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Who Do You Think Should Make KOTOR III?

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I don't understand why u people keep complaining about these bugs, i played through this game with out a bug or a glitch ever happening to mw. Actually i had more than a couple glitches happen to me in KOTOR 1.

Agreed. I ran into a couple of mission quest bugs, but no serious show stoppers. I wonder how many people with show stopping bugs have modified their xboxes. :-"


In my experience, most of the glitchy behavior was at the end of a long day of play. It can probably be explained by the heat generated by the Xbox.


that'd make sense to me -- I only get to play about 3 to 4 hours at the most in a gaming-session, and the only glitches I have encountered (none of them game-breaking) are:


1. NPCs walk in circles on occasion (during in-game cutscenes)

2. Last night on Nar Shaddaa, I was asked for 5 credits twice, once normally, the second time the same guy asked immediately after, but it was followed by commentary from Kreia (so it was almost like an instant replay of the guy asking me for $)

3. the Exile can wear female robes (according to its description -- haven't tried it), but I'm male.

4. Framerate drops


This is at ~30 hours in, first playthrough, on Difficult.....I imagine if I had the time to game for much longer, I would.

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releasing a bug free product is almost as impossible as never falling for an internet scam

ive been coding for close to 5 yrs and even I cant say that ive spotted every bug in my coding and i probably never will when it comes to bugs in programing some wont appear until a certain event happens like say i accidentally put 2 certain lightsaber upgrades in my lightsaber that the devs didnt try it might crash the game it might not you never know till it happens yes its up to developer to release a somewhat bug free code but blamming them for not seeing EVERY bug in a game is idiotic you dont like this fact try releasing a 100% bug free youll find it impossible


Then they shouldn't be making console games. Console games cannot be patched, therefore they need to be 100% pefect. If they cannot, then they shouldn't be making games for platforms that does not allow patching. Plain and simple.

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What is the point of this post?

To rebut your wish for a freeform open KOTOR. Not everyone wants a 100-200 hour game. I think both KOTOR games are a good length. There is lots to do and plenty of areas to explore.


Agreed. If you want something larger, why not go with that SW MMORPG?


I like KOTOR's length, and that it's character/story-driven. However, I do want things more interactive and open, and although I love KOTOR2, a change in presentation would be nice, not to mention a better engine, for the must-be-made KOTOR3. :devil:

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EA sports, thats who should make Kotor 3

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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EA Star Wars Sports:


Light Saber fencing

Force Jumping

Blaster Shooting

Swoop Racing


You name it...


Teh horror :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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That wasn't Obsidian's call. LucasArts determined the release date and set deadlines for Obsidian.


There is no reason to believe the Bioware would have done better with the same timeframe.


However, Obsidian made many improvements from Bioware's design.


Gameplay is greatly improved with the lightsaber customization, better skill implementation, new workbench, more dialogue options via skills, etc.


Bioware made a rather simplistic KOTOR game. I think if Obsidian was given ample time they can make an incredible KOTOR game.

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