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Must have been one hell of an experience becuase its Monday morning big guy.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Get up at 7:30. It's raining.

Have shower. Get out. Realise it's 8:55.

Skip breakfast. Walk to work in the rain.

Arrive 5 minutes late. Starve.

Miss lunch because you only have 6 hour shift.

Finish work at 2pm. Can't go home because you have a Discrete Maths for 2 hours.


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Yardwork. Walked in a park. Went to Home Depot. Currently watching the redsox game with one eyeball while bouncing in and out of the house (it's hot). Deciding what's for dinner. ie, the usual.


Also realizing that maybe some of my most long term 'net buddies and I have finally grown enough apart for me to consider walking away. Makes me a little sad, but that's 'net life. The internet is big, I'll make new ones. :x

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Also realizing that maybe some of my most long term 'net buddies and I have finally grown enough apart for me to consider walking away. Makes me a little sad, but that's 'net life. The internet is big, I'll make new ones.


I've got a couple of online contacts who I've known for ~7 years. Considering that's a third of my entire lifespan... :x


At work, database keeps breaking which means I have to actually be pretty efficient to meet deadlines.

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Haven't played WoW in close to a year I think....finally logged on to change my WoW account contact info etc. and discovered there's a WoW Visa. I'm sure it's really old news, but I hadn't noticed. For every $1500 charged, you get a free month of WoW - so for $1500 you can save $13-$15. All I have to say is....pfffft


Plus, y'know, imo flashing around a Visa with a Dark Elf on it doesn't make you cool.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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nope, it doesn't. i had an actual cool one, however: it had andromeda on it. of course, the bastards jacked my rate up to 17.99% so i don't use it anymore. they did that in response to me chewing their rep out for not honoring the low rate "for life" the card originally came with. for life... yeah, right, i guess that assumes all of their customers are expected to die one year from the time the "for life" rate is granted.



comrade taks... just because.

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I've got a couple of online contacts who I've known for ~7 years.

there are several of us in here that have been posting together for over a decade now (since BG1, in fact).



comrade taks... just because.

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Today I confirmed my suspicions that I need to do an upgrade to my PSU.


A few days ago while playing Fallout 3 my computer froze abruptly, "okay... no problem" I thought to myself as I went to hit the reset button thinking that it was a bug due to F3's lousy PC port job.


I hit the button and to my surprise my PC's power suddenly starts flickering abnormally, I power it off and wait around an hour (perhaps the GPU overheated.) Time passes and I try again only to run into the same problem, since it was getting close to midnight I decided to sleep on it and try again later the next day.)


Next morning I successfully booted into XP only to hear my video card's gpu fan go beserk, I check the system monitors and it was running at 66

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Well, turns out my CPU was under warranty! YAY! but I'm still out my computer for another week or so while they get it fixed/replaced (probably the latter (with something better I might add) because my current one is no longer in production).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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okay so i had an awesome weekend, and now i've just found out that a friend of mine killed herself on sunday night :rolleyes:


really not wanting to head back to work tomorrow...

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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2 hours of studying logic problems, which is clearly my biggest weakness on the LSAT, then a short break followed by more studying. This place is stone cold silent in the wee hours of the morning, but I find it hard to sleep during the day. I mean, I fall asleep quickly, but then I get up after a few hours and I'm awake. It's maddening. But I think I'm making progress. I'm taking the LSAT on the 26th of September and I'm thinking of scheduling another test for October. That way I can do a sort of dress rehearsal and then the full blown run. I'll use whichever score is higher on my application. I just need to make sure that's feasible from an administrative standpoint.

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2 hours of studying logic problems, which is clearly my biggest weakness on the LSAT, then a short break followed by more studying. This place is stone cold silent in the wee hours of the morning, but I find it hard to sleep during the day. I mean, I fall asleep quickly, but then I get up after a few hours and I'm awake. It's maddening. But I think I'm making progress. I'm taking the LSAT on the 26th of September and I'm thinking of scheduling another test for October. That way I can do a sort of dress rehearsal and then the full blown run. I'll use whichever score is higher on my application. I just need to make sure that's feasible from an administrative standpoint.

If I recall correctly, schools used to average the scores for people with multiple LSAT results, but I think the standard has shifted in the last few years to taking the higher one.

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I am so ****ing pissed off it isn't even funny. Well... to be fair it will make a funny story later. Right now, I'm just so disenheartened! Rat Bastards. So, I'm reading through one large book of LSAT logic games. It has a few errors, but not enough so far to irritate me too much. Just have to be careful. I think I need a little more help, though, so I start reading the Curvebreakers books "Conquering LSAT logic games, 2nd ed." Okay, guys, let me tell you, these people are a legend in their own minds. I mean, they had me convinced. I was like, yeah, they say they're the ****, and they allegedly scored in the top percentile and they walk on water. I almost immediately ran into a logical error in a test question. I thought I had made the mistake, but I put it aside rather than spend two hours on that particular game. I go on to the next one. Okay, so far so good. it makes sense. Then, *BAM* the exact same logical error. These mother ****ers are mixing up the causal direction. So, I'm thinking, either I've gotten the entire concept wrong, in which case I'm screwed, or these guys have mixed up their own formal logic tenets. Their method is good, but their actual answers are wrong. I looked it up and, yep, they've literally published a book with the wrong answers for several of the questions. I think I can make use of the books, but it's just tough to be saying up literally all hours of the day and night studying only to find out I can't even trust my study materials. My scores on the other sections allegedly put me in any school to which I'd apply. The logic games are kicking my ass so far. I guess I'm improving just by getting the proper procedure, but I'll have to triple check the answers because numbnuts and company were too busy lauding their own accomplishments to check the answers in their book.


BTW: Thanks for the input Enoch. I honestly appreciate the feeling that someone out there has even a fleeting interest and understanding about this ordeal. I wish I'd done this at 20 instead of 40. ****.

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nope, it doesn't. i had an actual cool one, however: it had andromeda on it.

Andromeda as in astronomy? That would be cool.

Course, I'd want one with cute kittens...but not because it'd be cool. I just like cute kittens. :thumbsup:


I saw an ad that claimed some kind of monthly service that would NEVER go up....until, that is, your original service contract term was over. Marketers...sometimes you just want to fling monkey poo at them.


Today: The sky is very blue, my mood is very happy, and while it's still kind of early, so far this has been an awesome day. For no particular reason at all...it just is.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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okay so i had an awesome weekend, and now i've just found out that a friend of mine killed herself on sunday night :o


really not wanting to head back to work tomorrow...


That's terrible Shryke. Gotta be a very hard thing to deal with. :o




My day so far has been so-so. Refinishing our antique coffee table which would've been done long before now if not for all the intricate carvings in the woodwork. And thinking of yet another use for zucchini squash which our garden decided was the crop of the season. :sorcerer: Recipes welcome.

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okay so i had an awesome weekend, and now i've just found out that a friend of mine killed herself on sunday night :)


really not wanting to head back to work tomorrow...


That's terrible Shryke. Gotta be a very hard thing to deal with. :(


yeah i just sorted out some time off work for the funeral on monday


it's crazy just how much stuff has been happening lately

a friend getting raped

another friend getting in a car crash and needing spinal surgery

my nephew needing eye surgery

a friend's father dying

my brother getting in a car crash while on holiday in scotland

and now this


and it's all happened in the past month or so :)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Andromeda as in astronomy? That would be cool.

yes, the galaxy. it was colorized to look like you see it in books and the media, too.


Course, I'd want one with cute kittens...but not because it'd be cool. I just like cute kittens. :)

ooh, and cute puppies, too. and a blender... yeah! oh, not really cute anymore, eh? :)



comrade taks... just because.

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Guest The Architect
ooh, and cute puppies, too. and a blender... yeah! oh, not really cute anymore, eh? :)




Well, I'd rather look at blended dog and cat than look at you. :bat:


Shryke, ****in hell I thought my luck was bad, you've got my sympathy. So acknowledge it and be proud. :(


In other news I had the flu for a fortnight, thought for a while there it might've been swine flu because it was pretty shocking, but it wasn't, and I live on. Started the second semester at the beginning of this month and life goes on. And last month my grandfather fell over, ****ed up his right leg a bit but he's alright now, he's fallen over 4 times in these past couple months; hasn't broken a single bone in his body. Lucky old fella he is.


And while I was up at uni occasionally for Winter school, exams and book collections, I met a terrific girl who I'd love to have a relationship with and not just hump and dump, who is mutually interested in me, only apart from living 75 minutes away from me, she works full time at a pharmacy, studies part time as a medico student and just doesn't have time for a relationship at the moment, so that's frustrating, but understandable. Such is life. And then the second biggest lotto draw in Australia of all time of $80 million AUS was on three weeks ago, but surprise surprise, we didn't win.


On the upside though, my dad and I got a **** load of good Cabernet, Merlot and Shiraz wine at the liquor store for good value for money, so it's nice to have a glass or two or four per night before, at and after dinner.

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Okay, went to a little seminar/open house/reception/whatever that Glendale law hosted to talk about the LSAT. I expected it to be a recruiting thing for their school, which it was, but the dean talked mostly about the LSAT. I found it useful because I had a couple of questions about recommendations. Now, Glendale is a CBE school, which means it's accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners. Long explanation that basically means the school is accredited within California. It's not a prestigious school, but it's cheap and the classes are spread out over four years instead of 2 or 3. Some might call it 'seedy,' I suppose, but I'm not sure I care. It won't be a shoe-in for employment the way one of the ABA So Cal schools would be, either UCI, UCLA, or USC, but it would probably work just fine for California. Now, the biggest drawback I can see is that I keep thinking of moving to Nevada permanently. CBE schools don't give you a lot of flexibility. I don't know if I'd be forced to work for some years before taking the Bar Exam in Nevada or not. So, right there it's not as good of a deal. It's considerably easier to get into a school like Glendale University School of Law. *shrug* I doubt I persue it, but it's always on the back burner. Meanwhile, the competition to get into one of the larger schools is fierce as I understand it. Now, I graduated with Highest Honors with a degree in History and Classical Studies, so that helps, and my practice tests seem to indicate I should expect to do well enough to get into one of the ABA schools in the area. The biggest advantage of the nearby ABA schools is that it would make it easier to move out of the state and it would make searching for a job much easier. I might split the difference and apply to the University of La Verne, since it's ABA accredited and a hell of a lot closer. It's no UCLA, which is my sister's alma mater, but I don't really care. I don't want bragging rights. I want to do something productive for a while and I figure my background is fairly well suited for law. I don't even care if I make a lot of money doing it. Choices Choices Choices. I'll probably apply to a bunch of places at any rate and then decide what I'll do based on my responses.

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okay so i had an awesome weekend, and now i've just found out that a friend of mine killed herself on sunday night :bat:


really not wanting to head back to work tomorrow...


That's terrible Shryke. Gotta be a very hard thing to deal with. :(


yeah i just sorted out some time off work for the funeral on monday


it's crazy just how much stuff has been happening lately

a friend getting raped

another friend getting in a car crash and needing spinal surgery

my nephew needing eye surgery

a friend's father dying

my brother getting in a car crash while on holiday in scotland

and now this


and it's all happened in the past month or so :skull:


Talk about bad luck and death, my uncle and grandpa died a few days ago. And talk celebrities, David Carradine, Billy Mayes, Steve McNair, Ed McMahon, shall I go on. Seems like Summer of 2009 = DEATH :fdevil:

Edited by Nihilus5078


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