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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Well, then here I go again Mr. Judge Hades.


How different is it playing a scoundrel / scout from a Jedi Sentinel armed with blasters, equipped with an armor  (should you not like the option to use any force power) and you select force powers which are restricted by Armor? There are more then enough.


You don't role play much do you. If you did the answer would be obvious. If you do role play a lot then you are a pretty piss poor role player.


I shouldn't have to artificially cripple my character like that. Also those choices would be completely out of character which defeats the purpose of role playing. I don't metagame.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Well, then here I go again Mr. Judge Hades.


How different is it playing a scoundrel / scout from a Jedi Sentinel armed with blasters, equipped with an armor  (should you not like the option to use any force power) and you select force powers which are restricted by Armor? There are more then enough.


You don't role play much do you. If you did the answer would be obvious. If you do role play a lot then you are a pretty piss poor role player.


I shouldn't have to artificially cripple my character like that. Also those choices would be completely out of character which defeats the purpose of role playing. I don't metagame.

Just what I expected. You want to play a scoundrel / scout or Soldier so people are not calling you a Jedi and you don't get any lessons on how to use the force and how to wield a lightsaber.

Yeah, well in that case you want the devs to take a lot more time, invest a lot more money because the voice actors need to do a lot more lines just because you are not a Jedi.

Well for one thing, I do like it if our Kotor III character has a fixed name. People, especially your party members should call you by your name.

But on the other hand, a chance to not play as a Jedi so it will take a lot more time / money to fulfill the game is not going to work.

You know how many bugs and plotholes there were in Kotor II. Kotor III needs a very good storyline, not a bug ridden game with more options to play different characters. The investment they need to make is much, much to high.

Master Vandar lives!

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Hawk, did I also mention that Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier have class abilities that I prefer to have over the Force. Class abilities that I would not have if I played a Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. Hmmm... Of course I shiouldn't have to show peole like yourself the obvious, right? IK also think they need to add in the rest of the Core classes in the game as well, Fringer, Noble, and Tech Specialist as options for the PC.


Hell Kitty, sorry to break it to you but there is no janitor class in the Star Wars RPG. :thumbsup:

Edited by Judge Hades
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You know how many bugs and plotholes there were in Kotor II. Kotor III needs a very good storyline, not a bug ridden game with more options to play different characters. The investment they need to make is much, much to high.


Its Lucas Arts. Are you expecting anything different?


The "master storytellers" at Obsidian didn't help either. They too should accept some of the guilt. But I guess we should leave it at that before we get into another blame game.

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Hawk, did I also mention that Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier have class abilities that I prefer to have over the Force.  Class abilities that I would not have if I played a Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular.  Hmmm...  Of course I shiouldn't have to show peole like yourself the obvious, right?  IK also think they need to add in the rest of the Core classes in the game as well, Fringer, Noble, and Tech Specialist as options for the PC.


Hell Kitty, sorry to break it to you but there is no janitor class in the Star Wars RPG.  :(

That doesn't answer my response, but okay, I'll answer to your response again. The only thing I can think of that a Jedi class doesn't have is Targeting, A scout will get the Targeting feat. O, yes, that's right. And then, you say you want so many other classes as well.

O, that's just great.. O yeah, that is going to take way, way to much time to build a game.

Yes, we need to roleplay as a soldier, as a scout, as a scoundrel, a Fringer (whatever it is), Noble, Tech Specialist, In a moment we must be able to be a droid as well. What did I forget, O yes, fighter pilot, bounty hunter, doctor, merchant, librarian, fireman etc. etc. etc.


And then, you say, It's Lucasarts what do you expect.

Well, then I would say that because it is Lucasarts, the developer should spend their time wisely so we can get a well done game, without many bugs, plotholes and so on.


So, what would you propose.

A) Being able to play a non jedi class, which in roleplaying terms takes a lot of time and costs a lot of extra money (voice actors need to say lot's, lot's more), which would almost certainly result in a game with many, many bugs, plotholes, etc. etc. etc.




B) Being able to play "Only" as a Jedi with a well completed storyline and only a few bugs which could be fixed at a later date?


Well, since we are on the forum everyone can read this and give their opinions. Sorry, cannot create a poll on this forum because for some reason the mods don't like Kotor III polls.


Being able to select another species, sure, that's fine, If it doesn't take to much of the developers time to build it, in terms of role playing that is.

Master Vandar lives!

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Just one thing, Hades: "Knights of the Old Republic" refers to Jedi, not just knights in general. Yes, I know all about knights and all that. But Knights in the title refers to a Jedi Knight, not our general concept of knights. :( So yes, a SW game with Knights in the title will most likely focus on JEDI. Not scoundrels, soldiers, bounty hunters, etc.

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O yeah, right. I forgot option C. Not making a Kotor III unless we could play as a non jedi.

I think you are very self centered in this Judge Hades. How about to be able to play only as a jedi so we are certain that you are not going to buy it! Saves you a lot of credits!

Master Vandar lives!

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I think you are very self centered in this Judge Hades.

Fix'd. :wub:



How about to be able to play only as a jedi so we are certain that you are not going to buy it! Saves you a lot of credits!

Naw. He'd buy it all the same.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Hey, I just want to option not to play a Jedi, not to play a force user at all.We got the Force puked all over us in the first two games. I could use a break from the Force in a SW CRPG without metagaming.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Hey, I just want to option not to play a Jedi, not to play a force user at all.We got the Force puked all over us in the first two games.  I could use a break from the Force in a SW CRPG without metagaming.

And you are still not answering to any question. Note that I made the word just in bold.

If you want a game without being a jedi,why don't you try to mod the games? Or have someone trying to mod the game for you.

You could also try playing Kotor I and use KSE to get you to level 20 in Kotor I? Ever tried that?

Happy new year......

Master Vandar lives!

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I think if you had the option to play Jedi or not, then that would mean K3 would need at least 2 stories, one for Jedi, and one for non.



I can see why you want the PC to be a non-FS (Jedi seem to be in the center of EVERYTHING, saving this and starting that). In fact, it's one of the things that made Wedge cool. He wasn't a Jedi, and survived TIE Fighter after TIE Fighter on pure skill, and not the Force, unlike every Jedi in SW history




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Hey, I just want to option not to play a Jedi, not to play a force user at all.We got the Force puked all over us in the first two games.  I could use a break from the Force in a SW CRPG without metagaming.

And you are still not answering to any question. Note that I made the word just in bold.

If you want a game without being a jedi,why don't you try to mod the games? Or have someone trying to mod the game for you.

You could also try playing Kotor I and use KSE to get you to level 20 in Kotor I? Ever tried that?

Happy new year......



What is so wrong with wanting the option of playing a non-jedi. If the do make a 3rd game it would be something that should be added. It would give more choices in character options and replay value. You are acting like people have demanded that force-users be cut from any future Star Wars RPG, they just want the option of something different.

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Here is what I want from KOTOR III.


Yes, I want to play a Jedi again. However, none of that memory loss (KOTOR1) or re-discovering yourself (KOTOR2) stuff. Every character in KOTOR has had a moment that defined them in their respective backstories... What I want to do, is take on the role of a character, as he reaches that defining moment in their life. That moment that will eventually make them something much greater then what they already are (Perhaps even pave the way for KOTOR 4).


Graphically, I want something that looks very similar to what we have now. With more detailed models, enviroments and better looking particle effects and force powers. Just your standard graphic upgrade. More animations for attacks, maybe animations for fighting multiple enemies at once. Better force activations animation, damage taking, healing, etc, etc.


Gameplay wise, I want KOTOR 3 to be actually challenging. Both KOTOR1/2 have been cake-walks, nothing remotely hard about them. I loved all the combat upgrades KOTOR 2 had. Different stances, force forms, abilities, powers, weapons... The work bench upgrading and creating system. It was all good. Except you never needed any of it. It just made you more God like. You never needed to upgrade anything because the game was becoming too hard. Basicly, I want KOTOR 2 again. But a lot, lot harder.


Music.... I don't care. I hate SW music and I wish they would just go with something different. But I know I'm alone on this. ; . ;

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I think the Republic should get plenty of focus too. I mean, the Republic is one good shove away from being cut short 3900 years early. Perhaps a main character (not a PC) could be a Republic Senator (think a LS Goto). Perhaps if the Exile ends up being out of the picture (like off to the UR alone) the Senator could end up acquring T3-M4 somehow, and then another holomessage from T3-M4 could add another dimension to this Senator's thinking, after he sees the impact the Sith could play in all this. (and I'm not having too many thoughts on putting him [the Senator] in any combat scenes)




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Guest The Architect

Thanks Hawk, I'm glad your asking me these questions.


I guess Bastila becomes one of your party members and will probably be your master, right?


In a manner of speaking, Bastila would play more of a Jedi Council (KOTOR Role) than anything. She, as a Jedi Master/Sith Lord would assign you important missions to undertake because in T3's message it tells Bastila (from Revan's orders) to select one of the students from her Jedi/Sith Academy for these missions. And yes, she will join your party because she will act as a mentor and because of your history (friendship) and the potential she sees in you, she will guide you and play a Kreia type of role. I'm estimating that you'd be at about Level 20 when she joins your party, and this is actually fairly early in the game, probably about almost a quater into it. The reason why I proposed that Bastila should be a party member is because she is a very popular character in the KOTOR Series and many people want to see her as a party member so I guess you've got to try and please the fans right?


I guess Bastila becomes one of your party members and will probably be your master, right?

Now, we could play Kotor I to see how she reacts when you follow the Dark path as Revan. But you could now I figure follow the Light path while she is a Sith, right?

What results does this have. Would you have an influence system, are you going to loose influence when Bastila is Sith and you are more and more becoming a Jedi. Or could you influence her to become a LS Jedi again?


Yes. I've included the influence system in KOTOR III because it was quie popular for KOTOR II. If she's a Sith and your evil, you'll gain influence with her and with enough influence you can even touch on the fringe of a romance, however if you set Revan as a male, she will unfortunately confess to you that her heart lies with him. If you set Revan as a female, then you can romance with Bastila, that is of course if your a male. It makes sense right? Anyway, if she's a Jedi and you act all light you'll gain influence with her and if you act the opposote of her alignment she'll lecture you and your friendship will decline, you'll eventually become arch-enemies if you end up being opposite to Bastila's alignment. But no, if Bastila's a Sith then she's a Sith, if she's a Jedi she's a Jedi. You see you can't gain influence with Bastila through dialogue only through actions. It will show Bastila your true self of character and if you do things that opposes her alignment then you'll lose influence, you can't persuade her that what your doing is right if your opposite.

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