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NWN2 only 20 hours long?


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repost... 'cause thread is moving quick.


sorry gd, but the nwnvault stuff were included in the "less than 10%" numbers from bioware. sp downloads has been played by a very small number of people compared to total purchasers. yeah, is more people playing sp downloads than is using the toolset to create pws, but the number of folks getting anything out of nwn other than oc playage is less than 10%.


end repost.


we likes that nwn has the sp mods, but it ain't what has sold copies.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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"The BG games have many mods, which keeps that series interesting."


User made mods for the IE games is what made me stop playing them. Dark Side of the Coast is a prime example of utter crap that makes me puke.



"That worked for Troika"


LOL Three strikes; yer out. :-

You play fan made mods for NWN?? You make mods, thus being a fan made mod, for NWN?


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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You can beat BG1 pretty quickly if you just go to the mines, straight to the city, the Iron Throne HQ etc. You can also spend a long time exploring all the areas and side quests. If NWN2s main quest is 20 hrs, and there is a great deal of extras, it can still be good... I hope. :-

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"You play fan made mods for NWN?? You make mods, thus being a fan made mod, for NWN?"


Yes. But, uniformly, NWN mods are much much better than any IE mod I ever tried. As for my mod, I think it is/will be awesome when it's done. The testers depsite some obvious problems, liked what little they saw of it. Ask Meta about a particular golem for example. :-



"You can beat BG1 pretty quickly if you just go to the mines, straight to the city, the Iron Throne HQ etc."


yeah; but chances of doing that your first time through is nil. Just like one cna finish FO (or even FO2) in about an hour if you know exactly what to do.

Edited by Volourn


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You can beat BG1 pretty quickly if you just go to the mines, straight to the city, the Iron Throne HQ etc. You can also spend a long time exploring all the areas and side quests. If NWN2s main quest is 20 hrs, and there is a great deal of extras, it can still be good... I hope.  :-

Yes that is good, we would accept that.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"You play fan made mods for NWN?? You make mods, thus being a fan made mod, for NWN?"


Yes. But, uniformly, NWN mods are much much better than any IE mod I ever tried. As for my mod, I think it is/will be awesome when it's done. The testers depsite some obvious problems, liked what little they saw of it. Ask Meta about a particular golem for example. :-

Very duobtful on that. BG mods are very good. Besdies Witches Wake I have yet to find a good NWN mod.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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*laughs* Some of you guys would be far better off exiting the electronic gaming community. If you want hours upon hours upon hours of gaming, play PNP. I always spot "Fallout! Baldur's Gate! [insert Another Game here]!" Times change. Long, long, RPGs are fading. The RPG market was stale for quite sometime as well. If you honestly feel that a game's length is a reflection of it's story telling and depth, so be it. It just seems that the people who do so are just limiting themselves to enjoyment. Those who seem to complain about such want a game more like the ones that have already been made, yet they're bored of the ones that have already been made.


... How do you plan on ever enjoying any video game if you're prejudging it before even playing it?

Stand Your Convictions and You Will Walk Alone.

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Fan made mods are the extra bonus but not the meat and drink of a game and it isn't part of my calculation that determines a game being worth buying or not. WHat determines worth is the quality and length of the game and I am sorry, but if I thought 20 levels in 40 hours was lame in NWN 1 20 levels in 20 hours is going to be twice as lame. Also I tend to beat games about half the time that most developers claim to be their game length. So, 20 levels in 10 hours.


That is just plain stupid.


No need to play it Angry Joe when the developers tell you all the shortcomings of the game before you play it. Good thing Feargus told us up front on how long the game is so I wouldn't waste my money on it.

Edited by Judge Hades
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repost... 'cause thread is moving quick.


sorry gd, but the nwnvault stuff were included in the "less than 10%" numbers from bioware. sp downloads has been played by a very small number of people compared to total purchasers. yeah, is more people playing sp downloads than is using the toolset to create pws, but the number of folks getting anything out of nwn other than oc playage is less than 10%.


end repost.


we likes that nwn has the sp mods, but it ain't what has sold copies.


HA! Good Fun!


Where did you get that figure. Not being sarcastic, really curious. Looking at the download numbers of the Vault and Stratics and NWNPlanet, accounting for a majority of repeat customers (single users downloading more than one module) I'd have put that number much higher. Maybe as high as 35-40% . If a player downloads a single bit of content from a user made SP mod to joining a PW they have "used" the toolset even if they did not create that content. I really think more than 10% of NWN players have downloaded something.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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20 hours? What a disappointment.  I thought Obsidian was better than that.  I guess not.  Well, there goes my enthusiasm for the game.  So, does this mean its a bargin bin game?  I think so.

Why don't you wait until the game comes out and people can tell you how long it actually takes to play through the OC?


Feargus also estimated 30-40 hours on IWD2, and it took most people more than twice that long to finish it (whether it was a good 80 hours or not).

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*laughs* Some of you guys would be far better off exiting the electronic gaming community. If you want hours upon hours upon hours of gaming, play PNP. I always spot "Fallout! Baldur's Gate! [insert Another Game here]!" Times change. Long, long, RPGs are fading. The RPG market was stale for quite sometime as well. If you honestly feel that a game's length is a reflection of it's story telling and depth, so be it. It just seems that the people who do so are just limiting themselves to enjoyment. Those who seem to complain about such want a game more like the ones that have already been made, yet they're bored of the ones that have already been made.


... How do you plan on ever enjoying any video game if you're prejudging it before even playing it?

The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.

Many console games defy your characterization of them all as being shallow/short.


I would say that the trend toward shorter games has more to do with the fact that the gaming demographic is older now. A lot of people in their late 20s and early 30s simply don't have the time (or don't want to make the time) to become embroiled in 60+ hour games.

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Why don't you wait until the game comes out and people can tell you how long it actually takes to play through the OC?


Feargus also estimated 30-40 hours on IWD2, and it took most people more than twice that long to finish it (whether it was a good 80 hours or not).


Because I know that I tend to get a handle of games faster and play the game efficiently. It took me 20 to 25 hours to beat IWD 2. It took me 12 hours to beat BGDA. It took me 28 hours to beat KotOR 2. And so forth and so on.


You guys spout estimate times, but each and every time I play a game I am under that estimate time by a good 25 to 50 percent. So, Feargus says 20, I expect to beat the game in 10 to 15. Not worth my time.

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"The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash."


That's nonsense. Consoles have been around for nearly 2 decades (if not longer cna't rmeemebr that far back), and just now they're effecting game lengths for PC games.


On top of that, most game have always been around the 20-30 hours mark. This isn't new at all.



"Because I know that I tend to get a handle of games faster and play the game efficiently."


Hello, Mr. Werewolf.



"It took me 20 to 25 hours to beat IWD 2."


I didn't finish it; but I wass around 25 hours or so when I stopped.



"It took me 12 hours to beat BGDA."


It took me 9 hours. Ha, you suck!



"It took me 28 hours to beat KotOR 2."


Took about 38 hours for me. You got me there since we all know it's a race to the finish line!!!

Edited by Volourn


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Well, I say fat kids need to learn how to read. :- I think Judge Hades is super human. Quick hand/finger reflexes (which I"m sure the Ms. doesn't complain about), and a speed reader. Hades, I enjoy your reviews, but can I honestly expect to not see one about NWN2 until it hits the $20 mark?

Stand Your Convictions and You Will Walk Alone.

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*laughs* Some of you guys would be far better off exiting the electronic gaming community. If you want hours upon hours upon hours of gaming, play PNP. I always spot "Fallout! Baldur's Gate! [insert Another Game here]!" Times change. Long, long, RPGs are fading. The RPG market was stale for quite sometime as well. If you honestly feel that a game's length is a reflection of it's story telling and depth, so be it. It just seems that the people who do so are just limiting themselves to enjoyment. Those who seem to complain about such want a game more like the ones that have already been made, yet they're bored of the ones that have already been made.


... How do you plan on ever enjoying any video game if you're prejudging it before even playing it?

The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.


Clueless about console games as usual :-


Most Console RPGs take about 50 hours... and that's if you rush through them at high speed.


60+ is what they usually go for, and most console gamers want LONGER rpgs not shorter ones.


People on a board for Shadow Hearts from the new world were bitching because the game could be beaten in *shock* about 40 hours (and that's without doing the sidequests)


Heck, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne has about 200 hours of play value in it.


You clearly don't understand the situation, Hades-lite :p

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"The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash."


That's nonsense. Consoles have been around for nearly 2  decades (if not longer cna't rmeemebr that far back), and just now they're effecting game lengths for PC games.


On top of that, most game have always been around the 20-30 hours mark. This isn't new at all.

Trend which is the current trend at the moment. Make a short forgettable game than throw it away and install/start another game.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.

Many console games defy your characterization of them all as being shallow/short.


Wouldn't own a console so I couldn't tell you.


Another thing to think about for everyone upset about the estimated length. Oblivion is the RPG standard bearer right now, no arguments there right? You can complete Oblivion in less than 10 hours without even exceeding level 3 (and it has been done by a few gamers). Or you can play for weeks on end and finish the game over level 30. I suspect that NWN2 will be what you make of it much like Oblivion and... well everything else in life.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Clueless about console games as usual :)


Most Console RPGs take about 50 hours... and that's if you rush through them at high speed.


60+ is what they usually go for, and most console gamers want LONGER rpgs not shorter ones.


People on a board for Shadow Hearts from the new world were bitching because the game could be beaten in *shock* about 40 hours (and that's without doing the sidequests)


Heck, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne has about 200 hours of play value in it.


You clearly don't understand the situation, Hades-lite :p

Ah yes I am sure they are epic long games.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Clueless about console games as usual :p


Most Console RPGs take about 50 hours... and that's if you rush through them at high speed.


60+ is what they usually go for, and most console gamers want LONGER rpgs not shorter ones.


People on a board for Shadow Hearts from the new world were bitching because the game could be beaten in *shock* about 40 hours (and that's without doing the sidequests)


Heck, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne has about 200 hours of play value in it.


You clearly don't understand the situation, Hades-lite :p

Ah yes I am sure they are epic long games.


You wouldn't know as you've never played a console game :)


How can you honestly complain about something you've never tried? :)


Come on, DR, get a PS2 and see what you're missing :)

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