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The Witcher


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I don't think that happens with videogame violence to the same extent, but if a teenager plays the Witcher, and goes around hunting sex and those cards (and you know they will), and is aroused from them - well, isn't that pretty different from just someone enjoying Halo? I mean, it is possible someone really wants to kill people and gets the same kind of satisfaction and enjoyment from playing Counter Strike, and associates that with real killings, but most people don't. But a lot more people who hunt for the 'porn cards' in the Witcher would associate that with real sexual activity and be aroused.

What is the difference between a simulation of sex on the screen and a simulation of killing on the screen?


I doubt that the teenagers are associating the game cards and sex parts with real sex, more likely they are associating them with the sexy parts of the game, like most people do. The fact that the witcher is a game helps a lot to create distance between the acts that you do in game and the acts that you could do in real life. I also don't see where the difference is between an arousal from the cards and the small adrenaline kick or whatever we get from FPS games.


Your mistake is the assumption that there is a necessary difference between killing on the screen and sex on the screen, and unless you can point out why you should be allowed to make that assumption, then your entire argument falls.


Another point is that it isn't even sex on the screen, since that could include movies with actual actors. It is sex on the screen of a computer running a computer game with graphics that are not lifelike. I really should detail it more, but I'm afraid of ruining games for me.


I don't know why so many people focus on the racy parts of the game. The parts that originally got me hyped and which still are the parts that I mainly want to buy the game for, are the advertised elements of having to make hard choices and not necessarily knowing the consequences. That mechanic could be very interesting, but also very annoying, so I want to try it out myself.


The problem with your argument is that nudie cards and a few lines of dialogue from minor characters do not take away from the central vision of The Witcher. The game is very much intact.

But wasn't the central vision to make a game that draws heavily from some book or something? If that book contains sex and harsh language even from the minor characters, then that does take away from the central vision. The question that I think is relevant is whether it takes enough away that it would make a difference i.e. does the player feel the missing parts.


You guys know what The Witcher has that Mask of the Betrayer hasn't? I mean beyond nudity and foul language. Something very important that all games should have.

Official wallpaper.

I want you Obsidian guys to think that over. Real hard.

Anything can be a wallpaper and there are many official screenshots out there. On the other hand, I would support this notion if you're talking about pretty hand drawn concept art. I demand pretty walpaperized concept art.

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That said, Rhomal... the graphics on the cards for the Witcher are pretty much porn. In fact, they could go straight into a porn site and live there happily. Maybe not the most 'hard core', but they are explicit, and they will be arousing for certain people, i.e. certain male teenagers.




How in that in any way is harming a teen? You don't think they see worse on tv, web site or DVD when their parents are not looking? and even then I don't know any teen or young adult who needed traumatic therapy from a shrink from seeing some p0rn.


And speaking of parents, its NOT the gov't job to babysit and teach sex ed to teens and kids, its like, you know, the PARENTS job. If they are not up to the task and wish the net and tv to educate their children then whos fault is that exactly? Perhaps 'dad' should have been wearing a rain coat if he and his wife wasn't up to the task of teaching their kids properly to make informed decisions and not have them relay on some animated nudity of a PC game to learn from.




Either way, poor parenting aside, I don't see the harm on some teens seeing a naked body or digital 'sexual' acts. Only issue I see is outdated and unrealistic fundie xian and puritan 'values' and beleifs thats many centuries behind the times.

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Jericho sassed me so I broke into his house and stabbed him to death in his sleep. Problem solved. - J.E. Sawyer


"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente


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Right on, Rhomal! :blink:

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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I don't see why teens are brought into the discussion. Alcohol and cigarretes are far more destructive to teens and we sell those at Wal-Mart. The only reason the game was censored for the US is the fact that the major retailers Wal-Mart and Target won't sell an Ao rated game.


It's an interesting circle. Wal-Mart and Target won't sell it because they feel the culture is against it. The culture is against it because they define themselves by what they see. Since they don't see it at Wal-Mart and Target, they think it must be wrong.


I personally reject the notion that beer is more family friendly than boobies.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I am just curious as to which version will be/is available down here... This game really needs some checking out. If it is the "censored" version, I'll have to look for overseas imports :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The Witcher should've been rated Teen. Having the protagonist behave like a teenager is not "Mature".


Will Save penalty vs. Kitty: -20

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How many nuns would a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?

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Doesn't matter how mature a man is, if he's both sterile and immune to disease, nothing will stop him having consensual relations with as many women as he can.


Hell, he doesn't even make up lies about calling them the next day.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Keep in mind my 'crazy' post wasn't really a coherent argument leading to a conclusion, cause I don't really have one. Just thoughts.


hrm. Okay, I tried writing a reply to Rhomal that would articulate my position better (which is definitely not some sort of sex/nudity=inherently bad crap, which admittedly is what it sounded like), but I'm failing, so I"ll let it lie. Suffice to say I've represented myself badly so I can see where you're coming from, but it wasn't where I was going.


Tale appears to have been prescient.


Anyway, anybody else found this? Actual comparison of original and translated Witcher dialogues, coming from my Polish friend who may or may not have transltaed himself. X is original, Y is English.



Geralt: Why do the local humans persecute the nonhumans?

Smith: Why do pricks go in ****? It's the natural order of things. Humans have always disliked dwarves and elves. Not for me to know why.


Geralt: Why do locals persecute nonhumans?

Smith: Humans have always hated dwarves and elves.



Elf Bandit: What do you seek here, witcher?

Geralt: Murderers.

Elf Bandit: Then visit the city. It's inhabited by a criminal race. We fight to survive. Humans only comprehend force and thus will we talk to them.

Geralt: I doubt you'll live long.

Elf Bandit: You threaten us, dh'oine, but know six ape-people, including women and children, remain inside the crypt... with the ghouls...


Elf Bandit: What do you want?

Geralt: Murderers.

Elf Bandit: Visit the city. It's inhabited by a criminal race. We fight to survive.

Geralt: I doubt you'll live long.

Elf Bandit: You threaten us, but six ape-people remain inside the crypt... with the ghouls...



Shani: What were you doing in that witch's house?!

Geralt: I... she... saved my life. If not for Triss, I'd be dead, most likely.

Shani: Hmmmm, so I owe her. But know this, witcher, I'll show you my other, less tender side if you're lying.

Geralt: Why would I lie? Anyway, what brings you here?

Shani: Hear this - that witch is trying to steal one of my patients. A boy named Alvin. Besides the fact that I'm responsible for him, what does that hag know about raising children? Everyone knows she can never have one of her own. Plus, she's always saying something about sources and such. I don't want her handling that child with her dirty paws. Devil only knows what she wants to do with him. You've met her. Explain to her that Alvin's staying with me.

Geralt: I, hmmm, okay, I'll try, but it'd be much simpler if you two would just agree.

Shani: Simple or not, you know her better. I need to go home, Geralt. Please bring Alvin to me. Let me rest assured knowing he's all right...


Shani: Why were you in that witch's house?!

Geralt: If not for Triss, I'd be dead, most likely.

Shani: I'll show you my other, less tender side if you're lying.

Geralt: Aah... What brings you here?

Shani: That witch is trying to steal one of my patients - Alvin. What does that hag know about raising children? Everyone knows she can't have her own. I don't want her handling that child with her dirty paws. Devil only knows what she wants with him. Explain to her that Alvin's staying with me.

Geralt: It'd be much simpler if you two would just agree.

Shani: Simple or not, you know her better. Please bring Alvin to me.



Yaevinn: Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal was an elven sorceress, called Aen Saevherne, a Knowing One. She carried Hen Ichaer, Elder Blood, which puzzles even us elves. As fate would have it, Lara fell in love with a human sorcerer, Cregenan of Lod. Other humans could not bear it and began persecuting them. No pleas would soften the stone hearts of the cruel and merciless dh'oine. When Lara, begging for her unborn child, grabbed the door of the royal carriage, a man-at-arms lashed out with his cutlass, chopping her fingers off. When the nighttime frosts came, Lara languished on a forest hill. She gave birth to a daughter whom she protected with what warmth remained in her waning body. Though through the night a blizzard had raged, spring suddenly appeared on that hill and feainnewedd bloomed. To this day those flowers grow only in Dol Blathanna and on the land where Lara breathed her last. You must understand the importance of her artifacts. She was exceptional to us, someone whose loss defies words, no matter the language...


Yaevinn: Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal was an elven sorceress, a Knowing One. She carried Elder Blood, which is puzzling. Lara fell in love with a human sorcerer, Cregenan of Lod. Other humans could not bear it and began persecuting them. When Lara, begging for her unborn child, grabbed at the royal carriage, a man-at-arms chopped her fingers off. She gave birth on a frost-covered hill and protected her daughter with what warmth remained in her waning body. Though a blizzard raged through the night, spring suddenly appeared on that hill and feainnewedd bloomed. Now, those flowers grow only where Lara breathed her last. She was exceptional, someone whose loss defies words, no matter the language...



Yaevinn: I once lived in a big city among humans. Honest and courteous, I respected all their ridiculous customs and laws. Assimilation -- I lived that word for years, and during that time I was cheated, sneered at, on occasion beaten and robbed. I felt no hatred for humans. I felt better than them. I told myself they were simply incapable of controlling their weaknesses, their flaws. I was robbed three times as often as others. Racist slogans were painted on my door in excrement. For years I wondered why. Was I doing something wrong? What could I do to make my life peaceful and happy? And you know what I came to understand?

Geralt: No, but I'm sure you'll tell me.

Yaevinn: I was doing nothing wrong. I had been lying to myself from the outset. Just as the moon will never catch the sun, so humans will never change. They will remain egotistical, envious, petty, and fearful of anything they don't understand - and believe me, there's plenty... Matters proceeded quickly thereafter, but that's another story.

Geralt: Now you resemble humans...

Yaevinn: No, Geralt, definitely not... And you, witcher? Who are you? You too have experienced human ignorance and hatred.

Geralt: But I feel no contempt for them, I don't look down on them, and I don't generalize. Humans are how they are, and I'll make no effort to change or fight them. I'll adapt. Evolution, Yaevinn.

Yaevinn: Evolution makes no allowance for sterile mutants... No offense. Think about it, Geralt.

Geralt: You're trying to make the sun stand still. To me, elves hardly differ from humans. I don't understand you, and I don't like your arrogance. You dream of a lost time that will never return no matter how many dh'oine you slay.


Yaevinn: I once lived in a city among humans. I respected all their ridiculous customs and laws and during that time I was cheated, beaten and robbed. I told myself they were incapable of controlling their weaknesses. I was robbed three times as often as others. Racist slogans were painted on my door in excrement. I wondered if I was doing something wrong. What could I do to change? You know what I came to understand?

Geralt: No, but tell me.

Yaevinn: I did nothing wrong. Just as the moon will never catch the sun, so humans will never change. They will remain egotistical, envious, petty, and fearful of anything they don't understand - and believe me, there's plenty...

Geralt: You're similar to humans...

Yaevinn: Definitely not! And you? Who's also experienced human ignorance and hatred?

Geralt: I don't look down on them. Humans are how they are and I'll not try to change or fight them. I'll adapt. Evolution, Yaevinn.

Yaevinn: Evolution makes no allowance for sterile mutants...

Geralt: Elves hardly differ from humans. I don't understand you and your arrogance. The lost times will never return no matter how many dh'oine you slay


I'm pretty disappointed actually, I may hold out on the game until someone releases a patch to replace the text.

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Seems like b00bies have suddenly become into fashion, thanks to TW and Mass Effect. I wonder what Bio will do to Dragon Age? Will I be able to make love with a dwarf?


Because if not I won't buy the game!!!11

Actually, b00bies have ALWAYS been in fashion.


The only vogue that changes is whether squeezability is trendy, or jiggly factor.

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