Darque Posted August 30, 2006 Posted August 30, 2006 This thread is a resource; used to provide links to useful tool and software for the use with Pen and Paper gaming. Any application, resource, website, link, or advice contained in this thread is presented to the members "as is." If one of the links fails to work or misdirects to a different site, please report it within this thread and it will be reviewed and possibly removed from the list. Likewise, if you have heard of or, even better, have experience with a particular resource, please feel free to post a link and a brief description within this thread. All resources must be free, although we will post free demos for commercial programs, and we will refuse any link that links to a commercial transaction page. We will also delete any links once it become clear that a resource is no longer free. Obsidian neither endorses nor advocates any of these products. This thread is informational in nature and you use any of these resources at your own risk. Otherwise, we hope that you find some useful tidbits to help you with your gaming. If you have any questions, please post them here. Note: This thread is meant to be used as a resource, not a discussion forum. While you are free to post links that fall under this threads sanction, such posts will be pruned after the link is checked and added or regected by the mod team. Likewise feel free to discuss these links if you have problems with the link or software they link to, or wish to have any information on the list updated. But again such posts will be pruned eventually to keep the thread clean. Furthermore any off topic discussions will be deleted without notice or warning. Links will be provided within the second post downward
Darque Posted August 30, 2006 Author Posted August 30, 2006 Gaming Tools said: News sites for PnP Gaming:EN World - D20 News and ReviewsRPG net - Reviews and NewsGeneral Gaming Sites:Community 3E - Site of compiled fan made stuffMad Irishman Productions - A character sheet resource siteThe Hypertext d20 SDR (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) - A site with lots of 3.5 DnD reference info and rulesFreeware tabletop to internet gaming programs:RPtoolMapMakerRPGMapShareOpenRPGPCGenShareware tabletop to internet gaming programs with some free components:Battlegrounds: RPG EditionGamemaster's SyndicateDemos for commercial products:Fantasy Grounds DemoDundjinni demoBattlegrounds: RPG Edition DemoViewingDaleRandom Generators for DnD:3.5 NPC GeneratorTown GeneratorTreasure GeneratorDungeon GeneratorMisc. Gaming ResourcesFallout RPG Wiki (contains a new version of the fanmade Fallout PNP game as well as J.E.Sawyer's own version of a Fallout PNP game) Monster Advancer (a utility tool for creating monsters) These are only a few of the resources available. Please get in touch with us if you have had good luck with a particular program and we will determine if it is appropriate for this list. 1
Darque Posted August 18, 2007 Author Posted August 18, 2007 Thread Updated New section added: PnP News and Reviews (Thanks Hades ) New Links added: ENWorld and a link to the Battlegrounds: RPG Edition demo Name Change: Battlegrounds expanded to "Battlegrounds: RPG Edition" --- Thread Updated New Link to the map tool "Viewing Dale" --- Thread Updated RPG.net link added, as well as resource pages in the form of Mad Irishman productions and Community 3E --- Thread Updated Links to various DnD 3.5 Generators added. Thanks Pop! --- Thread Updated Links to the 3.5 SDR added. Thanks Istima Loke! Link to RPGtonight added. Thanks The Hound! List restructured to keep similar resources together --- Thread Updated New area added: Misc gaming resources. Link to the Fallout PNP wiki added. Thanks Ausir! --- Thread Updated! Monster Advancer link added to "Misc Gaming Resources" Thanks MonsterAdvancerOverlord!
MonsterAdvancerOverlord Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 I write to express my support for the thriving 3.5 community via the recently released Monster Advancer (http://www.monsteradvancer.com). This compact suite of applications allows for swift monster generation, advancement and customization, all within the context of 3rd edition(3.5). What once took up to an hour of dungeon masters' time, now takes seconds. Large Fiendish, Half-Dragon Dire Wolves with 18 hit dice can now take their place of honor amongst the kraken and the hydra. There are currently three applications worthy of note: There is a version made for massive customization (allowing templates, magical items and equipment, stat adjustments and feat selection), a version made for speed and simplicity, and another which can generate multiple creatures randomly based on the challenge rating or encounter level desired. The entire project is completely free and available now. It is continuing to be enhanced daily with the ability to add class levels coming by the end of the week. My goal is to help foster and reinvigorate the 3.5 community by contributing to the tools that enhance the game by allowing time for creativity rather than crunching numbers.
Blarghagh Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Is there like a "getting started" thing anywhere? All I know about PnP is that games like NWN2 are based on it. That's pretty much the end of my knowledge. D:
Darque Posted July 12, 2009 Author Posted July 12, 2009 Update made. TrueNeutral, that's a good question. I'm not sure if there is any place online that has something like that, but most game manuals have a section to ease new gamers into them.
213374U Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 TrueNeutral said: Is there like a "getting started" thing anywhere? All I know about PnP is that games like NWN2 are based on it. That's pretty much the end of my knowledge. D: http://www.d20srd.org/ - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
213374U Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 ...err, what I meant to post is (for D&D 3.5): http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/re...rsage/home.html And more in general http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/ - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
Valinthor Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 Thanks for this. I was looking for a list of resources that allowed me to play DnD online.
Yuven Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 What about roll20.net? awesome page for gaming over the net! 2
Churchwarden Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 for 1e D&D: http://www.dragonsfoot.org/ 1
JayDGee Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 I recomend gm's use http://www.obsidianportal.com to help keep track of their npc's and setting. its a very useful tool. Plus its called Obsidian Portal come on what else do you need. None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination.
specialagent Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 I'd also like to throw in a recommendation for Roll20.net - there is a subscription option, but it is free to use for everybody and is a great way to run campaigns online. 1
Calrabjohns Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 I'm kind of honored to post here representing rpol.net It's a Play by Post site and they run near everything as far as my newbie eyes can tell. It's free to sign up for and they have lots of tools already prepared there to my knowledge such as character sheets and dice rollers. Enclosed in the spoiler tag is every system they run officially. Worth noting though that the list will change as systems become available or added upon such as Mummy: The Curse, one of White Wolf (now Onyx Path)'s newest series. As it states in the opening paragraph, I couldn't edit the list as I'm offering a presentation of it. Reveal hidden contents Below is the current list of game systems. You may use your own but it is strongly recommended you utilise one of the following as this is the list from which GMs select and users search from. You may append or prepend if you wish to add extra information, but do not alter the core text. 2300 AD/Traveller 2300 7th Sea 7th Sea d20/Swashbuckling Adventures A Game of Thrones A Song of Ice and Fire A-State Aberrant (original) Aberrant d20 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Advanced Fighting Fantasy Adventure (original) Adventure d20 Aftermath All Flesh Must Be Eaten Alternity Amber - Guardians of Order Amber Diceless Roleplaying - Phage Press Anima Apocalypse World Armageddon Army of Darkness Arrowflight Ars Magica Artesia: Adventures in the Known World Ashen Stars Atlantis: The Second Age Atomic Highway Authority Babylon 5, d20 Basic Fantasy RPG Basic Roleplaying Bat-Winged Bimbos from Hell Battlefleet Gothic Battlestar Galactica Battletech Beyond the Supernatural Big Breasts, Small Waist Big Eyes, Small Mouth Big Eyes, Small Mouth, d20 Black Crusade Blood Bowl Blue Planet Board Game Boot Hill Brave New World Brawn, Ego, Extraneous, and Reflexes Broken Gears Bubblegum Crisis Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bunnies and Burrows Burning Empires Burning Wheel Bushido Call of Cthulhu d100 rules Call of Cthulhu d20 rules Call of Cthulhu version 5.5 Card Game Cartoon Action Hour Castle Falkenstein (R Talisorian Games) Castles and Crusades Cat: A Little Game About Little Heroes Champions Changeling: The Dreaming Changeling: The Lost Chivalry and Sorcery CJ Carella's WitchCraft Colonial Gothic Conan (Mongoose) Conan (TSR) Conspiracy X Continuum: Roleplaying in The Yet Corporation CORPS RPG Cortex System RPG Crimson Skies Cybergeneration Cyberpunk Cyberpunk 2020 Cyberpunk 203X d20 Modern Dark Ages: Fae Dark Ages: Inquisitor Dark Ages: Mage Dark Ages: Vampire Dark Ages: Werewolf Dark Conspiracy Dark Heresy Darwin's World DC Heroes DC Universe Dead Of Night Deadlands Deeds Not Words Demon: The Fallen Diaspora Digital Burn Discussion Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space Dogs in the Vineyard Dragon Age Dragon Warriors Dragonball Z DragonQuest Dragonroar Drakar och Demoner Dream Park Dresden Files RPG Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Dungeon World Dungeons & Dragons (Arcana Unearthed variant) Dungeons & Dragons (original) Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons 4 Dying Earth Earthdawn - 1st edition Earthdawn - 2nd edition Earthdawn - 3rd edition Earthdawn - Classic edition Earthdawn - Revised edition Eberron Eclipse Phase Empire of the Petal Throne End All Be All Engine Heart Etherscope EverQuest Exalted Fading Suns Fallout Fantasy Craft FATE Fates Worse Than Death Fear Itself Feng Shui Fiasco Fief Final Fantasy RPG Fireborn Free-form Fuzion Gamma World Gamma World (4e D&D conversion) Gamma World d20 rules Gangbusters Geist: The Sin Eaters GhostBusters Ghouls and Ghosts Golden Heroes Grimm RPG GURPS GURPS Castle Falkenstein GURPS Prime Directive GURPS Traveller HackMaster HackMaster (5th Edition) Haven - City of Violence Heavy Gear Hero Wars Heroes Against Darkness Heroes System Heroes Unlimited Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition (Revised) Heroquest Hollow Earth Expedition Home-brewed Human Occupied Landfill Hunter: The Reckoning Hunter: The Vigil Immortal - Invisible War In Nominé Inquisitor InSpectres Iron Kingdoms Ironclaw Jadeclaw Judge Dredd Judge Dredd d20 Justifiers Kindred of the East Kobolds Ate My Baby Labyrinth Lord Lace and Steel Lady Blackbird Legend Legend of the Five Rings Legends of Anglerre Little Fears: Nightmare Edition Living Steel Lone Wolf RPG Lord of the Rings Macho Women with Guns Mage: Sorcerer's Crusade Mage: The Ascension Mage: The Awakening Maid RPG Man, Myth and Magic Marvel Heroic RPG Marvel Super Heroes Marvel Super Heroes - SAGA Marvel Universe Mazes and Minotaurs Mech Warrior Mecha Mechanical Dream Megatraveller Mercenaries, Spies, & Private Eyes Metamorphosis Alpha Microlite 20 Middle Earth Roleplaying Millenium's End Mongoose Traveller Monsterhearts Mordheim Morrow Project Mouse Guard Multiple Mummy: The Curse Mummy: The Resurrection Munchkin Mutant Mutants and Masterminds Myth & Magic Necromunda New World of Darkness Night Life Ninjas and Super Spies Nobilis None Numenera Only War Open D6 Ork RPG Orpheus Other Suns Over The Edge Palladium RPG Paranoia Paranoia XP Passages Pathfinder Pendragon Pokethulhu Powers and Perils Prime Directive (original) Prime Directive d20 Prime Directive d6 Primetime Adventures Privateers and Gentlemen Promethean: The Created Quick Ass Game System Red Dwarf Renegade Nuns on Wheels Rifts Risus: The Anything RPG Robotech Rogue Trader Rolemaster Runequest Runequest (Mongoose) Savage Worlds Scion Scion: Demigod Scion: God Scion: Hero Secrets of Zir'an Serenity RPG ShadowRun Silver Age Sentinels SLA Industries Slasher Flick Sorcerer Space 1889 Space Opera Spacemaster Splicers Spycraft d20 rules Star Frontiers Star Trek - Decypher Star Trek - FASA/Games Workshop Star Trek - Last Unicorn Star Wars (West End Games) Star Wars d20 rules Star Wars Saga Edition Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Starblazer Stargate Stars Without Number Starship Troopers Steve Perrin's Quest Rules STOCS Lite STOCS RPG Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game Supernatural RPG Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies Swords and Wizardry Tales from the Floating Vagabond Talislanta Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Teenagers from Outer Space Terra Primate The Adventures of Indiana Jones The Babylon Project The Fantasy Trip The Riddle of Steel The Shadow of Yesterday The Window There Is No Spoon Toon Top Secret Torg Trail of Cthulhu Transformers RPG Traveller 4 (Mark Miller's Traveller) Traveller 5 Traveller d20 Traveller: Classic Traveller: The New Era Trinity TriStat dx True 20 (Blue Rose, etc) Tunnels and Trolls Twilight 2000 Twilight 2013 Ubiquity Underground Unhallowed Metropolis UniSystem Unknown Armies Vampire: The Dark Ages Vampire: The Masquerade Vampire: The Requiem Victorian Age Vampire Villains and Vigilantes Void Trek 3007 AD WarHammer 40K WarHammer Fantasy Battle Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Warmaster WaRP - Wanton Role-Playing WasteWorld Weapons of the Gods Werewolf: The Apocalypse Werewolf: The Forsaken Wheel of Time World of Darkness World of Warcraft RPG Worlds Beyond Wraith: The Oblivion Wushu XCrawl Xenoforce Xro Dinn Chronicles Year of the Phoenix Now in the opening post, it's written that any commercially linked site address would be taken down. Does that mean you're opposed to linking outlets where game materials can be bought? The reason I ask is White Wolf/Onyx Path have partnered with the largest (tmk) distributor of both electronic and printed PnP media in order to consolidate and revive old and new iterations of their game lines. So if I wanted to buy the 20th Anniversary Ed. of VTM and not pay an exorbitant price from a seller at Amazon, the un-named venue is the best place to do it. A web search will bring it up in a minute or less but I'm not sure why it couldn't be put up here. I'm unaware of other game lines re: distribution and whether they have their own or use Anon. WW always appealed to me more than D&D or GURPS (which I had no awareness of until my second foray into this hobby) or others by lack of knowledge. On that note, one more freebie courtesy of Mr. Gone, a big fan of WW/OP games. He makes character sheets for all of their games that are well-regarded both by the gaming community and the developers. There are also links to fan-created games that use the shell of the WOD realm to play settings of their choice. I'm a fan of the different versions of Highlander which would be great to play some day. http://mrgone.rocksolidshells.com/ Anyway, regardless of whether I can post the place I predominantly buy my books from I'm glad I could offer up these two nuggets.
Fionavar Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 We'll see how you continue to post, but this seems likely consistent with PnP tools and assets that might be helpful. We obviously do not want solicitation, but are never opposed to sharing of resroucess. Fair? The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Calrabjohns Posted July 15, 2013 Posted July 15, 2013 Absolutely fair. Thank you for the courtesy and I'm sorry if that came off confrontational. The site I was referring to is: drivethrurpg.com They have virtually all of WW/OP and other prominent game lines as well. In addition to housing PDFs, they also do POD for books which ensures they can be made at all in many cases. It's a one stop destination for QuickStart rules for many games. They also have different sites that accommodate different niches like card games, comics, fiction and other mediums. In reading about a game I missed on KickStarter, I learned of one other outlet that caters to small presses specifically. The cool thing about this place when I found it is they tend to have more substantive free downloads for larger game modules than a QS. The address follows below. Before I post it though, I want to emphasize how cool the place is. I DLed 15 products of varying size without submitting a credit card or anything. So there's no bait and switch like many services (generally speaking) where you might get a 2 week trial but have to give info to use it. It's generally appreciated by the publishers if you choose to pay but it's not required. Currently you can get the core for FATE (I chipped in $5 when DTRPG hosted the "Pay What You Want") and a few other cores/extended previews. Down the road if you like the stuff, support supplements or get a second copy at some level to help the pubs. http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/ There's a topic below this that has a link to Eclipse Phase for the core book which they offer for free, though with slightly less bells and whistles I believe. During the KS for an expansion to EP, they informed us that an EP-FATE and vice versa conversion document is being made. It's not free yet though and it's still in the works. I don't have the link handy but there's a program out there that provides support for Exalted and the KS for that game hit one goal which provided official support from WW/OP to these guys for Exalted 3E. It'll still be free for people to use. The program allows you to keep track of custom charms and effects along with other things. I'll have it for next time. Thanks again for giving me the chance and if there's anything objectionable please let me know. I'd like to be a bona fide member in general even though I've only availed myself of this forum so far. Should get some sleep now
nikolokolus Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 It's just a little thing for a pretty niche game, but there's a very cool smartphone app for Dungeon Crawl Classics offered here http://purplesorcerer.com/tools.htm that was funded by a kickstarter and they have a couple of electronic character generators for that game at the same link.
LilSassy Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 I was also surprised that rolld20 isn't in the first post already.
Dadalama Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 http://idle-ideas.weebly.com/MOTE is a good Maptool fork I quite like. It's good to criticize things you love.
Connavar Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 MapTool from the RpTool.net is the BEST open free map platform available out there. Great even for heavy dungeoniring when you gather with friends around a table and a large inch TV screen. Great. From map-making to online dungeon crawling with friends connected to your server.One may even write to-hit attack / damage macros (or find on the net for simple systems d20 etc) and just voice over as a DM the story... being connected to a voice conference.
rredmond Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 The AD&D thread caught my roving google eye! I game at a PbP forum, that's all PnP games: www.unseenservant.us and I help out with & Magazine that's all old school D&D PnP stuff: www.and-mag.com Both are free, and (I think) appropriate for this thread. Be well, --Ron--
MedicineDan Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 Sorry about the thread necromancy, but my 16 year old niece has gotten into DnD with me and now she wants a hand at creating her own campaign. We've had to resort to internet gaming and I was wondering what would be good and easy for both a 50 year old grognard like myself as well as friendly for a young adult. I don't mind dropping coin on it if it's good. I don't mind getting something free as long as it does the job. Also, any tools that will help her run a tabletop? I do my stuff by hand (maps and whatnot), but I wouldn't mind using something that makes my life easier also. "Not for the sake of much time..."
rredmond Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 I've been DMing a game, and playing a game on Skype. Low tech and gets the job done! I've played on Roll20, and it's fun. But futzing around with the map (fog of war, battle mat, etc) is fun as well. I've created maps and stuff on Roll20 to use in Play-by-Post games. I think if you do maps by hand, that's half the battle right there. Likely only because I'm not so hot with the maps. What edition you playing? For AD&D, OD&D and OSRIC there's a crapton of tools here (highly recommend all the goodies in the Wizardawn application) and it's all free: https://osricrpg.com/tools/ But I'm sure any thread searching for ideas and tools will get the job done as well! Good luck! I've been DMing 1e my four daughter for years now, and the two oldest (16yo and 18yo) have DMed 5e as well. It's such fun playing with your kids!! --Ron-- 1
MedicineDan Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 We're playing 5th edition and she's pretty excited. Strange group in that everyone plays characters that actually fit their own personalities. None of this business where the tongue tied nerd plays the bard. For example, my other niece (22yo) plays a sorcerer. She's a wonderful kid, but a bit vain and constantly taking selfies, tweaking her hair, that sort of stuff. My brother in law is Mr. Fixit and he plays a rogue. Anyhow, I've looked into Roll20 also. I think I played a small one on one session with a friend who was running a game. I just want something that will be easy and intuitive for a young player starting to branch out into the role of DM. 1 "Not for the sake of much time..."
rredmond Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 Do battlemaps and such work for 5E? Sometimes seeing stuff helps, at least when I am DMing. I've used monster pictures as well as drawn maps, or drawn marching orders. But if she's playing with friends, then I'm sure it will all go well. They can support her as she grows and learns. Have fun!!!
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