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Posted (edited)

Hello. Hm... About for Brilliant itself. The was a lot of suggestions, and a lot more brainstorms between me, Max and Elric – then i've tried to make various adjustments and test. It was hell of a time – basically i've tried everything, every aaproach. And for now CP stops at this variant:

1. Spell tiers were divided according 3/6/9 tier scheme
2. Every tick now acting as separate status-effect with fixed duration in seconds (3, 9, 15 etc.) and can be programmed individually.
3. Characters receives 1 resource at the end of each effect timer, according this scheme

Tick time (sec.) Spell tier (up to) Alt. version
3 3  
9 6  
15 9  
21 3  
27 6  
33 9  
39 3  
45 6  
51 9  
57 3  

4. No "initial" tick.
5. Brilliant maximum duration is limited by 57 sec. and cannot be prolonged by
any spell (even non modified): +N% Beneficial Effect Duration and +N seconds Beneficial Effect Duration (SoT) have no effect.
6. Reactivating Brilliant with Tactician practically makes no sense: you'll receive 1 up to T3 resource on second 3 >>> then reengage cooldown ~2 sec >>> then you receive another 1 up to T3 resource on second 3 = 2 up to T3 resources in 8 sec. While if you keeping Brilliant active all the time, you'll receive 1 up to T3 and one up to T6 resources in 9 sec.
7. Ancestor's Memory base duration has been adjusted from 12 to 15 sec to cover one full cycle of Tier 3-6-9 spells.

I post link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wTjd-0-GFmf5BqgKBW0CmaVYU4ObWVOH/view?usp=sharing

You can put this file in CP Basic/Extra or whatever mod folder to make it work. When effect is working you'll see a combat tooltip on character icon's right side, with each every next tick countdown (this is for info and test purposes).

This is not final version anyway – as i said, each tick duration and Spell Tier can be adjusted (we can simulate even a random distribution). We just want to get your feedback, based on this version, based on real usage in various game situations. We also working on DBB, Unbending and WoD exploites and, in the end, want to check how all system, all adjustments, will work in complex.

And last: this adjustment not belongs only to me  – @MaxQuest@Elric Galad and @Boeroer (sorry for me being so rude sometimes), and others – all gives a big part (especially Max with his mathematics). We all must find the solution to implement this Brilliant Goddamned effect properly. Cheers!

Edited by Phenomenum
  • Like 5
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Just a thought about the implementation. How about filling the original INS_Brillant_SE_AddResources with all the "tick"-effects? It is already used by all the brilliant effects, so that way you don't have to edit each variant individually.

Something like:

  "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
  "DebugName": "INS_Brilliant_SE_AddResources",
  "ID": "600e15a1-2db9-45f7-9584-c98d8a9aeff8",
  "Components": [
      "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
      "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [
      "StatusEffectType": "None",
      "IntervalRateID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart"


  • Thanks 2
  On 3/6/2021 at 8:02 PM, Phenomenum said:

5. Brilliant maximum duration is limited by 57 sec. and cannot be prolonged by any spell (even non modified): +N% Beneficial Effect Duration and +N seconds Beneficial Effect Duration (SoT) have no effect.


Awesome, this is what we needed !

But I'm pretty sure I prolonged Brilliant itself with SoT when testing the file.
Based on the file, I understood that the ressource part cannot be prolonged beyond 57s by any means, but Brilliant can be prolonged up to that limit normally. Beyond 57s, the +5 INT and +1 PL parts will still be prolonged. Only the ticks seemed to be hard coded.
Or did I miss something ?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2021 at 10:00 PM, Elric Galad said:

But I'm pretty sure I prolonged Brilliant itself with SoT when testing the file.


You can prolong duration, but beyond 57 seconds you'll receive 0 recources.

  On 3/6/2021 at 10:00 PM, Elric Galad said:

Based on the file, I understood that the ressource part cannot be prolonged beyond 57s by any means



  On 3/6/2021 at 10:00 PM, Elric Galad said:

Beyond 57s, the +5 INT and +1 PL parts will still be prolonged


For sure, you can prolong AM by INT and PL buffs up to 57 sec. Any more? I doubt. Of course you can on paper, but you still receive 0 resources.
That's the question: for now we have 3 full cycles 3-6-9 + 3 within 57 sec. Maybe it's worth to add 2 ticks to prolong maximum possible duration for 4 cycles or 69 sec.

And i want to run more test to figure how a new Brilliant interact with various SoT approaches – BPM and CP. Still have some dark places – that's why i want more people involved in tests. We have a working mechanics and theory, but we don't know how adjustments will work in real game, in various real situations.

Edited by Phenomenum
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2021 at 8:49 PM, Noqn said:

Just a thought about the implementation. How about filling the original INS_Brillant_SE_AddResources with all the "tick"-effects? It is already used by all the brilliant effects, so that way you don't have to edit each variant individually.


I understand. Need a closer look, but maybe you're right.

P.S. Yep, it'a long shot, but i can change INS_Brillant_SE_AddResources status-effect type from "AddResources" to "ApplyStatusEffectOnEvent", then set duration on "Instant" and "EventValue": "OnApply",  and add all bunch of ticks SE's into "StatusEffectsValueIDs" section. This should apply all new effects automatically, without adjusting every Brilliant SE.

So we can use original INS_Brillant_SE_AddResources as transfer.

In theory. Need to test.

P.P.S. I've "married" your Carnage indicator with CP)) Need to test as always, but it should work. So your mod can be as standalone, and for CP users you can add some note like "If you're using CP, you don't need this mod, because it included in Basic pack". Something like that. It's ok for you?

Edited by Phenomenum
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Kudos to you guys, I think this sequential tier3-tier6-tier9 brilliant is a great idea.

2 questions though:
- Is it like Blood-Sacrifice that for tier3 you regain 1 spell from lvls 1-3 giving priority to lvl3, for tier6 you regain 1 from lvls4-6, etc?
- And if e.g. you have all your spells refilled in tier9 and you get a tier9 brilliant tick do you get a spell from the tiers below e.g. tier6?

Perhaps a couple of suggestions, which aren't necessarily compatible with each other and which can be left for later when you finetune it if too underpowered:
- make it every 3s instead of 6s, so every 6s you'll have regained {2/3 of a tier3 spell, 2/3 of a tier6 spell and 2/3 of a tier9 spell}, and so it will have taken ~9s to get a lvl9 spell ?
- improve the sequence if brilliant is kept during long periods, by doing tier3>tier6>tier9>tier9... or tier3>tier6>tier9>tier6>tier9... instead of tier3>tier6>tier9>tier3... ?

Ahh, and a final question please:
- how does this new brilliant work for martial characters? does it also give 1 resource, then 2 resources then 4 resources similarly to this tier3>tier6>tier9 sequence for spellcasters? 

Again congrats for the great work guys! 😎


Edited by lewis_cb
Posted (edited)
  On 3/7/2021 at 7:56 PM, lewis_cb said:

- Is it like Blood-Sacrifice that for tier3 you regain 1 spell from lvls 1-3 giving priority to lvl3, for tier6 you regain 1 from lvls4-6, etc?


Yep, but BS, and Brilliant too, have no priority - total random.

  On 3/7/2021 at 7:56 PM, lewis_cb said:

 And if e.g. you have all your spells refilled in tier9 and you get a tier9 brilliant tick do you get a spell from the tiers below e.g. tier6?


If you have full all tier 7-9 spells pool, the tick will be wasted. If you have full 8-9 spells pool but used 1 tier 7 spell, you'll receive tier 7, and so on.

  On 3/7/2021 at 7:56 PM, lewis_cb said:

make it every 3s instead of 6s


Absolutely no.

  On 3/7/2021 at 7:56 PM, lewis_cb said:

improve the sequence if brilliant is kept during long periods, by doing tier3>tier6>tier9>tier9... or tier3>tier6>tier9>tier6>tier9... instead of tier3>tier6>tier9>tier3... ?


Maybe. We'll see how it goes...

  On 3/7/2021 at 7:56 PM, lewis_cb said:

- how does this new brilliant work for martial characters? does it also give 1 resource, then 2 resources then 4 resources similarly to this tier3>tier6>tier9 sequence for spellcasters? 


 +1 of all class resources starting from 3rd second and every 6.0s thereafter. Basically, same as vanilla.

Edited by Phenomenum
  • Like 1
  On 3/2/2021 at 10:07 PM, Elric Galad said:

No +1 ressource on initial tick : this potion is not intended to enable chaining several Maelstorm in a row at the beginning of the fight. It is meant to address long fights. The first effect will happen 30s after the potion is taken.


@Noqn : mmm, is there a way to do that ? I thought there was one, but now I can't find it again.

Note that it won't be too bad for Potion of Enlightenment.

  • Hmmm 1
  On 3/8/2021 at 2:44 PM, Elric Galad said:

@Noqn : mmm, is there a way to do that ? I thought there was one, but now I can't find it again.


I have a couple ideas on the top of my head:

  • Add Resources when the effect ends (static duration of 30s), and also make the effect apply another copy of itself on the target when it ends.
  • Take inspiration from Grave Calling, and only trigger the effect after a certain amount of stacks have been accumulated (in this case 1, ignoring the initial tick).
  • Just a hunch, but maybe StatusEffectTrigger with OnInterval doesn't cause an initial tick?

My gut feeling tells me that it won't be that outrageous to implement 🙂

  On 3/8/2021 at 8:23 PM, Noqn said:

I have a couple ideas on the top of my head:

  • Add Resources when the effect ends (static duration of 30s), and also make the effect apply another copy of itself on the target when it ends.
  • Take inspiration from Grave Calling, and only trigger the effect after a certain amount of stacks have been accumulated (in this case 1, ignoring the initial tick).
  • Just a hunch, but maybe StatusEffectTrigger with OnInterval doesn't cause an initial tick?

My gut feeling tells me that it won't be that outrageous to implement 🙂


I remembered something simple. Like a parameter for it. Must have been my imagination. 

Honestly it's not very important.

Posted (edited)

Here are the code example:

  Reveal hidden contents

In this construction, initial tick should be delayed for 30 sec. timer, then usual OnTick effect will be applied. Can be used to delay anything.

Edited by Phenomenum
  • Like 1
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By the way, the same process could be applied to get Infinite cycles with CP version of Brilliant :

The effect below is is a "master period" of 18s.
The 3 statuses it procs are
3s delay +1 ressource up to Tier 3
9s delay +1 ressource up to Tier 6
- 15s delay +1 ressource up to Tier 9

So Brilliant would have infinite cycles.
I think this could be a bit better, for Tactician mostly (in any context where SoT is prevented from being abused...)
I haven't tested it yet.

            "$type""Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
            "Components": [{
                "$type""Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
                "DynamicValue": {
                "KeywordsIDs": [],
                "InclusionConditions": {
                    "Components": []
                "ApplicationPrerequisites": {
                    "Conditional": {
                        "Components": []
                "TriggerAdjustment": {
                "PowerLevelScaling": {
                "VisualEffects": [],
                "AttackFilter": {
                    "KeywordsIDs": [],
                "AttackTargetFilter": {
                    "KeywordsIDs": [],
                "StatusEffectsValueIDs": ["daa957ab-0adf-466e-8a04-fd09cca08211","a0c05364-c870-46c0-a941-2d1c341e1b60","27ddfb32-c601-4fdd-a147-52e3777be8bc"],
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I know, but i dont want infinite Brilliant))

More than that, it will be useless for all exluding Tactician - with modified SoT you hardly can prolong cipher Brill even for a minute. So Tactician Brill source will be better than others. No, i want to build a kommunism - same Brill for all.

And with non-modified SoT we get nearly the same infinite resources as in vanilla. Bad idea.

Edited by Phenomenum
  On 3/9/2021 at 7:39 AM, Phenomenum said:

I know, but i dont want infinite Brilliant))

More than that, it will be useless for all exluding Tactician - with modified SoT you hardly can prolong cipher Brill even for a minute. So Tactician Brill source will be better than others. No, i want to build a kommunism - same Brill for all.

And with non-modified SoT we get nearly the same infinite resources as in vanilla. Bad idea.


If someone doesn't want to use a non-abusable version of SoT, then infinite ressources isn't likely to be a problem for this person.
In my opinion, this hard cap feels a bit articial, even if it only sometimes matters for Tactician.

But everyone has a slightly different opinion, I suppose. And this pseudo-ticking opens many possibilities.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/9/2021 at 1:50 PM, Elric Galad said:

In my opinion, this hard cap feels a bit articial, even if it only sometimes matters for Tactician.



  On 3/9/2021 at 1:50 PM, Elric Galad said:

But everyone has a slightly different opinion


Yep. Personally, i'm glad to see Tactician Brill is limited, because it's too easy to trigger. Tactician/Bloodmage with infinite Brill receive infinite resources - that's not what we all wanted, i think. Combined with "Potion of Brilliant" it will be a tremendous resource generator, especially in boss fights. Think about it.

P.S. And to say, i didn't tested yet Tactician Brill + AM. Maybe they can stack due to individual ticks as status-effects (but it will be another quest to resolve).

Edited by Phenomenum
Posted (edited)

My personal opinion is that I would love the idea of getting a few ticks of Brilliant (or resource regeneration in general) every time I achieve something difficult, which I really really have to work for, and thematic / core for the class. But this is just my dreamed implementation (easy to say but hard to implement I know), I obviously don't imply that this is how it should be modded, what you guys have achieved is already incredible.

For example, I wonder whether it could be interesting to make Tactician only regenerate resources every time he is not flanked but he just interrupts an action of an enemy who is flanked (interrupting the enemy recovery doesn't regenerate anything).

Or for example, a beserker regens resources every time during rage when he/she crits back quickly an enemy who critted him/her.

Or a ranger everytime he crits/kills 2 enemies with the same projectile (so you have to move around and sacrifice DPS to regen resources).

Or a rogue every time he just dodges an attack thanks to Escape / Shadowing Beyond / etc, and every time he/she hits with an ability an enemy who he/she had previously applied 3 afflictions to.

I know I know, I'll stop dreaming now 😄 do it in PoE3 pls Obsidian!

Edited by lewis_cb
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


  On 3/1/2021 at 7:31 PM, Boeroer said:

Originally this came up (@MaxQuest) so weaken the appeal of Brilliant. Because if all classes can at least get some resources back occasinally Brilliant might lose a bit of its attractiveness (was the idea).


Do confirm that was the main intent)

And the side intent: to increase attractiveness of DEX, and the ratio between using abilities vs auto-attacking in long fights.

  On 3/2/2021 at 8:59 AM, Boeroer said:

Then @MaxQuestsaid that if all classes could regenerate some resources then maybe Brilliant might lose a bit of appeal and maybe then it wouldn't need that much nerfing anymore (at least that's my interpretation, feel free to correct me). So I agreed (because I had discussed this earlier in another thread already) and I - among others - put out some ideas about the how.

I wasn't the initiator of this side topic nor did I say something like "this has to be pit into CP" or anything like that - I was only throwing out ideas like anybody else.


I was inactive for several days due to neck related problems. And see there was a misunderstanding between you guys. I have spoken with Pheno, and he knows that he had to direct that blame to me)

We have concluded that some sort of very mild regeneration (for barb, pala, fighter, rogue, ranger) wouldn't hurt, but it should be most effective in hard fights (vs single or very few really strong enemies) and have minimal effect in easy-medium fights.

Also I think now that aside from ~ranger, these regeneration means could be turned into trinkets instead of talents. This way they will have a stronger opportunity cost and would lead to stronger specialization. One paladin gets bonus resources after some conditional related to the usage of exhortations; another paladin when close ally takes direct damage; and another just takes a trinket with +5 acc with FoD. Plus it brings the dilemma in case of multi-class builds.


  On 3/6/2021 at 8:02 PM, Phenomenum said:

5. Brilliant maximum duration is limited by 57 sec. and cannot be prolonged by any spell (even non modified): +N% Beneficial Effect Duration and +N seconds Beneficial Effect Duration (SoT) have no effect.


I really like the current 3/6/9 tier regeneration every 6s (starting from 3rd second).

But am thinking: does this p5 limitation feel natural to you guys? and how to explain it in description/tooltip?

And if there was no such 57s limitation, would nerfing the Brilliant cloak (to have a base duration of 60s and end the effect at the end of combat) be enough?

Edited by MaxQuest
  • Like 1
  • Hmmm 1
  On 3/9/2021 at 1:50 PM, Elric Galad said:

In my opinion, this hard cap feels a bit articial

  On 3/10/2021 at 1:56 PM, MaxQuest said:

But am thinking: does this p5 limitation feel natural to you guys?


I have to say I feel this too. Arbitrary duration cap breaks established design rules, and misses the crux of the issue - that the effect itself is too strong.

Alternating between PL levels is a really cool, but we should ask whether letting Brilliant restore high tier spells is necessary to begin with. I think the Balancing Patch's current solution of restoring spells only up to a certain a PL is the most efficient and seamless we have so far.

If not that, I think we should look back to what Boeroer started the thread with, and think up an altogether different effect for Brilliant. (Anti-Confusion would've been awesome. 😥) How about suspending hostile effects while Brilliant?


I would love to see an effect that is in line with the attribute it's attached to: Intellect. So something that only really smart characters could have/do. I thought Anti-Confusion was such a thing. Maybe there's something else that sounds "brilliant" and is cool from a mechanical point of view. I mean restorig resources is pretty cool and fits - It's just so hard to balance between casters and non-casters imo. 

  • Like 2

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


On another note, I've finished up everything with the Potion of Enlightenment!

It'll spawn in the following shops, one potion per inventory refill:

Vendor Location
Bauble The Deck of Many Things
Dimesa The Treasure Trove
Fetid Spray The Forgotten Sanctum
Fassina / Shop Imp The Dark Cupboard
Neale The Crucible


The last touch is the translations for the item description,

@Boeroer@Elric Galad@lewis_cb

  On 3/3/2021 at 10:05 PM, Boeroer said:

"Distilled from the dissolved brains of Vithrack Luminaries and infused with the relentless essence of an Adra Animat, this concoction fills the user with marvellous insights and inexhaustible perseverance."


I'll publish the mod as created by the 'Obsidian Forums Community', with more specific credits in the description. Sounds good to everyone? 🙂

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
  On 3/10/2021 at 8:22 PM, Boeroer said:

I would love to see an effect that is in line with the attribute it's attached to: Intellect. So something that only really smart characters could have/do.


There's a list of all effect types here in case anyone is interested (warning - it's dense): https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/enumerations#statuseffecttype

It's hard to find a fitting effect that doesn't conflict with other Attributes/Inspirations...
What I would put up for consideration:

  • Suspend Hostile Effects.
  • +X to all Skills.

"Dieser geheimnisvolle Trank wird aus gelösten Vithrack-Hirnen destilliert und mit der Essenz eines unerbittlichen Adra-Animats aufgeladen. Sie erlaubt schier sagenhafte Einsichten und erfüllt den Nutzer mit einer unermüdlichen Beharrlichkeit."

Don't know the Deadfire-traslation of Luminary so I just skipped that. 

  • Thanks 1

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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