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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Somehow I get the feeling that if a random Lucasarts / Bioware / Obsidian Employee get the task to (globally) read this topic and most of the previous KOTOR 3: IDEA'S AND SUGGESTIONS he/she will go no further than the first three pages and then spend the next of his time on the far more serious www.kotorfanmedia.com and maybe the Bioware boards


I know some of you wouldn't believe that a Kotor III developer will read this thread but I actually hope they won't read it. Let's see, what most of the Kotor III topic's on this forum are mostly about:


1) Meh, I wish Kotor III will not be made

2) Meh, I don't want to play as a "Jedi" even if it is called (Jedi) Knights of the Old Republic"

3) Then: I think they shouldn't make Kotor III as a continuation of Kotor II because it wouldn't work selecting a face / voice / alignment for Revan / Exile. Yeah sure, don't you know what a game developer is capable of.

4) I want a Kotor III if Lucasarts will not play a role in this. Yeah right, if that was even possible.

5) More spam, spam and another kind of Spam.



Now that I have blown away enough steam I guess I'll stay away from this board for the moment and wait a day to see how many people I have insulted on this topic and read there responses.

Edited by hawk

Master Vandar lives!

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You make a few good points but as for the title of it being Knights of the Old Republic and therefore must play a Jedi is pretty damn weak. Carth Onasi, who I consider as much a knight of the old republic as any Jedi, is most defintely not a force user. Being a Knight is more than having power in the force. It is about the attitude and drive to save something you hold dear no matter the cost. Carth Onasi, with all his faults, is a knight of the Old Republic.

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K3 will be even a worse sh*t bag then K2.....Why would LA spend a lot of money and recources on the development when there's already an established name such as KOTOR which will ensure the flow money, and that's the only thing they're interested about, not the happiness of gamers - sure those two things are in a corelation, but it fades away for reasons I already mentioned . I'm not saying they will intentionally ruin it or something, just they will certaintly not bring a lot of effort and care into its development which will cause a further downcrease into all segments of the K3 quality.

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Somehow I get the feeling that if a random Lucasarts / Bioware / Obsidian Employee get the task to (globally) read this topic and most of the previous KOTOR 3: IDEA'S AND SUGGESTIONS he/she will go no further than the first three pages and then spend the next of his time on the far more serious www.kotorfanmedia.com and maybe the Bioware boards


I know some of you wouldn't believe that a Kotor III developer will read this thread but I actually hope they won't read it. Let's see, what most of the Kotor III topic's on this forum are mostly about:


1) Meh, I wish Kotor III will not be made

2) Meh, I don't want to play as a "Jedi" even if it is called (Jedi) Knights of the Old Republic"

3) Then: I think they shouldn't make Kotor III as a continuation of Kotor II because it wouldn't work selecting a face / voice / alignment for Revan / Exile. Yeah sure, don't you know what a game developer is capable of.

4) I want a Kotor III if Lucasarts will not play a role in this. Yeah right, if that was even possible.

5) More spam, spam and another kind of Spam.



Now that I have blown away enough steam I guess I'll stay away from this board for the moment and wait a day to see how many people I have insulted on this topic and read there responses.






Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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K3 will be even a worse sh*t bag then K2.....Why would LA spend a lot of money and recources on the development when there's already an established name such as KOTOR which will ensure the flow money, and that's the only thing they're interested about, not the happiness of gamers - sure those two things are in a corelation, but it fades away for reasons I already mentioned . I'm not saying they will intentionally ruin it or something, just they will certaintly not bring a lot of effort and care into its development which will cause a further downcrease into all segments of the K3 quality.

That is flawed in so many ways. It was LA's doing that made K2 , to some people, not an enjoyable experiance. Use the search function and find topics based on the game being incomplete, flawed ending, etc.

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Kotor III Article News Alert!!!!





Ladies and Gents!





KOTOR III Article Alert!



I went to my news agent today and I brought a Xbox360 magazine. To my shock and excitement, I found something on Kotor III. Inside with the Xbox Magazine was a "confidential Internal use only booklet" stating that there were 23 Xbox games yet to be revealed-and guess what! Kotor III was one of them! So far! in side the booklet it says!



In front of the booklet it says:




Welcome to the top secert document microsoft didn't want you tooo see-declassified. Packed with secert games MS and its army of publishers haven't yet confirmed, this 36 page file reveals-in some cases, for the first time-huge 360 titles still under the radar: the rules don't apply around here-so get inside and feast your eyes on the next years biggest anoncements.



Games inside booklet are: (inorder as shown)




3.Bioware ame

4.Brute Force 2

5.the Chronicles Of Riddick 2

6.Brute Force 2

7.GTA 6

8.Half-Life 3

9.forza Motorsport 2

10.Halo 3

11.Hitman 5

12.Man With No Name

13.Jade Empire 3

14.Ninja Gaiden 2

15.Outrun Coast 2 Coast

16.ProEvolution soccer 6

17.Rallisport Chalange 3

18.the Sims 3

19.Splinter Cell 5

20.Star Wars:Knights Of The Old Republic III <---

21.Turok Next

22.Unreal Tournament 2007

23.WWE Wrestlemaina 360








Star wars knights of the old republic III

from Obsidian out Late 2006.



What we know: "are you planning to purchase an Xbox 360?" asks the currant poll on LucasArts offical site. As well it might-because a third round of Jedi justice is already coding up nicely, we hear. Osidian cut chunks of KOTOR II's story that "[didn't make sense when put in the context of the final game"- they'll likely be reinstalled for a juicy tying together of the trilogy's plotlines.




UPDATED 23RD of DECEMBER 2005 !!!!!!


Here is some proof !!!!






here an minor article of Kotor III




here is the front cover of the booklet that the article came in





here is the first page of the booklet that the kotor III article came in.








Sorry for the quality of the images. My internet up loads seems to be such a bother


I could scan the while booklet for proof but that would take to much time. any way I really hope you enjoy this post.





here is another thread that is talking about it too













Edited by Bastilla_Skywalker
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I have seen these and other such articles. They don't prove anything at all, not to mention some of these "articles" are made up and/or completly untrue.


Don't believe something, just because what is written there is what you want to see.

Нека Силата винаги бъде с теб!


I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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K3 will be even a worse sh*t bag then K2.....Why would LA spend a lot of money and recources on the development when there's already an established name such as KOTOR which will ensure the flow money, and that's the only thing they're interested about, not the happiness of gamers - sure those two things are in a corelation, but it fades away for reasons I already mentioned . I'm not saying they will intentionally ruin it or something, just they will certaintly not bring a lot of effort and care into its development which will cause a further downcrease into all segments of the K3 quality.

That is flawed in so many ways. It was LA's doing that made K2 , to some people, not an enjoyable experiance. Use the search function and find topics based on the game being incomplete, flawed ending, etc.


You say it's flawed for reasons I didn't even say in the first place :- ....where did I say it's Obsidian's or anybodies fault other then LA's? And I've been over those threads you mentioned far too many times. Please read before you reply Gabs :)

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I hope it's true but then, I also hope that they have started working on the game half a year ago. If it is done in one year, then Battlewookiee is probably right, or the game must be made with a team exceeding 200 people. BUG RIDDEN, PLOT HOLE-INFESTED III. A bit unfortunate that we do not see new screenshots on your scans.

Master Vandar lives!

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of course I gotta expect people to disagree. But thats your choice. I'm gonna believe Kotor III is going to be made.


Could be, could be not. But if it is being made don't expect it within 3 years or so...


PS. forgot to mention Rushed in the title. If it indeed comes in 2006 it would be:


Star Wars; Knights of the Old Republic 3; Rushed, Bug ridden and plothole-infested

Edited by Battlewookiee
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Being ignorant of the fact is irrelevent. Be careful next time. :)

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