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Nother NWN2 Preview


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A piece in you? Well, what the heck were they thinking? Sounds so forced. I don't like it at all.


Every little thing the squeeze out about the companions sounds great so far, however.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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..one of the things we tried to do is to make things about the player...


We often come up with these RPG stories, where there's a world where there's badness and you have to go and kill the bad-guy yourself. We don't really connect the player to it, other than "Oh - the world's going to die... so you better care about it." What we've tried to do is take the game in a direction where you understand how things affect your character.


Theyre definently on the right track there :blink:


Often the PC will just be this blank slate that has no connections whatsoever with the game world, he just passes by and solve peoples problems for them and then disapears again and in the end he kills the bad guy. The PC is as distanced from the gaming world as we are watching it from our screens.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Feargus on companions/hirelings:


What we wanted to do is that as you figure it out in Neverwinter, what you want to do and what they want to do divulge, which creates conflict and them basically wandering off to do their own thing or leaving.


They promised something similar for KotOR II aswell. Hopefully they'll deliver this time.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Githyanki rock! :lol:


I like what I hear so far

Edited by Ellester

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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I think theyre completely pointless. And I cant pronouce them or separate from the other ones who are called... Githyanko? Githomayik? Githigoths?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I think theyre completely pointless. And I cant pronouce them or separate from the other ones who are called...  Githyanko? Githomayik? Githigoths?

Sounds better than drow and illithids, yet again. And I

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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What was it? Around June or something?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Hmm.. It seems the comapnions are gonna consist of odd races just because they're different. And, great races like dwraves have to be stereotyped because it's fantasy? WTH?


The story sounds super cliche, and forced. They attack the twon all because of you. So, this idea that you arne't important at the start of the game isn't actually true? Youa re important. Hmm..


The best thing about the interview is that the henchmen seem to be a focus. However, it should be pointed out that Obsidian didn't add the 'henchmen'. They were already there in SOU, and HOTU. :sorcerer:


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Eurogamer is a good site, but i'm still mad at them for giving Oblivion a 10/10.


They lost their credibility for me.


Waht??? :sorcerer:


Their Oblivion review was lets say "rushed" thats why all the screenshots were grabbed from another source rather than whatever game the reviewer was playing.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Hmm.. It seems the comapnions are gonna consist of odd races just because they're different. And, great races like dwraves have to be stereotyped because it's fantasy? WTH?

Dwarves suck! that's why they're short.

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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Dwarves suck! that's why they're short.




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I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
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Mock dwarves all you wnat. Just remember, them being short puts them in the proper palce to cut you off from the knees... or even worse.




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