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Things missing from KOTOR 2

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What things would make you angry if you found they will be missing from KOTOR 2?


IMO if character development was as bad as in KOTOR that would be a major minus in the game.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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Only thing really, is the ability to create your own face. The faces we get to choose from are good, but I would prefer it if we got to choose the make up of the face.


You would get to choose eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, etc, so the avatar in KOTOR2 looks as much like you as possible.


I aint angry about not havin this, but it would have been nice.


KOTOR3 maybe.

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Yeah, they should really give us the option to have a hood up, and if the all the awesome Robes they promised us suck, I'd be dissapointed....cuz they supposedly have all these prestigue classes....but what kind of sith lord wears a skin tight blue or red "robe" lol.....ya dig it?


Also I wish there was blood.....heh.....or some type of gore to keep it interesting since its turn based combat....now that's not included, but hopefully if they make a KOTOR 3, which would be a good move.....they should add gore animations to the combat...God I hope KOTOR keeps making games like FF did...

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Yeah I hope the robes look like robes instead of circa 1970's bathrobes. I mean keep those in the game for those that wanna be a "Huggybear Pimpin Jedi" but I like the long flowing ones.


But the robes in KOTOR 1 were a last minute addition. I remember posting on those forums back in the day when KOTOR 1 was being created. Robes werent even intended in KOTOR 1. Playerbase raised hell about it pretty much and those skin-tight spandex robes were added to make us happy.


The robes and character creation I hope is 'built' upon.


Stay Cool,


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Well I doesn't take much to piss you off now does it? :cool:


Wow, I don't know why so many people joined in the Hades bashing...I remember the old days where it was a couple people (alot of whom have lost interest and left) and I'd just joined...I bet you people don't even know alot of the things hades used to argue originally.

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Yeah I hope the robes look like robes instead of circa 1970's bathrobes. I mean keep those in the game for those that wanna be a "Huggybear Pimpin Jedi" but I like the long flowing ones.


But the robes in KOTOR 1 were a last minute addition. I remember posting on those forums back in the day when KOTOR 1 was being created. Robes werent even intended in KOTOR 1. Playerbase raised hell about it pretty much and those skin-tight spandex robes were added to make us happy.


The robes and character creation I hope is 'built' upon.


Stay Cool,




HAHA that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time...that I haven't said or thought up of, of course, heh.....what were they originally supposed to wear b4 the robes? just the clothes they came in or what?

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Lightsider are supposed to be weaker. Also if you play as LS you should expect the game to be more diffucult to beat, since Jedis don't use the Force for attacking.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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Wow, I don't know why so many people joined in the Hades bashing...I remember the old days where it was a couple people (alot of whom have lost interest and left) and I'd just joined...I bet you people don't even know alot of the things hades used to argue originally.


I remember those days although I never joined in, I was always thinking Hades had truth in what he said.

I'll be dissapointed that you have to be a jedi and can't be a smuggler or bounty hunter...

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Well I doesn't take much to piss you off now does it? :cool:


Wow, I don't know why so many people joined in the Hades bashing...I remember the old days where it was a couple people (alot of whom have lost interest and left) and I'd just joined...I bet you people don't even know alot of the things hades used to argue originally.


I was one of the old bashers...still have the first PM i sent to him :shifty:

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What things would make you angry if you found they will be missing from KOTOR 2?


IMO if character development was as bad as in KOTOR that would be  a major minus in the game.

Complete charter creation, graphics like fable, massive worlds, i wish i had the game in my hands at this moment, but i don't expect this will happen (because the game would lag so much and the Devs would hav'd to had work even loger hours than they did (i heard that they worked liked 12 hours a day and worked every day of the week))

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Lightsider are supposed to be weaker. Also if you play as LS you should expect the game to be more diffucult to beat, since Jedis don't use the Force for attacking.


That's not true!!! Haven't you ever hear the old saying "the best offense is good defense. Yoda himself said that the darkside was not stronger:


Luke- Is the darkside stronger?


Yoda- No, no. But it's the easier, more seductive. IIRC.


So :p

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I would be disappointed if there was not some form of dueling arena in TSL, assassin/money making side quests or side quests that are inherently LS or DS, places where you can buy blackmarket/premium items, or large interesting areas like Taris.

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