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When a movie premieres in the US two months before it comes to Europe, I can understand that the frustration makes people download movies. But when a movie like this one (that had a world wide premiere) gets downloaded, I just don't get it. It's not THAT expensive to go to the movie theatre, AND you get better picture, better sound and more popcorn thrown in your hair.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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man i love salted popcorn at my local UGC cinema.

Have you ever made your own using a hot-air-blower-popcorn machine (very popular in the US, but available everywhere if you look hard enough)? You will never eat that coconut oil-covered plastic crap ever again. Seriously, the coconut oil is used because it is the cheapest oil to use; it is disgusting and has as much resemblance to butter as cat mucus.


If you get a hot-air-blower-popcorn maker, you will start to have popcorn for all sorts of occassions; furthermore, without butter it tastes pretty good and is very very healthy (just hot, fluffy sweet corn rich in B vitamins). You don't know what you're missing ... :)




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Downloading isn't stealing. It's copyright infringement. The RI/MPAA both use the loaded term steal so they can make the standard claim that you are immoral, i.e. violating the Biblical command "Thou shalt not steal." All this while they are promoting movies and/or songs about wanton murder, rape, greed, etc. The irony is moving. :ninja:


There cannot be global laws on punishment for copyright infringement because each country has their own laws. The US and the EU diverge considerably on the term of copyright protection, even to the point that distributing a "public domain" copy of something in England to the US can be illegal. The EU accepts 50 years as protectable copyright whereas the US uses the "Sonny Bono" law to grant Author's life + 90 years, or some such BS like that. :lol:

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Personally think there should be GLOBAL laws for this sorta stuff with 10+ years imprisonment for spreading or downloading or purchasing known pirated material.


Well that's dumb.


That's a longer sentence than murderers get in some places.

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There needs to be a paradigm shift with the whole copyright / patent process. There is evidence to suggest that free distribution does not have a strong correlation to sales of copyright material, and may even have the reverse effect. (I don't claim to be an expert, though.) Certainly the PC Gamer / PC Format / PC Zone tripartite in the UK have had a lot to say about this over the last few months.


I think there is a lot wrong with the current system and we need to effect radical change to improve it; too many good ideas are not benefiting the inventors and too many bloated middlemen are making money at the expense of the idea generators.


The numbers were pretty funny way back around Napster. After Napster came out there was something like a 20-30% increase in CD sales. After Napster was shut down, there was around a 25-35% decrease. They actually lost sales by shutting down napster.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Personally think there should be GLOBAL laws for this sorta stuff with 10+ years imprisonment for spreading or downloading or purchasing known pirated material.


Well that's dumb.


That's a longer sentence than murderers get in some places.



It's not murder if no one knows... :)






Go for the eyes Eru! Go for the eyes! :)



Guys, I must confess, I was not damaging George Lucas. If I was not on this cruddy dialup connection, I would have downloaded a pirated copy of Episode III, but alas, it takes too long on 28kbps.


I am an immoral liar, but not an immoral thief!

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Guys, I must confess, I was not damaging George Lucas.  If I was not on this cruddy dialup connection, I would have downloaded a pirated copy of Episode III, but alas, it takes too long on 28kbps. 


I am an immoral liar, but not an immoral thief!



I find this absolutely outrageous Eru! I for one, am simply shocked and dismayed...




















...how can you still be using dialup?! ^_^

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I was going to dl a copy of Ep3 bvut then I found some cool old silent films and took them instead. all legal because the copyright is out.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Guys, I must confess, I was not damaging George Lucas.  If I was not on this cruddy dialup connection, I would have downloaded a pirated copy of Episode III, but alas, it takes too long on 28kbps. 


I am an immoral liar, but not an immoral thief!



I find this absolutely outrageous Eru! I for one, am simply shocked and dismayed...




















...how can you still be using dialup?! ^_^



I live in the woods, we don't even have Cable, and while Satellite works alright for TV, it's worse for gaming than Dialup. :'(

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Record breaking sales... lines of hell-spawned Star Wars freaks... fanatics ready to rend would-be pirates limb from limb...


Lucas should hope for even more of these terrible looking pirated copies to hit the internet.


The only pirated copy of any movie I've ever seen was Fellowship of the Ring. I was in line at the hobby shop picking up the latest copy of some DnD must-have or another. Anyhow, the geeklings in the back of the shop were watching it. Alls I can say is, It's not replacing the theater anytime soon. I'm not even a cinema hard-core, but I'm sure as hell not going to waste my precious time for something I can spend less than $10 to see some afternoon. ...Or buy on DvD for not much more.

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Personally think there should be GLOBAL laws for this sorta stuff with 10+ years imprisonment for spreading or downloading or purchasing known pirated material.


Well that's dumb.


That's a longer sentence than murderers get in some places.


Improper sentances for murder doesnt make stealing anymore proper.


2 wrongs dont make a right after all.


And for those making up excuses and claiming its not theif, yes it is. I could care less about Lucas's bank account. Fact of the matter is episode 3, or someones song, or someones computer game is THEIR intelectual property.


By purchasing LEGALLY, you are being given the rights to have such property in your possession. Otherwise you have participated in the theft or that property. Its really quite straight forward, there is no legit debate or arguement room in the topic.


As for putting half the worlds population in jail, nope. Soon as REAL global laws were created and enforced with REAL penalties, the reward wouldnt justify the risk and the majority of those people would stop doing the illegal act. Problem is right now all the involved parties are rarely charged and the sentance for doing the crime doesnt carry the deterant factor it should. This in itself is proved right here on this forum by all the people who fail to see how this is a crime.


Stealing a movie, a computer game, a song by downloading it or from some pirated source is just the same as if I hired some crook to break into your home and steal your computer, TV, what ever. Material that you own is STOLEN with out your permission and then passed to myself for a price. You loss out, the crook gains, I gain. Absolutely no difference what so ever! So are you people claiming its ok to break into your homes and rob you? Nope, your not!


All your saying is its ok to break into someone elses home and steal from them as long as its not your goods or property. And thats a shameful and disgusting attitude to have from where I sit.


I know if I ever made a movie, or a computer game, or recorded a song, I would want to profit from my idea and design. The way I profit is by people buying the REAL version of what Im selling. No one pays for it, I dont make a profit and there for dont make a follow up (insert product). Really is BASIC economics.


Im sure someone will TRY to argue or bedate (or more then likely insult) my post but its a open and shut topic. It really is one of the few topics out there that is black and white.


Either you are against pirateing and refuse to STEAL from others (the correct veiw) or you are ok with it (the incorrect veiw). Everything else is just smoke and mirrors. Alot of hot air but nothing being said.

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Stealing a movie, a computer game, a song by downloading it or from some pirated source is just the same as if I hired some crook to break into your home and steal your computer, TV, what ever. Material that you own is STOLEN with out your permission and then passed to myself for a price. You loss out, the crook gains, I gain. Absolutely no difference what so ever! So are you people claiming its ok to break into your homes and rob you? Nope, your not!





Are you talking boughten pirated DVDs or internet piracy? Internet piracy is rather different, the most obvious difference being the only expenses lost are those of bandwidth. Yes, the copyright owner will possibly (I say possibly because no one is quite sure how many people who pirate would have actually bought said goods anyway) not see money for whatever was downloaded, but no 'crook' profits, the downloader obviously gains.


I'm not advocating piracy, what I said earlier was a joke because of the vehement tone of the thread starter.




I don't pirate anything except for old borderline legal ROMs (I say borderline legal because even though the ROMs are technically illegal, the game companies don't generally have a problem and tend to turn a blind eye. ), even if I had a proper net connection to actually the extent of my 'piracy' would likely be trying stuff before seeing whether I wanted to buy it or not (PC games with no available demo for example, or music I'm unfamiliar with) then deleting it when I'm through.


Truly though, some small music artists encourage piracy as it gives them more exposure they wouldn't otherwise get, the only people who really lose monies from it are music giants selling multi-platinum albums.



Pirated DVDs sold on the 'black market' are another matter entirely, as they often come from unsavoury sources, and the sellers are turning a profit over someone else's work. I think internet piracy is somewhat more innocuous, however wrong or right it is.

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A more accurate analogy would be making an exact clone of my computer and leaving the original where it is with no harm done. Then passing the computer onto somebody else at no cost.

Right. And it remains to be proven that you would purchase such computer at the retailer in case you couldn't "clone" it, thus making the retailer lose money with your "theft".


Nope, sorry but internet filesharing is not the same as "stealing". No matter what the RIAA/MPAA say.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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A more accurate analogy would be making an exact clone of my computer and leaving the original where it is with no harm done. Then passing the computer onto somebody else at no cost.

Right. And it remains to be proven that you would purchase such computer at the retailer in case you couldn't "clone" it, thus making the retailer lose money with your "theft".


Nope, sorry but internet filesharing is not the same as "stealing". No matter what the RIAA/MPAA say.


It's also legally not stealing. Despite Kalfear's insistance. He doesn't have the same juice as a Federal Judge who told the RIAA to refrain from calling it theft because it isn't. It's copyright infringement.

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