just the one style..)


So it might work better, I'll wait until I can see more about the system before I fully say yay or nay over it.. :lol:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hm, the way I'm reading it.. you get your augmentations.. which all have basic abilities.. but then as you earn xp you can choose to learn new abilities/increase skill at using abilities within those augmentations.. And you won't be earning enough xp to max out all possible options.. so you'll have to decide on your playstyle...


Yeah, though we don't know if you can eventually change the augmentation you're using (you would still start from 0 xp in that aug I assume).

Problem is, until we see how it's balanced in game, we don't really know how it works.

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Soo..what's the problem with DX's shooting mechanics exactly?


Some people did not like the fact the RPG stats played into your aiming skill. No matter how good YOUR (players) aiming was the skill points played a part into your hitting. Similar to the whining about bloodlines firearms skill/shooting. For exmaple if you only have 1 skill point in the rifle skill and was using a sniper rifle the rifle would randomly sway left/right and up/down as you aimed even if you were not moving, also you would reload slow. More points into the skill the sway became less and less and your reload speed increased for every point.


I personally liked the system. If one wants to play a FPS then go play mordern warfare or call of duty where the game mimics YOUR skill. In a CRPG you ROLE PLAYING a character so of course the RPG stats should and do play a part in the characters ability ingame. CoD isn't claiming to be a CRPG, DE is however.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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Going to Invisible War for your inspiration is like going to Daikatana for your inspiration.


Much better to forget either game was ever made and go look for something else as the wellspring for your gameplay concepts.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Going to Invisible War for your inspiration is like going to Daikatana for your inspiration.


Much better to forget either game was ever made and go look for something else as the wellspring for your gameplay concepts.


.. but they didn't. >_<

It's more like 'at the end we looked at Invisible War and noticed we took a similar design decision', or at least, that's what I read between the lines of that particular answer.

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Hm, and all this Deus Ex talk is making me want to re-read my old Shadowrun books and doodle up some ideas...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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My preference would be a skill based system where the augs provided the extraordinary. They should focus on things that are cool and fun to do. Superhuman strength for 10 seconds might be enough to flip over a 'walker' security bot with your bare hands, that kind of thing.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Personally I would have preferred a mix of both systems with a cliche but useful "clean slate due to previously suffered injuries and surgeries" start.


Have basic augs and skills based on them, upgrade augs that you purchase/find/steal let you do special (powered) moves and add passive effects to existing skills.


A trim and reshape instead of D:IW's steamlining... Then again what do I know of game design besides my own preferences....

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Actually I think it will. Its like making a game about wizards and making the "spells" boring (for gameplay/fun purposes) or making them "pistol spell", "smg spell", "underslug grenade spell" and so on.


DX's main appeal (to me) was/is the ability to mix and match different things in your arsenal and apply them to the paths to get unexpected results.


Then there is the dead horse of Player skill vs Avatar skill issue. If my Alt-ego has only basic hero level abilities (the ability to handle, operate and not break any object or weapon you get your hands upon) then I want to game to emulate this. Give me a basic skill level a bit worse than straight FPS to star with (as I am the hero, I am supposed to be a trained agent/terrorist/outlaw/cop/whatever) then let my next levels take me to dead-eye level with trickshot abilities or vats like targetted shots or something.


The fact that it hasn't been done yet can't mean it is that hard to do... (I havent played AP yet so can't comment on that game)

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Actually I think it will. Its like making a game about wizards and making the "spells" boring (for gameplay/fun purposes) or making them "pistol spell", "smg spell", "underslug grenade spell" and so on.



Whether they have a separate skill system or just have augs doesn't make the gameplay any better or worse by itself, it's just a design choice. You can expand either system to account for both.

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