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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I think because, in the developer's eyes anyways (and mine too), joining the Master is not successfully completing the game.  The fact that you don't see anything afterwards leads me to believe that you are a not the same person after being dipped in the vat.


Success is relative in Fallout; nodoby ever wins, and success wildly depends on what we're talking of. Did saving Vault 13 and the wasteland from Grey's plans was a successful way of completing the game? Sure, but successfully completing the game did not necessarily hinge on completing the objectives the Overseer had given to the Vault Dweller, especially considering that they were not the only ones present in the game. Siding with the Master was a perfectly legitimate decision; just because it did not meant succeeding in one task, or set of tasks, does not mean it did not succeed in others and therefore resulted in completing the game.


I think it's as much of an ending to the game as simply dying is.


Siding with the Master stemed from a decision by the character, not because the character lost all ability to fight of fend for himself as is the case with a standard Game Over. It's arguable if the character was the same after he was dipped, but the decision itself was made by the PC when the PC was still him or herself. It wasn't imposed on the character due to any kind of loss. Simply dying, and making a willing decision that results in character death is not the same.


Still for the purpose of what was being discussed, several other endings that affected the gameworld could have been counted. Even if you remove siding with the Master from the list of endings, the truth remains that many permutations of what players did are simply discarded and only one, or a couple, of outcomes is used in the creation of a timeline for a sequel.

Edited by Role-Player
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I personally don't want it to look like the Jedi Knight series.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I personally don't want it to look like the Jedi Knight series.

No, I meen there were this awesome combat movements with really nasty looks :D




I think Joran is talking about "ruffles and flourishes" that is just built into the animation....yes, that would be good (whether RT or TB of some kind).


If K3 is console-only (i.e. Xbox 360 and PS3) then they could incorporate something like the combat seen in the Xbox game Obi-Wan in which the player has incredible control of the lightsaber using the right analogue stick.


In fact, I would encourage any designer/dev out there who is thinking of producing a Jedi-type game to play the Obi-Wan game. While I don't like certain aspects of it (no user-defined dialogue), there is alot there that is cutting edge for this type game. The ability to Force Throw (using the environment as a weapon) is handled well, the ability to add the Force to a lightsaber attack, and the way water/swimming is handled to the way jumping and "rock climbing" is handled are very well done.

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You know, I really wouldn't mind playing a Star Wars RPG with fast-paced combat like that of Jedi Academy, with satisfying environmental interaction, and Sith Lords-styled dialogue, character creation and interaction.


right, they can't retreat on the other areas, that's for sure.

for me, the biggest problem with KOTOR combat is that it is

just out of sync with the movies, namely in the area of the



I started playing Jedi Academy yesterday and one of the things

I had to do was use my lightsaber to cut down a tree so that the

tree then becomes a bridge over a stream....now THAT is Star Wars.


it is also incredibly immersive.

Edited by Plano Skywalker
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You know, I really wouldn't mind playing a Star Wars RPG with fast-paced combat like that of Jedi Academy, with satisfying environmental interaction, and Sith Lords-styled dialogue, character creation and interaction.


right, they can't retreat on the other areas, that's for sure.

for me, the biggest problem with KOTOR combat is that it is

just out of sync with the movies, namely in the area of the



I started playing Jedi Academy yesterday and one of the things

I had to do was use my lightsaber to cut down a tree so that the

tree then becomes a bridge over a stream....now THAT is Star Wars.


it is also incredibly immersive.


Yup, and don't forget that rain.. :wub:


I LOVE how the rain does zsshhh on my lightsaber :wub:

Edited by jorian


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Well, I always thought lighstsaber combat in the KoTOR games is pretty bland, in itself and when compared to what one gets in the Jedi Knight games or even the movies themselves. It's not immediate, it's not appealing, and lightsabers themselves are treated like your run-of-the-mill D&D magic swords. When some tribe manages to block something which is meant to cut trough walls with a wooden stick, and when players have to hack a computer system instead of using the 'saber to cut a large chunk of the wall so they can get trough, it just doesn't feel like a lightsaber.

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if they give us a "real" lightsaber, then that could lead to game balance issues.

I think it would be fun if they actually had a lightsaber creation feat tree.


one of the first things you have to do is create a lightsaber....problem is, you need certain exotic components in order to do that (at least until you advance up the feat tree) and looking for those components would require trips to a number of different worlds (armed with a vibroblade and blaster).

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It's not like a lightsaber should cut trough every material, though; but considering the type of item we're dealing with, it's hard to not look at it and see it's been terribly neutered.


Also, I don't buy a whole lot into balance issues regarding the inclusion of a proper lightsaber. Being a Jedi or a Sith carries more balance issues than a lightsaber. Spamming Force powers, high levels which just bring more instances of some powers, PCs becoming so powerful any challenge is gradually lost... That's more troublesome to me than a proper lightsaber.

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It's not like a lightsaber should cut trough every material, though; but considering the type of item we're dealing with, it's hard to not look at it and see it's been terribly neutered.


Also, I don't buy a whole lot into balance issues regarding the inclusion of a proper lightsaber. Being a Jedi or a Sith carries more balance issues than a lightsaber. Spamming Force powers, high levels which just bring more instances of some powers, PCs becoming so powerful any challenge is gradually lost... That's more troublesome to me than a proper lightsaber.


There are actually one or two materials what LS can't cut trough.


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Found on the Lucas Forums






POSTED 26th September 2005 (AEST)


Hello Ladies and Gents


Guess what I found while browsing the obisidian fourms?




Mailbag 08.30.05



Nothing more than the greatest bundle of all time.




Q.I see that Bioware is recruiting for some new games, which really kinda bums me out. I was hoping for a Knights of the Old Republic 3. With the power of the new Xbox, and maybe a story set in the expanded universe after the movies (like perhaps the Thrawn trilogy) they probably could have easily had the missing killer app in the launch lineup and made a fortune. Any idea if they'll ever make another one?


I believe (think) this is the answer all you KOTOR fans have been waiting for? see below for the answer by an IGN offical -Kookaburra


A.Since another mailbag junkie had recently asked that question and you have bought it up again, I just happen to have a vague but positive answer for you. I spoke with LucasArts the other day and the spokesperson said that they see the series as a franchise, an ongoing franchise, which means that yes, they certainly will make another game. But don't count on BioWare making that game. Most likely, the developer of KOTOR: The Sith Lords will hand the third one, which I am 99% sure will be on Xbox 360. Unless LucasArts decides to take the series to the Xbox next year

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Yeh, but those are as rare as owl's teeth.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Found on the Lucas Forums






POSTED 26th September 2005 (AEST)


Hello Ladies and Gents


Guess what I found while browsing the obisidian fourms?




Mailbag 08.30.05



Nothing more than the greatest bundle of all time.




Q.I see that Bioware is recruiting for some new games, which really kinda bums me out. I was hoping for a Knights of the Old Republic 3. With the power of the new Xbox, and maybe a story set in the expanded universe after the movies (like perhaps the Thrawn trilogy) they probably could have easily had the missing killer app in the launch lineup and made a fortune. Any idea if they'll ever make another one?


I believe (think) this is the answer all you KOTOR fans have been waiting for? see below for the answer by an IGN offical -Kookaburra


A.Since another mailbag junkie had recently asked that question and you have bought it up again, I just happen to have a vague but positive answer for you. I spoke with LucasArts the other day and the spokesperson said that they see the series as a franchise, an ongoing franchise, which means that yes, they certainly will make another game. But don't count on BioWare making that game. Most likely, the developer of KOTOR: The Sith Lords will hand the third one, which I am 99% sure will be on Xbox 360. Unless LucasArts decides to take the series to the Xbox next year




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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When I read this page I think there are 3 things that absolutely should be in Kotor III:


The argument that you can use "the environment" as a weapon. Indeed, I like to throw footlockers and plasteel cylinders towards my opponents.


The argument about the saber moves from Jedi Academy. Yes indeed. Kotor II promised us some other animations. And we got it. But it must be improved. A "trail" behind the lightsaber is a good idea I think.


The lightsaber who could cut through anything. Yes, indeed. After many times, it feels completely dumb to run to two computers in the royal palace to get a door open which is used from the same material as starship hulls, ha, if that was such strong material.

Or how about Uthar Wynns room in both Kotor I and II. As if you cant get through it with a lightsaber.


And finally, what I would like to see is that you can pull a blaster out of your opponents hand. We see it happen so many times in the movies. It does mean goodbye to the random item generator for sure, but I think that is one of the worst things in Kotor II anyway: Dark Jedi corpse, remains, what is here? A Heavy Mandalorian Armour. O, good.

Master Vandar lives!

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It's not like a lightsaber should cut trough every material, though; but considering the type of item we're dealing with, it's hard to not look at it and see it's been terribly neutered.


Also, I don't buy a whole lot into balance issues regarding the inclusion of a proper lightsaber. Being a Jedi or a Sith carries more balance issues than a lightsaber. Spamming Force powers, high levels which just bring more instances of some powers, PCs becoming so powerful any challenge is gradually lost... That's more troublesome to me than a proper lightsaber.


Yes, well you can blame all that on KotOR being based on the d20 RPG engine. I don't much like it either. Watering down lightsabers due to game balance while allowing rediculously powerful characters at high levels is an excellent example of the game mechanics in d20, and Star Wars really is just one example of this. I liked WEG's Star Wars game much better.


But since KotOR games are based on it all, I guess we're stuck with it...

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there are indeed ways to handle game balance issues with a proper lightsaber.

for one thing, there are more Force users in this era than you can shake a stick at....we need better AI for our lightsaber-wielding opponents and we need enemy Lords/Consulars to actually use their Force powers on us and not just go for a full-on frontal assault.


one of the great things about Force Throw is that there is no Wisdom saving throw against a flying barrel or crate because, at that stage, it is just a missle attack and not really a Force attack.


also, melee-oriented assassin droids with cortosis weapons and armor would be a good "generic monster" that can take multiple lightsaber hits.

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