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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I'd rather be the Exile in III just because II's ending left many loose ends untied.


Also, does anyone think we'll be seeing any visions of Kreia Obi-Wan style?




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Just a question here: How many of us who have been posting in this thread want to continue using this thread for K3 discussions?


Or does anyone want to have a thread for Part 13?


I'm generally ok with continuing with this thread, actually.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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To be honest, i'd prefer to be a totally new person, and think we will have a totally new PC in K3, As far as i see it, it would just be too hard to explain certain things about the Exile, and expect the devs would opt for the easy way out-amnesia in a new PC or something of that sort :angry:.


I dont really think there would be any reason necessary for visions of Kreia to be in K3, unless it was for some random piece of information vital to the plot, so i really doubt anything like that included, apart from maybe a cameo from one of the K2 chars, in a holographic form :wub:


And vaxen, just let the thread run its course, it will surely get locked when its used up all its usefullness and turns to the spam side :wub:.

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in KOTOR3 i'd like...


- the gender/alighnment of Revan or Exile (should they be in the game) to stay optional. It should be like the start of K2 where you choose Revan's Gender/Alighnment and you yourself at character creation choose the Exile's Gender/Alighnment.


- Decapitations, wounds, blast marks etc. As a NPC or PC's health decreases instead of limping id like to see them perhaps a little bloody and beaten up.


- A visual difference in the lightsaber forms, like different ready stances and perhaps a few different moves, like jumping over an opponent in combat like Yoda does in AOTC.


- Difference in lightsaber hilts, perhaps allow the PC to not only customise their saber parts inside, but outside aswell. Make the hilt look different compared to the long silver default one.


- Less NPC party members if their backgrounds and personalities cant/wont be fleshed out more. There is no need in having 10 crew members if they are all going to be boring sods to play with.


- Tweak the influence option, allow specific Party Member quests to gain or lose influence with them.


- Force Powers:

Add Force Pull to the list

Make Force Choke more like Darth Vader's use of it

Force Storm should be more like the Emperor's double handed lightening strike instead of raising one hand.

Force Crush's sound should be louder

Change Force Push's VFX, dont add sparkles to it just keep the "Heatwave" ripple effect.


- Weapons should be like K2, different colour variations to the same game model. I like the golden and sometimes bluer/purple variants for different blasters.


- Armous should be customisable in appearance when using the workbench, e.g. adding different colours, patterns, symbols, arm bands, shin pads etc


- Jedi/Sith Robes:


They should be more detailed e.g. collars, sleeves, movement of robe as you walk etc.

Also perhaps some patterns or symbols on the robes like Atris's and Visas's.

If the PC puts on a Jedi or Sith robe there should be an option to remove the cloak and allow them to play in the tunic which is worn underneath.

Add a hood to the robes and allow a function of putting it up or down


- PC Male/Female heads should be more detailed and thought out, some were plain ugly and horrible! in K2.

Allow the player in the character creation menu to select hair, eye and skin colour for their chosen PC head/body. e.g. if the player chooses a black, asian or caucasian head they should have the choice to change its hair, eye and skin colour aswell as hair/facial hair style.


- Create better underwear, i understand the game is for children aswell as adults but the underwear was horrible in K2. Not only was it pointless but very unflattering on the NPC and PC.


- Lightside/Darkside changes should be more like the Movie's, red eyes etc.


- The music should be dramatical and different, nothing worse than having a game with every song/tune is near enough the same. Perhaps also make a KOTOR3 theme tune which lasts 3-4 minutes in length much like some of the movie songs.


- Keep the same Music and Movie viewing option but perhaps give a better description of each name of song or movie.


- Keep the same aliens in K3 as seen in K1&2 but perhaps have a variation on them, e.g. the female rodian on Nar Shadda looked male, and infact it was hard for me to realise by her voice she was female. Add a wider diversity to the alien life you meet since afterall this is the Star Wars Galaxy.


- Start as a Jedi with a lightsaber that you can choose the colour of the blade for before you begin the game. It took too long to get a lightsaber in K2 and this was a big downside, i was forced to use the Save Game Editor to give my character one on Peragus.


- Planets:


Visiting new and old planets would be a good choice for K3, old planets tie the story into K1&2 and new make the game seem new and fresh.


Revisiting old planets can be cool but please make new areas, settings, visuals that make the planet seem different and better than before. A good example is Dantooine because it would be great to go back and see it after their government has been set up since you saved them all in K2.


Larger areas to travel in makes the game seem bigger but also time consuming, being able to rent or buy a speeder would be a nice and easy way to travel the planet your on.


Add Coruscant to the planet list!


- Training party members into Jedi should only be allowd to take place on Dantooine or Coruscant. Some time should be taken in the game to allow the Exile to train a party member(s) into Jedi by going through various tests and quests which the player controls the said party member as they undergo their Jedi Trial.


- Training party members into Sith should only be allowd to take place on Korriban or perhaps the "Unknown" Rakatan Planet or perhaps Malachor V in the Trayus Academy. And the player controls the party member as they go through a number of tests and quests in their Sith Trial.


thats all i can think of at the moment :wub:

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make a City of hero's character builder a part of the game... thats right watch the jedi run around in spandex with a lightsaber on his chest crying "stop evildoer!"

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I agree with most, master pendak, but why do you think a smaller party would be better? I think the best idea is to have some core party members, and the rest should be alignment dependant. ( no gender dependance, please)


About the Revan/Exile options. I think their alignment should be more important than the gender.


Still, the most important things have to be the story and the characters. K3 has to give a lot of answers to the plotholes in K2.

Нека Силата винаги бъде с теб!


I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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If we want to see Revan and the Exile in III, then we should be able to customize what they look like as well




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Well whoever does KOTOR III, i hope they use KOTOR 1 interface, player movements and graphics, cos KOTOR II movements are rubbish, the interface is bulky not sleek like the first and for some reason i think KOTOR II graphics looks too amature/more cartooney than the first. Hopefully the Story will be tied up too :(


I also hope that they take their time and not release it with bugs and actually finish the game. I'd rather wait 2/3 years for a fantastic game then get a mediocre one in less than a year.

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Well whoever does KOTOR III, i hope they use KOTOR 1 interface, player movements and graphics, cos KOTOR II movements are rubbish, the interface is bulky not sleek like the first and for some reason i think KOTOR II graphics looks too amature/more cartooney than the first.


part of the problem is they were trying to push the limits of an already-established engine....the additons were cool but they apparently did not have enough QA to get all the kinks worked out.


you are not the first person to mention how the graphics don't look as good in K2...others have mentioned that it was because of a lack of texturing. K1's graphics were very textured...K2's did not always have that....again, K2 was made in someone's attic...things like texturing cost time and money.


Anyway, if there is a K3, it will be next-gen and it will have the kind of polish that one would expect in such a game....trust me on that.

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Anyway, if there is a K3, it will be next-gen and it will have the kind of polish that one would expect in such a game....trust me on that.


im sure it will use next gen graphics, but i hope that they use the HUD of KOTOR 1 and keep it small, and not use the aweful one from KOTOR 2.

It probably wont be announced until Xbox 360 is out, or maybe it could be a launch title for it, hmm...


EDIT: I dont know if this is the right place to ask, but is there any website or forum that explains in detail why KOTOR 2 graphics are worse than KOTOR 1? im not trying to insult Obsidian, but there is a difference for the worse. Thnx for the insight sofar Plano Skywalker

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about the worlds:


in K1, Bastila asks Revan what his homeworld is.


Revan is given 2 dialogue choices (and one of them is obviously false).

the correct answer is: "Deralia. It's in a remote system".


Now, I realize that this memory is part of the

"fake memory" that the Jedi put into his brain

. But it could actually be his homeworld.


At any rate, if Revan has significant play in K3, I wouldn't mind visiting his homeworld or at least having some backstory that deals with his homeworld and having that play some role in the main story. That would be interesting.

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At any rate, if Revan has significant play in K3, I wouldn't mind visiting his homeworld or at least having some backstory that deals with his homeworld and having that play some role in the main story.  That would be interesting.


Just think if Revan already had a "misstress" before he turned like Anakin in Episode 3, then he comes back after all these years with Bastila. We could have one huge cat fight!

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[spoiler STUFF ALERT]


- Training party members into Jedi should only be allowd to take place on Dantooine or Coruscant. Some time should be taken in the game to allow the Exile to train a party member(s) into Jedi by going through various tests and quests which the player controls the said party member as they undergo their Jedi Trial.


- Training party members into Sith should only be allowd to take place on Korriban or perhaps the "Unknown" Rakatan Planet or perhaps Malachor V in the Trayus Academy. And the player controls the party member as they go through a number of tests and quests in their Sith Trial.


excellent point and it does, in my view, tie into the overall lack of NPC sidequests.

in my view, you should have about 3 or 4 Force Sensitives on your ship but only one is going to be your Padawan....you know, same thing as Mira...if you get Mira on your ship, you don't get Hanharr...I think the same principle should apply here. Sure, there are a number of options, but you must lock in to one of those options. and make the Teacher/Padawan relationship dialogue intense (Kreia-style mumbo-jumbo except you are the one who gets to say the mumbo-jumbo).


I like the idea of dropping off your apprentice on some wilderness planet armed with only a vibroblade....he must find a way off the planet and join you at a certain location (maybe you tell him of a shuttle he can use that is 100 miles from the drop zone). if you don't hear from him in 30 days, you go get him. if he accomplishes the objective, he gets the lightsaber creation feat and must make his own lightsaber. After that, he is your Padawan and First Mate of your ship. He commands your party if the game ever goes multithreaded....has the Persuade skill, etc.

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[spoiler STUFF ALERT]


- Training party members into Jedi should only be allowd to take place on Dantooine or Coruscant. Some time should be taken in the game to allow the Exile to train a party member(s) into Jedi by going through various tests and quests which the player controls the said party member as they undergo their Jedi Trial.


- Training party members into Sith should only be allowd to take place on Korriban or perhaps the "Unknown" Rakatan Planet or perhaps Malachor V in the Trayus Academy. And the player controls the party member as they go through a number of tests and quests in their Sith Trial.


excellent point and it does, in my view, tie into the overall lack of NPC sidequests.

in my view, you should have about 3 or 4 Force Sensitives on your ship but only one is going to be your Padawan....you know, same thing as Mira...if you get Mira on your ship, you don't get Hanharr...I think the same principle should apply here. Sure, there are a number of options, but you must lock in to one of those options. and make the Teacher/Padawan relationship dialogue intense (Kreia-style mumbo-jumbo except you are the one who gets to say the mumbo-jumbo).


I like the idea of dropping off your apprentice on some wilderness planet armed with only a vibroblade....he must find a way off the planet and join you at a certain location (maybe you tell him of a shuttle he can use that is 100 miles from the drop zone). if you don't hear from him in 30 days, you go get him. if he accomplishes the objective, he gets the lightsaber creation feat and must make his own lightsaber. After that, he is your Padawan and First Mate of your ship. He commands your party if the game ever goes multithreaded....has the Persuade skill, etc.


Sounds great, but might be difficult to implement. How would the success of the NPC be determined? their skills, your skills, randomly?


I would like to see Coruscant in KOTOR 3, afterall, it is the capitol of the republic! you could have a whole game of side quests there.

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Sounds great, but might be difficult to implement. How would the success of the NPC be determined? their skills, your skills, randomly?


the Padawan only has access to PC-type abilities (i.e. Persuade) when the main PC is away on some other thread. when the PC and the Padawan are in the same squad, only the PC has those abilities.

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One thing i would definately want to see is the return of HK 47. They should also come up with characters with better names, and not have characters like Kreia. I could tollerate Mission in KOTOR 1, but this Kreia dosnt feel right, i dunno.


Maybe for once you could actually be a servant of the Sith. By that i mean starting the game on the side of the sith, fighting the republic, then you can either continue on your rampage or see the light. When i play DS in KOTOR 1, it was very annoying that you end up killing your future followers. I think they should give us a true choice, not always starting with the republic.


I can see it now, Vader to the left of me, Dooku to the right of me, and me being the emperor having Super Force Storm! >_<

Edited by aerowars617
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In terms of DS force powers in K2, Force Crush was actually a force power that did not really need to be in the game as there was already DS Wound, Choke and Kill. The other thing about learning a DS Force power after Kreia abandons the PC could have been something like a power which I might call Force Breath (different from Breath Control). This power which is Force Breath might actually merge three different DS powers of Plague, Insanity, and perhaps Force Scream into one power that has a lower FP cost. This would be slightly like the Marlboro Bad Breath attack from FF8 where party members were weakened with various status effects. (Sleep, Zombie, Confuse, Berserk, Poison, Silence, Petrified, Blind, and not forgetting Meltdown which reduced both Vit and Spirit to 0 for characters)


So the DS force power of Force Breath that could have been learned in place of Force Crush would be slightly like Force Enlightenment (Burst of Speed, Valour and Shield) Besides, bosses like Kreia, Sion and Nihilus and the Greater Storm Beast could have been defeated without Force Crush. Also, there is damage to both force points and health of groups of enemies with Force Storm.


If K3 had a force power that would combine those DS force powers that had status effects into one, it would help, especially if it affects a group of enemies. (Except that poison damage might be left out as the force power is meant to only weaken opponents)

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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with regard to powers like Force Crush, Beast Trick, etc, I think these should be "bonus powers" based on what kind of character you have....they are just single powers with no hierarchical trees.


for instance, a Sith Lord gets Force Crush (and he gets it as soon as he goes Prestige Class). Breath Control for Jedi Sentinels, Beast Trick for Jedi Consulars, Empathic Link for Jedi Masters (initiate your own empathic communication!), etc.


the purpose served is that you don't have to burn slots on other powers that do the same thing....it's kind of like racial powers in Morrowind.

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Of course if can be debated which is crueler - killing them in cold blood...or lopping off both their arms and legs and leaving them sitting there.  (w00t)


Didn't see Obi-Wan taking any DS points for doing it to Anakin, so I guess that settles that... :o


Well, Anakin was armed at the time.


Its not like Obi-Wan went up to Anakin and just cut off his legs for the kicks of it.


I personally would have made sure he was dead before i left. (ie. stabbed him or something)

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hello!  :D  I've seen longer posts, believe me. 


I'm saying that if you already give the player exp.  and LS/DS points in the beginning, you give the player less of a chance to go and earn the points themselves and adjust the character's alignment.  It sort of takes away from the ability to customize your character entirely on your own.  And if you give them fewer opportunities to earn LS/DS points, than it's be harder to adjust alignment and earn a mastery in either alignment.  And if you happen to have to earn points opposite your alignment in the game (say, to complete a mission, which happened to me a couple times in both games), it'd be harder to make up those points since you don't have as many chances to earn those points back.  :o


Get any of that?  I hope that's not confusing.  :huh:


By the way, for those of you who are talking about losing limbs, I think we can all forget about that ever happening.  Keep dreaming.


Good idea he had there, but as you said, a romance in this game is a BIG must!


I also thing there should be a random quest generator...that would increase the replayability value. (and no i don't mean missions like Freelancer. lol)


Another good feature would be the ability to steal your ship you use, but the better the ship, the more NPCs you will need to kill to get it.


If you are a Jedi however, you can rent or buy your own starship or get one from the Jedi Order, the ship could be big enough that you have your own crew, which just do their own thing, but on occasion there could be a quest you could do for them, but the only NPC on your ship that talks to you about the main plot is your Command Staff. (ie. First Officer, Security Officer etc.)


What do you think?

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I think the idea for having characters in K3 who use only single weapons like Kreia just makes things unnecessarily tedious. Now that I think of it, the way OE made the game, and this is for all PCs, most of the characters were actually restricted to certain PC settings, like having to be Female to get Disciple and getting Mira only with LS PCs.


This is simply a convoluted way of restricting characters to one part of the story. One of the reasons for doing this is whichever of those characters were prevented from being made available to any kind of PC regardless of Male/Female and LS/DS is that OE might have wanted to but could not integrate characters like the Handmaiden, Disciple, Hanharr, and Mira together.


K2's storyline was not just abrupt, but due to lack of interaction of these characters, it was not exactly synchronised. (Like preventing a PC from having Disciple and Handmaiden in the same game, no link to K2 story between them)


The only characters in K2 that are always there and who are already Jedi or can be trained as Jedi are probably Bao-Dur, Atton and Visas. (Meaning not having to adjust playing style so tediously) The rest of the characters are either limited to certain PC settings or characters without Jedi training potential. (Kreia can be quite long-winded throughout the game)


Besides characters like Atton, Bao-Dur and Visas are easier to listen to and sympathise with.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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