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Fallout 3


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Full of awesome and winna!r

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Since SoZ isn't out in NZ yet, I decided FO3 would be the test bunny for my shiny new laptop. Just got out of the Vault then saved.


The game looks a lot better than Oblivion so far in certain areas (the faces and the rocks), and the same in others (e.g. walls, caves). Maybe the voice-acting plummets in quality after the Vault, but so far it wasn't too bad. The cinematic presentation of the tutorial was cleanly and well done, and I actually enjoyed all the hubbub in the birthday party, which, for all its crowdedness, didn't devolve into a Radiant AI fest.


Combat is already a joke; unarmed is like Oblivion but clunkier, and VATS slow-motion is despicable. I was Level 1 taking on the security chief in the Vault, and I had a 95% chance to headshot - which criticalled, taking off his head at... the neck, as if it went through some high-intensity laser beam. I guess the future has wide-radius instant cauterisation pistol bullets. Slow-motion is boring, too. It's going to get very stupid if the enemies don't use cover a lot.


Sound/music/etc is nice so far, except for the levelling up ding. Looks like a fun game with boringish combat, but then I played KOTORs, so i can weather that. We'll see.

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Melee combat isn't great and besides, this isn't the type of game you would be using melee any way.


I enjoyed this I finally admit. I think I had just about as much fun with this like I did with Bloodlines.


Its just a game, nothing to get worked up over. There are more important things in life to be concerned with.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Mebbe everyone's done with the game now, but I'll still keep truckin'.


Started again with NMA's compendium mod, mainly for the slower XP gain. Got out of the Vault and checked out the


nearby, the one in all the previews. Combat changed quite a bit with the mod; I think it limits your VATS shots to 2, and I was actually better off shooting in real time. It was also pretty hard, with them killing ME during my own vats sequences. Eventually cleared the place out then visited Megaton from the side.


Voice acting quality does go down from here - Vault was on the whole decent/good, this place, well, hard to find good ones. Nothing too cringeworthy so far, though. Oh, except Moira. Absolutely disgusting.


People are divided about environments apparently, but I think they're superb so far. The things like dented fridges and broken trolleys are very well made, and the architecture in Megaton is pretty good.


I enjoyed this I finally admit. I think I had just about as much fun with this like I did with Bloodlines.


Its just a game, nothing to get worked up over. There are more important things in life to be concerned with.


Talking to yourself DR? :wub:

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Hmm. Well, I really loved this game. I've played it twice now, and have no doubt I'll be playing it a couple times a year for the foreseeable future. The only criticisms I had of the game is the useless companions that just get in the way and have no personality; and a certain quest where the only good option ends up with senseless slaughter of an entire populace. Bah. I'll NEVER get over that one!



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I enjoyed this I finally admit. I think I had just about as much fun with this like I did with Bloodlines.




She's gone to the dark side.


Voice acting quality does go down from here - Vault was on the whole decent/good, this place, well, hard to find good ones. Nothing too cringeworthy so far, though. Oh, except Moira. Absolutely disgusting.


What are you talking about? She managed to hit a Maine accent perfectly. I think people are so used to hearing faux-accents that real ones throw them.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Honestly, I think Fallout 3 is pretty boring.


Um. Thanks for the review?


No problemo. I just think it's just a little bit overrated. I mean, in which way is F3 a groundbreaking RPG? I've played it for perhaps 10 hours and although initially I was impressed by the art direction and the game's interpretation of a post- apocalyptic DC, in the end the game feels "shallow" in a way reminding me of Oblivion. F3 feels like a game that's focused on exploration and freedom, yet this is not very rewarding. Congratulations, x more square miles of bland wasteland. The story is weak and the although some side quests are built upon interesting concepts, the game never gets anywhere with these.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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Fallout 3 is an awesome game, just awesome. I figured I'd have fun with it, because I actually had fun with Oblivion after I got some mods to correct the design flaws. But I had no idea I'd be this blown away with it. Massive game, just massive.


Bethesda hit a home run with this puppy. Judging by what I've heard on several other forums, the majority of people who have played it simply love it. There will always be someone who won't think rubble filled with supermutants is their cuppa, but that doesn't mean that the game itself was any less epic. I think it's a shoo-in for GOTY, even though I'd earlier thought that about Mass Effect, which I also love.


I think any hardcore gamer simply has to at least try this game. I insist! :ermm:


Edit: Actually, Rostere, in a mere 10 hours you cannot have even scratched the surface, let alone completed any of the dozens of major quests that do indeed have big consequences in the wasteland. Heck, 3-Dog on the radio brags like a proud papa everytime you help someone in need. I found exploring quite rewarding, in that I found lots of bobbleheads, met lots of people, many of whom had lots of caps and needed my help, saved a few towns, emptied a few more... I spent over 100 hours on my first game, and still hadn't found everything. Boring? OMG... you may not like games that offer exploration and freedom, but boring is not the term I'd ever use for this game.

Edited by ~Di
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I mean, in which way is F3 a groundbreaking RPG?


I thought the only people who seriously insisted that were the more retarded of the mainstream press.


For me it's Oblivion Plus, and that's good enough for a few dozen fun hours. Just like I didn't expect IWD2 to redefine RPGs. NMA compendium mod is a big boost as well, it's actually really really hard now. Dialogue isn't as bad as I feared, and certainly better than Oblivion. If anything, it suffers from a lack of polish; e.g. no options to come straight out of a deep tree (you have to say "let's stop takling about Y... let's stop talking about X.."), inconsistent referencing of game events, random changes in tone. And of course the combat enemy AI is a puddle of poo, they just stand still while you blow up their friends next door, then just proceed to run at you shootin'. I mean, why design a bridge full of cover for the raiders if they just run over it all?


Meh. Keeps me going, though. Worth the money and a bit more. Nothing fantastic, but I wasn't asking for fantastic.

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