jshall101 Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 Thats probelby the excat reason you will be dissappointed in the next game.
The Great Phantom Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 I know... but, as long as Revan gets closure, I'll be fine. I wouldn't mind being the Exile again, but I'll be in service of Revan if at all possible. Personally, I'd like a Joe Schmoe Knight to finish off what the Prodegy and the Paradox started... I'm seeing a P theme... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Wild Storm Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 This is how I think would work out. From the beginning, you have the option as starting as Exile or Revan. I fyou chose Revan, then you are wounded and force drained on an Outer Rim Planet. If Exile, then the Ebon Hawk has crashed on the same planet, and is also force drained. In which you eventually find each other and go to where ever gives your main quest (I: Dantooine, II: Telos). After picking your Revan character, you pick Exile and vice-versa, since your going to be playing as both characters at different points in the game. Also, you choose what happened in KOTOR II and I. Like maybe in the Prolouge, another character has to program files of characters into a databank. Your going to have to rebuild both characters force, being that the constant fighting and all of that has completley drained the force out of you and you must re-establish it. Or someone has stolen it, like the Scepter of Ragnos in Jedi Academy.
The Great Phantom Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 Perhaps the Sith used the Nihilus technique to a massive extent, like I hypothesized in another thread... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Ekkest Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 I'd like to see a good balance between light side and dark side characters. In KOTOR1, all of the Jedi are light sided and in fact, so is everybody except for HK and Canderous. KOTOR2 is better in this respect, but with the influence system, most of the Jedis in your party are the same alignment as you. I'd like a bigger variety of characters.
DSLuke Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 I just thought of a nice idea for the start of K3, if we start with Revan of the exile that is. We could start in a planet full of Yslamari (wrong spelling I know) so the area we start in has no Force. And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom
The Great Phantom Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 Illogical and against continuity... I think that a new PC will be brought in, or an old one will be used, with a slight Level Change, and a higher Level cap, and an easier Level progression. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Eji Posted March 11, 2005 Posted March 11, 2005 I was thinking about Halflife 2's characters and realized... What I would love to see in a third game would be more/improved CHARACTER ANIMATION... oh god, PLEASE... like more expressions, more movements, more varied reactions and better lipsyncing as well (I noticed kotor1 was a bit better about mouth-matching / syncing than 2). I mean, the current animations are fine I guess, but you would gain so much more by adding more expression sets to the faces. A lot of the time, the conversations only really worked because the acting was solid. You'd draw the player in even more if the model acting was more convincing. Having an occasional shrug and a head tilt here and there, doesn't quite cut it.
Jambo Posted March 12, 2005 Posted March 12, 2005 Wild Storm said: This is how I think would work out. From the beginning, you have the option as starting as Exile or Revan. I fyou chose Revan, then you are wounded and force drained on an Outer Rim Planet. If Exile, then the Ebon Hawk has crashed on the same planet, and is also force drained. In which you eventually find each other and go to where ever gives your main quest (I: Dantooine, II: Telos). After picking your Revan character, you pick Exile and vice-versa, since your going to be playing as both characters at different points in the game. Also, you choose what happened in KOTOR II and I. Like maybe in the Prolouge, another character has to program files of characters into a databank. Your going to have to rebuild both characters force, being that the constant fighting and all of that has completley drained the force out of you and you must re-establish it. Or someone has stolen it, like the Scepter of Ragnos in Jedi Academy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This, my friend, is what I call a good idea. Being able to start out as to completely different characters and even start the game in two different locations, albeit on the same planet, would really add to replayablilty and what would be cool is you could have a romance between the two if you choose for them to be the opposite sex, or even if you have them both be female. Hell yeah! I'll be honest with you, I've never been too terribly excited about all these hair-brained ideas about starting out as Revan or the exile in K3, but I really like this idea. It could work if they could fit it all onto to a DVD/R for Xbox. With PC, there's no limit to HOW big they make the damn game. But you have to consider that if they give you the capabilty to play one of two completely different characters, they might have to "make" room for two complelely different NPC's for the character that you don't choose. e.i. dialog for Revan if you're Exile and vice-versa. Oh, SH*T!!! I just realized something!!! It would still work, no matter what!!!! Even if one of them is Sith and the other is a Jedi, it would still WORK!!! Because they have to put aside their petty differences in believe and philosophy because they share the same enemy. That's what NPC's talked about Revan in K2, what I gathered is that Revan, as a Sith, had no intention of destroying the galaxy. He/she had the forsight to know that no one would benefit from that, neither Sith nor Jedi. I also get the idea that he/she didn't want to wipe out the Jedi because he/she wasn't a brute like Malak, by any stretch of the imagination. Both Jedi and Sith have to battle against a common enemy. Okay, okay. I'm calm now...breath in......breath out.....We need to come up with more ideas like this. It's a little scetchy, but clean it up a little bit, make a little more polished, more presentable and we've got ourselves a starting point. The thing about this idea is it keeps "the game" from asking way too many questions about the first two games. You start out as one of the characters, you decide which side of the force you leaned toward in K1 or K2. I imagine once you start a new game, you first get to decide which whether you want to be Revan or The Exile. Then you get to build up BOTH of them: select the model for each character, decide what class they each are, select their stats, skills and feats. AND give The Exile a name, that way even if you decide to play as Revan, when you encounter the exile, you would address he/she by his/her name. Because Revan would know one of his/her generals if he/she saw him/her. I like this idea because there's really no need to make Revan a surprise because the name is going to The Return of Revan. I don't recall which member came up with that, but it's a good name. Okay, I'm done.
Darth Nihilius Posted March 12, 2005 Posted March 12, 2005 Zonama Sekot shouldn't be in K3 because it is 500 years old when Luke Skywalker was around and Yuuzhan'tar hasn't been destroyed yet. I would like to see Ziost, the Sith homeworld. Probably, other planets like Thule or another unknown planet we never seen.
The Great Phantom Posted March 12, 2005 Posted March 12, 2005 Jambo, a couple of errors. Revan wanted to destroy the Jedi, but not the Republic. They just got in his/her way. If you ask HK-47, Revan believed the True war was against the Jedi. With them gone, then no Force Sensitives wouldn't serve him, more or less. I assume that this is what he wanted in the first place: An Army of Sith (Jedi if Revan was later redeemed) to fight with him in the War To Come... I wonder what they'll call it? Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
darth nutter Posted March 12, 2005 Posted March 12, 2005 The Great Phantom said: Jambo, a couple of errors. Revan wanted to destroy the Jedi, but not the Republic. They just got in his/her way. If you ask HK-47, Revan believed the True war was against the Jedi. With them gone, then no Force Sensitives wouldn't serve him, more or less. I assume that this is what he wanted in the first place: An Army of Sith (Jedi if Revan was later redeemed) to fight with him in the War To Come... I wonder what they'll call it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> revan has already started rebuilding military opposition to the the true sith why else was canderous left behind to reasseble the clans i think in k3 u shud continue the work of building a force to challenge the true sith but u shud hav the mandalorians that follow canderous helping u out without ur knowledge at first but then they reveal themselves to u as for planets if u follow this theyd hav to be at least a short visit to dxun
Darth Nuke Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Not if Mandalore has moved back to Planet Mandalore. He was in the known Galaxy to regather those clans that were still roaming around. He got what he came for, not as the leader of the Mandalorians he needs to return home. Canderous isn't just Mandalore, leader of the Mandalorian army. He's Mandalore leader of the Mandalorians and Mandalore Sector. He has more power than most kings in the Galaxy. He will probably go back to Mandalorian Space and gather more forces, and build some ships before the GREAT WAR begins. KOTOR 2 must be completed
The Great Phantom Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Mandalorian 'space' could be considered Dxun, as that was their HQ in the Mandalorian Wars... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Darth Nuke Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I was talking about the Mandalorian Sector, as in Mandalorian Space. Dxun isn't near the Mandalorian Sector. I'm sure Dxun became Mandalorian space for it's time, as well as many other planets. However it's with good reason that Dxun was used as a base instead of Mandaore. I doubt the Mandalorians wanted any of their enemies to know where home was. KOTOR 2 must be completed
DeathScepter Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I do think The new team should be more well balanced. Droids Mandorlains Jedi Sith Republic and some crimials should be in Revan's New Army. Key Leaders should be with Revan for His part of the Story. Remember the First Half life, Half Life sage has three parallel Storys and therefore for Kotor 3 should used that idea for to complete that leg of The Kotor saga. One for Revan(Yes Revan's fanboys would love to play as him again) One for Exile (THere are exile Fans) one for the new guy(he should be a Jedi Master lvl character and for those who want a new guy) that is how This leg of Kotor should end with Three heroes and each of them with their own stand alone game concerning Kotor 3. Each of them should have their own team and ship. Revan= Ebon Hawk Exile= something cool New guy= something different Hk 47 and T3m4 should go with Revan.
aluinie Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Be nice if you could import raven & exile from saved game info from KOTR 1 & 2 maybe not levels or equipment but where they where in the force how much influence they had on their npc's so if you see these npc again they will either still like or hate you. My thoughts of a begining is the exile finds Raven on a remote world in a small cantina. Raven has been looking to find details of the sith strengths to see if he/she will either take them offer or destroy them. Be good if we could have conflice between Raven and Exile if they are a different allignment to each other or team together if they are the same.
Redmen Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Well i hope for a complite body change if let say you have big strenth and constitution you should be bigger but if you are strong in wisdom or charisma you should be smaller less muscels. As i understand Kreia at the end both the jedi and the sith will help Revan in the battle against the true Sith empire wright.
Wraith Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I heard somewhere that big GL is going to be advising the new kotor sort of like a Production manager/editor so it might be ten times better. this unconfirmed most likely a rumor. I am not stating solid fact but if it is true it could be a big help to the series
Wraith Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Me for one, I always felt that tatooine was sort of mysterious in a way like it could be a dwelling place for something darker than any star map or Krayt dragon. or a key to the destruction of the true sith. or another force feeding machine only better linking with all force users, or another idea is it is a hiding place for the greysider jedi endless things could be done with this planet.
DeathScepter Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 well As long as the game is very fun I would play. I would think KOTOR 3 should be 20x harder than Kotor 2. Exile was too over powered in KOTOR 2 so equally as powerful enemies if there is going to be another lvl 50 or higher in Kotor 3. A tri class system will be good. I would love to play as a Scout/guardian/watchman combo. Other would be interested in playing INTO playing as Scoundrel or Solider based character that flowing into Jedi and Sith prestiage class.
Majin Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 Redmen said: Well i hope for a complite body change if let say you have big strenth and constitution you should be bigger but if you are strong in wisdom or charisma you should be smaller less muscels. As i understand Kreia at the end both the jedi and the sith will help Revan in the battle against the true Sith empire wright. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *coughfablehack* they had different sizes for the classes in kotor, a solider was bigger than a scoundrel, but they dropped it in 2. win some, lose some i guess.
Lord Satasn Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 Yeah I always thought the best way it should play it is like this, love it or hate it people lol..... Revan finished KOTOR 1 Lightside.....gets rid of the stupid staroforge ideas, and lets room for alot of memorable characters to return....but when he realised what he had done he went off and left everyone, like it says he did....but when he gets to the sith empire he gets corrupted or gets corrupted on his way there and succumbs to the darkside again. Exile finishes the story of KOTOR 2 darkside, and goes off after Revan. And so when K3 occurs Revan and Exile are both Darkside fighting off the true Sith...either together as Master and Apprentice, or working against eachother....and it's a triangle of Revan vs. Exile vs. True Sith....orr......they are working to gether not as Master and Apprentice and just as two darksiders...... and whatever character you are in K3, most likely a Jedi trained by the Jedi left over that rebuilt the academy....maybe trained by handmaiden or disciple or bastilla or Jolee or something to that extent.....so whatever character u are in K3 has to go and stop Revan and Exile from taking over and/or joining the true Sith and stop the True Sith in general, and ur NPC's are a mix of ppl from K1 and K2.....Jolee, Bastilla, Handmaiden, Visas, Bao Dur, Mission maybe, and etc. and on the way you can either choose that, or decide to become Sith and kill off most of ur party and make a pact with the true sith and it would be cool to get a master of the True Sith to study under, (much like u studied to be a jedi in K1 with that twilek) and u become a True Sith and there is a cut scene sequence and etc. AND you can betray and kill ur master and try to Rule the Sith empire and galaxy and kill revan and exile...if u go lightside forget all that and maybe you can redeem either Revan or the Exile or both....who knows...... But I think that would be a very good scenerio...especially since ur just a powerful jedi from the academy...u know who u are....no stupid amnesia or reason for losing level, AND you get to save time in the storyline by not needing to figure out ur past, and it gives much needed storyline time, like Gathering NPCS going around rallying up Planets and systems for the war, Betraying the Jedi, Sith Training, and then finally going to the outer regions and etc. and then the FINAL BATTLE..... What do you guys think?????!!!! I think it's a pretty good idea, any critisism or praise or any comments in general would be appreciated.... peace
Jambo Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 maybe I missed something in your post, but what happens if both revan and exile were light side or one was light and the other was dark. also it would be incredibly (lack of credibility) stupid if revan went into the Unknown Regions and went to the Dark Side, again. It would be very cheesy and unrealistic (in the Star Wars Universe). However, do kind of like the idea of starting out as a Padawan, at the training academy. Also, if Revan went Dark Side in KotOR 1, then Jolee doesn't exist anymore. Also, Handmaiden has to be ruled out because Exile could have been a Dark Side and turned Handmaiden, as well. But I still like the idea of starting the game out as either Revan or The Exile. I absolutely love that idea. You start out as Revan, you pick up Exile along the way and vise-versa and it can work that way, no-matter-what because Sith and Jedi share a common enemy: The True Sith.
Darth Hoebag Posted March 16, 2005 Posted March 16, 2005 I had the idea that you start off as a trainee at the new Treyus Academy, and your Handmaidens/Visas' (possibly both? if it comes down to one or ther other, the choice is obvious, VISAS!) best tudent, and they explain the events of KOTOR2 to you, and then say that it is time for her to leave and head past the outer rim and find Revan and the Exile (possibly a "romantic" I promise we'll meet again-ish thing if your male? (or female ) and since you are the first powerful force user (thats trained) currently in the known galaxy, you need to finish your training on your own be defeating/saving/stopping X (havent gotten that far yet ) and that then, it will be your turn to leave and find Revan, Exile and Visas. None of these will be used... But theres mine.
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