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Please make KOTOR 2 longer!

Was KOTOR too short?  

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  1. 1. Was KOTOR too short?

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KOTOR takes 36 hours tops for me. And this is after I deliberately try to drag the game out. Listening to all the dialogue, admiring the scenery in 1st person, doing all the quests.

"For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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I think that adding more not mandatory places or planets-just for exploring-will make the game good longer and more interessting. For that we'll have to consult with BG II, Arcanum, Fallout. That will make the KOTOR world more autentic and increase the chance of replaying the game time and time again.

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KotOR was about 35-40 hrs the first time through, I try to do side quests. All other games after were obviously shorter. Game length is about right considering the replay values it might be nicer to have the game a bit longer maybe about 5-10 hrs but thats alot of time to add just don't make it shorter.

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I think that adding more not mandatory places or planets-just for exploring-will make the game good longer and more interessting. For that we'll have to consult with BG II, Arcanum, Fallout. That will make the KOTOR world more autentic and increase the chance of replaying the game time and time again.

That would be a nice addition. The original game was far too linear.

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I thought KOTOR 1 would be different in most ways. I thought the same, that it will be more like MorrowinD, with alot of side quests, lots of places to visit. And i thought. Wow 7 planets, thats probobly gona take ages to complete and i found out that territory of each planet is so tiny. I completed the game in 45 hours probobly the dialouges took like 20 hours, done 95% of side quests. I didn't even use the shops that much, i never sold anything and probobly bought like 1-3 items.

And the fighting was going to be something like in Jedi Knight Out Cast or Academy. Where you use your own skills to beat your enemy and here i found out you just sit and watch. And i thought there are going to be more star wars space battles with ships. And here you just controled a turrent and only 6 enemy ships. But i guess if i want Star Wars space battle i need to buy other star wars games heh. In Morrowind i played about 100 hours already, and still probobly have more than 200 hours to play, didn't even start on expansions yet, but i got them.

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Well if you had looked into the game more before buying it you would have known it wasn't like Jedi Knight series in its combat nor like Morrowind either. It's not like there weren't people over at BioWare's forums complaing that the combat in this RPG was not like an action game.

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I think that some Dev said that Kotor II will be about 40 h long...

I can't see how he'd have known since we haven't finalized all the content yet! :blink:

I thought that the game was all but finished and its just getting polished right now. I mean, there isn't all that much time left before the game is to be released.

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I predict I'll put into about 65 hours average for the first 2 times(LS and DS) thru for KotORII.


Then the next few times 30 hours give or take a few.


I like to take my time the first couple times through. Enjoy every pixel(try to at least, lol), every sweet immersive area etc.


And whoever said they wanted KotOR harder...... Just travel alone. Thats hard enough IMO. lol. Or use crappy weapons. You can make it harder yourself if they don't put an easy click option.. Improvise. You can make your person very weak in strength and fighting.. And very high in persuation and/or wisdom.

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I don't understand how you can spend 65 hours on KOTOR.


Read a walkthru, and you'll see the quests aren't that complicated. I have several save-games on my X-Box where friends beat KOTOR at my house. The average playtime seems to be 25-30 hours to beat the game.


Do you read really slow?

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KOTOR 1 was around 20 hours for me. Though it had alot of replay value I thought.


Oh and I did all the sidequests.

20 hours AND doing all the sidequests?


I didn't think that was physically possible, considering movement speeds (even with Force Speed on all the time).

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While I can agree with the difficulty, wouldn't a 60 hour game get a little...repetitive?



A great story is a great story.



When I played Deus Ex, there were multiple times that I figured the game would be drawing to a close....only to find out that it didn't and it kept going. Considering I absolutely loved that game, I loved playing it for hours and hours.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the game was WAY too short. I would rather have seen something along the lines of Baldur's Gate 2. Hey, even if they had to use 2D grahpics instead (to make it fit on a manageable number of CDs). I would have preferred a long, involving game with simple graphics to a short game with awesome 3D effects and all that.

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i dont know why peoplke are freakin out about beatin it in 20 hrs. i did it in 20-25 hours everytime except my first game. and im an ammature

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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It took me 37 hrs on my first game but after that i was beating the game in 20-30 hrs doing all of the sidequests. I would like KOTORII to be around 50hrs. :)

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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