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Where will #3 take place?

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I suspect most of it will be in Known Space. A couple of Core Worlds like Coruscant and Ithor would be a nice change.


If we go back to Dantooine or Korriban, we need to explore areas we haven't explored yet, IMO....areas that are far away from the starport. If we go to Onderon, we need to hang out with the Beast Riders outside of Iziz.

If we go to Nar Shadda, it needs to be a place other than the Refugee Sector etc, etc.


Also, Alderaan would be really nice....a movie world that apparently is very underrepresented in the EU.


However, the endgame might include Sith worlds in the Unknown Regions.

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One planet would suffice, as long as it had multiple areas. What's with this idea that a planet (i.e. a block of solid stuff 20000km in circumference) has an explorable area of about a hectare? And the characters have to walk around it, because everyone else has motorised transport except the PC and party. :lol:




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I suspect most of it will be in Known Space.  A couple of Core Worlds like Coruscant and Ithor would be a nice change.


If we go back to Dantooine or Korriban, we need to explore areas we haven't explored yet, IMO....areas that are far away from the starport.  If we go to Onderon, we need to hang out with the Beast Riders outside of Iziz.

If we go to Nar Shadda, it needs to be a place other than the Refugee Sector etc, etc.


Also, Alderaan would be really nice....a movie world that apparently is very underrepresented in the EU.


However, the endgame might include Sith worlds in the Unknown Regions.


No unknown regions because we aren't going after Revan and the Exile.


long ago in galaxy far, far away. (w00t)


Hey! That is what I was going to say. <_<

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Ok first I would like to say im new to the froums so forgive me if I seem...behind.


I would (call me crazy) love to go back to Tatooine but I want all the planets they add to be much more in-depth. Much larger.


Coruscant would be a nice change.


Also i would like to see a few citys per planet like go between Mos Espa and Ancherhead....just a thought.


Korriban again but not some dead world that takes less time to explore then your own ship....come on...how about a Sith base where your char starts as a Dark Jedi? I would love to pick what to start as...your actions still decided which way you go but picking what to start as would be nice. if not pick then just start us as a Dark...that would be new.


Ok I'm done rambling now lol I have taken up enough time.

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A sarlacc's belly can be a nice level. There are many chambers, and since it takes thousands of years to digest people, you can explore around and interact a bit. After that you're gonna be the first one to pull a Boba Fett?

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I want to at least see Revan! I am so angry that everyone in KOTOR 2 makes Revan sound evil. They hate him/her even if you choose him to be a LS when you talk to Atton.




Ok look, Revan WAS evil during the Jedi Civil War, but when the jedi captured him/her, they wiped Revan's identity,then at the end, Revan leaves the Republic to fight the true Sith Empire in the Unkown Regions


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I would think Courascant will make it in. Considering K3 timeline will take place after K2 during the Jedi order rebuilding (unless they aim at a huge timeline leaps).


I also want to see Tatioone, Tatioone is just a cool city. I guess Kotor 3 could feature Mos Espa as when Czerka leaves, many of the residents of Anchorhead will be stuck on the planet as they can't afford to get off the planet (like that woman who was begging for money in Kotor).


Other planets I would like to see




-Coreilla (with Talus and Centerpoint station?)

-Ossus (possibly to undercover force knowledge)


-Kashyyk (Wookiees won the war)

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Most of K3 will likely take place on the outer rim. I doubt any of it will be in the core worlds, they are boring.


Alderaan would suck since we saw it in Episode 3, and they have no weapons. Snorefest unless you have negotiating and some really beefy dialouge.


Later it would be in the Outer Reaches, on the way though your ship would be attacked by that meteor thing and burned by acid. You will wake up on some planet lost with no ship. You will then be attacked constantly by strong things making the first difficult KotOR yet. K1 was kinda hard first time through, but after that both games are simple.

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I want to at least see Revan! I am so angry that everyone in KOTOR 2 makes Revan sound evil. They hate him/her even if you choose him to be a LS when you talk to Atton.

Ok look, Revan WAS evil during the Jedi Civil War, but when the jedi captured him/her, they wiped Revan's identity,then at the end, Revan leaves the Republic to fight the true Sith Empire in the Unkown Regions

No, Revan chose to disobey the Jedi Council, but that doesn't make Revan evil: just Chaotic. It is quite probable that Revan was implementing a complex battle strategem, that required immediate, purposeful action of the sort taken, at the exact time taken, to set up a high-probablilty for success against the REAL THREAT, the "True Sith". Very Sun-Tzu. Very Revan. Not necessarily evil. After all, we have no idea what Revan was planning after the point that K1 started ...


Malak, on the other hand, was definitely evil. No question there.




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In KOTOR 2: TSL, we actually do get a brief glimpse of Coruscant.


After leaving the secret Academy on Telos, T3-M4 plays a holo-vid of the Exile's trial. This appears to take place inside the Jedi Council's spire on Coruscant. Outside the windows hundreds of vehicles are flying around in the bustling capital of the Republic.



Regardless though, we want MORE! We want to see the ENTIRE Jedi Temple. Granted, it would be somewhat different than the Jedi Temple in Episodes 1-3 because KOTOR takes place long before it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In KOTOR 2: TSL, we actually do get a brief glimpse of Coruscant. 


After leaving the secret Academy on Telos, T3-M4 plays a holo-vid of the Exile's trial.  This appears to take place inside the Jedi Council's spire on Coruscant.  Outside the windows hundreds of vehicles are flying around in the bustling capital of the Republic.



Regardless though, we want MORE!  We want to see the ENTIRE Jedi Temple.  Granted, it would be somewhat different than the Jedi Temple in Episodes 1-3 because KOTOR takes place long before it.

coruscant is a must!

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I want to at least see Revan! I am so angry that everyone in KOTOR 2 makes Revan sound evil. They hate him/her even if you choose him to be a LS when you talk to Atton.

Ok look, Revan WAS evil during the Jedi Civil War, but when the jedi captured him/her, they wiped Revan's identity,then at the end, Revan leaves the Republic to fight the true Sith Empire in the Unkown Regions

No, Revan chose to disobey the Jedi Council, but that doesn't make Revan evil: just Chaotic. It is quite probable that Revan was implementing a complex battle strategem, that required immediate, purposeful action of the sort taken, at the exact time taken, to set up a high-probablilty for success against the REAL THREAT, the "True Sith". Very Sun-Tzu. Very Revan. Not necessarily evil. After all, we have no idea what Revan was planning after the point that K1 started ...


Malak, on the other hand, was definitely evil. No question there.


I would mostly agree; except for the "chaotic" instead of "evil". Revan's actions nearly led to the downfall of the republic, the Force, and ultimately life itself. Though many of the negative consequences were more or less unforeseen, isn't that the way of the darkside - unforeseen consequences, "quick and easy"? Revan's methods were questionable; he/she was a definite psychotic, from all of HK's recollections.


But is the process of corruption truly unwilling?


Perhaps, in studying outer rim worlds, Revan discovered there was another threat besides the mandalorians - and was corrupted by this realization, this fear, for better or for worse. He did what he did to protect the Republic, and to compete with what may come. He was ultimately aiming for stability in the Republic, not milk and honey for everyone. He was a true Sith; though perhaps he corrupted himself out of a necessity, out of "fear" for something he cared about.


Onivega: What makes revan sound evil, exactly? I assume you don't mean Revan, Dark Lord, but rather Revan, the character you played as.

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People talk about the unanswered portions of KOTOR:2, but we still don't know exactly what Revan and Malak encountered that made them turn to the Dark Side. We don't know where they discovered the Star Forge, or how they recruited so many members of the Sith.


They didn't simply fall as Jedi. They became Sith.


I think much of the backstory still is untold.


After KOTOR:3, I think we could have a really good Manadalorian War prequel.

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This was something that did make me think before.

Here are just some of my thoughts (some really without much depth or full considerations so nothing too serious from me):


- Planet hopping to do what:

I said somewhere else that this is gonna become like a Jackie Chan Adventures, where every season has episodes which are mainly independent from each other in terms of the main quest. Basically it got repetitive and kinda boring overall. I also suggested something like Star Trek: A Final Unity.


- Where it is set:

Revan is out in the unknown regions and I know nothing is official, but it is kinda hard to have known Star Wars planets but be in the Unknown regions. As a side, does anyone know any well known Outer Rim planets? (Coruscant is popular, even with me but uhh, that's the furthest place from rim)


- Revan's Evilness or not:

I don't buy the Revan was acting for a greater good type fib, or that he wasn't a Sith, all that sorta stuff. Sith = Evil.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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I think K3 will take place in a sleazy Coruscant cantina, where you can walk around and play mini-games. Once you've won 10000 credits on pazaak, Niklos from Taris will walk in and be the end boss. If you beat him in a game of pazaak (Republic rules), he dies and reveals with his dying words that you are in fact Darth Malak. Upon this horrifying realisation you decide to go and look for Revan and the Exile in what is a nice set-up for "Knights of the Old Republic IV: A New Dope".

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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