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Fear this milk

Finger of Death

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Hey, Finger of Death is back. Long time no see :)


What a disaster for so many people. Even if many of them survive, they may suffer consequences from it. I hope they catch those who sought to profit from it and gives them the maximum punishment according to the law.


I am old enough to remember some slightly related incidents in Europe in the 1980'es when Austrian wine makers added diethylene glycol to wine in order to "sweeten it". 23 people died in Italy because "clever" people added methanol to the wine ;)


Edit: I am not sure, but I think there was also something once about Spanish olive oil?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Chinese Google. I wonder what it comes up with if you type in Dalai Lama. Probably a Belgian maple syrup or something.



Yes by all means make the guilty disappear.


Did you know this isn't even the first time this has happened. Although before the milk powder just had no nutritional value so the babies would starve to death.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Chinese Google. I wonder what it comes up with if you type in Dalai Lama. Probably a Belgian maple syrup or something.



Yes by all means make the guilty disappear.


Well, for the Tiananmen Square Massacre, I actually get proper results. The Communist Party of China must have only made Google block it for identifiable Chinese citizens (i.e. IPs from China).



Edited by Krezack
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Edit: I am not sure, but I think there was also something once about Spanish olive oil?
It wasn't olive oil, even though it was sold as such or as a perfectly valid substitute. It was actually processed rapeseed oil which apparently contained some toxic or another. Nasty business.


Worst of it is there's no way to avoid this kind of thing.


EDIT: Schizokrezack?

Edited by random n00b
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Guest The Architect
Yeah, that's why you move to a country that doesn't put too many pesticides in its foods and children's toys. Anywhere but China? ;) (Yes, I'm being facetious, but it does have a poor record for quality control regarding toxic chemicals put into consumer goods.)





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Yeah, that's why you move to a country that doesn't put too many pesticides in its foods and children's toys. Anywhere but China? ;) (Yes, I'm being facetious, but it does have a poor record for quality control regarding toxic chemicals put into consumer goods.)




What's really remarkable about that link is that Asians in general can't stand milk. Many of them are lactose intolerant.


Personally, I've hated milk my entire life. Somewhere around 8 months old my mom stopped putting formula in my bottle and switched to cows milk and I stopped drinking out of the bottle. It took her years to figure out that I couldn't stand milk. I'd tell her I didn't and she'd reply "oh, of course you do" and make me drink it anyway. Blech!

Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'.

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It's got a really faint taste and smell to it that is just indescribably disgusting, unless you start drinking it, then you cease to notice it and it becomes yummy. A bit like smokes I guess.


I drink at least a liter a day. Good way to get calcium, as long as it's not the very fatty milk.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Shouldn't use baby formula of any sort. Deprives the kid of antibodies.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Milk is the best drink ever, right after milk laced with vodka.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Personally, I've hated milk my entire life. Somewhere around 8 months old my mom stopped putting formula in my bottle and switched to cows milk and I stopped drinking out of the bottle. It took her years to figure out that I couldn't stand milk. I'd tell her I didn't and she'd reply "oh, of course you do" and make me drink it anyway. Blech!



Milk is crap. It is the most disgusting drink ever created. :rolleyes: And I hate you, Architect for posting this crap on my LJ.


You people are nuts. Milk is awesome. Except for that lactose free crap. That stuff almost always has a really awful taste. Stupid rest of my family being lactose intolerant...

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Milk is pretty gross. I can only drink it when it is super fresh but more importantly ice cold. Or if it's in a protein shake or chocolate milk.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Shouldn't use baby formula of any sort. Deprives the kid of antibodies.


As someone who has nursed three babies, I'm going to take some exception to this statement.


Nursing is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life. It was painful, hard to get right and just plain frustrating. You don't know how much your child is getting and if for some reason you're not making enough milk, it's very hard to know it. All you know is that you have a fussy, unhappy baby and you can't fix it. Add that on top of the many, many sleepless nights and the highly derranged mental state post pardom hormones + that lack of sleep put you in and it can be flat out devastating to any woman when she's been fed this "formula is evil!" line.


While breast feeding is always best, supplementing with formula is a godsend. I still remember the day I finally decided to try to give my youngest a bottle of formula after days of pulling my hair out because of his fussiness. Do you realize just how horrible I felt when the 2 month old baby sucked down that bottle and I realized that all that frustration was because he was *hungry*??


Ok... sorry.... just needed to rant. Parenting is hard enough without subjecting sleep deprived, inexperienced moms to more guilt.

Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'.

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Shouldn't use baby formula of any sort. Deprives the kid of antibodies.


As someone who has nursed three babies, I'm going to take some exception to this statement.


Nursing is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life. It was painful, hard to get right and just plain frustrating. You don't know how much your child is getting and if for some reason you're not making enough milk, it's very hard to know it. All you know is that you have a fussy, unhappy baby and you can't fix it. Add that on top of the many, many sleepless nights and the highly derranged mental state post pardom hormones + that lack of sleep put you in and it can be flat out devastating to any woman when she's been fed this "formula is evil!" line.


While breast feeding is always best, supplementing with formula is a godsend. I still remember the day I finally decided to try to give my youngest a bottle of formula after days of pulling my hair out because of his fussiness. Do you realize just how horrible I felt when the 2 month old baby sucked down that bottle and I realized that all that frustration was because he was *hungry*??


Ok... sorry.... just needed to rant. Parenting is hard enough without subjecting sleep deprived, inexperienced moms to more guilt.


Not to rain on your parade, but he's correct. Kids who weren't breast-fed are more likely to suffer things like asthma, etc.


Tangentially, owning a cat (probably pets in general) as a kid seems to decrease the probabilities of allergies later in life. Again, antibody training.


Tangentially again, replacing parental nurturing with daycare also places your kids at risk for various things, although this is more in the mental rather than physiological arena.


Not saying your kids have or will have problems (probability, remember), but nullification of a probabilistic finding through anecdotal evidence is still a logical fallacy, however heartfelt and well-meaning such a defence, or how much better off we might be if the finding weren't true.

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