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SW game centered on Bastila?

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I agree but still dont understand what LA has against this franchise.


Its been a big money maker for them (both games) and you would think they would want more games more often to keep the money flow going.


Just makes me shake my head!

They've probably just never played the games, so they aren't fanbois/girls yet. :p

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There is the dark apperentice mod

What is it?

I am surprised I've not found out about it sooner...



I found it...

I just knew it under a different name... :thumbsup:



"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Having been on these boards for quite some time, and having seen the Bio boards as well, I can't help but notice that Bastila is quite a popular character among fans (myself included).  :wacko:  She wins most, if not all the "hottest character" threads on these boards, wins many "best character" discussions, and seems to be one of, if not the most popular KOTOR character (aside from Revan).  The character seems to have her own cult following. 


So, I was just wondering if maybe LA might decide to milk the popularity of Bastila a little more.  She was almost a no-show in K2, to the disappointment of many.  But would it be possible, or even a good idea, to make another KOTOR game that focuses on Bastila exclusively, or at least includes her as a major character in the storyline?  Would such a game be well-recieved by the fans?  Maybe they could do a game focusing on pre-KOTOR, such as her experiences in her Jedi training.  Or maybe the story could take place post-K2, and serve almost as a sidestory or intermission between K2 and K3?  Or am I just completely way off base here?  Discuss.


Do you mean like Death by Degrees? Yay!

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Let's have a "Twi'Leks Gone Wild" movie instead.


Edit: Hello, Dark Helmet. Keep your grammar and spelling good, plus don't act like an idiot, and you won't have me swearing violently at you.

Edited by Draken_Fett



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Maybe the game could focus on Bastila before K1.


There's a whole 5-years between K1 and K2. We don't know for sure what Bastila was doing all that time, except hiding (LS) or looking for Revan (DS). But we don't know exactly what she did or the experiences she encounted. What if maybe the game was sort of an "interlude" between K2 and K3, focusing on Bastila searching for Revan and trying to search for the True Sith? Perhaps it could end with her finding Revan or some ultra-important piece of information about the True Sith, then having to fight some big battle. I think it could work out. Especially since, unlike Revan, she already has a set gender, and the game wouldn't really have to write about the exile, just Revan.

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That would be a very wise idea if they made a Bastila game. It should also be RPG. It would be very cool if they made it start off when she was being parted from her mom and dad and end with after she captured Revan. Also it should be a realy long drawn out game not some short old Batman video game. Mabey about a few Hours like 60hrs. :D SERIOUSLY

I pitty the fool who don't have the force.

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I stil;l think Visas or Mira would be better female RPG storylines rather then Bastila.


Bastila's story is just generic, striaght forward jedi story. Taken at young age, trained, yada yada yada, she doesnt really get interesting till start of K1 and even then its still generic jedi story.


Mira on other hand was enslaved, released/excaped, learned to become a bounty hunter, became best bounty hunter on Nar Shaddar. Story has some meat to it and interesting aspects. Besides, Mira a billion times hotter looking then Bastila anyways!


Same goes for Visas.


Bastila and Handmaiden both (based on back stories we know) are pretty much generic UNTIL K1 (or 2) starts.


Even Misson or cat woman would be more interesting as stories butthink both those characters would get hugely annoying over a full rpg game.

Edited by Kalfear
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I was going through KotOR 1 again and come to this realization. If you guys want a game centered on Bastila play KotOR 1. Every major story aspect of KotOR 1 goes back to Bastila.


Who are you forced to rescue? Bastila.

Who has the abilities that the main baddie wants? Bastila.

Who is your character tied to? Bastila.

Who "killed" Darth Revan? Bastila.

Who gives you the critical choice at the right moment? Bastila.


Blah blah blah. Bastila is the center of one game and that is enough for me.


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I stil;l think Visas or Mira would be better female RPG storylines rather then Bastila.


Bastila's story is just generic, striaght forward jedi story. Taken at young age, trained, yada yada yada, she doesnt really get interesting till start of K1 and even then its still generic jedi story.


Mira on other hand was enslaved, released/excaped, learned to become a bounty hunter, became best bounty hunter on Nar Shaddar. Story has some meat to it and interesting aspects. Besides, Mira a billion times hotter looking then Bastila anyways!


Same goes for Visas.


Bastila and Handmaiden both (based on back stories we know) are pretty much generic UNTIL K1 (or 2) starts.




WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?. sorry man but they have no future and nobody cares about them.Kreia just accedientaly left that part out of the end of the game :p Just kidding I just don't like them as much as Bastila. I also still thing they don't have much going for them as much as Bastila..Put I this way no ties to Revan then you are not important. Notice that the coolest characters in the game are also closer to Revan. For example Bastila is Revans lover. Now theres 1million fansites of her. Another example, HK was built by Revan. He is not cool cause of Revan but its all about the ties between them and the fact that he is funny. :p . Including Canderous how he admirers Revan. All these people here have history.But it would be cool if Visas had a some type of past with Revan. Anyways I hope I got my point across

Edited by Masta Revan

I pitty the fool who don't have the force.

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