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Dude! You lost, get over it.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

  GhostofAnakin said:
That reminds me of that Seinfeld joke where he talks about naming a kid Jieves (sp?).  You pretty much set their lot in life with names like that.

Like Major Major in Catch-22? (He starts his army career as a private, but because of the ineluctable and ineffable idiocy of the armed forces bureaucracy, he is eventually promoted to Major, because Captain Major Major just doesn't sound right, and everyone thinks he's a Major already anyway. That's Catch-22 in reverse.)

  Darth_Schmarth said:
My cousin had a theory that if you gave your kid a dodgy name, he or she would be bullied and end up spending all his/her time reading books, so that by the time the kid had grown up he/she would have become very learned and make a career, providing for good ol' daddy.

Maybe his mother was trying the same thing, and misspelt his name: Malik ? :D





Are plot floors the same as plot holes? If that's the case than I got so many.


I think plot holes are things that are never explained, but not necesarily wrong, while plot flaws are inconsistencies and mistakes.


For example, a plot hole is who was piloting the ebon hawk to rescue the exile from Sion.


While a plot flaw is why did Vandar refer to Bastilla to a Padawan, even though she said she was almost ready to be a Jedi master.

  thepixiesrock said:
  Calax said:
from kotor 1


How Revans Robes got to the Starforge when he lost them to bastila after the battle...


Why Bastila doesn't wear Revans Robes when she turns dark.



They are robes created by the Star Forge, he aquired them from the same place he had learned about the Star Forge from I would imagine. It is just speculation on my part. The part about them being created by the Star Forge was in the game.


Why would Bastila wear his robes? That isn't a plot hole/floor, you lose get off the forums.

If they be star forge robes then why does Revan have them in the flash back on dantoinne? I thought they found the starforge after finding the starmaps...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

  Calax said:
If they be star forge robes then why does Revan have them in the flash back on dantoinne? I thought they found the starforge after  finding the starmaps...


The robes on the SF were a copy of Revans original suit, as the SF is a copy machine...

  Battlewookiee said:
5. GO-TO blows up the Remote, and the Remote still flies with Bao-Dur afterwards

I'm definitely not pro K2 but if you look very carefully as someone before told me (yep, I used to think "huh" about this point too), you see that the remote drops and rolls into/through the floor, which is why it looks just like a piece of remote debris.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

  dufflover said:
  Battlewookiee said:

5. GO-TO blows up the Remote, and the Remote still flies with Bao-Dur afterwards

I'm definitely not pro K2 but if you look very carefully as someone before told me (yep, I used to think "huh" about this point too), you see that the remote drops and rolls into/through the floor, which is why it looks just like a piece of remote debris.


Akari explained that one. It wasn't a story plot hole but rather a graphical glitch that you described.


I know I'm just repeating your explanation, but I'm also adding that it was officially stated by a Dev that it was in fact only a graphical issue as opposed to some oversight in storytelling.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
  dufflover said:

I'm definitely not pro K2 but if you look very carefully as someone before told me (yep, I used to think "huh" about this point too), you see that the remote drops and rolls into/through the floor, which is why it looks just like a piece of remote debris.


Akari explained that one. It wasn't a story plot hole but rather a graphical glitch that you described.


I know I'm just repeating your explanation, but I'm also adding that it was officially stated by a Dev that it was in fact only a graphical issue as opposed to some oversight in storytelling.


Still doesn't explain What the movie tries to tell...

Is it supposed to be GO-TO implenting the Triggers (M5) into the remote?

Or was something else supposed to be "explained" here?


well this isn't exactly a hole so much as a possibility, but whatever happened to the Taris Outcasts? They go wandering off to the Promised land (which i'm assuming is outside the city.) and you never hear from them again, so what, are they still alive?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

  Calax said:
well this isn't exactly a hole so much as a possibility, but whatever happened to the Taris Outcasts? They go wandering off to the Promised land (which i'm assuming is outside the city.) and you never hear from them again, so what, are they still alive?

One of the reasons why K2 was a bit "mincy" :- with the story was cos it had to not rely too much on knowing about K1.

Same could be asked about say, the Rakata as well.


I agree with the G0-T0/Remote, especially when even if the animation was done properly was weird cos you go talk and "it never happened".


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

  Calax said:
well this isn't exactly a hole so much as a possibility, but whatever happened to the Taris Outcasts? They go wandering off to the Promised land (which i'm assuming is outside the city.) and you never hear from them again, so what, are they still alive?


Well, when they left they say it would be a journey of atleast a couple months,

Seeing that Malak destroys the planet before that time, they are most likely dead..., before they could find there nice promised land altogether


And it wouldn't be smart to put something like this in KOTOR2 story wise, even if you expect only KOTOR1'ers to play this, as there are once again 2 options;

1. Help them escape

2. Sell all the stuff to that evil merchant over there

And then which one should they take, or another question party where alot of confusion comes from ("Aaargh, no Carth, why no Carth?" "Why doesn't the Holocron on Korriban does nothing for me when it worked with person X" and such kind of questions that get often asked...)


Also another Hole in the plot to think about (Remembered this one after reading the Help plz. topic somewhere down...):


You can't go back to Telos Academy as Handmaiden doesn't give you the codes EVER

Then Handmaiden goes herself

So you enter the Academy without knowing these important codes, and without a Handmaiden who knows them


Could be Handmaiden landed and used the codes to dissable and allow the Exile to land after, but hey, why would they not get the defenses up after leaving a ship through?

  Battlewookiee said:
Could be Handmaiden landed and used the codes to dissable and allow the Exile to land after, but hey, why would they not get the defenses up after leaving a ship through?


Kreia wanted you to face Atris, and since Kreia went with the Handmaidens, she was likely responsible for making sure the Exile could land.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
Kreia wanted you to face Atris, and since Kreia went with the Handmaidens, she was likely responsible for making sure the Exile could land.


Don't recall that. Didn't the Exile came (unexpected, if I listen to Atris before the battles...) to

1) Kill her (Revange, DS)

2) Purify her (LS)


Out of his/her complete free will after the assault on the Ravanger? (Basically nothing is said about this, as you just wipe Nihilus and without a single convo you get back to your ship and find yourself after some cut-scenes on Telos Academy, finding that she teachess the DS-Side from Kreia (despite her "Anger for going DS with Revan on Malachor5's battle and Kreia who was supposed to be "Neutral" even if we all knew she wasn't...))


Well i guess you could have entered the same way you did the first time, and that our lady Atris was just lazy because nobody knew where she was.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

  Calax said:
Well i guess you could have entered the same way you did the first time, and that our lady Atris was just lazy because nobody knew where she was.


1) No, in the cut-scene you see the Ebon Hawk land into the Hangar

2) Could be..., yet to disable the security systems During an assault, yet have them on in the peace therefore is a bit :):-:wub:


The Kreia let him/her in is a better explanation IMHO, even if it has flaws (or my memory has some Major Flaws... :wub: )

  Battlewookiee said:
  GhostofAnakin said:
Kreia wanted you to face Atris, and since Kreia went with the Handmaidens, she was likely responsible for making sure the Exile could land.


Don't recall that. Didn't the Exile came (unexpected, if I listen to Atris before the battles...) to

1) Kill her (Revange, DS)

2) Purify her (LS)


As you land on Telos after the Dantooine Jedi Master "massacre", there is a cutscene between Kreia and Atris that hints at Kreia knowing you're on the way. And then when you fight Atris, her dialogue states that only now she realizes that she was meant as a test for you (the Exile) and that Kreia set it up and is waiting on Malachor.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Battlewookiee said:
  GhostofAnakin said:
Kreia wanted you to face Atris, and since Kreia went with the Handmaidens, she was likely responsible for making sure the Exile could land.


Don't recall that. Didn't the Exile came (unexpected, if I listen to Atris before the battles...) to

1) Kill her (Revange, DS)

2) Purify her (LS)


As you land on Telos after the Dantooine Jedi Master "massacre", there is a cutscene between Kreia and Atris that hints at Kreia knowing you're on the way. And then when you fight Atris, her dialogue states that only now she realizes that she was meant as a test for you (the Exile) and that Kreia set it up and is waiting on Malachor.


Nailed it right on the head GhostofAnakin, just like always.

  • 2 months later...
  Battlewookiee said:
Some quick ones I remember:


1. How did the Exile knew of the Ravanger before the Fight for Telos


12. Why would Atris try to become "Darth Traya" if she was so furious about your "DS acts" in the Mandalorian War. What Exactly turned her?


That's it for now...


The Ravager was at Malachor V, and the Exile commanded there, so....


And on Atris: She didn't understand how her idol, the Exile, could turn away from the Jedi order, and it's obvious she didn't have the courage to join Revan's crusade like she really wanted. And of course studying Sith Holocrons aren't exactly risk-free....


  Strika said:
1. Why did kreia talk about Miras father at the end of the game?? What significance does he have to her backround?



Possibly because Canderous Ordo could be her daddy...... :)


Okay, on the Exile being aware of the fact that the Sith will attack Telos. In the cut content there was a scene where Colonel Tobin would go before Darth Nihilus and inform him of Atris' secret academy on Telos, I beleive that this would have occured right after Kreia kn ockes you out and it is used as a force vision.

Posted (edited)

I did a quick scan through the examples given and didn't see this one, but sorry if I missed it.


No one actually ever says Visas's name. You somehow just know it instinctually.

Edited by The man in the iron mask

Live forever or die trying.




Donno if any of you noticed this but a little inconsistency:


Kreia (about the Harbinger) says:

"(...)When I learned that you were on the vessel, I knew the Sith would not be far behind. "


"When we intercepted the Harbinger, it was crippled, drifting in space. It was a simple matter to board the vessel and rescue you. "


So let's set the facts straight -> the Sith warship attacks the Harbinger, Kreia arrives on the Ebon Hawk, rescues you from the Harbinger and while escaping in the Ebon Hawk the Sith fire upon it causing the damage seen in the prologue.



BUT when we watch the holorecords on the Harbinger:

"We picked up a distress signal and are sending a message to the Republic for permission to investigate.

We have also transmitted the damaged vessel's ID signature to the Republic. According to the message, it's being pursued by Sith forces."

So the Ebon Hawk was the first to be attacked by the Sith? Not the Harbinger!

In another holorecord there is:

"Sir, we've just received an emergency broadcast... a freighter, under attack by Sith forces."


So obviously you can tell from the moment you're on the Harbinger scrolling the messages and later comparing it to what Kreia told you on the Ebon Hawk that she brought the Exile into this mess in the first place.


When she tells me:

"They sought you Jedi."

I wanted to tell:

"They were after YOU. And you led them here. You are Sith. Ain't that obvious? LOL" :D

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