MacGamer Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 After reading the post (below) in another thread from "The Big Cheese" himself, I thought I'd start this new thread. I think it would be a very good idea for people to post what they LIKED in the game, not what they didn't like. Feargus & the rest of the Obsidian team worked really hard creating Knights of The Old Republic, and they pulled off (as much as they could), a follow-up to the 2003 Game of the Year, in only 1 year.(!!) To put it another way, Obsidian are teh roxxors!!! Let's keep this thread positive, let them know something that you think would brighten their day, and let them know creating KoTOR, with all it's trials & tribulations, was definately worth doing, and people really do appreciate their hard work. (Moderators, can I request your assistance with this? Can you delete any "Obsidian sucks blah blah blah" posts & the like, to keep this thread positive? Thanks.) Just a quick message to let you all know that I am reading the posts. And no I didn't just jump to the end and post this Hades. Oh, and I will come out and say the one thing that iritates Obsidian employees the most is when we are referred to as BioJr, Bioboys, Bioleftovers, Biobitches or whatever fun little moniker has been thought up for the day. That's not a reason for us to close the board down, it's just one of the things that doesn't help get us pumped up about reading the forums every day. Another random thought of mine (I'm pretty much dealing wtih sleep deprivation right now) is that it seems perfectly acceptable for people to call us names, but if we ever respond in kind then we would be the ones being childish or poor sports. Half the time I want to post "Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but why don't I just shove my fist down your throat." I'm perfectly fine with criticism - just not the "YOU SUCK DONKEY BALLS OBSIDIAN, GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK BECAUSE WHILE I PLAYED YOUR GAME THREE TIMES ALL THE WAY THROUGH I THINK IT SUCKED!1 JUST LIKE YOU DO AND SO DOES YOUR MOM!11" variety. If we were to keep the forums up, I would probably have the moderators become more strict about posts from trolls and give them more liberty in banning people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yst Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Heh, normally I restrain my fanboyism, but I shan't, here. First of all, to restate my comment from another thread, KotOR II is in my opinion among the finest examples of RPG storytelling in history, standing far above the majority of RPGs, and setting almost unprecedented standards for quality of dialogue. And behind in were the guys behind my favourite RPG in history (see av and sig). How could I not be happy? Go Obsidian.
Gorth Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 "YOU SUCK DONKEY BALLS OBSIDIAN, GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK BECAUSE WHILE I PLAYED YOUR GAME THREE TIMES ALL THE WAY THROUGH I THINK IT SUCKED!1 JUST LIKE YOU DO AND SO DOES YOUR MOM!11" Has it really been posted ? Probably not verbatim, but if you looked around the forum just a short while ago, you would find this kind of constructive feedback (give or take a few !'s and 1's) in various places from a handful of pathetic whiners. “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
Janson Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I have to agree. I really was completely absorbed in this game. The dialogue was so much more natural, and I was really able to empathise with my character. I also felt that 'evil' and 'good' weren't so clear-cut. The showdown with your holograohic team-mates in the tomb on Korriban was a good example of this; you couldn't avoid killing at least one of them. Or on Onderon; I could completely understand why people would want to usurp the Queen. I thought there were many subtle, but good, improvements, and I actually liked Peragus as a level to get you used to the game. I was far more attached to the characters in this game, and although there wasn't the huge plot twist of the first KotOR, it was interesting to see many aspects of the story unfold. I wasn't sure how it would end, whereas in the first game your goal was always very obvious.
SteveThaiBinh Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 The Prologue with T3 aboard the Ebon Hawk was very strong, with clear instructions delivered by voice-over to get you used to the basic controls. The developers obviously went out of their way to help players who were new to Kotor. I think they did a better job than Bioware, who plunged too soon into combat. "An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)
Merak Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 favorite planet:telos favorite male character:Bao dur favorite female character: Vistas mare favorite NPC: (non playing character) Atris favorite evil character: sion favorite part of game: interacting with PC: (playing character) and PC interacting with each other. thats it, thanks for a great game. call me fanboy it
RitterOne Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Must say that I have spent a lot of time here lately waiting for news about the patch and I thouth your idea here was... well not bad a all... Obsidian did in my opinion deliver a pretty good product in the sence that it had a great story, great dialog on board the ebon hawk - especially the dialog between the other characters. I for one played through game without to many bugs... Well... It didn't take to long to complete the game so I missed a lot of the development with the other characters... First off it felt like the game was a bit hollow and not as deep as the first one, but what I have read about what others have experienced I must say that the magnitude of the game is far bigger than expected.... So I am looking forward to playing it again when the patch is released...
Llyranor Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I shall just say that KOTOR2 is now my favorite game of all time, and that Obsidian just got bumped to my favorite developer, and that NWN2 is my most anticipated game. A flawed masterpiece, perhaps, but the masterpiece part trumps makes all these 'flaws' irrelevant to me. Yes, I'm a "blind fanboy", but credit is due where credit is deserved, and no game - PST comes a close second, MAYBE tied - has enthralled me so. EVEN the ending, which people criticize almost unanimously, I thought conveyed a meaning that was beautiful, as opposed to KOTOR1's clearcut "ending". Yes, it was perhaps rushed and not so well executed, and some parts were a bit left unresolved, but the ending itself was marvellous. Marry me, MCA! (Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)
Zoma Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Keria had said something along these lines: "It does not matter where the destination leads, what matters is the journey." Thank you Obsidian. I had a hellaluva of a journey in this game even though the destination wasn't what I was hoping for. I can't wait for your next game, Neverwinternights 2 to be released. All the best Obsidian
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Very enjoyable experience and more interesting than the paper thin "plot twist" in KOTOR , which you really couldnt get away with again anyway. I finished Suikoden IV yesterday and despite it having a 32 minute ending I was still more in the dark than in KOTOR II . You have to look for meaning in KOTOR II by paying attention to the story and talking to your companions (and that meaning may well change depending on who you end up bonding with), which is one of the things that sets it above KOTOR for me. The whole evil thing was also handeled in a much more interesting and less thugish way so I actually got to finish this game as a DS character too. The actual end levels are very much the same as the StarForge, really dont see how you can complain about that without the same complaint with KOTOR. Since I really hated the proposed ending anyway I was quite a bit happier than if it had been included. I'd probably have strong words for whoever left those files in though. Unless it was a case of accident , the only reason that 90% of gamers are "happy" is because they exist in blissful ignorance of the reality of the process. I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
Dehumanizer Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I'd probably have strong words for whoever left those files in though. Unless it was a case of accident , the only reason that 90% of gamers are "happy" is because they exist in blissful ignorance of the reality of the process. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I disagree, I don't think most people would have been satisfied with the released ending. But we argued about that one before, let's not repeat it here. Anyway, let me add my encouragement for Obsidian (again). The game is brilliant, darker than I'd have thought possible (and that's a compliment, believe me). But... thinking a bit about this, I actually find that this is one of the best forums around. Most people here are nice and write well-thoughtout posts (even those I tend to disagree with, like ShadowPaladin). Of course there are rude kids around who complain about everything, but no more than in most game-related forums. Or is it just me? Sure, this isn't like the Paradox forums where everyone's a hard-core wargamer who loves Paradox's games, but this isn't GameSpy either.
MacGamer Posted March 3, 2005 Author Posted March 3, 2005 C'mon people, keep up the love! (w00t) *nudge*
Daaave Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 When do I get my free Gizka? Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.
Retnuh Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I'm game. Lets give Obsidian some much needed DAP! What I liked. 1. The characters were great! The story behinds the characters weren't half bad either. 2. I really liked the new robes. Wish I could have gotten one of the rare ones, but oh well. 3. The weather effects, especially on Telos and Duxn were awesome. Really added some much needed atmosphere. Even noticed the sea monster in the water on Duxn. 4. I loved the new upgrade/creation system. Had a wonderful time combining things and figuring out who deserved an upgrade in their weapons. 5. The new lightsaber colors were cool. 6. I thought the game was more edgy, which is good. 7. I loved the new lightsaber stances. Added to the gameplay. This list could go on and on, but overall I really enjoyed the game. Lets remember this was Obsidian's first game and in my opinion they did a great job.
Darth Jebus Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I seem to remember creating a thread like this a few weeks ago. And you should see some of the negative responses it got. I also tried to stem the tide again here. And though, many of the responses were positive, there were also alot that weren't. In fact, alot of people were all, "No we can't move on! I paid my 50 bucks and I expected a finished product!!!" Now, I'm not saying that some of that criticism isn't justified. I've been very effusive in my thoughts on the shortcomings of the game. But it just seemed like more and more we were getting threads from kids and other gamers that just peed all over OE and K2 without providing specific examples and without giving the devs or even other gamers thoughtful feedback as to WHY they thought the game fell short. I mean, I know there's always going to be the haters out there with anything and everything under the sky. That's to be expected in any kind of entertainment medium. Trust me. I work for a studio and seldom does a day go by when we're not burned in effigy by someone or another. But really, I thought we as a young community had a GREAT opportunity to actually communicate our thoughts and concerns to the people that were DIRECTLY AND INTIMATELY involved with the project BECAUSE THE COMPANY WAS NEW AND SMALL. There is a real feeling of family and teamwork at OE because there's only about 50 or so people that work for the company. So you better believe they read all the emails and see all the write-ups about their product that appear in various magazines and on various websites across the internet. That's why it's just such a shame that many people here just didn't get it. You don't email the devs or the CEO of the company all the time with things like, "Where are you? I feel abandoned. I paid my money and your dissing me!", or some other crap like that. I mean, write your letters, express your concerns, that's cool. Even encouraged. But to just troll the boards with flame and then send a deluge of emails and PM's to the devs and the execs at OE basically whining....I'm sorry but that's just retarded and childish. But like I said already. it's all academic at this point. We should've been more supportive of Obsidian a long time ago. When we actually had a chance to make a difference.
Daaave Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 vxronin, how many times have you posted that crap now? I've seen it 3 or 4 times for god sake move on. Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 If you haven I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
Jellybelly Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 What a pathetic figure... I bet all of his posts contain the same rubbish.
Daaave Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 What a pathetic figure... I bet all of his posts contain the same rubbish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All of them do, literally he puts that in to every topic he posts in. Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.
vxronin Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I can't believe that the Obsidian employees want to close the boards down because they are getting so many negative posts it's hurting 'moral'. Ohhh, booo hoo! Poor Obsidian! You know, I don't see ANY OBsidian employees appologising or admitting to how screwed up the game was. No one is taking any kind of responsibility here and you want me to feel sorry for you? Grow up, you guys are in the big league now (probably not for much longer though, I give you 2-3 years before you go outta business). This industry doesn't forgive or forget, deal with it. Well Obsidian, you might want to take a look inward and search out why so many people are angry and upset. For one, as your customers we have a right to complain about something we bought from you. Granted anything vulgar sohould be removed, but all else should stay. If you guys can't even defend your good name, then don't even try - and if you shut these boards down. It will only prove testament to the entire gaming industry at large that you guys really can't take the fire. Apparently Obsidian's PR skills are as bad as their developing.
vxronin Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I have to keep posting it because it keeps getting removed by Obsidian. These guys can't take the fire, like I said. My original post has been removed, so I have to post it 'gurella' style in threads.
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Complaining about installing identifies you as an idiot. Congrats if you wanted to be taken seriously you failed. I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
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