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Diablo 3 Officially Announced


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i agree with purkake. and with people who said diablo is darker than diablo 2. this is facts.


also i do not agree with people who say diablo is all about multiplayer. I've put probably 100-300 hours into diablo 1, and at least that much into diablo 2, and i hate multiplayer in those games. the only times i move my character into an online realm is to trade, which i wouldnt even be forced to do if they let you share a stash between your own characters.


nonetheless diablo to me has always been a very atmospheric action game with rpg stats and more loot than all the loot ever before the creation of diablo. its like what D&D is to a powergamer/munchkin, a chance to kill monsters and collect loot.


to me, the single greatest thing about diablo other than the insanely fun/addictive gameplay, is the music and design of diablo 1, unfortunately it looks like that game will forever remain unique in that regard as diablo 2 was a multicolored explosion of pixels, and diablo 3 is forsaking gothic gloom for varied landscapes in hopes of pulling in a larger audience.


i mean come on: the entire first game took place inside a church corrupted by evil, each level was one level deeper into the bowels of the church cellars and catacombs until you found a literal crack in the floor which leads you to hell. games don't get any more dark than that.

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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lol. awesome.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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yeah ok, i might agree on doom, unless you consider the novelizations canon.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Doom was dark? Doom 1?

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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dude, you were fighting hell demon nazi's on mars.


darkezzt game ev0r!

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Weird. I never saw Doom 1 as dark, any more than I saw one of those country fair shooting galleries as dark.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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this is true. multiplayer had a tendency of turning into an endless hunt for each other's ears. I still remember the view of Tristram with hundreds of ears on the ground forming characters' names...

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Diablo is all about exploring masive dungeon complexes, playing dress-up dolly with matching armour sets, developing ever-more awesome powers and turning legions of monsters into ketchup. It is also about staying up until 4am against your will because for some reason this silly, grinding, repetitive game is like freaking crack.


I love Diablo.

And yet you hate WoW. Which has almost the exact same description...


Go bloody figure.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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bah. there's a world of difference between WoW and Diablo. if WoW had been anything like Diablo I would've been playing it all this time.


but it's nothing like the awesomeness that Diablo is. the mobs are too thin and far inbetween.


WoW is about standing around squares shouting for random pick-up groups to take you to a dungeon where you need this one item (with a 0.3% chance of dropping). WoW is a pathetic grindfest.

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I'll say one thing about Diablo II multiplayer. Everyone was driven by one thing and one thing only - pure efficiency. Most variants of greed, selfishness, laziness, lamers and griefers were automatically pre-filtered by the overwhelming imperative that once you enter battle.net you should be with 7 other people charging down some monsters within 10 seconds, and picking up your first worthwhile loot/level of the day within 60.


Haven't played WoW but my limited experience with a smattering of MMOs suggest that this is not the case there.

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bah. there's a world of difference between WoW and Diablo. if WoW had been anything like Diablo I would've been playing it all this time.


but it's nothing like the awesomeness that Diablo is. the mobs are too thin and far inbetween.


WoW is about standing around squares shouting for random pick-up groups to take you to a dungeon where you need this one item (with a 0.3% chance of dropping). WoW is a pathetic grindfest.

There's a neat little tool you have yet to meet oh mindless one. It's a feature added in wrath called "random group finder" where you can tap 2 buttons and the game will make a party of five people (with a tank and healer) that will run a dungeon. In the current cataclysm system, it's a bit touch and go but before you reach heroic levels you're basically gonna be able to charge in, slaughter your way through the 3-6 bosses and 40ish mobs and get your phat lewts.


Besides, every time I've played a character in Diablo it's always been "Stand in the same seven pixels clicking like a woodpecker trying to hit the mob that's charging across the screen"


Are they different games? Yes, but the description that Monte posted is EXACTLY what WoW is as well. My Deathknight has a total of 137281 kills. 46000 of those were undead. I've dealt 54 billion damage. And died 1767 times, mostly in dungeons where I got my face melted by a raid boss (usually Sindragosa... a large undead dragon in Icecrown Citadel right before the Lich King).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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charge in, slaughter your way through the 3-6 bosses and 40ish mobs and get your phat lewts.

wha? :shifty: what kind of a dungeon only holds 40 mobs? bleh. and you say it's like Diablo. in D2 dungeons have more levels, 10 times more mobs and loot. and the combat system is better (and the interface)

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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^ WoW is cartoony, lame and predicated on playing with other humans.


It's a bit apples and oranges, Calax, but does illustrate how difficult it is to get such a game just right.


Just curious if you have ever actually played WoW. It's probably the only MMO that really doesn't actually require you to actually interact with any other human in the game world.



WoW is about standing around squares shouting for random pick-up groups to take you to a dungeon where you need this one item (with a 0.3% chance of dropping). WoW is a pathetic grindfest.



Edited by Thorton_AP
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It's probably the only MMO that really doesn't actually require you to actually interact with any other human in the game world.

by the way, this is exactly how I played WoW... I'd gotten to lv.50 before it got really boring. seriously, the zones are too small, the mobs too few, the quests too repetitive. playing it as a single-player game (I wanted to fill the void between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3) is a miserable attempt at a computer game. definitely not WoW's strengths.

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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It's probably the only MMO that really doesn't actually require you to actually interact with any other human in the game world.

by the way, this is exactly how I played WoW... I'd gotten to lv.50 before it got really boring. seriously, the zones are too small, the mobs too few, the quests too repetitive. playing it as a single-player game (I wanted to fill the void between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3) is a miserable attempt at a computer game. definitely not WoW's strengths.

And we're pointing out to you that as time goes on, things change. Tis the nature of the mmo no? They've completely revamped the old world (1-58) to be more cohesive and varied, they've added the random dungeon finder (which you happily ignore), and they're constantly adding new things, raids, dungeons, lore, you name it.


And to respond to your "Diablos dungeons have more levels! HAW HE HAW HE HAW!" Just gonna point out, that Diablo1 had ONE dungeon with three separate entrances and sections. Diablo 2 had more, but it hardly beats the 20-40 dungeons in World of Warcraft (including raids).


They're different games with different design philosophy, WoW can't get away with having 400 mobs on screen that you wipe out with a single blow, the computers couldn't handle it. Instead they just give the same level of killing power to a solitary mob, amp it up by about 20 times, and throw it at a raid to take on as trash.


As to the combat system and interface, that's personal preference. Although WoW's interface could probably be recustomized to have the same one as Diablo if you're really itching for that. I personally don't see how the combat system that's superficially "slam my mouse button a hundred times on a pile of mobs" is better than something that requires more execution.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Diablo 2 had more

you're right. 5 chapters, each chapter holding 4-5 zones, each zone with 1-2 dungeons. that's at least 40.

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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