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Although I'm tempted to give it up as one fragging bad idea now.


I just keep getting asked to put in CD 6 to run the game.


the BG dvd doesn't work for it (and checking on that it just has data for CD1-5) the Tales of the Sword Coast disc doesn't work for it either...


Dammit, if they're going to repackage it on dvd you'd have thought they'd have at least done something about that crappy disc checker.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I finally figured out the Oasis quest! I had been attacking the quest fro the wrong angle (the end) instead of the beginning!


Also, I had missed the entrance because of the ever ongoing war outside the other entrance close by. DAMNIT.


Thanks for the tip though, RPGmasterBoo. And I hadn't realized what a lame nickname you have until I typed it out just now. :p


Man I can't hear you over how awesome I am.


Told ya it was a cool quest. Very clever use of the zone's freakishness and simple logic.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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finished metal gear solid 4 last night.


as a stand alone game I CANNOT imagine what lunatic would enjoy it.


as the end to a tremendously epic storyline that began back in the NES days... it was priceless. I almost cried during the ending movie at TWO different times, about 20 minutes apart from eachother.


Not as good as MGS1 or 3, but probably on par with MGS 2. truly sets a new bar for the ratio's of cinematics to gameplay in a series famous for having insanely long and frequent cinematics. the final movie (including credits) was just over one hour long. not ****ting you, i was watching the clock.



i would never recommend this game to someone who didnt love the series.



Series thoughts now that its essentially all over:


The best character in the series is still, imo, The Boss, followed closely by Big Boss.


the best villain is still psycho mantis


the best fight "scene" is still the final sequence in MGS 1 (rex, then liquid on top of rex)


best music is still the score from the end of MGS 3.





edit: oh right and now im playing it again, and little big planet still

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Oh. Well, that made me feel less stupid. -_-


Since entrerix has great taste in games, I'll presume the series is much better taken as a whole, or at least - from the beginning.


*A cookie for anyone who guesses who the chick in the gown on my avatar is. Clue: look at buildings.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Since entrerix has great taste in games, I'll presume the series is much better taken as a whole, or at least - from the beginning.




the thing is, i've been playing this series since i was a little kid, so its particularly awesome for me, it's actually hard to recommend to people who dont have that history because of how damn bizarre the games are.


if you are at all curious, play metal gear solid 1, the original playstation game. play it through in a day or two (its only about 6-10 hours long depending on how fast you are). if you aren't a huge fan after that, then just don't bother with the rest -_-


Metal gear solid 1 is on the same level of classic console gaming that Ocarina of Time is on, the two games are completely different, but both share that same Master Class status of quality that only rare games achieve. those two games are imo the pinnacle of console gaming.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Since entrerix has great taste in games, I'll presume the series is much better taken as a whole, or at least - from the beginning.




the thing is, i've been playing this series since i was a little kid, so its particularly awesome for me, it's actually hard to recommend to people who dont have that history because of how damn bizarre the games are.


if you are at all curious, play metal gear solid 1, the original playstation game. play it through in a day or two (its only about 6-10 hours long depending on how fast you are). if you aren't a huge fan after that, then just don't bother with the rest -_-


Metal gear solid 1 is on the same level of classic console gaming that Ocarina of Time is on, the two games are completely different, but both share that same Master Class status of quality that only rare games achieve. those two games are imo the pinnacle of console gaming.

The one big problem with MGS 4 was that the most of the plot holes were closed with the brand new form of magic, NANOMACHINES!

(In all the MGS games except 3 the characters communicate through nanites that are running through their bodies that stimulate the bones in the ear to receive and take sub vocalized words to transmit. They run of the human bodies power, and ultimately can do ANYTHING!)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Since entrerix has great taste in games, I'll presume the series is much better taken as a whole, or at least - from the beginning.




the thing is, i've been playing this series since i was a little kid, so its particularly awesome for me, it's actually hard to recommend to people who dont have that history because of how damn bizarre the games are.


if you are at all curious, play metal gear solid 1, the original playstation game. play it through in a day or two (its only about 6-10 hours long depending on how fast you are). if you aren't a huge fan after that, then just don't bother with the rest -_-


Metal gear solid 1 is on the same level of classic console gaming that Ocarina of Time is on, the two games are completely different, but both share that same Master Class status of quality that only rare games achieve. those two games are imo the pinnacle of console gaming.

The one big problem with MGS 4 was that the most of the plot holes were closed with the brand new form of magic, NANOMACHINES!

(In all the MGS games except 3 the characters communicate through nanites that are running through their bodies that stimulate the bones in the ear to receive and take sub vocalized words to transmit. They run of the human bodies power, and ultimately can do ANYTHING!)



lol totally true, but still it's believable within that insane universe, 1000x better than "midichlorians"

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Finished Stalker: CoP. Like mkreku said, the final mission and the ending is underwhelming crap. The epilogue that follows is great.


A major disappointment is the lack of any explanation on what the Zone is - basically it finishes like most military shooters. Perhaps the problem is that the game quite directly states that you're on a military mission, while at the same time you put yourself in the mindset of the Stalkers, meaning you start caring more about the Zone and its mysteries then you do about the generic main quest. Then when you get no resolution on that, you feel let down.


Overall its a clunky game with many brilliant moments, particularly leading up to Pripyat. Pripyat is freaky and frightening but its somewhat lessened by the fact that you've got the best gear, best artifacts and in short - you're all but unstoppable. Somehow you're lead to believe that something mysterious and powerful lies in Pripayt yet its never revealed/explored.


In my official review I gave it 85, and overall I think its a great game in what's otherwise a rather shallow genre. In atmosphere I find it reminescent of the first Half Life, a real breath of fresh air. It has officially kicked Bioshock off the pedestal of my favorite new millenium shooter. Bioshock is more polished, but Stalker s got soul.


@mkreku: did you figure out the mercenaries were all about??





Is it just me or do the weaker mutants such as dogs try to stay away from you when you have the Heart of Oasis equipped?


Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Waiting for AvP to finish DL, have a feeling I might regret buying it instead of CoP.


Its my first Stalker game so I'm probably feeling the novelty more than most. Also some people might not be as ready to forgive the general low quality of the story and scripted events but I think the free roaming makes up for it.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Waiting for AvP to finish DL, have a feeling I might regret buying it instead of CoP.


Its my first Stalker game so I'm probably feeling the novelty more than most. Also some people might not be as ready to forgive the general low quality of the story and scripted events but I think the free roaming makes up for it.


I own and enjoyed the previous two, I just couldn't resist the urge to get AvP.

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Some old game no one remembers


Oh, we remember it, occasionally play it, too. Just don't place it on a pedestal - as much as considering a game to be in the top 3 games I have ever played is not placing it on a pedestal.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Some old game no one remembers


Oh, we remember it, occasionally play it, too. Just don't place it on a pedestal - as much as considering a game to be in the top 3 games I have ever played is not placing it on a pedestal.




Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Oh yeah, I remember Vizima's Gate II - Shadow of Geralt's Willie.


Boring old game, doesn't even have HDR.

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