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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I don't want to play a force user.

:( How troubling. Force users kick ass and take names. :(

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A thermal detonator can ruin the day of any Jedi. Also they need to implement cortosis weave properly. A cortosis weave bullet in a slug thrwoer that has a autofire will chew up any light saber jedi. They would deflect the first bullet, lightsaber goes off, the 6 to 9 others rip into him.

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A thermal detonator can ruin the day of any Jedi.  Also they need to implement cortosis weave properly.  A cortosis weave bullet in a slug thrwoer that has a autofire will chew up any light saber jedi.  They would deflect the first bullet, lightsaber goes off, the 6 to 9 others rip into him.


Still wanting to beat the super ultimate most powerful Sith lord with a non force sensitive?

Okay. go ahead and throw a thermal setonator to a jedi. He/she should push it back to you. Goodbye Judge Hades!


Then you want a machine gun with cortosis weave bullets?

Sure. The Jedi could probably stop bullets in mid air and (if he/she is more powerful then Neo) push them all back to you. Goodbye again Judge Hades!


And in case you want to place 15 mines in one place, the Jedi will probably have learned to use Destroy droid to destroy all of them. No wait, throw them back to you!

Goodbye for the thrid time Judge Hades! :lol::devil::devil:


Finally. If you really want to play as a non jedi. Then equip yourself with a good armor and son't use a lightsaber or force powers. I think the ultimate bad guy would also be very easy to beat if you played as a Jedi when you could also beat him/her as a soldier / scout or scoundrel.

Master Vandar lives!

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That is very much the wrong attitude to have. Yes there are situations where a force user would be best and there are some places where a non jedi is best. I just want the freaking option to play a damn non force user. If I am screwed by my choice then so be it. The point is IT IS MY CHOICE.


Sheesh, do I have to spell out everything to you guys?


EDIT: Didn't have Force Push so he was taken out quite easily with thermal detonators.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Poisoning still results as a very dead jedi.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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That is very much the wrong attitude to have.  Yes there are situations where a force user would be best and there are some places where a non jedi is best.  I just want the freaking option to play a damn non force user.  If I am screwed by my choice then so be it.  The point is IT IS MY CHOICE.


indeed, it is all about "role playing"...there will always be a Jolee or Bastila or some such person to handle the "Force mumbo jumbo" if the PC does not want to do it. making the storyline about the Force has got to be Deus Ex Machina...a shortcut from hell.


don't get me wrong, I want to have the *option* of playing a Jedi but I also want to be able to play as:


* Soldier

* Scout

* Scoundrel

* Engineer (Bao Dur had this designation, I believe)


with prestige class for each: Soldier can go Heavy Weapons Specialist, Scout can go Bounty Hunter, Engineer can go Demolitions Expert, etc. Dual classing for those who don't care about going Prestige, etc.


now, I would not mind having the game drop Easter Eggs about me being a Force Sensitive and, towards the latter part of the game (say the last 10 hours of a 40 hour game), I am forced to dual-class as a Jedi....as long as I get to keep whatever else I had, that would be fine.

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That is very much the wrong attitude to have.  Yes there are situations where a force user would be best and there are some places where a non jedi is best.  I just want the freaking option to play a damn non force user.  If I am screwed by my choice then so be it.  The point is IT IS MY CHOICE.


Sheesh, do I have to spell out everything to you guys?


EDIT:  Didn't have Force Push so he was taken out quite easily with thermal detonators.


And what makes you think a non-force user would do better against a thermal detonator? :lol:

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Bangbang the thrower before he has the change to dig up the detonator?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Yes we are so very very stupid.... right.

What does a non force sensitive player actually add to the game?


Let me see...

The Soldier has the ability to get a lot of feats, more than the Jedi Guardian and the Weaponsmaster / Marauder but the soldier doens't have the ability to carry a lightsaber deflect blaster bolts etc etc. so the selection of feats is less.


The Scout has, just like the Jedi Sentinel the ability to have many skills, okay the targeting feats are the only feats a scout has which a Jedi Sentinel has not. Still, when I play as a Jedi Sentinel / Marauder I could very well handle 2 blasters in Kotor II. If there would be a competition: Mira vs my Blaster wielding Exile the Exile would win because of the Higher Vitality points.


The Scoundrel has very little Vitality points like the Jedi Consular but has sneak attack and very many skills. This is the only class which isn't done in any of the Jedi classes. Yes, to a certain extent the Jedi Watchman and the Sith Assasins but nothing else.


Well, Okay. If you want to play as a scoundrel then well, that's okay. Remember that you could always play both Kotor I and II without using force powers and never equip yourself with a lightsaber.

O, and uhh.... never look at the class you are playing.

It can be done. I have played a game as a blaster wielding Jedi. It's fun, but on the other hand, not realistic to kill a Jedi Master, Sith lord and even Kreia at the end with two blasters and precise shot feats.


The only other reason I can see so far is that you don't want to be called "Jedi" so many times. Well, I agree to that and that is why I think it would be a great idea to let the developers decide our fixed name or have 2 or 3 possibilities.

Off course if we are going to play Revan then that's done.


Well, off course you know by know that I am against the playing non jedi in Kotor, but give us a some good reasoning here, develop an idea of how to deal with the O so powerful Sith lord / Jedi or whatever in stead of throwing a Thermal Detonator, okay..


I one's played a game called Jedi Outcast and that's where I found out how a non force user was able to go up against a Dark Jedi....

Go figure.. You cannot win..

And don't tell me Desann was more powerful then, well, say Juhani....

Master Vandar lives!

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If one chose to play a non force using class then the endgame would differ.


For example a soldier would be in the spaceships or on the ground fighting against normal troops.

A stealthy class would be involved in some kind of infiltration mission to facilitate the soldier's battle and of course a Jedi would have a lightsaber battle with some sith.

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one of the problems with this whole franchise is that, if you play some uber Jedi then you just changed SW continuity...but your name was? your gender was? etc.


I think it would be best if the PRIMARY PROTAGONIST is a scripted NPC who is hardly ever with you. That way, when the continuity story gets written, it doesn't have to include the video game PC....it also frees up the PC to be a non-Force-user.


now, what if you ARE a Force-user? then, you are so-and-so's sidekick. hey, that's the way it works, especially in an era when there are tons of Jedi...you a peon, baby. and by not having the focus on the super dupper Jedi pc, then they don't have to keep

killing off the High Council

and crap like that.


this era is dominated by Jedi as a law enforcement agency like the FBI...think of all the intrigue if this era was done right...you could have factions/splinter groups, the whole bit....but they have to throw everything out of kilter for the godlike pc.


ideally, the endgame would be different for each class, but that is hoping for alot...that is why I said I would not mind having a "forced Jedi conversion" late in the game and as a dual-class thing.

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KOTOR 2 is the better of the two currently out. KOTOR 3 needs to be modeled after 2. The reasons 2 were better is because:

1:you could influence you characters (them becoming Jedi)

2:you could influence the overall world much, much more

3:although story lines are important, they should not dominate a game. i want to play a game not listen to a bedtime story.

4:also it was much larger in size and time

I am open to different opinions

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Bleh, after reading Battlewookie's link about Obsidianent NOT being another KotOR-game....


...it will be a Bethesda project or a Lucasarts inhouse-game, yay.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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KOTOR 2 is the better of the two currently out. KOTOR 3 needs to be modeled after 2. The reasons 2 were better is because:

1:you could influence you characters (them becoming Jedi)

2:you could influence the overall world much, much more

3:although story lines are important, they should not dominate a game. i want to play a game not listen to a bedtime story.

4:also it was much larger in size and time

I am open to different opinions


Actually, most people out their still prefer K1. :- Writing, storyline, and recycled worlds aside:


1. Many think the influence system was poorly executed; sometimes to the point where people actually preferred the K1 system. This should only be done if reworked.

2. The only real examples of that are Dantooine, Dxun, and Telos to a lesser extent. In K1, you could do that with Manaan and Kashyyk.

3. Again, many would disagree. Some think the strong storyline were the games' stronger points.

4. Actually, no. K1 and K2 took about the same amount of time for most people. In fact, if you look at worlds like Dantooine and Korriban in K2, they were actually very small.

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Actually, most people out their still prefer K1. :- Writing, storyline, and recycled worlds aside:


1. Many think the influence system was poorly executed; sometimes to the point where people actually preferred the K1 system. This should only be done if reworked.

2. The only real examples of that are Dantooine, Dxun, and Telos to a lesser extent. In K1, you could do that with Manaan and Kashyyk.

3. Again, many would disagree. Some think the strong storyline were the games' stronger points.

4. Actually, no. K1 and K2 took about the same amount of time for most people. In fact, if you look at worlds like Dantooine and Korriban in K2, they were actually very small.

i believe that if you get too involved in the story line you are listening to a story rather than playing a game. i prefer story lines that i can influence. i don't want to have to listen to a extensive story at such a critical point (as in the end of KOTOR 1 after fighting Malak on the ship.) i didn't like GOTO's extensive speech about the galaxy's economics because i would not get to play through the direct results of my action; instead, i had to hear Kreia explain at the end. HORRIBLY BORING!!

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That is very much the wrong attitude to have.  Yes there are situations where a force user would be best and there are some places where a non jedi is best.  I just want the freaking option to play a damn non force user.  If I am screwed by my choice then so be it.  The point is IT IS MY CHOICE.



That made Kreia's comments to Atton on TCS look lame...



Anyway, if I'm a new individual, I wouldn't care if I was a force-sensitive or not. I know how to survive with a lightsaber and I know how to survive with a blaster pistol.



If we were to be someone new, would they own T3 and the Ebon Hawk? Just a thought...




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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