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NWN2: Storm of Zehir is out!


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it's interesting how a game that look so much worse than fallout3 can take so much longer to load and save


so far there are way to many boring encounters in the overland map, i'm really hoping that increases in hide and survival will take care of that


it's also kinda weird how you can change your party at will, what's up with that? there's no need to plan for a balanced party when you can just change it at any tavern


i really don't like the setting but that i knew from the beginning


other than that i like what they've done, feels more like old school DnD

Lois: Honey, what do you say we uh...christen these new sheets, huh?

Peter: Why Lois Griffin, you naughty girl.

Lois: Hehehe...that's me.

Peter: You dirty hustler.

Lois: Hehehehe...

Peter: You filthy, stinky prostitute.

Lois: Aha, ok I get it...

Peter: You foul, venereal disease carrying, street walking whore.

Lois: Alright, that's enough!

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This is a setting that takes place in what would be considered a Medieval Period. What the hell are dinosaurs doing in it? What idiot thought of that?
Yeah, I totally loathe the inclusion of dinosaurs, too. Faer

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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The most frustrating part I've found so far is how I need to transfer items between party members 5 or 6 times before it actually transfers it. It got so frustrating I actually yelled at the game. Girlfriend looked pretty startled when I yelled "GIVE HIM THE ****ING AXE". Also, playing around the toolset and finding only one new armor model is disappointing.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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This is a setting that takes place in what would be considered a Medieval Period. What the hell are dinosaurs doing in it? What idiot thought of that?


This is the Forgotten Realms, and dealing withthe Jungles of Chult. You don't know the Realms that much do you? The Jungles of Chult, as with many other jungle and tropical regions of Abeir-Toril, have a rather large dinosaur population. Know your Realms Lore before making posts like this. It will make you look less ignorant. Though the Realms do lack barbaric halfings riding dinos, unlike Eberron, which is sad.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Okay - quick question, is it only the leader (first character created) who can use recipes and craft wonderous items/enchant etc? because I had one of my other companies pick the feats thinking they could craft as well - but I can't seem to make it work.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Okay - quick question, is it only the leader (first character created) who can use recipes and craft wonderous items/enchant etc? because I had one of my other companies pick the feats thinking they could craft as well - but I can't seem to make it work.


No, the new crafting system should take the entire partys skills into account. So you should be able to spread your crafting out over several characters without having to make a single "crafting guy". You made sure you're in the appropiate area (with workbenches)? Check to make sure you have all the requirements and ingredients? What message do you get when you try to craft something?

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Yeah the NWN2 load times are pretty abysmal. :/


When compared to the Oblivion/F3 engine, it's particularly apparent; TES4/F3 levels load incredibly fast.

Is it rational of me to expect an Obsidian game with good graphics and smooth game-play? I'd like to enjoy tailor-made story based on character interactions/development with interesting themes without these nuisances. ;)


Speaking of media, I think Obsidian music are almost always good, though. Isn't it Icewind Dale series which built a step-stone to make Inon Zur so popular (maybe, way too popular, IMHO) in game industry?


PS Deraldin, Could you treat spoiler related topics in a proper way? I am probably not playing the game but some people may not be happy with it.

Edited by Wombat
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Okay - quick question, is it only the leader (first character created) who can use recipes and craft wonderous items/enchant etc? because I had one of my other companies pick the feats thinking they could craft as well - but I can't seem to make it work.


No, the new crafting system should take the entire partys skills into account. So you should be able to spread your crafting out over several characters without having to make a single "crafting guy". You made sure you're in the appropiate area (with workbenches)? Check to make sure you have all the requirements and ingredients? What message do you get when you try to craft something?


Can't remember exactly, I think it was that I didn't have the appropriate feat. But my "crafting guy" does.


It's obviously just me that missed something though, so I'll check it out next time I'm near a workbench.


(could be that I didn't have the right casting level come to think of it - there's so many things to keep track of. ;) )

Fortune favors the bald.

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Is it rational of me to expect an Obsidian game with good graphics and smooth game-play?

Based on the NWN2 engine games, no it isn't rational. That said, the Aliens engine is smooth, in part because I am a raging t-rex when it comes to ensuring that framerate stays at 30 even in the worst circumstances. I absolutely can't stand games that run below 25 fps.

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PS Deraldin, Could you treat spoiler related topics in a proper way? I am probably not playing the game but some people may not be happy with it.


Name blanked out. Seemed just like a small random encounter so I didn't think to much about mentioning the name.

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Speaking of media, I think Obsidian music are almost always good, though. Isn't it Icewind Dale series which built a step-stone to make Inon Zur so popular (maybe, way too popular, IMHO) in game industry?

Jeremy Soule is the ubiquitous IWD fantasy music guy. Inon Zur is the Fallout 3 guy. If interviews are any indication, Soule would have done a decidedly less half-assed job on the F3 soundtrack than Zur did (my enjoyment of F3 was multiplied many times by mods that replaced the orchestral soundtrack with the ambience from the originals)

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Are GameStop stores open on Sundays? I want to get the game, but I am new to the U.S., so I am still unsure about when what stores open/close.


I think most are open on Sundays, especially those in a mall. Stores usually open late on the weekends; 10 am or 11 am. I suggest you look up the phone number of the store closest to you and give them a call in the late morning to check. Or you could call tonight. If the store is closed, sometimes there is an automated recording that tells you what the store hours are.

Edited by ~Di
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Okay, am I the only one that's had the urge to start over about 20 times so far? Normally I can pick a character and roll with it for the entire game, but there is something about having the ability to create an entire party that makes resisting the temptation that much harder. I'm currently on my third group with an Air Genasi Rogue, Water Genasi Cleric, Fire Genasi Ranger and an Earth Genasi Fighter.

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Deraldin, I'm constantly getting the urge but I really want to finish the game as well. Or rather finish as much as I can of it since I believe the game doesn't actually "end" per say if I understand it correctly? I believe you'll have to manually end it by retiring and then you'll see an ending based on what you've done I think. Not entirerely sure though.


Next party for me will be evil!

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Ok, this is a stupid quiestion but is this stand-alon or do I need to install nwn2 again? Cause I think I threw away the disc

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Speaking of media, I think Obsidian music are almost always good, though. Isn't it Icewind Dale series which built a step-stone to make Inon Zur so popular (maybe, way too popular, IMHO) in game industry?
Zur did compose for IWD2 and didn't do a good job at all IMO. He did better on BG:ToB. Soule however was sublime with IWD1, for my taste much less so with his later work.

So looking forward to next week, finally I'll be able to play... (However bad other things are waiting for me next week, so I'll only be able to play if I survive these *sigh*)

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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The SoZ music is very good though I think I prefer the overall style of MotB more. The SoZ music also had a bunch of different composers working on it including people from Rogue Dao, pretty cool.


There's even a tavern song with singers in there, hehe.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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