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Will you buy LucasArts products after KOTOR II?


Will you buy LucasArts products after KOTOR II?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy LucasArts products after KOTOR II?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe

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I thought the controls for the Ep3 game were atrocious.  Lightsaber shunts?  I don get it at ahh... :ermm:  But my favorite LA stinker has to be Obi-Wan for the XBOX.  At least it was from the bargain bin.


The thing I hated most about the Ep. III game was the camera angle and how you were stuck with the same angle, unable to change it. Often times you'd be getting shot at and couldn't adjust the angle of the camera to see who is shooting at you until you were practically right beside them.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Does LEgo Star Wars count?  i loved that ****. 

The funny thing is, that was a better game than KotOR2! It was fun, didn't take itself too seriously, and -- more importantly -- didn't take SW too seriously. It was just plain and simple fun. :cool:




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Inasmuchas KotOR 2 was an excellent game, yes.  I should have voted "maybe" since it's ridiculous to answer a hypothetical question about some mysterious future game about which we know nothing.  On the other hand, the original question is stupidly prejudicial that I felt compelled to vote yes.

Did you read the question? The question didn't say anything about KOTOR III. In addition, I didn't say KOTOR II was good or bad. I was simply using that as a reference point because I believe it to be the finest game LucasArts has ever published. In spite of the fact it was obviously rushed for the Holidays, I believe most of the story to be compelling. The only "stupidly prejudicial" comment here belongs to you.
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The thing I hated most about the Ep. III game was the camera angle and how you were stuck with the same angle, unable to change it.  Often times you'd be getting shot at and couldn't adjust the angle of the camera to see who is shooting at you until you were practically right beside them.


I got used to that pretty early on not sure which bothers me more, fixed angle where you get those sort of situation, or rotating camera where you totally lose sight as it goes behind a wall. Probably the later.

It scored 6.3 on gamespot, which I think is a bit on the harsh side. Readers score was 8.7 and mine is probably somewhere between the two.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I suppose that might be true, ncr. Still a damned weird way to phrase the question, but I'll beg pardon for my snide remark.

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I don't buy Lucasarts products if I can avoid it.


Same policy as I hold with regard to other companies who I prefer not to patronise if it can be avoided, like Microsoft and Sony.


So will I buy LA products after KotOR II? Not unless the benefit of the product to me outways in my eyes the benefit of withholding my support. KotOR III might do that, but I'll have to wait and see.

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Already have. Got the E3 game and I think it's worth what I paid for it. The duel mode alone is almost worth it. If only they had worked a bit more in game balance...


And Battlefront 2 is looking killer (as in what the original one should have been to begin with).



- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I think that Lego game was awesome. E3 game is also great becouse it shows detailed temple massacre - a thing that film lacked.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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LA should be held to the same standards as any other game company, Star Wars notwithstanding. In the era of Monkey Island, etc., yes, I bought sight unseen -- they were among several game companies I trusted to put out a quality product. I looked forward to new releases with anticipation. That, sadly, has changed. Because of the stinkers that are hyped to high heaven, for the most part I regard any new game with a jaundiced eye and a 'wait and see the review' attitude. I might still buy if the reviews are middling and it sounds like something I might like, but only a couple of dev's (like Bioware and Obsidian) merit more than a passing glance pre-release.


So that's a definite 'maybe'. It has nothing to do with Kotor, because IMO these two games are A-plus all around and LA can bask in the glow from the dev's for publishing them. That does not mean I'm unreasonably optimistic about a third game in the series unless Bio or Obs is contracted to create it. At this point it would be supremely easy for LA to muck it up. If that were to happen, for LA it's the kiss of death, much like the last KQ/QFG/GK games put out by the 'old' Sierra. They sacrificed their story lines for generic 3D hacknslash, because that was what everyone else was selling.

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I think that Lego game was awesome. E3 game is also great becouse it shows detailed temple massacre - a thing that film lacked.


alot of times a movie-based game will go off on a slightly different angle than the movie....however, I have heard that the Epi III game is basically the movie in a game...with some added content as you say.


I will probably end up getting the Epi III game as well. Heck, I like RTS games. I may end up getting their new RTS when it comes out.

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Nope. Not after K2.


I've never purchased a Lucas game before K1, so I don't have a long history of buying their stuff.


Wait, I purchased Lego Star Wars, so I guess it's case by case, but I had played that at my sisters, so I knew what I was buying (a stupidly easy game, but incredibly fun and funny, even if short), I just seriously doubt I'll purchase K3 (and I have no intention of buying the Ep 3 movie game).

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what I don't understand is that how can they be "focusing on fewer titles" while coming out with BF, BF2, Mercenaries, Lego, the RTS game, 2 SWG expansions, etc.


I heard Mercenaries was really good. Basically, they need to come up with a more consistent Q/A....sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't.

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Already have. Got the E3 game and I think it's worth what I paid for it. The duel mode alone is almost worth it. If only they had worked a bit more in game balance...


I think that Lego game was awesome. E3 game is also great becouse it shows detailed temple massacre - a thing that film lacked.


I think I'm the only one on this site that hated the Episode III game.


But the fact that NumbersMan and Nur agree on something tells me perhaps I'm in the right this time. :D

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I heard Mercenaries was really good.  Basically, they need to come up with a more consistent Q/A....sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't.


Merceneries was a top notch game, probably even moreso because it didnt come with much in the way of expectations. It's always better to be pleasently suprised than disapointed by not meeting expectations.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Already have. Got the E3 game and I think it's worth what I paid for it. The duel mode alone is almost worth it. If only they had worked a bit more in game balance...


I think that Lego game was awesome. E3 game is also great becouse it shows detailed temple massacre - a thing that film lacked.


I think I'm the only one on this site that hated the Episode III game.


But the fact that NumbersMan and Nur agree on something tells me perhaps I'm in the right this time. :D



I hated it. I played some of the first level at a friend's house on his Xbox before I gave up out of frustration because of


A. The dumbed down combat.


B. The horrid wannabe side-scroller perspective.

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Personally, I don't like what LA has become, but I will buy an LA game if it falls into one of the following catagories:



1) It's Kotor 3 or Kotor related


2)Gets good ratings


3)Obsidian has anything to do with it.


Otherwise, no.

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A.  The dumbed down combat. 


B.  The horrid wannabe side-scroller perspective.


If you call that dumbed down I'd love to see what you made of Jade Empires combat system..


EPIII combat dosnt really take off until you buy a few levels , it's quite RPG like in that respect.


I think dueling Mace and the apprentice with twin sabers would be my personal highlights.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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A.  The dumbed down combat. 


B.  The horrid wannabe side-scroller perspective.


If you call that dumbed down I'd love to see what you made of Jade Empires combat system..


EPIII combat dosnt really take off until you buy a few levels , it's quite RPG like in that respect.


I think dueling Mace and the apprentice with twin sabers would be my personal highlights.



My problem with the combat, was it seemed like they were trying to make it similar to the JK combat, what with the lightsabers, and the force powers, but it just sucked. It wasn't even good combat for a side-scroller.


I haven't played Jade Empire yet, but for me, in that sort of game, 'dumbed-down' isn't a deal breaker. I play a game like Jade Empire for the story, I play a game like Episode III for the combat/cool looking stuff. Episode III didn't satisfy in that respect for me. Personal preference and all that stuff though. :devil:"

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