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  Morgoth said:
There's an other option. Perhaps the game is really (mostly) finished, but Sega doesn't want to release it in the crowded Fall/Q1 2010 window. They're financially confident enough that they can stomach such a delay, so they release it in summer to give it more limelight time.


So are you talking about just taking the finished product they have right now, and just holding it back 8 months? That can't happen because in 8 months, graphics standards go up, as do gameplay standards. What may be a unique bullet point to Alpha Protocol now may not be in that time, hence the selling power of the game falls too.

  ExcelBeyond said:
  Morgoth said:
There's an other option. Perhaps the game is really (mostly) finished, but Sega doesn't want to release it in the crowded Fall/Q1 2010 window. They're financially confident enough that they can stomach such a delay, so they release it in summer to give it more limelight time.


So are you talking about just taking the finished product they have right now, and just holding it back 8 months? That can't happen because in 8 months, graphics standards go up, as do gameplay standards. What may be a unique bullet point to Alpha Protocol now may not be in that time, hence the selling power of the game falls too.


Just because it's a terrible idea doesn't mean people haven't done it. For reference, see SEGA's North American localization of the Yakuza games.

  Cl_Flushentityhero said:
  ExcelBeyond said:
  Morgoth said:
There's an other option. Perhaps the game is really (mostly) finished, but Sega doesn't want to release it in the crowded Fall/Q1 2010 window. They're financially confident enough that they can stomach such a delay, so they release it in summer to give it more limelight time.


So are you talking about just taking the finished product they have right now, and just holding it back 8 months? That can't happen because in 8 months, graphics standards go up, as do gameplay standards. What may be a unique bullet point to Alpha Protocol now may not be in that time, hence the selling power of the game falls too.


Just because it's a terrible idea doesn't mean people haven't done it. For reference, see SEGA's North American localization of the Yakuza games.


Oh god, don't remind me of what they did to Yakuza. I don't need to be reminded of how much worse it could get.

  ExcelBeyond said:
  Morgoth said:
There's an other option. Perhaps the game is really (mostly) finished, but Sega doesn't want to release it in the crowded Fall/Q1 2010 window. They're financially confident enough that they can stomach such a delay, so they release it in summer to give it more limelight time.


So are you talking about just taking the finished product they have right now, and just holding it back 8 months? That can't happen because in 8 months, graphics standards go up, as do gameplay standards. What may be a unique bullet point to Alpha Protocol now may not be in that time, hence the selling power of the game falls too.



I don't know if I could say that the graphics standards will go up significantly enough to take away from Alpha Protocol. Don't consoles tend to cap out at some point? It might, but I'm not sure.


From a gameplay perspective, I think it's safe to say we can count on the gameplay standards not changing much in 8 months.




I wonder if someone felt the game was a bit light on content. Particularly the "go anywhere and explore anything" type of content that is common in RPGs. Many people on this board mentioned disappointment with the idea that there were pretty much two distinct gameplay areas: The Hubs which did not contain combat and where you'd meet people, as well as the combat zones. It could also be a realization that they can't quite make the Christmas release, so combine the two and it could be a "We aren't going to make Christmas, and I'd rather not release in January-March, so patch up the bugs, add some content, maybe some Day One DLC, and we'll ship in June."


An 8-month delay just sounds so arbitrary. Games don't get delayed for 8 months unless there are MAJOR problems, and all the evidence would suggest that AP is nearly finished. It just doesn't add up.

  Richman said:
An 8-month delay just sounds so arbitrary. Games don't get delayed for 8 months unless there are MAJOR problems, and all the evidence would suggest that AP is nearly finished. It just doesn't add up.


Exactly! I find it difficult that believe that major problems "suddenly" appeared in the last few months. Even the most negative preview simply said it was buggy at the time, and that was several months ago. Given that content creation was almost certainly finalized months ago, what with the game having full VO, these past months were all bug fixing and polish.


Unfortunately, even if Sega does speak up, it'll all be publisher language and not have any real explanation. And if this whole deal really is Sega's fault, Obsidian can't exactly call them on it publicly.


It's probably nothing but it's Wikipedia page has it back to October 27, 2009 for release. A day ago it was June 1, 2010. Gamestop.com still has it for June.

  Richman said:
An 8-month delay just sounds so arbitrary. Games don't get delayed for 8 months unless there are MAJOR problems, and all the evidence would suggest that AP is nearly finished. It just doesn't add up.


What evidence are you talking about besides a few recent "it's ME meets splinter cell!" previews and some screenshots? Have you seen any gameplay videos that weren't filled with bugs and bad AI like the E3 build? Any new trailers or anything, now only one month away from scheduled launch?

After E3, they suddenly throw up an NDA for PAX, and this coupled with the "barely feels like an RPG" and now calling it a "top priority" suggest that they've lost confidence and are not at all satisfied for a launch and will probably demand Obsidian make some fundamental changes to the game, or at the very least add some heavy polish. It might not be as long as 8 months, but I think it's pretty clear that the game is delayed now.

Unless this is some ****ed up way to create a buzz before launch and they'll soon reassure us everything's ok. Like "haha, rejoice people! Alpha Protocol *really* is coming out in October!!"

But I don't think so.

Posted (edited)

Well, I guess that means I can focus on Brutal Legend this Rocktober... Eight months does seem extreme but if it means a more polished game... polish away. :)


Then again, if this is a MoW style DRM delay you can all go to HELL! :lol:

Edited by GreasyDogMeat

Delayed another eight months more months? What a **** up. Well until it's made official I think I'll just ignore this as rumor mongering and retain my preorder and some anticipation for this product, instead of losing my confidence in it.


8 months is good cuz it gives them time to fix any issues and real bad cuz i wanted to play it a week friday! boo hoo... ah well looks like i will have to wait till 06/11/09 for DAO.


NNNOooooo! Even the swedish gamestore changed their date. I secretly hoped they would forget and then be forced to send me the game while the rest of the world had to wait a year...


Reality sucks balls


As much as I'd like to play the game, I'm not that annoyed if it needs to be delayed, for the betterment of the game.


But if it is actually an 8 months delay, even though it looks fairly complete in the previews, then I am a bit concerned for the game (like many of you.)


I dunno. I'm gonna try to stay positive though. I'm going to consider the delay a good thing (tentatively). In the big scheme of things, it might be a choice between A) a fantastic game held back from bugs (such as Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines) or B) a game that gets enough polish, and stuff (missions / features / guns, everything) added to it over the next 8 months to transform into a much better product. I'm gonna bet my money on B . Because usually I tend towards the pessimistic.


For those of you that are worried about the game being canceled: I don't think there is much chance of that at all. The game looks way too close to completion for a cancellation. Unless it is out of sheer acrimony.


Per Sega's demands, they're adding in the option to play as Michelle Thorton, so they need to re-write and re-record 90% of the speech, new models, new dialogue options, character customizations, same-sex romances, etc. That and online co-op. And leaderboards. And vehicles. Ground, air, and sea. And a DS port.

Oh Jimmy, you were so funny.

Don't let me down.

From habit he lifts his watch; it shows him its blank face.

Zero hour, Snowman thinks. Time to go.

  Starwars said:
Yeah, I got that as well Swede (webhallen). Though the release date for this store says March 31 2010.


I also noticed that. Funny.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"


If they add in a Michelle Thornton then I wouldn't mind the delay. More character choices is always a good thing.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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