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Holy Crap...sucks to be in Southern Asia.


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8.9 to 9.0 earthquake is pretty damn massive.  I just hope I never go through something like that.  Its been a while since the San Madrid fault line was that active but when it does, goodbye to the Midwest.


I imagine the rest of the board will be pretty happy to have us be gone. :thumbsup:


The current number is 121,000 and still climbing. If anyone over here has loved ones in that place of the world, our hope goes out to you.


Warning the general populace of a massive earthquake is a good idea. Not warning and having thousands of deaths on your hands is a bad idea.


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Ok, I'm really depressed right now. It;s almost newyear and I'm all alone and I just watched the news. Only then I realized how bad things were in southeast Asia. The first flight of Dutch wounded returns with a sman who lost is 8 month old baby daughter, another man and his friend whose wife's are missing, people who have lost their brothers and sisters...

I suppose it must be really bad for the Swedes too. Apparantly their governement has no information whatsoever on the amount of people missing. Some say 1500, other say 5000, but no-one knows for sure. At least in Holland we know how many people are missing.

And just when I was totally through with the disaster, they showed footage from the occupied part of Sri Lanka. A fathers burying his 5 year old son, a man from a family of 43 and he was the only survivor, heaps and heaps of dead bodies childrens who lost their parents. It just came as a complete shock to me when I realized this was reality, and not some far away story you see on TV everyday....


But one thing made me feel very warm inside: I felt deeply touched when I saw that two little children from Oslo, not older than 10, sold their toys on the street to raise money for the victims of the earthquake. They raised 350 euros.


I wish everybody affected by the disaster a lot of strength and peace in 2005, and I hope that next year helps them to overcome the sufferring of this year.

Happy New Year,



-- Lukas

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The number that sais 1500 are the people who went on holiday through official holiday companies. The other people are those that are harder to count, because they just bought plain tickets and fix everything themselves.


The official number of missing is 3559. the number of people we know are dead is 44. But they fear it can be as many as 1000. Most of them children, because when the wave came - most of the children were where children usually are on a holiday - on the beach.

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Deserthawk, there would be one or two people mourn.  I am sure of it.  Maybe.  :thumbsup:"


Where do you live in the Midwest?


Right next to you, silly Iowan. In Illinois. In Chicago. In a box.


It'd be nice if they'd mourn. Maybe at least they'd mourn the fact that they'd never have to deal with us when we're irritable.


Of course, there's more people dead than they're saying. The number that's being tossed around is the bodies found. There's much more dead than 125,000. Much more. (Did you all hear that they've found no animal corpses? It's like the animals all ran away, leaving us to be devistated. Wierd.) I wish that we were doing more. 8 million USD is not nearly enough for aid to such devistation. Nature - Biggest Terrorist of Technological Man, but we don't do a thing to help people. Gah.


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That was just a recent thing if I remember right. I know Bush is sending a delegation lead by Colin Powell over there to see what can be down to help.


Deserthawk, Chicago eh? I was there when I went tot he Great Mistakes naval base for basic training. Hey, if iyou ever get bored hope on over to Iowa. I am sure I can fit you in at the gaming table. :thumbsup:

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Busy rearranging local geographics, like moving Sumatra 36 meters to the south-west ? :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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