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NWN2: Storm of Zehir is out!


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Since there was so much information being thrown at me, I stopped paying attention to all of the details, interviews, and articles.

so, by your own admission, you didn't pay attention to the original design decision?


but you nonetheless lashed out at the guy who confirmed it had been well-publicised?


and then demanded an apology, blaming them for giving you too much info?


bravo, sir, a rare display of chutzpah.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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What happened to me was that all the information turned into white noise. Since there was so much information being thrown at me, I stopped paying attention to all of the details, interviews, and articles. Maybe there is a flaw in overwhelming the fanbase with so much information. People stop paying attention.


And how is that Obsidian's fault and not yours?

If you go back to how things played out here, the comment that was originally stated came off smug. Obsidian may have a flaw in how information is flowed to the public, and they can control that on the other side of the marketing schema. Overwhelming fans with information makes them shutdown. Mr. Rorie shouldn't have made the assumption that his campeign actually worked affectively. I'm not going to remember every detail or read every article. I have a life. He made a bad assumption.


Its over now.

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And how is that Obsidian's fault and not yours?

he was complaining that it was their fault, for overloading his mind with too much info about the game.


i understand that future marketing by Obsidian will use only small words written in very large letters: "THIS GAME LIKE ICEWIND DALE: COMPANIONS NO TALK PLENTY MUCH", etc

dumber than a bag of hammers

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relative speaking, Gromnir followed development o' soz very little. having been kicked off of bio boards, where most real soz discussion took place, all we gots was a few news drops and the odd freaky man-love post from developers and fans regarding dinosaurs and/or yuan-ti. even so, one thing that we did know was that while obsinaties were insisting that cohorts would be more than glorified pack mules, the cohorts would not be Much more than glorified pack mules.




comparisons to iwd games were pretty ubiquitous. had to have been willful ignorant not to notice.




perhaps marcus is actually screenie name for donovan mcnabb? we got a celebrity on boards? 2 shocks in one week: an nfl game can end in a tie, and soz has taciturn cohorts.


HA! Good Fun!


ps am feeling more compassion for non-board geeks. folks who not come to message boards for info and only bought sequel expecting more of same has an excuse... but obsidian had to know there would be a few peoples like that. unavoidable casualties when changing formula.

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Let's keep the discussion on the game itself, its release, and its awesomeness, and not the marketing of it.

at the moment, my view on the awesomeness of SoZ is inhibited by the UK release date inexplicably being a day behind the US one.



dumber than a bag of hammers

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Let's keep the discussion on the game itself, its release, and its awesomeness, and not the marketing of it.

at the moment, my view on the awesomeness of SoZ is inhibited by the UK release date inexplicably being a day behind the US one.




I think that's just the way things are. Games in the U.S. are usually released in Tuesday, while in the U.K. it's more often the case that they come out on a Friday, AFAIK. But you'd probably know better than I would. >_<

Matthew Rorie

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I have an interesting question. Most of the games I buy don't need patches, but in order for me to use Neverwinter II: MOB I need one. I can't play the game straight out of the box without patching it. Will this happen to this expansion as well? How will it work when I have all three installed, and it is required for me to patch the game so the original campegin will work with MOB? Will the new expansion come with the fixes, or would I still need to patch it?

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I have an interesting question. Most of the games I buy don't need patches, but in order for me to use Neverwinter II: MOB I need one. I can't play the game straight out of the box without patching it. Will this happen to this expansion as well? How will it work when I have all three installed, and it is required for me to patch the game so the original campegin will work with MOB? Will the new expansion come with the fixes, or would I still need to patch it?


As you noted in a post earlier in this thread, there is a first-day patch available already. Simply install, run the autopatcher, and you should be good to go. The SOZ disc has the patch history in its install, so if you install SOZ, then your MOB installation should be brought up to date with the most recent major patch, even if you don't run the first-day patch for SOZ. But it's always advisable to patch when possible, obviously, especially if you want to play multiplayer.

Matthew Rorie

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I have an interesting question. Most of the games I buy don't need patches, but in order for me to use Neverwinter II: MOB I need one. I can't play the game straight out of the box without patching it. Will this happen to this expansion as well? How will it work when I have all three installed, and it is required for me to patch the game so the original campegin will work with MOB? Will the new expansion come with the fixes, or would I still need to patch it?


As you noted in a post earlier in this thread, there is a first-day patch available already. Simply install, run the autopatcher, and you should be good to go. The SOZ disc has the patch history in its install, so if you install SOZ, then your MOB installation should be brought up to date with the most recent major patch, even if you don't run the first-day patch for SOZ. But it's always advisable to patch when possible, obviously, especially if you want to play multiplayer.

Here is the conundrum. I don't have that particular computer attatched to the internet, so downloading the patch through the updater is not possible. Any suggestions?

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I have an interesting question. Most of the games I buy don't need patches, but in order for me to use Neverwinter II: MOB I need one. I can't play the game straight out of the box without patching it. Will this happen to this expansion as well? How will it work when I have all three installed, and it is required for me to patch the game so the original campegin will work with MOB? Will the new expansion come with the fixes, or would I still need to patch it?


As you noted in a post earlier in this thread, there is a first-day patch available already. Simply install, run the autopatcher, and you should be good to go. The SOZ disc has the patch history in its install, so if you install SOZ, then your MOB installation should be brought up to date with the most recent major patch, even if you don't run the first-day patch for SOZ. But it's always advisable to patch when possible, obviously, especially if you want to play multiplayer.

Here is the conundrum. I don't have that particular computer attatched to the internet, so downloading the patch through the updater is not possible. Any suggestions?


The patch should not be necessary to play SOZ, although it's a good idea to always have your game as updated as possible. If you wish to patch the game, I would suggest downloading the file on another computer and burning it to a CD, or putting it on a flash drive, or use some other portable storage solution to move it over to the system where you play most often.

Matthew Rorie

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It isn't too hard to figure out.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I had forgotten about that :)


I'll have to settle for playing X3 for a few days though. Still waiting for it to be available in the local stores.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It isn't too hard to figure out.

*Looks at location*


I'm going to take an educated guess here and say that you aren't "Darque" or "Walsingham". :)



A few people a concerned about privacy for various reasons. We have a phone booth that Walsingham uses when he changes clothes.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Dammit! Singapore's release is still by the month's end. :)


With all the rave for the game's music, I will really really appreciate if someone youtube several tracks to provide an impression. Oh matt, how's the negotiation for the music for public release going?

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I want a refund. I didn't pay 30$ on this game, only to have it drop down to 20$ in the future. Why would I want to buy it for 30$, then? That's a full-priced game. NEWSFLASH OBSIDIAN: This is an expansion pack. It should be priced half a full game at the most. Haha, man are you guys in for a rude wake-up call when you realize no one is going to buy your little expansion pack at full price. IMO, 20$ would have been a good price. I'd think about giving you my hard-earned money then. But since I already did, you guys should refund me, drop the price, and maybe I'll reconsider rebuying it. Geez, Obs, it's a freaking expansion pack. Get on with the times. You don't charge full retail price for an expansion pack. It's just not done. It's insulting to gamers. We aren't idiots completely oblivious to the economy. Charging us a ludicrous 30$ will just shove your arrogance in our face. Hi, my name's Obsidian!!! Would you like to buy my new expansion pack? Only 30$!!!! What a freaking rip-off.


Sorry for the rant, I'm just really pissed off at this outrage. 30$ freaking bucks. I could buy 30 copies of Half-Life 1 at that price.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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:p Why not wait till the price drops? I bought Mask of the Betrayer with full price simply because I wanted to show my support but, as I said before, I pass on this game since I've gotten impression that their writing talents are working on other projects. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean Storm of Zehir is not attractive to some people who expect other charms such as these. Simply, take the price according to your interest.


However, as for Alpha Protocol, probably I'm not buying it upon release since I think the necessary denominator for Obsidian to keep their business is much bigger than the ratio of my humble "support". :) I cannot but wish them good luck.

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very first impression: immediately after i adjusted the sound options, the camera stopped rotating when i hit the edge of the screen (in spite of clicking ONLY that box). very annoying.



comrade taks... just because.

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No comment on certain things as people don't like negative stuff about Obsidian games here so I'll focus on positive stuff.


Music is awesome. Characetr creation NWN series style is as super as ever and now you can do it FOUR TIMES!


The mercantile stuff storyline has some potential.


That is all.


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ah, found the thread. they added a new camera mode and for whatever reason, when i went in to change my sound options it switched me to one of the other modes. got it back now. very odd.


music is killer. the ability to switch which character is in control is cool, too. i like that the VO has sound effects in the background so it doesn't seem like they are speaking in a sound room, too (at least that's how it is so far).



comrade taks... just because.

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