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Avowed - Reveal Trailer


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  • 1 month later...

Okay as much as I hate people who whine, I may have to become a whiner myself if we don't get any real information about this game very soon. Why such a strident information blackout? It's downright cruel and mean-spirited that Obsidian is unwilling to say anything about this game.

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8 hours ago, kanisatha said:

Why such a strident information blackout?

That's simple to answer I think. Avowed have been revealed very early so Microsoft can tease all the great things that are to come in upcoming years. Afterall, they have been buying a lot, but not much came out so far - aside from some titles that hasn't been fully made under Microsoft. 

Hopefully we will get some details soon. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Release seems at least good a half year off if not more (going by speculations) --

on the other hand Bethesda/Arkane not releasing anything gameplay so far regarding Redfall, that's another level of "holding back". (Game's supposed to be out this Summer already.) Maybe this is done on the purpose of "surprising" everybody and having them be pumped up just around release, but usually this industry goes differently when building those hype-trains. But then Bethesda always seemed to have trouble selling Arkane games to the public (that live-action trailer of the first Dishonored back then seemed to have worked though). 😄 


Edited by Sven_
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  • 2 months later...

I love first-person fantasy role-playing games, so I am very excited! I'd love for a VR translation too, since Skyrim VR (with Index's individual finger object interaction and total body mods - I have feet!) made it an amazing experience.

I'm sorry some people have to deal with this. I know two of my twelve interested gamer friends and family would skip it for the same reason as you GinaC. The overwhelming success of Skyrim certainly gives me hope that the modding community will come to the rescue for a third-person mod. I'm just elated that it's moving forward and looks fantastic (even with the pesky aliasing that will be smoothed out later). I can wait a couple of years longer. After all, we likely won't see Elder Scrolls VI for another four. No lie, though - I'm preordering both, even if they come out the same day.

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  • 1 year later...

I think I've owned every Obsidian game to date.  Not sure, but I think so.  Considering I'm practicing thread necromancy, I'd better explain this is the first time I've seen this trailer. Then I saw another one clearly farther along on YouTube.  Then I saw one with some gameplay on Steam.  I'll buy it, sight unseen, because I'm a kind of a lurker fanboy, but it looks good.  I get the impression we get to choose our side(s)?  I hope being the nominal good guy is hard and being the actual good guy is genuinely tough.  I would buy it unfinished and then play the finished product after the full release date hits, as is my custom, but that wasn't a Steam option.  I loved Outer Worlds, which was an FPS RPG also a la Prey.  This one seems more hardcore RPG, which is also good.  I know virtually nothing about the game except for the little I've seen here and I think I'll keep it that way.  I'm praying the 2024 release date is still on the docket, but I probably won't have time to play it until next year anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

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"Not for the sake of much time..."

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/27/2024 at 6:54 AM, MedicineDan said:

I loved Outer Worlds, which was an FPS RPG also a la Prey.

That’s some really wide bracket you are using to put those two games in the same basket. 🙂 

Otherwise, I am with you. The game looks better and better with each showing, and I am looking forward to


November 12ve

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I can't say I see a point of a class system in an FPS (read: not team based) RPG. The very point of classes is to limited what individual character can do, and force cooperation... 

EDIT1: Looking at the trailer I wouldn't be surprised if our role wouldn't be to some extend defined - it's very much seems we are dedicated to Woedica. 🙂

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