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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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What I want to know is why Malachor V created the whole "wound in the force" in the exile, but you didn't see that happen any other time a planet died. You didn't see that in Star Wars IV or KOTOR 1. :ninja: Yet for some reason, it happened with the exile and Nihilus.


But I have to disagree with Hawk and say that I don't want to see another character spawned from Malachor V in K3. We've already seen two of those (Nihilus, exile) and I think doing the same in K3 would only be repetetive.

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Well, thank you for your responses. I am at the very least very satisfied that I do get some attention.


For one thing, there are allways a lot of (unbelievable) events happening in any star wars movie / Kotor game.

The first Kotor tried to let you believe that Revan was dead. And then on the leviathan you see that you are Revan.

Then Obsidian gets a job of developing another game and just before the end you will hear that you are a wound in the force and that you spawned two Sith lords who killed a lot of jedi.


Then there is the very difficult job of building another Kotor game which we all agree should be made of finishing a good storyline which IMHO should have characters who are somewhat related to the main characters in the first two games (Revan and the Exile). And I think it would be a bad idea to just let Revan and the Exile be dead for simplicities sake.

As to why I would think about a spawned LS character. Well, to be honest I don't have a really good idea of why a LS character would be spawned from the Mandalorian wars but remember there is always the force and this force has always some will. Anakin was also spawned by the will of the force.


It is therefore that I think that especially given what happened in Kotor II there should be a character spawned at the time of the Mandalorian wars, possibly a character who could resist an attack done through the force. A character who could survive when a Nihilus type Sith is killing everything on a planet.

It could be rumoured that Visas is such a character, I mean do you believe Kreia that Nihilus is bound to Visas?!

Well, I don't really believe that. It would be extremely difficult if not impossible to kill thousands if not millions of force sensitives to let only one survive. And remember this is all done through the force.


Maybe this could be our new idea of a playing character as I mentioned before I wouldn't like to play as "Just another Jedi".


So these are my idea's: 1: play as a character spawned from the Mandalorian wars or let this be an NPC.

2: Play as Revan's son / daughter. Remember that Revan lost his/her memory.

Master Vandar lives!

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What I want to know is why Malachor V created the whole "wound in the force" in the exile, but you didn't see that happen any other time a planet died.  You didn't see that in Star Wars IV or KOTOR 1.  :ninja:  Yet for some reason, it happened with the exile and Nihilus. 


Malachor V didn't create the wound, the Exile did - the darkess of Malachor V only served as something that facilitated and increased the severity of the wound.


As the masters explain over many, many conversations, what happened was that the Exile's strong affinity for force bonds with others made him much more susceptible to all the anguish and terror that the devasation of Malachor V caused to the victims of the mass shadow generators, and the Exile experienced all that suffering much more intensely than other people, because his force bonds gave him a far more empathic experience of it all. And the darkness of Malachor V added to that.


The experience was so intense and traumatic that the Exile was nearly killed, but instead of dying, he acted instinctively and unknowningly by cutting off his own connection to the force and thereby silencing all the suffering that he felt. It helps if you have to think of it as someone with exceptionally good hearing, who is suddenly forced to endure a large amount of very loud and painful noises...


But though the Exile cut off his connection to the force, he did not abandon his ability to create force bonds, and that is what we see him do in K2.


Nihilus does something similar, and as the masters explain, it didn't just happen to him as it did to the Exile. Rather, Nihilus actually learned it from the Exile himself - they are opposite sides of the same force wound. As the masters say, when they felt Katarr die, they felt something they had only felt once before - when the Exile stood before them and they sentenced him. I have my own speculations about Nihilus, but all we really know yet is that somehow Nihilus was also spawned by the Exile's act to sever himself from the force and the force bond that he thereby created.

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In KotOR III, I would love to see the end of 'Jedi Classes' (consisting of Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel, and Jedi Guardian), and have a return of the 'film classes' (consisting purely of Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master.)


I would really like for the PC to start off as a Jedi Padawan (levels 1-14) under the teaching of a Jedi Knight (levels 15-29). When the PC reaches level 15 and achieves the rank of Jedi Knight, his master achieves the rank of Jedi Master (having started off as level 15, now at 30) and leaves the party. The PC then gets asigned a Padawan (who starts off as level 1). When this Padawan reaches level 15 and becomes a Jedi Knight, the PC likewise reaches level 30 and is given the title and rank of Jedi Master.


just pure and simple, like the movies. (Though the movies don't have levels.) It would also be nice, for once, to be a Jedi Master in one of these games and be acknowledged as such (Unlike in TSL). Wouldn't anyone else agree?


I remember what Kreia said about Mical (Disciple); about him sitting on the new Jedi Council, although reluctantly. I have tickled the idea that maybe Mical could be the master to the main character, the apprentice. Then, when the PC becomes a Jedi Knight, Mical (subsequently a Jedi Master) is asked to join the Jedi Council and feels obligated to do so. Just a thought, of course.


Coruscant (and the Jedi Temple) would be a very welcome sight in KotOR III. If my scenario is somehow read and used, I would love for the PC to start of there, finishing his basic training and then being taken on by Mical as his Padawan.


Robes with hoods would also be a welcome sight. Also armor with helmets. I mean, if Mandalore (aka. Canderous) could wear one...not to mention all the npcs who have them (Mandalorians and Ubese)...why can't the PC and his/her party?


The ability to alter your lightsaber hilt (design, engraving, and even color) is close to - if not absolutely - a MUST. Not every Jedi in the galaxy has the exact same lightsaber. Unless they were mass-produced in this period of time. But we learn time and time again that this is not the case.


Well, that's about all I can think of for the time being. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to post.


PS: The taking away of the fake Jedi Classes and return to the traditional classes would also make every skill, feat, and force ability accessible to everyone. Such as, every Jedi would have the ability to Force Jump, and not like the previous games where this ability was restricted to only Jedi 'Guardians'. Forgive me for being frank, but isn't Yoda wrongly mistaken for being a Jedi Consular? Did he not also practice this technique? No, is is not a Jedi Consular, he is simply a Jedi Master. As Anakin was simply Jedi Padawan, and also used this ability.

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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Ya i suggested that they should be rid of the "classes" and allow the player to decide their own character's strengths and weaknesses on their own..



The real problem I see with what you posted is that it would be pretty tough for a character to make the jump from padawan to knight much less all the way to master. Its assumed that a jedi would most likely spend decades in pursuit of the abilities that would make them a master. If we were to get rid of the "fake' classes I would most certainly like to see more realistic "leveling then.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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If we were to get rid of the "fake' classes I would most certainly like to see more realistic "leveling then.


Oh come now. You don't think it's realistic to go from a Padawan to a Knight by just hacking through a room of soldiers? :("

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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What I want to know is why Malachor V created the whole "wound in the force" in the exile, but you didn't see that happen any other time a planet died.  You didn't see that in Star Wars IV or KOTOR 1.  :blink:  Yet for some reason, it happened with the exile and Nihilus. 


But I have to disagree with Hawk and say that I don't want to see another character spawned from Malachor V in K3.  We've already seen two of those (Nihilus, exile) and I think doing the same in K3 would only be repetetive.

Yep, all we need is some sort of time distortion in K3 going back to the Wound Creation Event on M5, and we'd have the most boring clich




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Ya that "the c hose none much cho ose"


sounds bad, and is difficult to understand

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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What I want to know is why Malachor V created the whole "wound in the force" in the exile, but you didn't see that happen any other time a planet died.  You didn't see that in Star Wars IV or KOTOR 1.  :blink:  Yet for some reason, it happened with the exile and Nihilus. 

This is explained in game. The Exile has an unique ability to create bonds easily in the Force. The Exile was linked to all those who died, and he united the echoes of all their deaths in the Force.

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Maybe this could be our new idea of a playing character as I mentioned before I wouldn't like to play as "Just another Jedi".


So these are my idea's: 1: play as a character spawned from the Mandalorian wars or let this be an NPC.

2: Play as Revan's son / daughter. Remember that Revan lost his/her memory.

1. Okay.

2. Awful idea. Ditto for nephews, nieces and godchildren.


Why are you so opposed to "Jedi Jo(e) in the wrong place at the wrong time"?


Do you have to be the "Harry Potter" CHOSEN ONE ? :blink:




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Very subtle.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Then why did you post? :shifty:

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Maybe this could be our new idea of a playing character as I mentioned before I wouldn't like to play as "Just another Jedi".


So these are my idea's: 1: play as a character spawned from the Mandalorian wars or let this be an NPC.

2: Play as Revan's son / daughter. Remember that Revan lost his/her memory.

1. Okay.

2. Awful idea. Ditto for nephews, nieces and godchildren.


Why are you so opposed to "Jedi Jo(e) in the wrong place at the wrong time"?


Do you have to be the "Harry Potter" CHOSEN ONE ? :p


If you are to become "just another Jedi", it is hard to build some "surprises / revelations" into the game. I have seen one game where you can play as "just another Jedi", this is Jedi Academy. And in Jedi Academy, are there any surprises in the storyline?! No, okay maybe the only surprises are who are fighting against but otherwise the story is just very very bad.


In Kotor I and II we at least have something to figure out. We can find out who our character is and what he/she has done.


Sure, there are some advantages to become just another jedi, for example the fact that you could play as another species but otherwise I think it isn't so good to let your PC be just some jedi.


Final note: Remember that in the Star Wars movies some of the main characters are not just another person either.

Master Vandar lives!

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Not every story has to be an epic.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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