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Gamespot E3 First Look Preview

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I found that the combat in NWN2 improved as the number of party members increased. The busier the better.

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"It is more "responsive" and less clunky than Aurora and other games using engines derived from it"


Nah. Aurora engine is vastly superior to the IE. No contest whatsoever.



"I'm not talking about if you sit around and play pazzaak for hours, or do those silly JE sidequests where you play Space Invaders, or watch scenery. JE and ME are definitely closer to 20 hours than your estimates."


LMAO I didn't estimate. Those are my times according to the game saves, and they're not counting death and reload. I didn't play pazaak or do silly JE sidequests either for hours. Pleased, don't tlel me how I play MY games.


I stand by the facts of game time not your mythical estimates which have no effect on me whatsoever.

Edited by Volourn


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"It is more "responsive" and less clunky than Aurora and other games using engines derived from it"


Nah. Aurora engine is vastly superior to the IE. No contest whatsoever.


I have Sawyer's words backing my observations


And I didn't mention engine's overall betterness, only the fact it is superior in combat





...but in my opinion it IS indeed much better. Aurora could've never created visuals of Sigil

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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LMAO I didn't estimate. Those are my times according to the game saves, and they're not counting death and reload. I didn't play pazaak or do silly JE sidequests either for hours. Pleased, don't tlel me how I play MY games.


I stand by the facts of game time not your mythical estimates which have no effect on me whatsoever.


Yet you responded to my post about the times it took me to play my games, saying my times were wrong. I could comment the same thing. Please don't tell me how long it took you to finish those games, since it has no effect on me whatsoever. :)

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LMAO I didn't estimate. Those are my times according to the game saves, and they're not counting death and reload. I didn't play pazaak or do silly JE sidequests either for hours. Pleased, don't tlel me how I play MY games.


I stand by the facts of game time not your mythical estimates which have no effect on me whatsoever.


No one cares if you played a game for 100 hours, that doesn't make it any more valid than anyone else's game time. Your personal play times don't negate the fact that Jade Empire and Mass Effect are easily doable in under 20 hours.

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So is BG2. Your point? :)



"Yet you responded to my post about the times it took me to play my games, saying my times were wrong. I could comment the same thing. Please don't tell me how long it took you to finish those games, since it has no effect on me whatsoever."





"I have Sawyer's words backing my observations"


Mr. Sawyer, esteemed developer that he is, is not always correct. Nor does one have to always share his opinions.



"only the fact it is superior in combat"





"...but in my opinion it IS indeed much better. Aurora could've never created visuals of Sigil"


It does a much better job, actually. Aurora is superior in every imaginable way to the IE.



Though this off topic means nothing as AP will not be using either engine, anyways.

Edited by Volourn


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"Mr. Sawyer, esteemed developer that he is, is not always correct. Nor does one have to always share his opinions."


Considering the fact he has worked on both engines much and knows their internal workings better than either of us gives him a lot credibility. That added with my own observations forces me to have no reason to disagree on his "musings".


"It does a much better job, actually. Aurora is superior in every imaginable way to the IE."


No. Aurora is blocky, tileset based system. It also has low polygon count and numerous other restrictions.


It was and isn't capable of achieving the same hand made, unique artistry that Black Isle created for the game.


Only now with NWN2's Electron engine it is somewhat achievable as Puragorio shows, but even then it loses badly on small details and sense of scale.

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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I'm not getting into bashing/criticizing a dev in this thread just to 'win' versus you. Sorry.




What I can see immeaditly is that when I click enemy in IE game action begins immeaditly


In Aurora there is small but noticeable drag


Other clunkyness factor is the camera NWN1's was bad, NWN2's strategy cam is good but not as good as IE's isometric

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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anyway, I don't like ****. **** are fine


Luckily AP should deliver on that front, though exact skillchecks and skillz are still somewhat unknown to me



Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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anyway, I don't like ****. **** are fine


Luckily AP should deliver on that front, though exact skillchecks and skillz are still somewhat unknown to me




The best part is I have no idea what you said, and my blind guesses are pretty entertaining.

My blood! He punched out all my blood! - Meet the Sandvich

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What's even better, they're propably right *cough*

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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"I have Sawyer's words backing my observations"


Mr. Sawyer, esteemed developer that he is, is not always correct. Nor does one have to always share his opinions.

In this case I am correct, because I actually understand how the underlying code that governs combat and states works in the IE and Aurora. Responsiveness, in this context defined as how quickly the game updates states after player input is given, is consistently faster and more reliable in IE than Aurora.

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"I have Sawyer's words backing my observations"


Mr. Sawyer, esteemed developer that he is, is not always correct. Nor does one have to always share his opinions.

In this case I am correct, because I actually understand how the underlying code that governs combat and states works in the IE and Aurora. Responsiveness, in this context defined as how quickly the game updates states after player input is given, is consistently faster and more reliable in IE than Aurora.



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"I have Sawyer's words backing my observations"


Mr. Sawyer, esteemed developer that he is, is not always correct. Nor does one have to always share his opinions.

In this case I am correct, because I actually understand how the underlying code that governs combat and states works in the IE and Aurora. Responsiveness, in this context defined as how quickly the game updates states after player input is given, is consistently faster and more reliable in IE than Aurora.


Josh - Is this something that can be fixed, or is Aurora just fundamentally flawed? I know you outgrew IE eventually, and have experience with the custom engines that were being made for VanBuren and maybe Torn, but based on how Aurora turned out, do you think it is actually better in terms of gameplay (ignoring visual) than ie? Given how much time and energy you had to put into modifying Aurora for KOTOR2 and NWN2, do you think on the whole the engine has been an impediment, rather than a blessing, to game design?

Edited by spacekungfuman
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There are a few qualifications here:


1) There are problems that can be practically fixed and there are problems that can't be practically fixed. Sometimes, a problem that isn't practical to fix can become practical depending on the scope of a project. Aurora's client/server architecture and animation systems could certainly be re-written, but I don't think that would fall in the scope of an expansion (for example). The Witcher shows just how much Aurora can be modified given enough time.


2) It's important to remember focus when looking at an engine. While I honestly don't think Aurora's animation/state updating is good for anything (sorry to be blunt, but I can't think of a good reason for it to be engineered as it was), certain other aspects lend themselves better to NWN's intended purpose than the IE's intended purpose. For example, IE game spells were all created in .spl files through an editor called Spell-O-Matic (yes, really). In NWN, most of a spell's functionality came from a script. Creating and debugging spell scripts can honestly be a pain in the *** when compared to the .spl data-driven format, but it allows a lot more flexibility. Also, a 3D engine of any sort makes developing new character/creature content (models, animations, etc.) much, much easier for hobbyists.

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There are a few qualifications here:


1) There are problems that can be practically fixed and there are problems that can't be practically fixed. Sometimes, a problem that isn't practical to fix can become practical depending on the scope of a project. Aurora's client/server architecture and animation systems could certainly be re-written, but I don't think that would fall in the scope of an expansion (for example). The Witcher shows just how much Aurora can be modified given enough time.


I know a lot of work must have gone into the tactical camera for MotB. Would fixing this be a bigger job than that? I just ask because I'm hoping SoZ provides an icewind dale feel, but the engine might not be up to that right now.


2) It's important to remember focus when looking at an engine. While I honestly don't think Aurora's animation/state updating is good for anything (sorry to be blunt, but I can't think of a good reason for it to be engineered as it was), certain other aspects lend themselves better to NWN's intended purpose than the IE's intended purpose. For example, IE game spells were all created in .spl files through an editor called Spell-O-Matic (yes, really). In NWN, most of a spell's functionality came from a script. Creating and debugging spell scripts can honestly be a pain in the *** when compared to the .spl data-driven format, but it allows a lot more flexibility. Also, a 3D engine of any sort makes developing new character/creature content (models, animations, etc.) much, much easier for hobbyists.


This might be going to far, but do you think its viable to make a game engine that could be equally developer friendly and hobbyist friendly, or will there always be compromises to let the community get involved too? There sure is a lot of content for NWN 1 and 2, but none of that content has combat as good as in the ie games, which is a shame.

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JE: 30

I did all the side-quests I could find and I even played that horribly stupid shoot'em up sequence and finished it in 13-15 hours (can't remember exactly anymore). I have no idea how you played it.

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JE: 30

I did all the side-quests I could find and I even played that horribly stupid shoot'em up sequence and finished it in 13-15 hours (can't remember exactly anymore). I have no idea how you played it.




Everyone goes at their own speed.I just finished my fourth play through of JE on Friday, which logged at 20 hours 43 minutes.

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"I did all the side-quests I could find and I even played that horribly stupid shoot'em up sequence and finished it in 13-15 hours (can't remember exactly anymore). I have no idea how you played it. "


Hey, everyone, mkreku wants a medal for beating a game as fast as possible!


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I keep beating Mass Effect at 25 hours max, while doing EVERYTHING.



"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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