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I think I will wait till the PS3 comes out, but I dont think the release of the Xbox 360 or the PS3 will affect the PC to much


You can argue all you want about technology or the "unique opportunities" that consoles are supposed to have but the only real reason for this "decline of the PC" is that the major players MS/Sony will do everything to sell as many consoles as possible. And the best way to do that is to fool people into thinking that the PC is dying as a gaming machine which is complete and utter rubbish.



The comedy of this is that Sony have taken some heavy financial losses lately and that the 360 wont meet the expected sales figures. If anything, its the consoles that are in trouble :rolleyes:

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

Sony needs to stick with making CD/DVD ROM drives for the PC which is what they are good at and leave the futile attempt of making consoles..



If you bought more games the PC gaming market wouldn't be dying. :rolleyes:"

Posted (edited)

No, the Xbox 360 will not be the death of the PC. Neither will the Playstation 3 kill off PC gaming. Same with the Revolution. Why? Well, while consoles make large technology jumps, and for a short time may be better than PCs, the PC is a continually upgrading system, and the PC will always eventually overtake consoles. Then, companies like Microsoft or Sony make a better console, but eventually PCs will become better than them too. Basically, since consoles can't upgrade, companies have to keep making better and more expensive consoles, while PC owners can just keep upgrading their machines for less money and at their own convienience. Plus, some games in development for the PC are already looking better than games for the 360.

Edited by Ekkest
the PC is a continually upgrading system, and the PC will always eventually overtake consoles.


And yet the number of games made for each seems to state otherwise.


The standardized nature of a console is just far more attractive to create for.


The PC isn't standardized, thus you need patches... and we know how patient and nice people are about patches. :rolleyes:"

I love the mouse and keyboard combo. Control is awesome. If Consoles can do that right.  I might have to seriously think about getting one.


Thier getting closer to that, at least, one of them is


The Revolution is coming

I can understand if people prefer one platform over another. But why such a negative attitude, bordering on fanaticism? *I* prefer my PC, but I cannot deny the utility of a dedicated gaming platform that makes games accessible to a very wide audience.


Because consoles have been a constant poison to the PC industry and most people are afraid for the fate of the latter.


The single bare notion that console titles outsell PC games by a considerable margin it's a threat constantly looming on the PC world, and with the evers growing costs of games the console market is becoming more and more attractive for developers.


Since the Xbox hit the market, many high profile companies have embraced the new platform in the name of profit, and this has only managed to hurt PC games. It has made developers less ambiscious due the increased efford of producing a game for multiple platforms, and has forced them to lower standards to meet the requirments of the console market.


Games like Halo, KotOR, Thief 3 and Dues Ex 2 could have been much more if the Xbox had never been released, and PC gamers resent that.


It doesn't have anything to do with fanaticism, it's a defensive reaction...


As far as the PC/Console debate goes, I think it's clear that the damage has been done if your a PC fan. Both from the amount of games coming to the PC in the future and the quality of those released. I mean, every big PC company is at least testing the console market, if not flat out starting to favor it.


I view the future of the PC game market to be similar to that of, say, the Gamecube. Sure, there will be the occasional blockbuster, but it's always going to be the red headed step child, that while be talented, is ignored. Not without reason, of course.


Well, here in NJ it's 20 minutes till it goes on sale. I just keep looking at my X-Box knowing it will be an 'out dated' console in just a few minutes.


There is no "damage", it's an adapt or die situation.


Games are getting too darn expensive to make, placing them in the sink or swim category when it comes to profit... consoles allow them to make a profit.


All this "PCs are the main game platform and consoles are stealing our games" crap smells of stubborn elitism.

Posted (edited)
All this "PCs are the main game platform and consoles are stealing our games" crap smells of stubborn elitism.


Not saying that


I am saying, while I enjoy console games, I really miss the depth and maturity (not just more blood) that PC games tend tp bring with them that most console games lack, especially in RPG terms.



EDIT: Obviously they arn't stealing games from the PC market. Tho I did find my Gamecube hiding my copy of Starcraft.

Edited by kumquatq3
Consoles are nice. They're easy. They're reliable. But as for them 'stealing' games, that's rediculous.


I agree :p


But some of the PC hanger-ons seem to view it differently.

Posted (edited)
Consoles are nice. They're easy. They're reliable. But as for them 'stealing' games, that's rediculous.


I agree :p


But some of the PC hanger-ons seem to view it differently.




Seriously, how do you think anyone views it as "stealing". Adding that word is twisting is what is being said, unless I missed a nut posting that. Bill Gates isn't stealing PC games from my house or anybody else.


What is intended is that people view the PC as a superior platform for pure gaming. That doesn't take into account the costs to the devs, etc. Just the quality of product, taking into account the personal tastes of most people around here (PC RPG fans, aka Fallout or PS:T). Or to sum it up: the common saying "dumbing down" for consoles.

Edited by kumquatq3
Posted (edited)

It's your superior gaming platform. I have both a PC and an X-Box, and if a game comes out for both, I always buy it for my X-Box. Just because you think it's the best platform doesn't mean it is. If you like chocolate ice cream and I tell you vanilla is the superior flavor, does that make it true? If 65 million people considered the PC the best gaming platform, and one person says it isn't, then the PC isn't.

Edited by kotorkyle
It's your superior gaming platform.


taking into account the personal tastes of most people around here


I thought I was being clear that the PC is popular preference of people around here, obviously not universally, sorry if I didn't get that across

I have both a PC and an X-Box, and if a game comes out for both, I always buy it for my X-Box.


Although to be fair, if a game comes out at the same time on a console and the PC, the PC version is nine times out of ten a port of the console version. Games designed for a console control scheme usually feels awkward on the PC and vice versa.


This is not a way to say either is superior, I have nothing against consoles, just pointing out tha games designed for a gamepad play better with a gamepad.


(of course, if you have a gamepad for the PC this becomes moot)

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