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FO3 pirated in less than 24 hours after gold


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All of this reminds me of how deliciously stupid people are. Australians are angry that they get games a long time after everyone else and when they finally get a game early they leak a copy out so it gets pirated. Internet men are angry about DRM and when they choose to screw over a company by pirating shortly after gold they choose a company that uses low amounts of DRM. Stupid, stupid, stupid. ;)

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I wonder if there's any other game series out there that produces as much emotional reactions as Fallout does.


I'd say that every game series produces the same reaction in its fans. Look at the reaction to Diablo III's color scheme. Now consider how minor a thing color is in relation to the changes between FO2 and FO3.


I don't think I've ever watched a video of a game I wasn't interested in. That must be tough.


Hmmm.. It's possible to be interested in an element of the game while being uninterested in the game itself (specifically if 'interested in the game' means 'interested enough thay you'll buy and play it.')

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I wonder if there's any other game series out there that produces as much emotional reactions as Fallout does.


Fallout was one of the games, along with the original Baldur's Gate that saved RPGs on the PC. These two games showed a lot of gamers, like me, that RPGs could be one of the most entertaining genres out there.


Fallout, in particular was the start of a new series. It felt special for PC gamers. Thats part of the reason when you look at the reaction between Fallout BoS on consoles and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance on consoles you see two very different reactions despite the games being nearly identical in style. Both games are action top-down RPGs spin offs of their PC counterparts and both play nearly identical but Fallout BoS is absolutely loathed while Dark Alliance did well enough to get a sequel.


I think a big part of the reason is that Baldur's Gate, while special, is a D&D game and D&D games have been around, with dozens of games ranging from side scrolling fighting games to RTS and almost everything in between. Fallout, as a franchise, was more 'pure' and to have it appear on consoles without the SPECIAL rules resulted in an insane fan backlash.


There is probably more to it, but that is my take on it.

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I don't think it's a stretch that many people are "interested" in the game simply because they want to see it fail.


I sometimes get the impression that a few Fallout fans would prefer FO3 to be a horrible game instead of a good or even great game. Which would be irrational.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I've somehow refrained from doing this most of the time, but here, a shameless plug: I interviewed Briosafreak lately, and he's given a lot of interesting points and facts about FO fandom. Some of what I'm saying is informed by this conversation, as well.


if you agree that there's a bunch of Fallout fans who are - for whatever reason - now reflexively anti-Bethesda, then how can you be 'confounded' when i say i'm suspicious of reviews of Fallout 3 from people who profess not to be interested in the game itself?


newc - you can be 'suspicious' in the sense that you suspect a certain predisposition or bias from them, sure. I need to be clearer here: i'm talking about your original post, where you say "sounds to me that despite your interest in Fallout 3 being at 'another all-time low', your interest is, in fact, still pretty damned high...". i.e. I'm saying it's perfectly believable that anumber of people are legitimately interested in FO3, but do not wish to buy/play it. I'm getting a vibe from, say, you and hurlshot & others, that it's kinda ludicrous or pointless to watch videos and comment and have an opinion about something you're pretty sure you hate & won't play. And I'm saying wha?


I don't think it's a stretch that many people are "interested" in the game simply because they want to see it fail.


Yep, some people definitely are like this. It's just unfortunate that some idiots are willing to say all old FO fans or all FO3 detractors are like this, though. But some people are like this, by now.


I think the history of the whole affair is too easily ignored. For anyone who's been there since even the Van Buren/BOS days, or even before that, it's ... well, it's quite hard not to get jaded, suspicious and a bit touchy. You might want to call some fans 'rabid', but that 'rabidity' didn't appear overnight, and it didn't appear without a reason. But a lot of people seem to act as if that is the case. And the pool is made even muddier by the fact that there ARE people just moshing around saying PLEASE DIE BETHESDA GRA GRA.

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It would be ironic if the leak was a review copy from a reviewer that gave the game a super high score.


ANyway, I hope Bethesda tracks whomever down. Go Pete Go!


I haven't been this supportive of Bethesda since um, well, Daggerfall.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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You might want to call some fans 'rabid', but that 'rabidity' didn't appear overnight, and it didn't appear without a reason. But a lot of people seem to act as if that is the case.


Oh there's always a reason, it's just never a good one, being that it comes from a sense of entitlement. This doesn't refer to just rabid Fallout fans, it's rabid fans of anything.


Anyway, as for the whole "you say you're interest is low but clearly it's high" thing, it seems a lot like when people continually post in threads saying how little they care about the topic, but if they really didn't care they never would have opened the thread. I think this stems from the mistaken belief that having an interest in something is always a positive thing, when for a lot of people it's more of a morbid curiosity.

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You might want to call some fans 'rabid', but that 'rabidity' didn't appear overnight, and it didn't appear without a reason. But a lot of people seem to act as if that is the case.


Oh there's always a reason, it's just never a good one, being that it comes from a sense of entitlement. This doesn't refer to just rabid Fallout fans, it's rabid fans of anything.

You know, I was going to say exactly that. But I don't think I could word it any better.
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Oblivion with Guns, aka Fallout 3, will suck. So says this hardcore fanatic.

It is going to be Fallout for the 21st century, Dark Raven. Times have changed. Either change with them or go with the way of the dodo.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Fallout 1/2, PST, the Baldur's gates and so on have adapted to their environment and are still ruled as kings among games, making them immortal, like the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Megalodon. These later kinds of games, namely Mass Effect and Oblivion and alike, are just flukes of evolution that has failed to adapted themselves to their environment. Fallout 3 will join them as Brotherhood steel, BD: Dark Alliance and sink into the ranks of fossils, only to be brought up once in a while by only the most insane archeologist.


Afterall, just like in nature, 95% of all species(games) have been eradicated through the years.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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So if I won't put up with Bethesda's crap they will come and kill me? Crap, gotta go and preorder then...


No, but one needs to accept the fact that the days of slow turn base, 3/4 isometric view, and 2D graphics are long over in triple A titles. You may still see them in indie games, but for top titles those days are long gone. You can either accept that fact and adapt your tastes or stop gaming fresh new games. Adapt or die. You can play BG1 and Fallout 2 only so many times till your brain oozes out of your nostril. The only real thing that matters is if the game is fun or not. Fallout 3, I have no doubt, will be fun to play on my XBox 360, just like Oblivion is.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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