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Do you like math?


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Kaftan, you don't know how many dimensions there are ... and the point about String theory is that six of the dimensions "fold up", sort of like fractal dimensions.


Don't tell me you don't believe in fractal dimensions, because they are visible everywhere around us: look at the earth from space: see the coastline? Zoom in until you can see the headlands, see the extra detail? Now, keep zooming, see the shoreline? Keep drilling down and the coastline keeps changing, keeps getting more and more variations: see the grains of sand? These are fractal dimensions (according to Glieck and Chaos theory).



I think the defintion of what a dimension is supposed to be gets fuzzy when you approach those theories. According to my definition of dimensions, theyre not. I dont even fully agree that change/movement/time would be the 4th dimension, but rather effects or forces working within 3 dimensional space.



Mathematics can be used to describe nearly all things in the the universe but it can also describe many things that are impossible(like an X^5 cube revolving around a X^3 cube)

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I think the defintion of what a dimension is supposed to be gets fuzzy when you approach those theories. According to my definition of dimensions, theyre not. I dont even fully agree that change/movement/time would be the 4th dimension, but rather effects or forces working within 3 dimensional space.

Well, you are more than welcome to have your "own" definition of things, but, as it is now, complex definitions of dimensions, (as in not euclidean) apparently are needed in some of the most cutting-edge scientific theories.



Mathematics can be used to describe nearly all things in the the universe but it can also describe many things that are impossible(like an X^5 cube revolving around a X^3 cube)

Impossible from an intuitive, euclidean conception, yes. But outright impossible? I wouldn't dare state as much.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I love math. Just because it's fun.

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I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
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This is why I find math most appealing, myself.  On the other hand, part of the problem is that we can't conceive of a universe in which 1+1=2.  In fact, math is the language that defines the box in which we live, and it's impossible, at the point of mathmatics, for any of us to think outside of the box.  If it turned out that, in some other part of the universe, 1+1=2 wasn't a true statement, we would simply be unable to understand it.

Interestingly enough, 1+1 isn't necessarily 2. It's only 2 because that's how we have established numeric algebra, perhaps from an intuitive notion. But in boolean algebra, for example, 1+1=11. I lack the specific knowledge in set theory but I suspect it goes much deeper. And there are parts in the universe in which the addition of two amounts makes no sense, and to explain those we had to develop new mathematical operators, new abstractions in order to make a mental diagram of reality.


While it's true that 1+1=2, this is nothing more than a human abstract fabrication.


...what was I talking about, again? ;)

How about this bombshell: I heard that π is actually a rational number in base hexadecimal ... (I haven't confirmed this yet, though it was a reputable source) ... :blink:




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Interestingly enough, 1+1 isn't necessarily 2. It's only 2 because that's how we have established numeric algebra, perhaps from an intuitive notion. But in boolean algebra, for example, 1+1=11.

Uh.. let me put it this way:


There are only 10 sorts of people in this world: those who understand Boolean and those who don't.








..10 is Boolean 2, 11 is actually Boolean 3..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Maths is rock-climbing for the brain. It looks impressive, gives you an excellent workout, and just occasionally you plummet hundreds of feet to your death.



And about the pronounciation: YOU are the colonials, dear boy. THIS is English. WE are English. Enough has been said.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Just because English originated in England doesn't make it your sole possession, foolish ones.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Even though i despise Math myself, I dont know how you can say Math serves no purpose Reveilled!!

I mean who would look after your money and such?


The world would be in disarray!! :rolleyes::thumbsup:


[someone help me out with examples here :ph34r: ]

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without "math" you wouldnt be at this board or on the net or on the computer at all!!


While the esoteric nature of "math" is unknown to you rest assured it cuts through many aspects of your life.


Unless you are a hermit... who lives in a cave... and does nothing.

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Even though i despise Math myself, I dont know how you can say Math serves no purpose Reveilled!!

I mean who would look after your money and such?


The world would be in disarray!! :rolleyes:  :thumbsup:


[someone help me out with examples here :ph34r: ]


I was only joking. :p


I do that sometimes.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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We in England speak English...

Apart from Northerners, Londoners, Geordies, Scousers, people in the Westcountry or East Anglia, Southerners, and not forgetting the Queen (Have you heard her vowel sounds? What language is that?)


Maths is completely useless except for planning your monthly expenditures, calculating your mortgage repayments, working out how long it will take you to drive somewhere, understanding politicians when they use statistics to fool you, calculating the nutrition in the food you buy against recommended daily intake, checking that the shop assistant has given you the correct change, buying a carpet, judging the value of 'special offers' in supermarkets or helping your siblings/friends/kids with their homework. A complete waste of time, I'm sure you'll agree.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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... not forgetting the Queen (Have you heard her vowel sounds?  What language is that?)


Maths is completely useless except for planning your monthly expenditures, calculating your mortgage repayments, working out how long it will take you to drive somewhere, understanding politicians when they use statistics to fool you, calculating the nutrition in the food you buy against recommended daily intake, checking that the shop assistant has given you the correct change, buying a carpet, judging the value of 'special offers' in supermarkets or helping your siblings/friends/kids with their homework.  A complete waste of time, I'm sure you'll agree.

Um, it's her English, is what it is. We only speak it on loan, donchaknow.


I refuse to list the uses of mathematics; an exhaustive list is truly infinite (ooo, mathematics) and pandering to such innumeracy only encourages further truculent idiocy.




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Guest Fishboot
How about this bombshell: I heard that π is actually a rational number in base hexadecimal ... (I haven't confirmed this yet, though it was a reputable source) ... :rolleyes:


You might be thinking of the fact that is is possible (and fairly easy) to generate the n-th digit of pi when expressed in hexadecimal (or binary). That's importat because it doesn't involve calculating all 1..n-1 digits of pi to do so. But it's not possible to gain or lose rationality by changing bases although explaining why is beyond me and I'm not willing to hack around spouting half-bull**** to cover my ignorance.

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Well, I can't recal my source right now, but it was a maths source. You may be correct, I might have misapprehended the point (a rational pi would certainly cause all sorts of theological shockwaves ...)


I shall endeavour to retrace my steps ... (it was pretty recent, in the last six months) ...




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Uh.. let me put it this way:


There are only 10 sorts of people in this world: those who understand Boolean and those who don't.








..10 is Boolean 2, 11 is actually Boolean 3..

Er... yes. That's what I get for posting instead of sleeping. :lol:



Well, I can't recal my source right now, but it was a maths source. You may be correct, I might have misapprehended the point (a rational pi would certainly cause all sorts of theological shockwaves ...)


I shall endeavour to retrace my steps ... (it was pretty recent, in the last six months) ...

I wish I could conduct a formal demonstration, but that's way beyond me. However, I think that since pi is the proportionality constant between the radius of a circunference and its perimeter, and such values can never be the result of operating one of them with a rational multiplier, it's hard to conceive that changing the base could change such a fundamental fact.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Yes, yes I understand the ramifications: I was a little stunned when I heard it myself -- still very skeptical, too, in point of fact. I shall endeavour to pull it out of its cosy hiding place and expose it to cold hard light of logical vivisection ...




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