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UGO review...

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Overall I think a lot of people like this game, its just they are having a hard time with the ending.



Alot of people like the game...myself included...I bet if this was the first KOTOR game out people would dismiss most of the complaints and hail it as the king of games..unfortuanetly, following up KOTOR, people expected a step up..not more bugs than the first..which is where most of the complaints come from. The storytime seems to be more intricate than I had thought after beating it a second time..so I am actually beginning to like the ending..weird. :cool:

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Not a bad review even if it goes oevrbaord most likely in its praise.


One thing made me chuckle is this:



"You'll wake up with amnesia - yes, this handy old Bioware-favorite plot element comes back"


A. KOTOR2 PC doesn't have amnesia.


B. BIO has only used amnesia as a major plot device once.





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Overall I think a lot of people like this game, its just they are having a hard time with the ending.



Alot of people like the game...myself included...I bet if this was the first KOTOR game out people would dismiss most of the complaints and hail it as the king of games..unfortuanetly, following up KOTOR, people expected a step up..not more bugs than the first..which is where most of the complaints come from. The storytime seems to be more intricate than I had thought after beating it a second time..so I am actually beginning to like the ending..weird. :cool:



whew! There's hope I won't committ suicide upon seeing the games ending(s) afterall! :blink:

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Not a bad  review even if it goes oevrbaord most likely in its praise.


One thing made me chuckle is this:



"You'll wake up with amnesia - yes, this handy old Bioware-favorite plot element comes back"


A. KOTOR2 PC doesn't have amnesia.


B. BIO has only used amnesia as a major plot device once.





Even though I'm glad to see a very high score for this game, reviewers tend to lose credibility, even if just a bit, in my eyes when they make statements like the one Volourn quoted, since anyone who has followed this game even semi-closely would know that amnesia isn't used as a plot point.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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100%? Heh.


I don't think I've ever played a game that deserves 100%.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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"Even though I'm glad to see a very high score for this game, reviewers tend to lose credibility, even if just a bit, in my eyes when they make statements like the one Volourn quoted, since anyone who has followed this game even semi-closely would know that amnesia isn't used as a plot point."


A. All reviewes will contain errors. At least if it's worthy.


B. Not everyone - even professional reviewers - babysit games pre release.


C. Though I have yet to play the game; it's clear at the very least; that the beginning of the game as regards to the PC's "amnesia"/past isn't really shown to the player in a very clear manner. That is probably as much the fault of the writing as it is of the player. It's not the player's job to untangle confusing wriiting.


Complex writing is good; confusing writing is not.


P.S. Unless your name is Volourn rambling on the 'net. :D


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Not a bad  review even if it goes oevrbaord most likely in its praise.


One thing made me chuckle is this:



"You'll wake up with amnesia - yes, this handy old Bioware-favorite plot element comes back"


A. KOTOR2 PC doesn't have amnesia.


B. BIO has only used amnesia as a major plot device once.





Exactly. Based on this, for all we know LucaasArts gave this 'reviewer' a free xbox and game 'just to try it out and write a piece on it'. A+ across the board? Come on people think about how many games you have played on any platfrom that you would say was the perfect gaming experience from control to gameplay to story. This game, while having its good points for sure, is not even close to being A+ across the board.

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Yes, but his wording is EXACTLY like other reviews and early previews that state the PC has amnesia, almost as if he just copy and pasted it.



Maybe he was just using that phrase to refer to anyone who uses that idea of "Lost Memory" or "Lost Connection with the Force" or "Amnesia". I mean, losing the Connection to the Force and not knowing why for example, is equivalent to having amneisa IMO


Oh yeah, forgot to mention. the majority of these Reviews I'm seeing are supremely subjective/biased.


- dr cloak

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