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What you did today


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We're in crunch this week. I spent what little time I had to myself (the drive home, waiting to fall asleep, and the drive back) yesterday and today thinking... "I don't want this to end."


That is to say I think I'll be looking for another job in video/computer game QA. The question is where? I now have to start giving consideration to the possibility of moving. Though we do have a couple of studios nearby. And one of them is supposedly looking.


Sorry to hear that. I am sure you can secure work somewhere though. Have you considered doing non-gaming software?


Sorry to hear what? I still have a job. For now, at least.


I've considered non-gaming software. But, that's not really the same I would think. I anticipate that being much like any other 9-5 job. Lacking the atmosphere or pizazz of working in a game studio, among people passionate about games.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Yesterday and today I got to watch my cat have 3 grand mal type seizures which were several hours apart. It's horrible to watch. He hasn't had any at all for several months (since I put him on an all wet-food high-meat diet), so I thought I could save some money again by giving 1/4-1/2 cup dry-kibble during the day and only 1 can of the wet food per day at night (instead of 2 cans a day/no kibble). So I did that for about a month.


Then watched as his ribcage area became disproportionately wider again even as he yowled that he was always still hungry (he didn't act hungry w/the 2 cans of wet a day), and now the seizures come back. Guess I was wrong.


I had one leg mostly over the fence about the whole dry/hi-carb vs. wet/high-meat food debate, but now I'm definitely all the way over.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm sorry to hear about your cat lady. :'(


Things couldn't possibly get worse this week. First the whole fiasco with team doubles being changed on Halo 3 and now my freakin xbox 360 got the red ring of death. And I have to leave for school in like 13 minutes. Then just minutes ago some crazy vote Obama chick (she actually said she worked for Obama like it was personal or something) with acne (though she was pretty cute and I'd definitely let her in my humble abode but my mom was home and they don't build basements out here....that sounded really america's most wanted I know) and she was all like who are you voting for and why don't you vote and I told her what she wanted to know so she would leave so I could freakin eat my freakin food. I'm angry. The only way this week could be worse is if somehow House got canceled or if work called for me to work tomorrow.


I also got a B- on my econ exam by the skin of my teeth.


Did I mention I'm angry?

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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I also got a B- on my econ exam by the skin of my teeth.


Damnit! You jerk! You just reminded me that I missed one of my Economics assignments! Argh! I hate the stupid things! I never remember to do them before the deadline! :rolleyes:

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:sigh: I'm never going to get a job in this climate.

I am probably horribly unqualified to give advice on the subject, which makes it sound fairly cheap when I say "chin up!". No matter how bleak it looks, it won't last. I know the feeling of having to dodge the guy with the eviction notice because you haven't paid rent, but eventually when things swing the other (your) way, it will just be a memory, even if a painful one :rolleyes:


But not knowing what living and market conditions is like in your area, I am afraid that truly useful suggestions are in short supply. I hope some of our fellow forumites may have more valuable input than me.



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My God, you're right, Gorth. Calax, until you get a job consider yourself an honourary Englishman, with all the reserves of stiff upper lippedness implied. I insist you begin practising an English accent immediately and fashion yourself a moustache from cardboard.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Guest The Architect
I burned a bridge with a friend!























And for that I thank you.


Who're you done and dusted with, the girl you've been close friends with or her husband? Details. Details.

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So I just finished up two days of jury duty. I was hoping I wouldnt get selected for a case and be immediately released but lo and behold I got chosen for a civil case. The five minutes of interest I had in the case was quickly replaced by blinding rage at having to spend two days in the court house. I didnt even leave the damn place until 7:02 pm last night because we were wrapping up deliberations. :*

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Who're you done and dusted with, the girl you've been close friends with or her husband? Details. Details.


I was never friends with the husband, so no bridge there to burn.



Even through the ups and downs of her helping me in tough times the past month, I realized that I was stuck, and there was a combination of her being too nice to fully push me away, and me being unable to really consciously push her away. Even though she was committed to making things work with her husband, I was still skeptical that it would work, even if it took a while for things to breakdown.


I was a bit of a jerk because I had to get her to say we couldn't be friends, and since in the past that never really worked, I went a bit farther to get her angry and to make her hate me.



Ironically, when she told me she didn't want to be contacted by me again, I actually felt a bit of relief. I still think her husband is a schmuck and in talking with some other people (I shared with my roommate), some wonder if she was trying to have her cake and eat it too, since at times she would complain to me about her husband, and when she was first creating space, she told my that she was going to give it a year. Stuff that she shouldn't have done, even if her intent was not to lead me on. While I still wouldn't be surprised if things didn't work out between her and her husband, I now no longer believe she'd see me as an alternative, so there's no sense in me worrying about it anymore. In that sense I have really been able to move on pretty quickly, and it has helped my mood out quite substantially the past two days.


It did suck to hurt her, but I think it was for the best.

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:sigh: I'm never going to get a job in this climate.

I am probably horribly unqualified to give advice on the subject, which makes it sound fairly cheap when I say "chin up!". No matter how bleak it looks, it won't last. I know the feeling of having to dodge the guy with the eviction notice because you haven't paid rent, but eventually when things swing the other (your) way, it will just be a memory, even if a painful one :)


But not knowing what living and market conditions is like in your area, I am afraid that truly useful suggestions are in short supply. I hope some of our fellow forumites may have more valuable input than me.



well theres a posibility (slim I think) that I can get a job as a "non residential Lighting technician" and get certified by the end of next year. pays about 11 bucks an hour so thats good I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the job.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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^alanschu: sounds to me like you're better off. someone that wants her cake while she eats it too can't be trusted not to do the same with you (oh my, that rhymes).


i'm going to test out a new idea for a detection algorithm today.



comrade taks... just because.

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I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the job.

why not? just approach it like any other learning opportunity and you should be fine. some of the best jobs i ever had were things i was convinced i wasn't capable of dealing with, but did in the end.



comrade taks... just because.

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Im in history class and probably shouldn't even be here.

Hey now, my mother is huge and don't you forget it. The drunk can't even get off the couch to make herself a vodka drenched sandwich. Octopus suck.

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^alanschu: sounds to me like you're better off. someone that wants her cake while she eats it too can't be trusted not to do the same with you (oh my, that rhymes).


i'm going to test out a new idea for a detection algorithm today.




I think it was more that she enjoyed how well she and I got along, even though that led to her inadvertently leading me on.


In any case, I agree that I am better off.

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well theres a posibility (slim I think) that I can get a job as a "non residential Lighting technician" and get certified by the end of next year. pays about 11 bucks an hour so thats good I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the job.



That just gave me an idea, have you considered joining a Union? Regardless of which profession you chose (plumber, electrician, welder, etc...) you would enter the program as a "journeyman" or apprentice and they would provide for you all the training you will need to fulfill the job of your selection. I think it only takes 1-2 years before your a full blown (x) and making good money. I dont even think there are any prerequisites.

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I ate Deadly Nightshade and wrote about it.


You ate the toxic hallucinogenic Atropa belladonna, congratulations - now how about you take your flame-bait somewhere else. :)

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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well theres a posibility (slim I think) that I can get a job as a "non residential Lighting technician" and get certified by the end of next year. pays about 11 bucks an hour so thats good I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the job.



That just gave me an idea, have you considered joining a Union? Regardless of which profession you chose (plumber, electrician, welder, etc...) you would enter the program as a "journeyman" or apprentice and they would provide for you all the training you will need to fulfill the job of your selection. I think it only takes 1-2 years before your a full blown (x) and making good money. I dont even think there are any prerequisites.

that's pretty much what i'm doing, the job is you run around to various comercial facilities and change out all the lights for new ones, it's "boring and monotonous and alot of heavy lifting" according to the guy who might become my boss

I might even have jobs up near Fengs haunting grounds.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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well theres a posibility (slim I think) that I can get a job as a "non residential Lighting technician" and get certified by the end of next year. pays about 11 bucks an hour so thats good I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the job.



That just gave me an idea, have you considered joining a Union? Regardless of which profession you chose (plumber, electrician, welder, etc...) you would enter the program as a "journeyman" or apprentice and they would provide for you all the training you will need to fulfill the job of your selection. I think it only takes 1-2 years before your a full blown (x) and making good money. I dont even think there are any prerequisites.



I know of this kid, complete retard/lack of skills/character flaws, went to trade school for like 1 year and is an apprentice electrician and making 18 dollars an hour, guaranteed 24 after a year, then about 5-10 dollar an hour raises each year or so until about he hits 45-55 an hour which is when he should be a master. Unions are absolutely ridiculous. Though I do believe the trade business is pretty competitive and you might find it hard to actually get into the training.


[insert long rant about how trade workers are horrible people]

9/10 they really are horrible and don't know what they are doing and most likely fell into the job becuase they were unemployable due to alcoholism, drug abuse, or just being academically retarded. Not saying you are any of those Calax, just what I've heard from Adam Carolla who was in the business many years and my grandpa whose done the stuff for like 60 years. Plus in my experience and statistics, trade workers generally do horrible jobs (highest complaint job in the U.S.) becuase they use mexicans who have no idea what they are doing and the actual people who are supposed to have the know how are lazy and don't know what they are doing. It's horrible. But good paying job path none the less, I wish I would have done it, that or dental hygienist.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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well I tried to join the electricians union... they didn't ever call me back despite getting an 80 on the interview/test that they gave me. :shrugzies:


where I'm at now is working for a guy doing commercial lighting to get certified after 2000 hours and a test, you get certified and you get bumped to about 14$ an hour (I think) and you get benefits from the company (dental sucks but medical is Kaiser so it's ok) The biggest worry I have is that I won't be able to stay up for the shifts (it'd be a night job starting at around six PM and running till 4:30 am with a half hour lunch break) and the job sites are all over the place,


you only work 4 days a week though but sometimes those four days will be living out of a hotel room up in Yreka (20 miles from the Oregon state line... I'm in sac). So ultimately there's a part of me that will be relieved if i don't' get this job.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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i went out to some goth show thingy last night


was dancing with some girl i met at a party a couple of weeks ago


the only downside was that i got home about 4am, then had to get up at 7am to get ready for work

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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well I tried to join the electricians union... they didn't ever call me back despite getting an 80 on the interview/test that they gave me. :shrugzies:


Call them back, the worst you can hear is "no thanks". Maybe forgot to call you back or you just got lost in the shuffle.


where I'm at now is working for a guy doing commercial lighting to get certified after 2000 hours and a test,


Ah, so just under 1 year (1 "working year" = 2080 hours)(52 weeks * 40 hours/week)

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