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Morrigan gets more annoying as the game progresses. Anything even remotely benevolent gets her approval down. That's why I like my PC making out with Alistair in front of the party because of her "It makes me vomit" reaction.


That said, Wynne is delicate too. If I hadn't invested in Coercion, I bet I would've certainly lost her on a few occasions... which would've been terrible since she's my favourite party member.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I've given it a very short review earlier in this thread, mebbe a page or so back.


For me, it's a solid 8.5, every point deserved. if you liked BG2 buy this. When the serious modding community get going it will easily be a 9/10.





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Thanks MC and the rest. While the girlfriend has already ordered it on the PS3, i would like to try it out on the PC. Bioware will get ca$h from multiple platforms from this household.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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So hey, I've got some free time coming soon, is the game any good ?. Give it an overall '?/10' pls.

My personal thoughts:


The Good

-Beginning and end are great

-Combat is well done

-Dialogue is good, and you can say more than Keep your money, I'm Jesus/I don't care/Die!

-Voice acting/sounds/music are great

-Choices you need to do are much more interesting than before


The Bad

-You will be spending a lot of time killing mobs in the game. It started to bore me at times.

-For some reason the game didn't really suck me in, the epicness and immersion was missing

-Companions are the usual one dimensional Bioware model 101, although with much more interesting backrounds than before

-There is A LOT of references to BG's and other stuff, some might love it, I mostly found it annoying. (Gaxkang was a pale shadow compaired to Kangax)


I give it a solid 8/10.

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So hey, I've got some free time coming soon, is the game any good ?. Give it an overall '?/10' pls.


I'd call it 7.5 rising to 8 once the technical bugs get ironed out.


The game world is pretty well-realised given it's the first outing for it and you can take as much interest in it (or ignore as much of it) as you like.


The combat mechanics will take a while to mature and should do so either in future patches or in sequels. What's there is implemented well enough - the spellcasting system is a highlight for example - but it'll take a few more iterations for proper balancing.


Tactical encounters are somewhat lacking in variety, consisting of either scripted ambushes or generic rooms with generic lackeys in them. Still, they go by fast enough and rarely drag on too long.


Enough's been said about the story and although sometimes improbable or overcooked at times (everyone you meet with either a) die within 30 minutes, or b) betray you) it goes along at a decent pace.


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I'm level 16 and completely badass



Until the next time you meet a Revenant or some idiot casts Curse of Mortality. o:)

At lvl 16 no revenant should give any trouble. Maybe 3 at once.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Has anyone figured out how to make the face in the Sacred Ashes trailer? The one for the Grey Warden?


Also, I don't think Berserker is worth it. ~8 damage for practically no stamina regen even after talents and Death Blow? And Berserk dies any time you're not in combat? Ugh, I made a mistake there. Going to go Champion next.

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Plowing through the elven ruins looking for the Werewolves, with a level 11 Mage, Al, Shale, and Lel. Beat the gimmicky

teleporting arcane horror on the second try, and then backtracked to do the ritual room (I hadn't looked at the fountain and assumed that I needed to find the jug somewhere else in the ruins).

As I left my save, I was just about to check all the sarcophagi in room behind the ritual door, and was badly in need of inventory space. I haven't bought any backpacks (was saving cash for the spell/skill books that the camp merchant has), and am still carrying around too many "gifts." Earlier in this dungeon, I did give away two of the "WTF?" gift items-- surprisingly I got decent rep boosts from giving

yarn to Al (?) and cake (??) to Shale (???!)



I've now tried 3 Revenant fights. If it's 4-on-1, I can handle them by spamming Cone of Cold (it's immune to the damage, but the freeze effect works nicely). It feels exploitative, but it works. But when I tried to mess with one of the gravestones in the Brazilian forest, and got a Rev plus a mob of undead, that was too much to handle.

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Has anyone figured out how to make the face in the Sacred Ashes trailer? The one for the Grey Warden?


It cannot be done. The faces were created by Blur based on R/L models and didn't use the game character creator at all. Honestly though, I found the GW bland looking compared to Leliana, Morrigan, and Sten were very interesting.


Enoch, there is some kit you get as a result of The Ritual (jug water yadda yadda) that you might want.


No, you get that from another quest nearby that deals with a gem and a pedestal.


The lifegem and broken altar unlocks arcane warrior. The ritual gets you the chest piece for Juggernaut armor.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Yeah, I unlocked Arcane Warrior, and I have looted the spot with the Juggernaut Armor. That's when I left off last night. I haven't looked at the other lootable spots in that room yet. (The big one in the center was obviously the most important, so I went there first.)


I don't think I'm going to use AW-- the word seems to be that it's overpowered, and I'm OK with keeping my wizards in the back row. I haven't unlocked any other Mage specializations yet (altough I suspect I could get Shapeshifter off Morry and the Healing specialty off Wynne if I tried), but I'm in no particular hurry to make a decision there.

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