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US Presidential Elections 2


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Damn, now we get more taxes.


You make over $200,000 a year? Really?

Oh I guarantee that bar will be a LOT lower when the time comes.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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By the way, on the wider issue, Obama's official campaign platform doesn't mention gun issues at all, and his response to the Heller decision took a balanced approach, emphasizing local solutions:


I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms, but I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures. The Supreme Court has now endorsed that view, and while it ruled that the D.C. gun ban went too far, Justice Scalia himself acknowledged that this right is not absolute and subject to reasonable regulations enacted by local communities to keep their streets safe. Today

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Someday Sand you are going to wake up and realize that that vast majority of your fellow citizens do believe in God in some form or another. Including the founding fathers of your country who had the wisdom and foresight to spell out that unalienable right DO come from God and not from man. If rights came from man then man could take them away. So if you value your freedom it actually behooves you to be at least a little religious.


But I was just using a phrase for emphasis the post in question.


I know the cast majority of people believe in God in one form or another, but they can never show any credible evidence to back up such belief. I am of the mind that rights comes from humans, and yes humans can take them away, but humans can also fight and spill blood to maintain those rights he or she wishes to have. I value freedom, but the price of freedom is vigilance against those who wish to take it away and those who try deserve a bullet in the brainpan. Mind you I am not certain that God doesn't exist. I am just saying that there is no credible evidence either way.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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The people on the gun forums I browse all have their panties in a bunch, like the end of the world is nigh. I don't think it'll be so bad.


To many of them their guns are like their babies. And now that Obama is elected they fear he'll take their babies away from them.


It's not the gun itself it's the fact that the government would be attempting to supress/eliminate a god given constitutionally guaranteed right. It is real easy to see how the elimination of one right sets precedent for the elimination of others if the government decides it wishes to do so.


But I think you should enforce nation wide laws about guns when it comes to who can own it and what firearms can be bought. So one that buys a gun has to pass a psychological test, have no criminal history, things like that and not like in some states as I remember all you have to own is a membership of a gun range facility so the usage and purchase is 'justified'.

With some clear restriction like that OK, if a person owns a sidearm and has it registered, fine. And why wouldn't they for an example restrict the number of guns one can own and register, what's with those psychos that own 10+ firearms? Why can one order without much trouble a thing like M82 online with little oversight? Yeah I'm a hunter and I use .50 anti material sniper rifle to shoot ducks. Why are firearms like that, like the M4, CAR-15 and similar even in the store? :lol:

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The people on the gun forums I browse all have their panties in a bunch, like the end of the world is nigh. I don't think it'll be so bad.


To many of them their guns are like their babies. And now that Obama is elected they fear he'll take their babies away from them.


It's not the gun itself it's the fact that the government would be attempting to supress/eliminate a god given constitutionally guaranteed right. It is real easy to see how the elimination of one right sets precedent for the elimination of others if the government decides it wishes to do so.


But I think you should enforce nation wide laws about guns when it comes to who can own it and what firearms can be bought. So one that buys a gun has to pass a psychological test, have no criminal history, things like that and not like in some states as I remember all you have to own is a membership of a gun range facility so the usage and purchase is 'justified'.

With some clear restriction like that OK, if a person owns a sidearm and has it registered, fine. And why wouldn't they for an example restrict the number of guns one can own and register, what's with those psychos that own 10+ firearms? Why can one order without much trouble a thing like M82 online with little oversight? Yeah I'm a hunter and I use .50 anti material sniper rifle to shoot ducks. Why are firearms like that, like the M4, CAR-15 and similar even in the store? :lol:

except the problem is how stringent the guildines are as to mental instability. this was lampooned in Simpsons by homer being marked as "unstable" but still being able to purchase 3 handguns. I think that with my instability I'd still be able to purchase handguns. Also there's gunshows where the guidelines seem to relax compared to walking into a shop. And finally there's always going to be unregistered .38 Saturday specials up for sale on the streets for pretty cheap (because they are short range and don't have much stopping power.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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But I think you should enforce nation wide laws about guns when it comes to who can own it and what firearms can be bought. So one that buys a gun has to pass a psychological test, have no criminal history, things like that and not like in some states as I remember all you have to own is a membership of a gun range facility so the usage and purchase is 'justified'.

With some clear restriction like that OK, if a person owns a sidearm and has it registered, fine. And why wouldn't they for an example restrict the number of guns one can own and register, what's with those psychos that own 10+ firearms? Why can one order without much trouble a thing like M82 online with little oversight? Yeah I'm a hunter and I use .50 anti material sniper rifle to shoot ducks. Why are firearms like that, like the M4, CAR-15 and similar even in the store? :lol:

Full auto weapons are already banned from non-law enforcement sale, and how many people are killed with anti-materiel rifles? Do you really think it's a criminal or a school shooter's weapon of choice? The problem are the short, easily concealable and readily available guns. And those aren't going to go away anytime soon.
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Full auto weapons are already banned from non-law enforcement sale, and how many people are killed with anti-materiel rifles? Do you really think it's a criminal or a school shooter's weapon of choice? The problem are the short, easily concealable and readily available guns. And those aren't going to go away anytime soon.


Anti-material rifles are an assassin's weapon of choice, not of your everyday criminal, although hunters buy them, I really don't why. Nevertheless it should be banned. You can get it on discount for an incredible price of 8 299 dollars :o , just saw the action price at one store.


Are full auto weapons banned in all of US? You can still find them in stores, although I do not know what restrictions are there for buying them since they are available.


Short and concealable weapons are the ones that bring most havoc on the streets, and yes, they won't go away so easily, but there are ways to enforce laws and measures to decrease the number of them out there.

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Thanks, I found that interesting also.


EDIT: I just realized that Krezack's avatar is from the old show Get Smart. My wife loves that show. I don't know why I just noticed it or care, but I thought it was funny. Since ORDER is a government agency, however, I thought I was safe mentioning it in this thread.

Edited by Aristes
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Anti-material rifles are an assassin's weapon of choice, not of your everyday criminal, although hunters buy them, I really don't why. Nevertheless it should be banned. You can get it on discount for an incredible price of 8 299 dollars :o , just saw the action price at one store.

And yet nobody has ever used one for an illegal assassination.

Are full auto weapons banned in all of US? You can still find them in stores, although I do not know what restrictions are there for buying them since they are available.

Full auto weapons are allowed with a $200 tax and by jumping through some government hoops. Again, the last and only time a legally owned and registered machine-gun was used in a crime, it was by a corrupt police officer used to execute a drug dealer.


Frankly, if statistics mean anything, a more effective gun control would be to only allow anti-material and full-auto weapons.


And why wouldn't they for an example restrict the number of guns one can own and register, what's with those psychos that own 10+ firearms?

What's with those psycho golfers who have 10+ golf clubs? Or those psycho musicians who own 10+ guitars? It's almost like they have a hobby or something.

Edited by Aram
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Indeed. My grandfather owns 10+ guns and hes not a psychopath. My great grandfather Owned probably 30 guns until the day he died and he wasnt a psychopath. I own 3 guns and am planning on owning many more, and just because im a psychopath doesnt mean im going to kill someone.

Hey now, my mother is huge and don't you forget it. The drunk can't even get off the couch to make herself a vodka drenched sandwich. Octopus suck.

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One of my crazy friends called from Washington yesterday and talked to me for an hour. He swears that:


a) Obama is the most liberal president voted into office of all time.

b) That he will immediately socialize medicine.

c) That the democrats will confiscate our houses on the grounds that they're fixing the mortgage problem. (haha, that would be my luck, since we don't even have a mortgage anymore and the house is paid off.)

d) That Obama will raise taxes on anyone earning more than 60 grand a year.

e) That anyone registered Republican will end up in gulags.


I told him that I'm willing to listen to him vent, but that he really needs to calm his nerves regarding this business or he'll end up going insane and having a heart attack before he's 40, which is this upcoming year. I also told him to stop telling me that we're going to end up in gulags. I get to be genuinely worried about his mental health when he starts the gulag talk. I'm tempted to fly up there and make sure he's not a danger to himself. His wife voted against Obama also, but she hasn't gone nuts on me.


I made the same bet with him regarding the gulags that I did with my liberal friends regarding Bush bringing us into World War 3 before the end of his first terms.


"I tell you what, if we end up in World War 3 [or gulags] before the end of Bush's [Obama's] first term, then I'll eat crow and admit I was wrong. If we don't, then I'll never mention it to you again."


So far I haven't had to eat crow. I mean, what the hell? Gulags? People go crazy during elections.

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Hey, Europeans in this thread, what do you think about people calling Obama a socialist?
I was born in Europe (in a true socialist country, too), so may be I qualify. He's a socialist in the sense that he wants to redistribute wealth, which is a socialist idea, not in the sense that he wants to nationalize means of production, which is true socialism.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Hey, Europeans in this thread, what do you think about people calling Obama a socialist?


I call it Rubbish.


Whether if you're right-wing or left-wing in europe, there are a couple of things that the politicians of any spectrum would never try to abolish: Social security, Free healthcare and free education.


Traits on the each "extreme"-side:


- Right-wingers are usually more traditionalistic, even reactionary at times on social issues, such as immigration (they see it as a destruction of the national identity), marriage, gays, drugs and so on. They may want to lower the taxes and make social security less beneficial, but no one is openly talking about abolishing it.

- Left-wingers usually want to emphasize on 'fairness', strongly pro immigration, keeping a strong middle class through taxes, as they see great differences between classes as a threath to social harmony.


-Abortion is only debated in Ireland.


- Creationism and intelligent design is seen as borderline retarded by either side.


On Obama, he is liked because of his character and apparent judgement. He is calm, level-headed and has an idealistic charm that makes him really likeable. On his policies however, he is far from the socialists of Europe for the following reasons:


- He is pro-death penalty (i have to check that one to be sure)

- Even with his karma of calmness, he is still way to imperialist on his foreign policy for most socialists.

- Doesn't support the welfare-state in the eyes of the european socialists.

- Pro-gun in the eyes of european socialists.


Basically, by European standards, he would be considered to be somewhat beurgeois and definately rightwing, but with a positive message.


Ralph Nader is a centrist by european standards. Dennis Kucinich as well.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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And oh, i would like to add that Ron Paul and other libertanians are of some reason very unknown outside the halls of universities.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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He's a socialist in the sense that he wants to redistribute wealth.

The whole wealth-redistribution argument as it was used in this campaign was really quite silly. Both candidates are on the record supporting programs that redistribute wealth in various ways, and neither of their platforms or backgrounds are significantly different in that regard.

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