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A bug with Bao Dur.


I can't seem to initiate dialog with him.


When he's on the Ebon Hawk working on the ship and when I click on him to start talking all he does is turn towards me and no dialog options appear.


If I try to initiate dialog outside the Ebon Hawk, same thing happens except now he even stops following me around.


The only way I've found that will work in to press tab outside the Hawk to switch to BaoDur then have him initiate dialog with my PC. However after the first two dialogs about the floating droid and a little about the why he joined the war, no other dialog options appear except for 'Nevermind'


Is that all there is to Baodur's dialog options with the PC?


I've experienced many times that when I try to walk through a door, the PC gets stuck at the 'doorstep' and I have to back away from the door and try to walk through it again - but luckily it works everytime


I've posted this in the forum to no avail, but I'll make mention of it here in the hopes a dev will see it ... I have had problems with NPCs getting no experience points while not in the party. These have included Mira, the Handmaiden, and T3-M4. The problem with the two former seemed to kick in after they became Jedi; with T3-M4 it occurred during the final Nar Shaddaa missions. Thank you.


Existing problem from KoTOR still exists in KoTOR2 where skill points are not distributed in the correct numbers for your PC.


Example: If your PC should get 5 points, they'll get 1 on level up. Exiting the current running game to the main menu, then reloading your save will fix the problem however.


Since it seems to be random I'm unsure of how to duplicate it.


Here's some bugs i've encounted.


-Game Crashed when talking to specific people.


-Some missions are crashing when completing them, also the charaters "disappear" just random.


-Sometimes the game gets stuck in saves and loads.


-The mouse stop functioning and the WASD keys are irregular and also stop workinh.


I could say a few more, but im DEEPLY dissapointed what obsidian have created.

Everytime i start the game i get the feeling that the game's about to crash and is always stressed. I can't just enjoy it and contantly try to play in a stressful manner and try to prevents crashed.


I don't know what you've done, Obsidian, but you done it WRONG. If the game's bugged, don't release it until you fixed it. Stop trying to get it out too early.


I lost a lot of respect for you, and i can't ejoy this product anymore without being anxious of crashed and bugs and malfuntioning. Fix these bugs FAST to restore some peace of the game. It's a golden rule not to pre-release a game, and it's a common fact that bugs destroy a game. This is NOT too much to ask, afterall it's me who bought the game, so i want quality for my money.


I understand how frustrating it is to have to deal with these bugs. I'm having a few myself, though not as many as a lot of people are.


The problem is that Obsidian does not control release status. Lucasarts controls QA and authorizes release and any further support or patches. As the publisher and owner of the rights to Star Wars, they can make Obsidian finish working whenever they want so that they can ship the product and meet their schedule.


Obsidian may or may not have made mistakes. I don't know. But Lucasarts is the group that has the power. This also means that they are the group we need to contact nicely so that they can authorize Obsidian to create a patch.


It sucks, but right now in the software industry, the publisher is God. That's why Bioware is working on their own games right now, thought up by them and published by them: So they can take some control back. This meant letting someone else work on KOTOR 2 and NWN 2. Since they could help pick who should work on those projects, Obsidian was given them as a friendly gesture to help start the company off in remembrance of the good relationship that Black Isle Studios and Bioware had.


Yeah, the bugs suck. But I'm putting my faith in Obsidian that they'll do the right thing if Lucasarts will let them.

  Kiwegapa said:
It sucks, but right now in the software industry, the publisher is God.  That's why Bioware is working on their own games right now, thought up by them and published by them: So they can take some control back. This meant letting someone else work on KOTOR 2 and NWN 2. Since they could help pick who should work on those projects, Obsidian was given them as a friendly gesture to help start the company off in remembrance of the good relationship that Black Isle Studios and Bioware had.


Yeah, the bugs suck. But I'm putting my faith in Obsidian that they'll do the right thing if Lucasarts will let them.


Kind of OT:


This was a HUGE topic at D.I.C.E. this year (it's a developer's convention).


Publishers like EA and UBISoft and others are basically destroying and devaluing the developers job and status as actual game creators -- people who actually conceieve, code, and design the games we play -- And reducing them to nothing but "banta poo doo" they call on whenever they need some Quater 1 profits to appease their stock holders. It's sick.


It's only going to get worse as the console market takes even a greater share of the casual gaming market because publishers KNOW they have the power to dictate the time tables of when games are made and they KNOW that developers are given impossible deadlines they can't meet and they KNOW that this results in games being released in post-alpha/pre-beta states... Which is why they rely on consoles sales more because consoles games are more simple in terms of scope, coding, unified hardware and even QA standards (they must work and there is no excuse about various hardware configurations as with PC games) and this is what the casual gamer likes: The ease-of-use of just popping in a DVD in their PS2 or XBox, pusing a few buttons and they are off and playing without having to tweak any part of the system (the console) to get the game to run smoothly.


Yes. There are buggy console games that are released, I.E. KOTOR2 on Xbox is as buggy as the PC release... But that is actually an anomoly considering a good percentage of console games work right out of the box with absolutely no jumping through hoops by the casual gamer which again, means more casual gamers will buy more games because they literally don't have to think or be knowledgeable about their systems like PC gamers are/have to be. It sucks, but this is the new age of games. It's not the 1990s anymore where "Games by gamers for gamers" ruled.


It's actually quite ridicules how many bugs there are in this game!


I've also experienced that after I

  Reveal hidden contents

, the picture started to shake and I couldn't control where the PC walked, but luckily it stopped doing that after 30 seconds and I've only experienced it once while I've played the game


By the way, I've also experienced a couple of times that while being outside - that means not in a cave - the characters would speak with an echo!? When you switch between a character, they will say something like 'yes', and when they said it there would be an echo, even though we were outside!



These are some faces of the devs, I would think... :"> :(:rolleyes::-" :) :ph34r:


Seriously.... have any of you ever experienced so many bugs in a game before?!


I will add to this the bugs I found:


- Forest Gump Syndrome: the PC starts running even though you aren't touching any keys. You can make him stop by pressing 'backward' but he's off again once you let go.

Usually resolves when you save/reload.


- Sideways Bug: forward/backward don't work anymore. PC can be moved along by turning 90 degrees and have run left/right! Save+exit, restart will solve this.


- Loose Cannon Disorder: PC reacts to single keystrokes as if you've been pressing the key for minutes at a time; try to make a 180 and the room is spinning. Accompanied by frame loss, this bug is most prominent in the Peragus Fuel Depot. Haven't seen it anywhere else yet, but I'm still only at Telos.


- Black Screen of Death: Viewing a cut scene between planets is guaranteed to result in a BlSOD (I too have an ATI - Radeon 9800 Pro). It's a hassle to restart, enable movies, dumb down the resolution to 800x600 and turn off grass, shadow, AA, AF etc., view movie, kill hung process, restart, disable movies and turn everything on again.


Guess 'this is not the sequel you're looking for'...




ps. my gf already calls it "KOTOR: Torment"


I lost all my workbench-created items as well. Not good. Not good at all. My PC now has no weapons. None.




Some more bugs (I have installed the patch)


-After entering the Ice Station on Telos, Kreia and Atton are having a conversation while they are locked up. Strangely though, Kreia is talking to an empty cage, since Atton is not visible and can only be heard.


- When you go to the Alien Bar in Nar Shadaa, you are supposed to get poisoned, even when wearing a gas mask. But: The gas mask worked perfectly fine for me. Consequently, I never had to use the Jedi Breathing power.


- When Mira enters the Bar, she is described by Visquis as wearing the space suit she stole from the Exile. On the screen, though, she is walking around in her street clothes.


Out of curiousity Cerebus, what version do you have? Only the international versions were patched so I'm kind of curious.


I didn't have that last problem, though the Gas Mask thing I agree worked perfectly fine (though I'm not sure if everyone has a Gas Mask at this point in the game or has access to it). Still the dialog says you would die from skin contact, but its not a problem so I suppose thats a bug.




More bugs:


Another one I found just now is that when fighting in the battle circle against Bralor, I actually died. But for some reason, it said I had won.


So when I was declared victor I got an item, I went into my character screen to see what it was, thinking it was Armor I tried to equip it. Somehow when I selected a peice of armor on the list, it jumped to the Handmaiden as my main character. So I flipped back to my real character, and somehow it had listed that I was equipped with the peice of Armor I had just clicked to see, the Armor I had on before was gone and the game froze on me at that instant.


I figure it must have detected I was dead, and tried to prevent me from accessing the character until he was Revitalized, but failed somehow. Two things though, I was definately dead in the Battle Circle (0 VP), at least a turn before Bralor was anywhere near it, I'm not sure how I won, and then it locked up completely and I had to do a CLTR+ALT+DEL to get out of it.



Another Bug:

If I chat with Kreia about My Chrystal on Dxun (haven't noticed this before and this is where I am now) then her second statement, something like 'come to me if you need it refocused" is skipped if I listen to the first one (it's bonded to you). The statement flashes on screen for about a fraction of a second then the chat goes on to the 'Is there anything else you wanted to ask?' statement. If I skip her first comment about the Crystal though, then it plays the second statement perfectly.




Btw, the Ebon Hawk's mini-map shows a Swoop Bike in the garage, but I've never seen one on the ship, just some grating in that spot which Bao Dur plays with. I am stick half a planet away from finding the last of the Jedi Masters, I'm curious though of anyone who has finished the game - will there ever be one there?



  Cerebus said:
Some more bugs (I have installed the patch)


-After entering the Ice Station on Telos, Kreia and Atton are having a conversation while they are locked up. Strangely though, Kreia is talking to an empty cage, since Atton is not visible and can only be heard.


- When you go to the Alien Bar in Nar Shadaa, you are supposed to get poisoned, even when wearing a gas mask. But: The gas mask worked perfectly fine for me. Consequently, I never had to use the Jedi Breathing power.


Had the same errors as above. I also wish to add:

[*]Every now and then my character has a small triangle sticking out the side of his face.


[*]Often when talking to Atton on the bridge he stands but won't turn around and face me.


[*]Every now and then my character just stops responding in the middle of battle, you have to move him to get him to attack.


[*]Every now and then my character is ignored by NPC's unless I have him standing in a certain position relative to the NPC, the Hutt on Nar Shadar being one of them.


[*]I had to leave Nar Shadar to get my journal to update that I'd talked to the woman in the refugee sector, found her husband and talked to her again. The game wouldn't let me talk to squid-head (visquis?) about her.


[*]Visas' head gear often passes straight through her shoulders instead of brushing over them when I'm talking to her.


[*]All classes have the same BAB according to the 2da.bif


[*]There is a transposition error in acbonus.2da with the maximum AC Bonus for the Sith Lord and Sith Marauder being reversed. The Sith Lord should max out at 14 but max




Whenever I load a movie, any movie, the game crashes to desktop, Windows produces the error reporting screen, and my taskbar is "hidden" and inaccessable, needing a restart or logoff to regain control. I can create a character, but nothing else.


When set to 1024x768, the lower and right-hand sides of the screen are cut off.


System specs:


Athlon XP 2500+

MSI KTE Delta KT600 (disabled onboard sound)

GeForce FX5200 w/latest drivers

Creative Labs Audigy 1

10GB and 40GB HDDs (installed on 40GB drive E)


No patch? Someone mentioned one earlier...where can I get it?

  Belhawk said:
a minor but annoying bug, when u goto different areas my off hand light saber, a short lightsaber, is off while my main light saber is on.


This can be fixed by being in control of the character having that problem and hitting the X key to brandish the lightsaber. Afterward, the lightsaber will shut off normally.


Is it just me or have we all been turned in to beta testers.


Did they know this would happen, that to help ourselves we'd list all the problems we'd encountered and therefore they could sit back and wait for us to play it, found the errors, and then they can release the patch, thereby bypassing the need for Obsidian to spending money on testing this game?


Just wondering...

  Goodwood said:
Whenever I load a movie, any movie, the game crashes to desktop, Windows produces the error reporting screen, and my taskbar is "hidden" and inaccessable, needing a restart or logoff to regain control. I can create a character, but nothing else.

This is a serious error, and I'm not sure what might be the cause. Make sure your motherboard, sound card, and video card all have updated drivers, especially the video drivers. A lot of instability in KOTOR 2 seems related to sound and video card drivers that the game isn't working with perfectly.


When set to 1024x768, the lower and right-hand sides of the screen are cut off.

This is because your monitor is not adjusted for 1024x768 at the refresh rate the game is currently using. Adjust your monitor or change the refresh rate to the one you normally use at 1024x768 and it'll look fine.


No patch? Someone mentioned one earlier...where can I get it?

The patch currently out is for international European versions and contains NO game fixes. It replaces a corrupt manual PDF that shipped with the game.

  Battlewookiee said:
-On Telos when doing the smuggling missions at the request of Grenn, there is the conversation option to go and make preparations - I presume these preparations are to go and inform Grenn of where the smuggling will be happening. I attempted to do this but there was conversation option to inform Grenn that it was happening (I can only presume this is a bug), so I was forced to play out this mission dark side.

This is normal, he will supply you with the 3 things for a nice trap...


Thanks for clearing up most of that! I made a mistake in typing this point however, which I think has caused you to misunderstand - I mean't to say that there was NO conversation option to let Grenn know what was happening, and so I was never able to be supplied with whatever those items might have been to set that trap.


Sorry about that!


Aside from the bugs listed before this post that i have encountered, one i just encountered is really bad.


I have not yet complete the game, i just recently was aboard to the the Ravager and start planting all the chrages to blow it up. However, my game crashed, and as a result i have to start back from the Telos Station and rebaord the ship.


This is where is gets bad.


During the cut scene where the Mandarlorians blow a hole in teh ship and kill the Sith, my mouse cursor appears in teh scene and the Mandalorian stand in one position. I know that more it too happen, i got past this the very first time, but the game is stuck in spectator mode during this scene and there is no way out of it, save ALT F4.


This really sucks.


I want to finish the game


I even went back to a previous save game at the initial assault on Telos Station.


I must say....There are many other games that have come out with far less bugs then there. In fact this is the first time i have ever had to post about a bug. But this is nearly unbareable....


But i shall endure, thanks to the my Jedi training......:huh:




Well... I have no doubt some of these have been listed before but here's the whole list of them (as I've already got it typed out for other places from trying to sort them... :( )


Most areas in the game I can run around quite happily on the maximum detail settings yet on the Khoonda plains on Dantooine the game lags to hell and back even on the minimum settings. This suggests it's probably the game and not my system otherwise why the hell doesn't this happen elsewhere? Or in other games for that matter?


In swoop racing my swoop ends up moving along the ceiling! This may not seem like a problem because I can miss all the obstacles. The problem is it means I also miss the speed boosters. So that's the swoop racing out of the window.


In conversations characters get caught behind doors and other pieces of scenery. Or just can't be seen in screen. Or the camera is inside the character. A classic example of this is in the Telos station where the Ithorian is supposed to come into the room. Throughout the whole of the conversation he was behind a shut door.


More on the conversations. The game suddenly skipping through the whole conversation at top speed. Really... How am I supposed to read that?


Sound not playing during movies. It's not nearly as dramatic to watch the insertion onto the Onderon surface in silence.


In some areas the NPC's don't follow me around (for example on the Harbinger) and just stand at one location.


I killed the Exchange guy on Nar Shadda to help the refugees... And he then comes back to life to trouble me in the bar...


Mira in that same bar on Nar Shadda... She wasn't wearing the spacesuit. So it looked a bit odd just having her walking through in her normal clothes.


And then there's the random exits to desktop... Now I know there are problems with the older ATI drivers so mine are nicely updated to a version (supposedly) tested and supported. Only sometimes the game will just freeze for thirty seconds or so and then exit out to the desktop. What fun.


Again, I'm sure some of these will have been covered but that's the full list of my problems and so far I havn't seen any way of fixing these that works. :(

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