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Posted (edited)
  Darque said:
Final Fantasy 8 was awesome.


Game over.


I recently played it again. I remember having good memories of it, it was my first PSX Final Fantasy.


The game is pretty damn bad... The drawing and junction system really encourages nothing but mashing X and using Summons in every battle for the entire game. I mean, why bother choosing different magic to attack with if mashing X does more damage? Not to mention that using magic makes your characters weaker. The scaling system was stupid. Since 90% of the time, Squall will get the final strike (since he is so much more powerful then the other characters and is always in the group) all the other characters will be much weaker in comparison to not only him, but to the monsters. That leads to Squall growing more powerful, while the other continue to weaken.


The characters are pretty typica. The story is fairly weak and if that wasn't enough it falls apart towards the end.


I was much more happy thinking that it was a good game...



Anyways, I'll pick up FFXII sometime after it comes out. Lots of other stuff I'd rather play first.

Edited by Haitoku

Yeah, FF8 was pretty bad. I mean, why bother with anything else then guradian force spamming. And once you get Aura and Lionheart going, why bother with anything else than continuous renzokuken?


The characters, besides the angstboy Squall, were okaish and the story pretty mediocre. I didn't see much point to follow it through after 3rd CD, so don't take my word for it.


I sort of liked the junction system though, even as it was fairly flawed.

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

  Musopticon? said:
And once you get Aura and Lionheart going, why bother with anything else than continuous renzokuken?


You don't even need Aura... Just keep Squall at 1/2 HP all the time and keep pressing O until his limit break comes up (that works for everyone).


Oh, right. Even less reason to replay it.

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


FF8 is definitely my favorite from the series. It's by far the most playable as you don't have random encounters shoved down your throat ever 2 steps. In fact you can avoid them all together (Diablos' no encounter). Also, the boss fights were actually beatable for a change, and you didn't have to go through the drudgery of artificially leveling up just to scrape through.


The IGN review was quite good. I'm getting this game, whenever it's released in Sweden. It can't be as bad as Final Fantasy X, right? :blink:

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!


No-Enc was also in FFVII, although it didnt come quite so early (requiring lots of materia XP). I can also remember it in some of the other SNES/PS ones.


And jags, which boss fights were ever 'unbeatable'? I can think of the spider-like thing in the Nibelheim reactor and the feckin' Door in the Temple of the Ancients (GOD, I hate that thing.), but apart from that FFVII was fine. FFIX was easy. So was VI, really. It was more the regular encounters that wore you down and killed you.

  mkreku said:
The IGN review was quite good. I'm getting this game, whenever it's released in Sweden. It can't be as bad as Final Fantasy X, right? :wub:


You're highly mistaked, very few games are as good as Final Fantasy X.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

  Tigranes said:
It was the only game to make me feel I was watching a Japanese soap drama.


Why the hell anyone would want to do that is beyond me... but who am I to judge.


This thread also confirms that reviewers are clueless morons, FF's have always sucked, yet they get high review scores despite their general suckiness... Amazing really.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me


I think Final Fantasy X was good for people who like to watch anime and not so good for people (like me) who just want to play a good game.


From what I can tell, Final Fantasy XII is more like the Final Fantasy's of old, with a big overhead map and the freedom to go and do other stuff than just follow the main plot. And since load times are said to be very fast, I wouldn't even mind if the maps are small.. which they aren't (it seems).


The graphics looks amazing. Who needs a Playstation 3/Xbox 360?!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

  mkreku said:
I think Final Fantasy X was good for people who like to watch anime and not so good for people (like me) who just want to play a good game.


From what I can tell, Final Fantasy XII is more like the Final Fantasy's of old, with a big overhead map and the freedom to go and do other stuff than just follow the main plot. And since load times are said to be very fast, I wouldn't even mind if the maps are small.. which they aren't (it seems).


The graphics looks amazing. Who needs a Playstation 3/Xbox 360?!


Seriously.... The graphics are sub-par, good for the PS2, but really not upto standard.


I would actually say the textures are good, but the rest is crap.


lots of flat polygons + pretty textures != good graphics.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me


I'm basing my good graphics argument on videos like these:






To me it looks smooth, pretty, well-animated and stylish. Also, from what I can tell, the maps look pretty "free" and not as corridor-like as they were in Final Fantasy X. I don't understand what you mean by "flat polygons" as I'm not seeing it.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!


Polygons are usually flat. In fact that's one of their main characteristics.



"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

Posted (edited)
  mkreku said:
I'm basing my good graphics argument on videos like these:






To me it looks smooth, pretty, well-animated and stylish. Also, from what I can tell, the maps look pretty "free" and not as corridor-like as they were in Final Fantasy X. I don't understand what you mean by "flat polygons" as I'm not seeing it.


What i mean by flat polygons is the fact that I am not convinced that the character is not made up of flat polygons, I can actually see them - the flat polygons. Despite the artists decent textures and attempt to cover up the flatness of the models.


The animation is good though, and fluid. It's not great or amazing.


The enviroments look terrible, better than previous FF's sure, but terrible.


The PS2 really is CRAP in terms of hardware, and it shows despite the efforts of the artists (they've pulled a blinder).


I suppose for the PS2 it's good, but in general, it's crap.

Edited by @\NightandtheShape/@



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

Posted (edited)
  Pidesco said:
Polygons are usually flat. In fact that's one of their main characteristics.




true, but the idea of the artwork is to convince me otherwise.

It feels and looks obviously flat.

Edited by @\NightandtheShape/@



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me


I bought every FFs since 7, including Tactics and X-2 and I will most certainly get 12. I was impressed with the demo(included with DQ8) and I've been looking forward to it since then.


I was very disapointed with 10 but played it twice anyway(second time was much better but still way to linear).


9 was for the kids, too short and too easy.


8 was great the second time but I was bored the first playthrough. Stocking magics is the way to go. My strategy was 100 zombies juctioned to Squall who would hit first, followed by a pheonix down from anyone else. :)


7 got me back into gaming and hooked me three times for 200+ hours each.


X-2 sucked in a major way and Tactics is a true masterpiece.



I play 12 in my dreams. :">


astr0creep, you should grab yourself a Gameboy Advance SP so you can play some of the earlier titles before VII. FFIV & FFVI are 2 of the best in the series and shouldn't be missed.


What, can't the rest of us do that too? :thumbsup:"


Hmm ... GBA, eh? Always reminds me of ABH ...




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