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Ok, after talking to a few friends about what bugs we came across, it seems that I got some real winners. I'm not going to list every bug I found cause I'd wear out my keyboard, but here are some of the highlights.


1. I never found a normal lightsaber.


I found double-ended ones, I found short ones, I found a named short one, but not a single normal standard light saber. Not one! Now either something was screwy, or that was the biggest fluke ever.


2. I couldn't get the first HK piece.


Why? Because the first one didn't bloody explode! After I had wiped out almost all of it's health, it stoped attacking me and just stood there. I poked at it for a while, tried some mines, then eventually just ran for the door which triggered the next cut scene. On my second time playing I discovered that good old HK was supposed to say 3, 2, 1 and go boom! Giving me the one HK piece that I never found in my first time through the game.


I know I had more than that... I'll add them as I remember them.

  Brunhilde said:
1.  I never found a normal lightsaber.


I found double-ended ones, I found short ones, I found a named short one, but not a single normal standard light saber.  Not one!  Now either something was screwy, or that was the biggest fluke ever.




what you find is random, so you can save and load to have the right one

  Brunhilde said:
Ok, after talking to a few friends about what bugs we came across, it seems that I got some real winners.  I'm not going to list every bug I found cause I'd wear out my keyboard, but here are some of the highlights.


1.  I never found a normal lightsaber.


I found double-ended ones, I found short ones, I found a named short one, but not a single normal standard light saber.  Not one!  Now either something was screwy, or that was the biggest fluke ever.


2.  I couldn't get the first HK piece.


Why?  Because the first one didn't bloody explode!  After I had wiped out almost all of it's health, it stoped attacking me and just stood there.  I poked at it for a while, tried some mines, then eventually just ran for the door which triggered the next cut scene.  On my second time playing I discovered that good old HK was supposed to say 3, 2, 1 and go boom!  Giving me the one HK piece that I never found in my first time through the game.


I know I had more than that...  I'll add them as I remember them.

they are not bugs is all normal and intended


as said by Ada the sword generation is random (for example i had not received a short LS, exept the tomb one, during my first game)


for HK various droid vendors sell some of its parts


Dunno if it's a proper bug or I just did something weird to get this to happen, but I think it qualifies as wacky...


Was playing the Onderon Palace finale yesterday with my Sith Lord character, threw Insanity on all the Royalist guards and then Master Kavar ran at me. After the talky bit I fought Kavar and totally whipped him....except he wouldn't die.


Got his vitality bar down to nothing, and he still kept fighting me.


After a short period of zapping this undead Jedi Master with all my force powers I got bored and ran away, triggering the scene with the Queen and the General. During the cut-scene I could hear Kavar's saber and 'fighting-sounds' and then when I went to fight the Queen he was standing behind me sabering me, still with no vitality.

So I had to fight the Queen and hold off Deadite Kavar at the same time, and then when I killed the Queen I got the cut-scene with the General and in the background...Kavar was still trying to kill me! Dude, give it up!


Then I got kicked back to Dxun and HK-47 and Kreia (who were my party) won't talk to me anymore (they're totally non-responsive) and I never got the scene where Kreia revitalises Colonel Tobin (Do you get that if you play DS? This is my first DS trip to the Palace, I got that scene as a LS player.)


Needless to say, I'm going to be reloading and doing this again.


Not really a bug, but when I level up for the first time, it's usually when I've killed two out of three droids in the room. So Kreia starts chatting to me telepathically about the force, and in the background there's this droid hanging around thinking "Excuse me, could I have some attention here, please? Only I was trying to kill you."

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


The best bugs happened in the Jakk Jakk Tarr cantina.


I had found a gas mask pretty early in the game, so I decided to check out the alien bar in solo mode as soon as I got there the first time. Worked like a charm.


Then, after the Exchange contacted me, everybody was returning to the ship to discuss the next steps. "We'll meet at the Jekk Jekk" , "I is a trap!" "have to go alone" , "good luck" jadda jadda jadda etc. ... and then:

"Oh, by the way: The Jekk Jekk is filled with acidic gas! A breath mask won't help you at all, it attacks the skin, but luckily we brought the space suit along, so we should be fine"


Ooooooo Keeey. Guess the Exile's skin is tougher than anybody expected.


But it gets better: After that, Mira steals the suit. Cutscene. Visquis watches the cantina's entrance through his camera and claims that the Exile, dressed in a space suit, has fallen into his trap. What I saw, however, was Mira, wearing bugger all. Seems like these aliens are slow on the uptake, since it took them quite a while to notice their mistake. "WHAT? It's you? Damn you, oh subtle master of diguise!"


Then, the Exile enters the Jekk Jekk (still wearing the breath mask), gasps, collapses, and is taught a new Force power that would help him survive this terrible ordeal. Of course I never used it, given the fact that the gas mask was still working splendidly once the cut scene was over. I took my sweet time slaughtering the patrons, had a few chemicals at the bar, passed out, woke up in a puddle of my own vomit and was still unaffected by the supposedly deadly atmosphere.


All in all, the whole scene turned out to be quite a farce. Considering the absurdity of the buildup, I wouln't have been surprised at all to battle Jawas riding unicycles and a group of Gamorrean mimes in a corridor full of doors, with everbody entering and leaving randomly, at a tremendous speed and without any regard to physics, logic or continuity.


Cerebus - exactly the same things happened to me. I explored the Jekk'Jekk Tar before I was supposed to, I knew to wear a breath mask, and Mira also turned up wearing no suit at all, which was really quite hilarious.


eheh same for me, i had all the party goes happily around with just some heals >_<


also first time i played the space suit was there, it haven't shown anymore since the first patch.

  Zilod said:
also first time i played the space suit was there, it haven't shown anymore since the first patch.

What? You had the space suit in that scene before you installed the patch? I thought the patch was supposed to alter a few manual files only....


so it happened, probably just a coincidence


in another game i noticed that Mira had not the suit on so just to test i reload a save of my first game and even there the suit was not showing anymore.


i tried some times and nothing... as said maybe was just lucky the first time eheh >_<


I found a bug where I force crushed Nihilus until he died, but he was floating two feet in the air, just standing. I could walk through him, and 5 feet away was a spot on the floor titled 'Remains.' When he evaporated, the smoke came from a spot clear across the room. It was really weird, but kinda cool. Plus, I got Dark Jedi Master robes early.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


The most notable bug I encountered is when I'm playing the DS char, just finished all the side and major quest in Nar Shadaa and I'm about to live the planet then suddenly during my walk on the way to ebon hawk I saw one of the twin sun hanging outside the cantina, i tried to talk to her but he gave me no response and just a few meters from the twin sun is Hanharr hanging along the road(what the heck is he doing there,he's suppose to be inside the ebon hawk)then lastly, just near the corner of the landing pad I saw Mira standing I thought at first she survive the encounter with hanharr but when I tried to talk to her no response either.

Also, the cyan color of lightsaber has its own share, it is always on when I loaded a game or area transition.(I also experienced this on KOTOR1 with the crystal I bought with the rodian in Yavin, forgot the name of the crystal).


I just hope this bugs would be fix when the patch arrives.


Can't wait to play the game on 3rd time coz I'm waiting for the patch to arrive.

Posted (edited)

I posted this on another thread. It was my first DS foray.

I lost Atton Rand. He was replaced by a LS Bao Bur. So I had a DS & LS Bao Dur. Secondly, whenever I entered the Ebon Hawk, the Bao Dur I had by the workbench added by 1. Finally I couldn't go to Korriban because there was no Atton Rand. So when I quit I had 10 Bao Durs with only one Remote.


Check here for pics. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=30631&st=40

Edited by Odinson

I know people have had this one before. During my DS run, I was on Nar Shaddaa getting ready for the plot to kick in and left the Ebon Hawk with Atton and Visas in my party. Then the cutscene starts where Atton is supposed to get the message from Visquis, but it abruptly stops and nothing happens. Now I have an extra Atton hanging out by the Ebon Hawk whenever I travel to Nar Shaddaa and I think I'm going to have to reload an old save just because the plot doesn't seem to be working now. But it's quite funny to see Atton still wearing his ribbed jacket (he's got a Grey Jedi robe at the moment) guarding the ship. I play Pazaak with him from time to time in case he gets lonely. :)


I had tons of triggering bugs with doors not opening. Say, on Telos, the bounty hunter is supposed to walk through a door. He doesn't, but the conversation still takes place. Talking to no one.

  TrueNeutral said:
I had tons of triggering bugs with doors not opening. Say, on Telos, the bounty hunter is supposed to walk through a door. He doesn't, but the conversation still takes place. Talking to no one.

I had these as well. Most notable was during my first playthrough when your party is stuck in the apartment to rest. Lt. Grenn and his officers were supposed to exit but they didn't and just stood with their backs to you, doors closed. Can't a girl get some privacy?


That also reminded me of a glitch that I continue to have at times when entering/exiting areas. Sometimes I guess I don't run at the door at the right angle or something and it won't take me to the next area. I have to turn around and run back the other way to trigger the transit. Which reminds me of another thing, is it just me, or is there no way to transit like in Kotor from the menu screen? I don't see any option to "Return to Ebon Hawk" or "Transit Back" at all even though the loading screen messages have told me that this is available. :)


When entering the rebuilt Jedi Enclave, the two companions that you brought along stay put at the entrance. During my second time playing this game, I had Handmaiden and Mira in the party, and they were just standing there, as expected.


I exited the enclave, and re-entered. The original Handmaiden and Mira were still standing there, but now I had clones of Handmaiden and Mira actively in my party. Seemed somewhat odd seeing the clones standing next to each other.


After Kreia drained the masters, and left with Handmaiden to Telos, and after my character got up, I still had Handmaiden and Mira in my party, and could even carry on a conversation with them.

  Zilod said:
they are not bugs is all normal and intended


as said by Ada the sword generation is random (for example i had not received a short LS, exept the tomb one, during my first game)


for HK various droid vendors sell some of its parts


Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.


The problem with HK wasn't that I didn't get the part, but that the first droid never exploded like he should have. He is supposed to count down then go boom, but he just stood there quivering and eventually I gave up and left. Also, you can buy every part except that one from vendors, I had 2 of all the others but never got the first one. The bug is that he didn't explode.


As for the lightsaber thing, I know it's random, and several times when I found a lightsaber I went back to my last save point to try it again, but never got a normal one. I eventually figured that there were NO normal ones, until I talked to a friend who said this wasn't the case. It still might have been a fluke though, I'll never know.


  Cerebus said:
The best bugs happened in the Jakk Jakk Tarr cantina.


I had this slightly different, I survived fine with the gas mask on my first visit, though when Mira went in I'm pretty sure she was wearing my stolen enviro suit (which I didn't even know I had...)


So I strolled back in with just my gas mask, and wearing my dancing outfit for good measure (+2 persuade made me irresistible!) and was surprised when I choked and started to die, after all I had been in there earlier having a nice chat with the locals and stealing chemicals.


However I don't know if the breath mask was still working, cause I kept using force breath. Maybe it was? I just assumed it's powers had changed because of the scene at the enterance.


  Cerebus said:
"WHAT? It's you? Damn you, oh subtle master of diguise!"


Haha, don't make me lol at work, they'll see I'm playing on a message board instead of building one :lol:


OOh! I thought of another good one I had.


On Telos, you get locked up in your room and you wait there, getting two phone calls and resting in between.


I really wanted to talk to Atton some more and was hoping I'd get the chance to here.


The first phone call came in and I answered it straight away. After that the only option you get is to agree to rest, no chance to talk to anyone (ie. Atton).


So we rest, then the phone rings again (or the communication terminal makes it's incoming call sound) and this time I decide to talk to Atton while I have the chance. However Atton isn't feeling very chatty, so I give up and answer the call, then we rest some more.


However, the ringing sound never stops. I keep checking the terminal, but it says there are no incoming calls. I start wondering if the sound was always there or if I am just crazy. I leave, I return, the damn phone is still ringing.


For the rest of the game whenever I go to my appartment the phone is ringing but there is never a call. Guess the 'turn sound off' flag never got triggered for some reason...

  Brunhilde said:
For the rest of the game whenever I go to my appartment the phone is ringing but there is never a call.  Guess the 'turn sound off' flag never got triggered for some reason...


Had that too, never picked up the phone the second time and since I visted Czerka (the callers) already, it said no incoming calls but still rings.

The fun thing is that when I walked past my appartment Atton always said: "Aren't you going to pick up the phone?, they will never leave us alone".

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