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Who will win the console war?

Who will win the console war?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win the console war?

    • Sony's PS3
    • Microsoft's 360
    • Nintendo's Wii

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If you want to call what the USSR and China did as "Communism" then OK.


No, I count them as attempts of communism and they failed therefore communism failed. It is the inherit nature of greed and lust for power that will constantly make communism fail.


It is an utopian dream that will never be achieved due to mankind's twisted and beastial corruption.

A) Communism has been shown to work in smaller agragarian societies...


2) The reason that PS2 was so popular (well... one of them) was that it was fairly easy to get ON the system. Microsoft had you paying a bundle to get the dev tools for and Nintendo had to give you the go ahead for every step of development.


Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I will probably go for the Wii, now that I learned that we will also be able to use a classic controller.


The last console I owned was the playstation 1, and I loved it mainly for its JRPGs and for the innovative games that came along (RE, silent Hill, MetalGear Solid, Medal of Honor, etc).


Today, I have grown bored with JRPGs and all the games mentioned above can also be found on PC platform. Moreover, Nintendo has games that are exclusive to its consoles, and some of them are particularly neat (RE remake. RE zero, Zelda games). Since I will be able to play al the older Nintendo games on the Wii, that gives me another reason to get this console.

Edited by ramza

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Sales wise, Sony will win. As far as the quality of their product goes, in my opinion, Microsoft is already the obvious winner. Aside from Shadowrun (which is a disaster that I just can't understand, no matter how hard I try, surely the guys at FASA and Microsoft Games Studio's aren't this dumb...), I honestly can't think of a single mistake they've made with the console. I can't say the same for Nintendo (who I plan on giving money) or especially Sony (who I don't plan on giving money), which has a laundry list of screw up's a mile long at this point.

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Sales wise, Sony will win.  As far as the quality of their product goes, in my opinion, Microsoft is already the obvious winner.  Aside from Shadowrun (which is a disaster that I just can't understand, no matter how hard I try, surely the guys at FASA and Microsoft Games Studio's aren't this dumb...), I honestly can't think of a single mistake they've made with the console.  I can't say the same for Nintendo (who I plan on giving money) or especially Sony (who I don't plan on giving money), which has a laundry list of screw up's a mile long at this point.



Argh... Could you please explain what you are talking about?


Microsoft hasn't made any errors in it's console department?


Nintendo and Sony are both screw ups?

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With a strong line up of games like Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect, and others not to mention getting Grand Theft Auto 4 one of Sony's system selling games it looks like their finally ready to challenge the top dog. They also have a couple more advantages including being almost a hundred dollars cheaper then the PS3 and almost a year a head of them producing games for it.

M$ got GTA? :thumbsup: Say it isn't so!



Edit: just checked www.gta4.net. It's just not exclusive anymore. Phew.


Edit2: Microsoft and Rockstar Games have announced a strategic alliance to provide exclusive episodic content for Xbox Live

Edited by Pope
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Microsoft decided to stay with the DVD-format. That was a mistake in my eyes, as DVD is not a format for the future. Sure, it'll be good for another couple of years, but then what? Blu-Ray DVD is actually a selling point for Sony, one of the few considering its rather hefty price. The Wii is, in my opinion, too weak for its own good. Great ideas, but cutting back that much on raw power is a mistake in the long run, no doubt about it.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Microsoft decided to stay with the DVD-format. That was a mistake in my eyes, as DVD is not a format for the future. Sure, it'll be good for another couple of years, but then what? Blu-Ray DVD is actually a selling point for Sony, one of the few considering its rather hefty price. The Wii is, in my opinion, too weak for its own good. Great ideas, but cutting back that much on raw power is a mistake in the long run, no doubt about it.


Blu-Ray will be taking Sony nowhere, and the PS3 is not the ideal launching platform for the new format. DVD-9 is perfectly fit for this following generation of console games. Proceedural Synthesis and faster load times on DVD-9 (vs the Blu-Ray player that will most likely be used in the PS3) will more than make up for the additional storage capacity. On top of that, only hardcore early adopters will buy the PS3 just for Blu-Ray, the casual market won't care.


There's already been enough "doom and gloom" talk regarding games for the 360 that were already filling up the disc, and would have to be on multiple discs, yet they all ended up being developers freaking out too soon or overly pessimistic people complaining about Microsoft not going with a HD-DVD player. Games also tend to get smaller as developers spend more time with the hardware.

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Microsoft decided to stay with the DVD-format. That was a mistake in my eyes, as DVD is not a format for the future. Sure, it'll be good for another couple of years, but then what? Blu-Ray DVD is actually a selling point for Sony, one of the few considering its rather hefty price. The Wii is, in my opinion, too weak for its own good. Great ideas, but cutting back that much on raw power is a mistake in the long run, no doubt about it.


I doubt it. Games on DVDs aren't even a standard on PCs yet. It will probably be a looooong time before you ever end up with more than two DVDs for a game. It's really not a selling point to anyone but tech junkies.

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Blu-Ray will be taking Sony nowhere, and the PS3 is not the ideal launching platform for the new format.  DVD-9 is perfectly fit for this following generation of console games.  Proceedural Synthesis and faster load times on DVD-9 (vs the Blu-Ray player that will most likely be used in the PS3) will more than make up for the additional storage capacity.  On top of that, only hardcore early adopters will buy the PS3 just for Blu-Ray, the casual market won't care.

Blu-Ray is a gamble, no doubt about that, but you're looking at today and not in 2-3 years. I bought my Playstation 2 late. I got it when I decided that our household needed a DVD player, and it turned out that the Playstation 2 wasn't much more expensive than a stand-alone DVD player. If Blu-Ray DVD turns out to be the format of choice for the future, then the same thing will happen again in a few years.


Check out the demo movies of Gran Turismo HD if you really believe DVD-9 has anything on Blu-Ray when it comes to loading times. A 2x Blu-Ray compares to a 12x DVD when it comes to reading speed. Although, the first few years I'm sure we won't even get to see any games on Blu-Ray DVD's since the Blu-Ray supports ordinary DVD's too, but Playstation 3 will most probably have a 2x Blu-Ray. The difference is that Blu-Ray has a constant reading speed, while an ordinary DVD player has variable reading speeds. In the end, Blu-Ray usually wins (tortoise-hare syndrome).


I agree that only the hardcore early adopters will buy the Playstation 3 for the Blu-Ray.. in the first year or so. Again you're not looking at the future. DVD will become obsolete, it's only a matter of time. If Microsoft are lucky, it won't be during the lifetime of the Xbox 360. If they're not so lucky, then the Xbox 360 is going to suffer for the choice of DVD. Blu-Ray plays both DVD and Blu-Ray DVD.


Someone (who I forgot to quote) wrote that DVD's aren't even standard on PC's yet (which they mostly are in Europe..). I just wanted to point out that we're talking about consoles here though. Consoles have been using DVD as a standard format since 2000. It's been a good six years, but I'm not sure how long DVD will last. Technology has a way of advancing every now and then..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Argh...  Could you please explain what you are talking about?


Microsoft hasn't made any errors in it's console department?


Nintendo and Sony are both screw ups?

Microsoft has a (imo) more realistically priced console released first that is just as powerful as the PS3 and easier to work with, has a more impressive lineup of games (again, in my opinion). Too Human, Mass Effect, Fable 2, Halo 2, etc etc etc. This E3 took me from "I really don't care to give my 360 away at this point" back to being happy I picked one up at launch. The only thing I can complain about as far as the console's coming lineup goes is that Shadowrun is a crappy looking generic Counter Strike knock off with nothing to do with Shadowrun, on a console that is already over saturated with generic looking crappy First person shooters, and starving for RPGs.


As for the others, I plan on buying a Nintendo Wii on launch day along with Zelda and Mario, maybe the new Smash Bros as well unless something else is there to take my money instead, so I don't have too many complaints about that console either. The only real problems I have with it are that aside from Nintendo's games, I'm sure that the controller will only be used in gimmicky ways rather than fun and innovative ones, and I'm not very happy about the fact that as far as tech goes, the Wii is actually more comparable to the Xbox and PS2 than the Xbox360 and PS3, even if that is the reason the console is so attractively priced. Meanwhile, I have nothing but complaints for Sony. A $500-$600 price tag depending on what SKU you buy, a horrible library that's best showing was Assassin's Creed, a game originally announced for the Xbox360, rumored to be running on an Xbox360 at E3, and it's being made by Ubi Soft, so will be running on an Xbox360 after Ubi Soft gets done porting it to anything that can run it like they always do. They announced a tack on gimmick feature of their controller clearly ripped off of Nintendo and done half as well, only being utilized by mediocre games that seemed destined to fail like Warhawk. As a matter of fact, every game at the show was either something that will be ported, something that will suck (Killzone "t3h hal0 k1ll3r!11!!1" part two, anyone?), or Metal Gear Solid 4. And after playing the games and realizing that part of the plot involves an 80 year old Russian cowboy who can keep up with guys in their 20s who has been possessed by an arm that used to belong to an evil clone, an arm that was sliced off by a dead cyborg ninja, I haven't been that interested in metal gear games. As far as I'm concerned, Sony bombed at E3, they weren't even worth looking at. Microsoft and Nintendo however, as I said, impressed me a lot. So, as far as the threads question goes....


Sales Wise

1) Sony

2) Microsoft

3) Nintendo


Quality Wise

1) Microsoft

2) Nintendo

3) Sony



Does the fact that their consoles have a "melting" problem count a screw up?

It would if I had experienced it. I've had my 360 since launch and I've given it very consistent play, having left it on for upwards of 14+ hours on rare occasions, without a single problem, heating or otherwise. Like most things, I wouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these posts like "oh man, I just got an xbox360, I wanted one really badly, but then it burned down my house, I'm waiting for ps3 guys, you should too!" aren't exactly being honest. The manual clearly states not to leave it on carpet or in a tight space, and so long as you don't put it in a sweater or something, you usually won't have problems. I'm sure there are real overheating problems, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying, don't believe all the internet hype about them. I guarantee you that the PS3 and Wii will also be getting tons of exaggerated reports of overheating and the controller shooting out rays and giving them brain cancer and all sorts of stuff, there are lots of fanboys out there with not much to do.

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...best showing was Assassin's Creed, a game originally announced for the Xbox360, rumored to be running on an Xbox360 at E3...

Any links to back up this claim, perhaps?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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