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Freedom of Speech.


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The foul hate mongers spread their evil seeds near and far to Christians and Jews and Muslims alike. ;)


Their work is going well. :(


They urge folks to choose sides and opppose each other. :(


I refuse. :rolleyes:


They can go to hell. :angry:

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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This entire situation has gotten way too out of hand.  For one thing, you'd think that with all the horrible statements we've seen coming out of the Muslim community in the ME regarding Jews, Christians, and Americans, they'd be more open to criticism on their own way of thinking for once.  :ermm:"  And people think conservative Christians are way to zealous. 


Also, the response of the disgruntled Islamic community hasn't helped their cause in any way.  These people object to their prophet being potrayed as (more or less) as an advocate of violence, yet they respond with violence?  ...  I think they're doing more harm to their image then the cartoon ever did.  :blink:


It's clear that these people involved have no respect for freedom of speech, nor are they able to handle jabs at their own faith.  There shouldn't have even been an apology.


I concur with Lucius - for once we are in complete agreement.


In fact, I would go as far as to say that now the real danger is to the moderate muslims - yes, the do exist - who don't want this matter to escalate. I fear they could be silenced in the muslim countries, as dissenters or 'sympathizers of the infidels', and not be heard in the west because, to the media, they are not as interesting as the extremists, or, to the muslims, because they are not "real" muslims if they don't agree with the violence...


There are extremist forces out there, I think, that really do want this to be a religious conflict, and they're not interested in having people of their own faith trying to calm things down or even show understand of "the enemy".

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The foul hate mongers spread their evil seeds near and far to Christians and Jews and Muslims alike.  :ermm:




They can go to hell.  :angry:

That post was kindof weird... :ermm:


Join the peace movement for the furthering of tolerance and understanding :blink:



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Tv footage of the rioting in Lebanon had the Imams upbraiding and physically intervening with the extremist troublemakers.


The biggest issue, I feel, is not the current brou-haha; it is the lack of protests from the Islamic community after extremists commited unspeakable acts of violence (9/11 and 7/7) in their names.


The poor PR of Islam is either due to a lack of compassion for their adopted host societies (doubtful, but the criticism can be alleged by miscreants) or a complete na




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Tv footage of the rioting in Lebanon had the Imams upbraiding and physically intervening with the extremist troublemakers.

Saw that one on tv. Perhaps the Lebanese have suffered enough war and conflict on their own bodies to realise that war, fighting and killings sucks ?


Isn't it quite convenient that embassy burnings in Damascus and Beirut has fanned the flames and created renewed unrest in Lebanon, causing the old feuds between warring parties to ignite again, hurting, amongst others, those who are against Syria's involvement in Lebanon :blink:"

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Tv footage of the rioting in Lebanon had the Imams upbraiding and physically intervening with the extremist troublemakers.


The biggest issue, I feel, is not the current brou-haha; it is the lack of protests from the Islamic community after extremists commited unspeakable acts of violence (9/11 and 7/7) in their names.


The poor PR of Islam is either due to a lack of compassion for their adopted host societies (doubtful, but the criticism can be alleged by miscreants) or a complete na

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whether they are extermists or diplomats, there is no denying that they are a passionate people who are very voliate. I think its that quality that creates the persona of this group of people, because no one cares about the everyman trying to fix the world one step at a time. the media craves the radical man and it only takes one to make the news and define a whole culture.


despite that i am honestly sick of all the compassion directed toward the middle east. when you kidnap and kill innocent human beings you haven't earned any compassion. besides where is the backlash for this? why haven't these diplomatic leaders done anything about this, strongly punished this or discouraged it? because they agree with it!


in my view its darwin time. most islamic nations are of the old world mentality and have not kept up with the times. the whole live and let live philosophy is beyond their dogmas, so if an animal can not adapt it is fossilized. i hope the people of these nations can see this, because even the french made claims of nuclear response! i hope that sinks in THE FRENCH FOR GOD SAKES!

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Tv footage of the rioting in Lebanon had the Imams upbraiding and physically intervening with the extremist troublemakers.

Saw that one on tv. Perhaps the Lebanese have suffered enough war and conflict on their own bodies to realise that war, fighting and killings sucks ?


Isn't it quite convenient that embassy burnings in Damascus and Beirut has fanned the flames and created renewed unrest in Lebanon, causing the old feuds between warring parties to ignite again, hurting, amongst others, those who are against Syria's involvement in Lebanon :-"


I saw it on BBC aswell. There were muslim clerics and imams lining in front of churches in order to stop any violence. Kudos to them.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Here's a thought, could you use mm-wave radar to map the guy's faces through the scarves?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm going to make a separate post, due to the time delay since my last one.


I have finally seen the cartoons in question. It is nowhere stated that it is Mahommed. Nor is the activity in the cartoons worse than the activity being used to protest them.




For the first time in my life I am beginning to ask serious questions about what Islam stands for. At present it is showing itself to be unsuited to the freedom of thought and expression consistent with modern free market democracy. It pains me to admit this, but I think it is healthier to do so and ask for your opinions than to let my misgivings fester in silence.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The only opinion I have gained of Islam is that, like everything else, it's the extremes which are unhealthy, and likewise, that the extremes are usally the easiest to notice.


This is fresh on our minds and in our newspapers, but is it honestly any worse than what the cathlics and protistants have been doing to each other for 100s of years? Likewise, just look at that spanish inquesition.


It's always the 'join or die' the 'our way is the only way' which leads to trouble. As for Islam itself, I cannot comment, the bible (I would compare Christianity and Islam since there are many paralells in the 'structure' of each) has a lot of 'prosocial failsafes' (love thy neibour, turn the other cheek ect) but they are also controdicited, which can lead to confusion and 'excuses' when people need them, to act against this 'all of humanity is your brother' philosophy (which, in essense, is a very positive one, but requires actual intelligence on the part of the individual, which is often the problem). I do not know enough about Islam to say if there is anything similar, but it's probably the case, (the two sides of the coin are often 'our religous text promotes peace' and 'our religious text says we should strike down infidels').


Another differance is that while the Bible is considered 'mans interpritation of the word of god' while the Islamic text is considered 'the word of god'. Of couse, in the hands of the 'fanatical faithful' they both amount to the same thing.


In summery, I dont think it is nearly as much to do with Islam itself, as the worshipers, and those who would use the faith to their own antisocial means, consiously or not.



I dont know if it's just the modern climate, but these 'young monotheisms' sure seem to cause a lot of trouble.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I should have made it more clear that I am not talking about Islam five hundred, or five minutes ago. I'm no teven talking about Islam in five years time. I'm talking about the guys who are currently following the faith.


But at the same time I've not changed my opinion that we're all the same basic model. We all like roughly the same things. But we can have our opinions shaped by others and right now I've got the willies about the people shaping Islamic opinion.






Perhaps it's as much to do with the background in the specific countries. The Anglican faith in the Uk is pretty progressive about homosexuality, but the African Anglicans have been practically mediaeval.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The only opinion I have gained of Islam is that, like everything else, it's the extremes which are unhealthy, and likewise, that the extremes are usally the easiest to notice.


This is fresh on our minds and in our newspapers, but is it honestly any worse than what the cathlics and protistants have been doing to each other for 100s of years? Likewise, just look at that spanish inquesition.

Yes, the same examples that pop up everytime. The difference is that those examples are part of the past. So distant a past, in fact, that nobody who participated in the crusades still lives. There are no Spanish Inquisitors still around. Those were other times, marked by different mindsets.



In summery, I dont think it is nearly as much to do with Islam itself, as the worshipers, and those who would use the faith to their own antisocial means, consiously or not.

Pretty much. I was thinking that Christian faith has evolved to be able to coexist with the modern conception of the secular state, while Islam has not. But that's actually not true. Lots of muslims live in secular states and are as open-minded as anyone else. And there are many Christian fundamentalists that would feel right at home in the Middle Ages.


The Scriptures haven't been adapted to cope with the new times, and theferore, the doctrines remain unchanged. The only thing that has changed is how literally these scriptures are interpreted, and how much are they allowed to take precedence over other social and individual considerations. It all boils down to a lack of civic conscience in those countries, regardless of the religion they follow.


Not every muslim is a barbarian, and not every barbarian is a muslim.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I deserve to die as I'm an unsensitive p***k that was forced to laugh when I see those comics... just as I laugh when someone makes a funny against Christianity, Jews, Amerikans, Whites, Blacks, Men, Women, and others.




:D :D :D


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**** call the police!


Edit: Please don't bomb me :huh:

You got the other thread locked with the same kind of inane spam. One would think you have learned, but apparently that's too much to expect from you.


If you want to post random imagery, go on and start a thread for that; I'll be sure to contribute. But don't kill an otherwise perfectly good thread just because you have nothing else to occupy your time with.


PS. That was not funny. Just childish.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I'm not trying to get in the way of a perfectly good barney (although I will, ye wee devils). But isn't this really the point? If one cartoon is bad, what about Moose's?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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