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KOTOR II Characters

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T3 randomly beeped at you and you said something random and walk off. That is exactly what happened every time. Am I the only one who liked Carth? He was a complainer most of the time, but was stoic the rest of the time.

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Hey, don't bash T3! His many funtions include, being a toaster, as mentioned, a toilet, a George Forman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, a blender, a cd player, a fridge...and many others! So what do you think his price is? $60? $100? Actually it's only five easy payments of $3.99!


I wish I could sell T3...and no, you aren't the only one who liked Carth...there's plenty more at the Bio boards... :ph34r:

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Somone you trusted killed your wife and your kid(or at least thought did.) I doubt too many here would trust all that many people again. That being said,if they gave the character better lines he might not have annoyed most everyone so much.

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Well what about a computer made out of cotton candy, now thats something. You can just take a bite out of it when you get hungry. Kinda like a coconut radio or something, btw if the professor form Guiligan's Island could build something like a coconut radio then why couldn't he just patch up a hole in the boat?

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