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Great interview with Chris Avellone


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Am I the only one not exactly enthused about the whole 1980s High School RPG thing?


I mean, maybe he can make it work....but to me it conjures up images of all the horrifically bad teen movie crap Hollywood forced down our throats during the period. Blech.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Am I the only one not exactly enthused about the whole 1980s High School RPG thing?


I mean, maybe he can make it work....but to me it conjures up images of all the horrifically bad teen movie crap Hollywood forced down our throats during the period. Blech.


I dunno. For once, it would be nice to roleplay the school tramp. :p

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"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Am I the only one not exactly enthused about the whole 1980s High School RPG thing?


I mean, maybe he can make it work....but to me it conjures up images of all the horrifically bad teen movie crap Hollywood forced down our throats during the period. Blech.


Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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But, then again if the game was good, I would probably but it. But I would prefer something else like sfi-fi. I actually almost bought Vampire the Masquerade as I went looking for it while I was at CompUSA, but I passed since it was still at full price. If it wasn

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I can see Obsidians third game for me... :rolleyes:


Fast Times at Obsidian High

An epic horror survival crpg, can you survive the teenage years?



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hmmm... 80's highschool RPG ?


Ah, updated version of Skool Daze (classic c64 game from 1985). Ok, it wasn't RPG but anyway...




Boys shall attend lessons as shown in the timetable at the bottom of the screen. (Remember that because you cheated in the exams last year, you always go to the same lessons as the swot.)


Boys do not score points by attending lessons, but may be given lines if caught in the wrong place.


Boys who acquire over 10,000 lines shall be expelled immediately from the school.


Boys are not allowed to enter the staffroom or the Headmaster's study. Take care.


At playtime, boys are supposed to be playing and not in any of the classrooms.


Boys shall not hit their schoolmates.


Boys shall not fire catapults.


Boys are expecting to walk quietly in the corridors - they are not for running or sitting in.


School dinners are compulsory.


Boys will be neat and polite at all times.


Good interview by the way !

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Boys shall not fire catapults.

Yea, we also had the same rule at our school. Along with we were also not allowed to fire the Ballista that was mounted on the roof of the school either. It sucked! :thumbsup:

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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Boys shall not fire catapults.

Yea, we also had the same rule at our school. Along with we were also not allowed to fire the Ballista that was mounted on the roof of the school either. It sucked! :thumbsup:


Oh yeah, in US you use slingshot. Damn torch vs. flashlight, lift vs. elevator ect ect...

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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It all depends what they do with it I guess, a high-school RPG is bound to have a lot of crossover appeal to the Sims market.  If they make it the right way it could be a big hit, of course there would be the risk of it sucking for the hardocre RPG crowd.


Being a Sims player ... no, it does not.


The Sims are a lot of things, some people play for its house building and decoration as others just to play the families and such a RPG would have even less appeal that "The Singles".

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I was pretty surprised at the amount of foul language used in the interview. I thought of quoting parts of the interview here, to see what the ****block-filter would do to it, but apparently I was too lazy. Damn my laziness!!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Oh yeah, in US you use slingshot. Damn torch vs. flashlight, lift vs. elevator ect ect...

I figured it was something like that. But I had to have a little fun with it. LOL!

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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